Hello everyone!

This is the official final chapter of my first fanfic after years. T.T

Chap 41: Ototoi Oide- Hanae

Hope you like it and don't forget to place a word or two in the end if you have time, thank you :D

On our little wooden bench, with our fingers intertwined, side by side, we laid our eyes on the beautiful night sky. The Moon shined among the stars on a midnight blue.

My head rested on Jack's shoulder... We just observe the magic of the brightness in the sky. I listened to our peaceful breathing and only wished to stay like this forever and ever, with joy, light and families all together in our daily lives.

Many challenges and hurt separated us but in the end, everything turned out all right. It wasn't a moment of pride or fear of being useless...In a matter of life and death, when it comes to a girl's heart, what pains most is the failure of saving the guy you fell for... Then, the person you cherish most is left all alone is this world. I died but, truth is, it turned out fine because I can be with the one I love. It's not twisted, I guess...this is the real meaning of love. You are never scared to sacrifice yourself for the other.

I'm grateful thank you Mim. You taught me something and I'll always remember my place and my duty.

I crossed my legs and moved my head to my right... To find that Jack was staring at me. I let out a small laugh, blushing.

"Uhm...Since when you were stalking me ?"

"For a moment hahah..."

I looked down and felt embarrassed. We sat in silence and I looked at Jack. I felt he dived into me while looking into my eyes.

" What?"

"When I look at you really closely and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I realize how much I need you, what you mean to me (f/n). You are the one reason why I'm here alive."

I gave him a warm smile , still blushing.

"I feel the same for you."

"I love you so much (f/n)."

"I love you too Jack."



*Deep sighs*

His words wouldn't come out.

I frowned and look from below because he lowered his head and I could feel his hands gripping mines.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you feel I'm worthy enough to...be by your side forever?"

My eyes widened and grinned.

"Well, yes. Why do you think I'm here Jack?"

I giggled and he looked at me happy as well.

"You are the man I love. I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever. I'll keep repeating this."

"I as well. I want to spend the rest of my life with you...as your husband. (F/n), will you marry me?"

With that said, he pulled out a tiny box which hid an ice ring. Inside, there's a mini picture of us, on our first date.

I hugged him happily and with a kiss, I answered yes.

We stayed like this for many hours till the sun woke up...I smiled and rested next to my soul mate and watched the beautiful scenery.