Heeeeey yo!

My story is actually based on my dream,but I added lots of stuff...Yes, I dreamt of Jack Frost :D

(My first fanfic)

"...So,the final exam on the Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter will be next week",said my math teacher with a smirk on her face.

I've always imagined her as a devil,you know the kind that likes making people's life miserable.

"Ugh,stupid tea-",then I was cut off because she stared at me,and somehow I knew that she heard the first word.

"What was that,(f/n)? Would you mind repeating it?"

"No,I said that... it's going to be easy"then I smiled.

Some of my friends looked at me, smiled and gave me a "niiiiiiice" look because they knew that I've always hated the teacher and so did they.

She always hated me too,in fact it all started with a misunderstanding leading to a half-year of grudge against each other...

Before Senior year started.

I had a job as a waitress at some coffee shop nearby and as usual,morning crowds and hurried orders.I was in a hurry too ,I had an appointment to apply for my driver's license.

"Oooops,sorry!...excuse me,let me through,let me -"Another client came in and who do I see?

Then a little boy bumped me and...


Yep,the hate started from here.I spilled a cup of coffee on her white pants-apparently weared for her interview this morning for a new job...and the one she didn't got.

The fact that I knew on my school schedule-Math 536 Mrs. Weeble -I felt nauseated and sat down for a bit. It wasn't the fact that I was scared of her but I was stucked with her a whole year.

Total. Nightmare.

But then,my best friend came to the rescue as always.

We were best friends since nicknamed her Catwoman,because she adores cats-oh,she has five at home-and she's always there to help people,making her kind of a female superhero. Did I mentioned she is a pro in gymnastics? Well,I didn't nicknamed her anything because she "clawed"(literally) people who told her that she was...you know.

Anyways,she just came and pushed the dilemma away.

"...(f/n),don't think too much about it ok? Just imagine that'll be quick,since you're a brain in mathematics and Weeble will be out of your sight, totally gone after.I'll call you this afternoon!",then my friend searched for her other classrooms.

Now,in class.

It's just sooo boring! I wished he was here. GOSH, I MISSED THOSE EYES!

Suddenly,a chilly wind breeze came in from a slightly opened window. Then, I saw him,sitting right next to me.

Since I was the last one back in the classroom,there's always empty seats beside and behind me.

"Hey",he whispered and smiled at me.

Hypnotizing blue eyes,silver white hair,pale skin,gorgeous smile,perfect teeth. Everything,every detail made him perfect... made him Jack Frost.

The one and only.

I looked intensively at my boyfriend. The one who I've been dating for over two years now. The one who loved me for who I am. The one who rescued me from a hole of darkness...and the one who I will spend the rest of my days with.

Jack Frost.

I will always remember how it all started , back then.

So end of my first chapter,hope U like it!

I did this one more like a flashback 1,because there's lots to say.