Just a warning I am Dyslexic so my stories will not be perfect, this piece is not beta'd .

Hello my sweeties,

Well I thought if I'm going to do my crossover happily I needed a little time writing my new characters! so here is another one shot.

Warning may be OOC and follows my own storyline a little,

but forgive me I'm new to writing MariMite :)

I have also borrowed two characters from the fandom I write most for my own purposes

Mogami Kyoko and Kotonami Kanae all rights reserved to Skip Beat! and Nakamura-sensei.

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Neh xxx

I do not own MariMite.

Yumi couldn't help but sigh, it had been a long day. Saying that it had been a long week!

The fact it was only her fourth week as Rosa Chinensis and running the Yamayurikai Council without the help of her beloved Onee-sama was already lowering her spirits slightly and with the latest problem that had arisen once again Yumi wondered if perhaps she wasn't the right person for the job.

"Gokigenyo Rosa Chinensis." a group of second year students greeted her as she smiled politely back.

"Gokigenyo, be careful on your way home." The warm smiles they gave her made the gloom that Yumi had been feeling lesen slightly as she thought back to the meeting earlier that morning.

It was only when the en boutons arrived that the three rose's, the Yellow Rose Yoshino Shimazu also known as Rosa Foetida. The white rose, Shimako Toudou also known as Rosa Gigantea and Yumi Fukuzawa herself who was the Red rose or Rosa Chinensis found out about a very large and very serious situation.

"Onee-sama." Nana Arima called softly as she, Toukou Matsudaira and Noriko Nijou entered the room together, Yumi looked up as did the other roses wondering if the girls had come together or had simply met along the way, the Roses had been given the morning class of the day off to sort through the information the faculty had given them for future events and activities it was now lunch time.

"Yes Nana-chan?" Yoshino asked as her Soeur, as Noriko instantly went to check the kettle and Toukou approached the table picking up the finished cups of the roses and asking quietly if they would like refills. Nana allowed the older girls to do their jobs before replying to her grand soeur.

"Onee-sama there is a young lady here who would like to speak to the council about some concerns she has." Nana said calmly as Yoshino nodded to her petite soeur.

"Then please if you would ask for her name and bring her up we will listen to her concerns before we begin the meeting." Yoshino said as she first looked to Yumi and then Shimoko who nodded in agreement. Nana bowed and turn to make her way back down stairs where she had asked the guest to wait why she had while she enquired to the roses knowing they were very busy at the moment in time and also that this was to probably be their only break since starting early that morning.

"Be careful, Onee-sama." Toukou whispered as she placed the hot tea before Yumi, Yumi's face remained blank yet her eyes shot the question to Toukou who continued.

"The young lady is Ruriko Matsunai, she is the sister of Mimori Matsunai." Yumi's eyes widened as her face once more shifted though what her friends called her life phases, showing the worry and concern clearly at the name that had caused her Onee-sama distress at a social function not so long ago.

"Your face is slipping Onee-sama." Toukou said softly and Yumi instantly brought down her mask she, Toukou and Sachiko had been working on.

"Thank you Toukou-chan." Yumi replied as she picked up her tea and Toukou returned only moments later with her own to seat herself by her Onee-sama, Noriko happily serving the other two roses whilst they both listened into the information Toukou had given Yumi.

"Please may I introduce Ruriko Matsunai, first year peach class." Nana said as a young and Yumi though very beautiful young woman entered the room before bowing to the three seated roses.

"Gokigenyo, thank you for seeing me on such short notice." Ruriko said with what could only be called a self assured smile.

"Your welcome Ruriko-san, please take a seat " Yumi asked as she gestured towards one of the empty chairs and Noriko asked if she would like some tea. Yumi waited while the young lady was served before she continued.

"How can we help you today?" Yumi had watched the younger woman taking in not only the room but also the roses seated before her and it made her skin crawl at the look in her eyes.

"Well you see Rosa Chinensis, I have some concerns about the behaviour of one of the girls in my class plus another girl from first year pine class." Ruriko said as she sipped her tea and the remaining boutons joined the table in their appropriate seats.

"What type have concerns do you have Ruriko-san?" Shimako asked as Yumi handed Toukou a pen and notebook she had been using to take notes of her work, indicating for Toukou to take notes of the meeting. Yumi watched happily as Toukou instantly began writing down what had already been said and by whom in shorthand.

"Well the behaviour I believe is very inappropriate for any young lady attending Lillian, any catholic in general." Ruriko said softly. Yumi knew she was watching the roses for outwards reactions, yet they all sat there calmly and waited for the young woman to continue.

This was the reason Toukou and Sachiko had been putting Yumi through so much training, right here was the reason Toukou had also been helping Yoshino with her outburst at the wrong moments. They had all known it would be needed and Toukou was proud at the way none of her senpai's reacted.

"In what way Ruriko-san?" Yoshino asked as placed her tea cup back down on it's saucer, when she realised the girl was not going to continue without prompting.

"Well it's against god's teachings." Ruriko said, Toukou new she was just doing this to play the crowd, trying to gain a reaction from the roses which never came as Yumi finally had enough of the behaviour Toukou had once used against her.

"Ruriko-san if you wish for help in your problem you will need to clearly state what the problem is you are having with these two girls, otherwise we will never know how we can help you with the situation." the others seated around the table smiled inwardly at Yumi's word's, she sounded so much like her Onee-sama in moments like these.

"Well Rosa Chinensis, these two girls." the way she said the word girls was full of disgust as she held the syllables slightly longer than needed.

"Have been going against god's teachings having a continuing romantic relationship with each other. Did god not make Adam and Eve, to continue in such a way is contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity." If Ruriko had thought she would get a reaction from the roses she was sadly mistaken as the three roses and there en boutons glanced to each other before Shimako turned back to Ruriko.

"That has been said in the Roman Catholic Church Ruriko-san that is true, but not all Catholic churches agree that homosexuality is a bad thing. Many Catholics disagree with the official position of the Roman Catholic hierarchy on LGBT people, and in locations, such as North America, Northern and Western Europe, as well as the Southern Cone, show stronger support for LGBT rights. Such as same-sex marriage, or protection against discrimination than the general population.

We here at Lillian are of the latter degree, it is never wrong to love Ruriko-san and I would think that Maria-sama would never dislike a love based from a pure heart." This was definitely not what Ruriko had been hoping for as she swiftly rose from her chair and banged both of her fists down on the table.

"Leviticus 18:22 - You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Ruriko cried preaching the bible as the roses sat there still and unmoving.

"Ruriko-san you may quote us the bible, but still we cannot stop the two young ladies from loving each other, we have no right to do so and neither do you." Yumi's voice was calm steady and firm as she watched the now seething young woman before her.

"I will not allow this!" Ruriko cried out as she turned and stormed from the room slamming both the biscuit coloured door and the front door of the rose mansion.

"Well that went well." Nana said breaking the tension that had settled over the room as the roses and en boutons looked at her wondering if she was being sarcastic or not, it was when Shimako actually laughed out loud that the the tension finally receded.

"Well I would say so, Yumi's face never even flinched." Shimako said between laughter as the others joined her laughing at Yumi's expense as she turned a brilliant shade of red. Toukou had been the only one not to laugh, but she did smile as she patted Yumi's hand.

"You did brilliantly Onee-sama." Toukou said with pride as Yumi sighed and smiled at her.

"Thank you Toukou-chan, but I have a nasty feeling this will not be the last time we hear from Ruriko-san on this matter." the roses stopped laughing instantly and nodded each looking concerned as the En buotons wondered just how right their Onee-sama's were.

"Nana-chan, do you know of the two girls Ruriko-san spoke?" Yumi asked, she watched the youngest girl nod politely.

"Hai, Rosa chinensis. Kyoko Mogami and Kanae Kotonami they have been an item since middle school third year and even before that they have always been very close friend's." Yumi nodded as she listened to the young girl.

"Nana-chan have either of the two girls flaunted their relationship or done anything that could be counted as wrong within school? or against school rules?" Shimako asked as Nana turned to her and shook her head.

"No Rosa Gigantea, both girls are good students and people only know of their relationship due to Kanae-san being asked out by another girl, she apologised saying she could not return her feelings politely saying she was already in love with another and when asked she simply said that she and Kyoko had been together for over a year now. There was no problem with either of them until Ruriko-san came along." Nana looked at Yoshino, they didn't speak but you could see the way their eyes communicated even if the others could not decipher there souers code. After a few moment's Nana must have got what she required from Yoshino as she continued.

"Ruriko-san started at Lillian for the first time this year, so far it has been said she has caused quite a bit of trouble for some student's. Yet no one has ever been able to prove as such, it was only today when I noticed her behaviour towards Kyoko-san that I was going to bring it up in the meeting, but when Ruriko noticed I had seen her behaviour she stopped me and asked if she could talk to the Yamayurikai about a matter that was concerning her. It would have been seen as very impolite if I had not agreed to her request." the seated young women around the table all nodded at her words as Yoshino spoke up finally showing some of the anger she must have been feeling throughout Ruriko's stay.

"You did very well Nana-chan do not think otherwise, but Ruriko knew what she was doing when she approached you after witnessing her behaviour. What was it she was doing to Kyoko-san?" Yoshino asked her distemper showing in her voice.

"Sadly I only caught the end of the incident, but from the look on Kyoko-sans face the conversation they had been having prior to my arrival was not one she enjoyed. In that respect she is a lot like Rosa Chinensis, her eyes tell you everything." Nana smiled over at Yumi taking the sting out of her word's, she was not saying it as a bad thing. More rather a truthful observation as Yumi returned the youngest members smile.

"Maybe we should get her too some lessons with Toukou-chan." the room again was filled momentarily with laughter, before the crushing weight of the problem descended once more.

"Toukou-chan, Noriko-chan. Do you know of Kyoko-san and Kanae-san?" when both girls nodded Yumi continued.

"After school today I would like you to get both of the girls if possible to visit the rose mansion, before we take further action I would like to know what has truly been going on with Ruriko-san and their relationship status effecting the student's." both girls nodded as Nana went to speak, Yumi continued cutting her off.

"Nana-chan I would like you if possible to keep Ruriko-chan busy for a few moments so she will not see the interaction. It will not be a problem if she does, but still we may be able to prevent further confrontation between both parties if they are unaware." Nana smiled and nodded, it seemed this was what she had been worrying about. She knew that she should have known better from Yumi-sama, Yumi-sama would never deliberately endanger another student.

"Onee-sama, this will be easier than that even. Both Kanae-san and Kyoko-san are in my drama club, I will bring them after activities this afternoon if that is acceptable?" Toukou said as the roses conferred once more with looks alone, Yumi nodded.

They had been meaning to go home after school or each to their own clubs after such a long day, but this was not to be put off if they had read Ruriko correctly.

"That would be very good Toukou-chan, if you could do so and if possible earlier than the other club releases so it is not as noticed I would be very grateful." Yumi said with a soft smile and a hand squeeze for Toukou who blushed ever so slightly and smiled back.

"Hai, Onee-sama." was her soft reply.

So that was the reason Yumi was slowly now making her way across to the rose mansion, she had texted her Onee-sama after their conversation telling her she would be later tonight as she had been meeting up with Sachiko and Youko for tea, due to Youko being home for family business and saying she would like to see them both.

Sachiko of course had texted back worried by Yumi's sudden need to stay later at school and Yumi had told her a new problem had arisen she needed to deal with before leaving and to go on ahead without her. Even though Sachiko only attended Lillian University which was next door to Lillian high school, their time together was limited by both of their work schedules and classes.

Sachiko was finally released from her marriage contract from Suguru Kashiwagi and well on her way to proving she needed no man to help her run the Ogasawara business, though still she had conceded that when the time did come for her to take the reins she would still like Suguru as maybe the company president. He had after all been trained for the role since birth much alike she had.

Yumi sighed once more as she thought about her Onee-sama and Youko going out for tea without her, but duty came first and she knew both her Grand soeur and her soeur would be proud of her choice to put the students welfare before her own selfish enjoyments.

Entering the rose mansion, Yumi walked up the old and slightly squeaky staircase to the second floor, pushing open the biscuit coloured door she was shocked to find out she was not the first person to arrive. Shimako and Yoshino both smiled at her as did Noriko who stood making tea by the small kitchenette.

"You did not need to skip your own clubs entirely." Yumi said, though she smiled at her best friend's who grinned back.

"And leave you here alone to do all the work again?" Yoshino asked with a scoff as she pointed to the large pile of paper work they had yet to work their way through that morning. Yumi didn't mind of course, she would often come to the mansion alone and work on the paper work much like her Onee-sama had.

In that sense too they were the same, neither finding interest in a club. To begin with Sachiko had simply been too busy too with all of her extra classes and specialist learning her father had planned out for her and later Youko pulling her into the Yamayurikai and making her as busy as possible, but this time with support and friendship available to the young girl who had as Youko had thought been trapped and lonely.

Yumi smiled even brighter at her friend's she knew that they too were worried about this meeting, it was something that everyone in the Yamayurikai had strong feelings about and something they would not be able to feel comfortable with if they ignored it. Once Yumi was served they all did sit down and work on the left over paper work, Nana-chan and Toukou-chan both at their respective clubs yet all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the guests they hoped would be able t shed some light on the situation.

So wrapped up in their working's none of the Roses or the Noriko heard the door below open, neither did they hear the stairs creak as three sets of feet carefully made their way up them. It was only as the door opened four heads shot up in surprise and looked at Toukou.

"Onee-sama, Rosa Gigantea, Rosa Foetida. I would like to introduce you too two of my fellow club members Kanae Kotonami-san and Kyoko Mogami-san." The roses watched as the two girls they had been worried about all afternoon entered, Yumi could see instantly why Kanae Kotonami would have indeed gained attention and admirers her long black hair and deep blue eyes reminded her of one very special and very beautiful person, her own Onee-sama.

Kyoko Mogami who came in and stood slightly behind her too was pretty in her own way, her short copper hair was styled prettily but as Nana had said her beautiful big golden eyes were the window to her thoughts and if anything even more expressive than Yumi's. At that moment in time though the only emotion they were radiating was fear and if the cold glare on Kanae's face was anything to go by the young lady was not happy.

"Please, I am sorry to call you hear on such short notice. I hope it will not take long, but we would just like to speak with you for a moment." Yumi knew she had to keep the calm and collective peace that the Yamayurikai always strove for as she gestured towards the empty chairs and watched as Toukou and Noriko together offered refreshments and also a plate of cookies Yoshino had decided to share between them her own Onee-sama and Cousin Rei Hasekura had sent her from university where she was rooming with Youko.

At the sight of the cookies and friendly welcome the fear in Kyoko's eyes died down slightly allowing the roses to breath a little easier, yet the cold glare and scowl from the taller Kanae did not dissipate at all.

'She could even give Onee-sama a run for her money.' Yumi thought as she smiled slightly at the tall beauty, she did look a lot like her Onee-sama, yet maybe her face was a little sharper and her body less voluptuous.

"Mo! it's rude to stare." The raven haired beauty finally said as she scowled deeper at Yumi, who for a moment let her shock and later embarrassment show before she half successfully hid it behind her mask the glow still present in her cheeks though as Toukou scolded the young girl for speaking out of term.

"Kanae-san! that is no way to speak to the Rosa chinensis!" Kanae looked at Toukou and then back towards Yumi, though before she could speak Yumi spoke to stall what she knew would be a half hearted apology.

"It's alright Toukou-chan, she is correct it is rude to stare and I am sorry if my actions caused you discomfort Kanae-san. That of course was not my intention, I was simply shocked by how much you look alike to my own Onee-sama." Yumi said the later part thoughtfully as she smiled at Kyoko who squeaked and her eyes simply stated she was dying to make a comment, at the smile from Yumi the golden eyed girl spoke.

"she does! doesn't she! even in middle school people would say she was just a younger version of Sachiko-sama, even down to her ice-like glare!" her voice was happy and enthusiastic, but as soon as the last few words left her mouth Kyoko's body simply froze before she stood instantly and started bowing repeatedly apologising at an alarming rate to which Yumi could only catch a few word's such as sorry, should not, said that, worthless, no right.

"Kyoko-san!" Yumi said rising from her own seat and almost physically restraining the young girl by her shoulders to stop the rambled almost incoherent apologise.

"There is no need at all to apologise, Kyoko-san. Please. I myself also thought that she has the scare you to death glare down to a tea. No offence Kanae-san, but I have been on the receiving end of my Onee-sama a few times and when you first arrived I wondered if you were here to scold me." Yumi could feel the young girl beneath her hands trembling slightly, slowly and gently she helped the girl return to her seat and instead of retaking her position at the head of the table she sat beside the girl.

When the biscuit door opened once more a few moments later, Nana did not even blink her eyes at the new seating plan and simply sat beside her own Onee-sama receiving a cup of tea from Noriko leaving both head positions at the table empty.

"Now I was wondering if you know why I asked Toukou-chan o ask you to meet with us here today?" Yumi ask gently when they were all seated comfortably, when Kyoko instantly froze up again Yumi placed a gentle hand atop the young girls and stopped her rising to apologise once more.

"Kyoko-san you are not in trouble, please do not panic yourself." she released her hand and noticed that Kanae had taken Kyoko's other hand below the table.

"I'm am unaware of why we have been called here today, though I am guessing someone has complained or said something about our relationship." Kanae said in a hard and cold voice, which filled the room with a heavy atmosphere instantly.

Shimako nodded slowly opposite Kanae and just as the young girl was about to become upset Shimako cut her off.

"We do not see anything wrong with your relationship, if anything I would like to congratulate you both on finding someone you can love so truly at such a young age. It is not easy to find someone who you wish to spend your life with, but it is a blessing when you do." No one could not notice the smile Shimako sent Noriko's way as the younger girl blushed and smiled in return, it was not something they publicized nor was it something they lied about. The two of them were very much in love and the entire Yamayurikai new and accepted this as such.

Yumi watched as Kanae's eye's widened and then returned to their normal size, yet the coldness was no longer there as she cleared her throat of the word's she had probably been preparing to use and chose new one's.

"Then why did you ask us to come if not to try and tell us our relationship is wrong?" Kanae asked confused as Kyoko once more became scared.

"Kyoko-san, I believe you know the reason we have asked you to come here today." Yumi said softly as she looked at the young girl fully.

"I think you know, but maybe it is not something you are comfortable in speaking about." Yumi allowed a little time for Kyoko to speak, but she knew the look in the young girls eyes so continued.

"Nothing you say here will leave this room Kyoko-san, Nana-chan you locked the door down stairs as I requested?" Yumi asked looking up at the young girl who had been last to arrive who nodded confirmation, none of the other spoke as Yumi turned back to Kyoko and a very confuse Kanae.

"We are worried about you Kyoko-san, it is the Yamayurikai's job to make sure all of our students are happy and after what Nana-chan witnessed today I am worried you are not." It was like a dam breaking as tears flowed from the young girls eyes as with a loud sob she shook her head, Kanae looked shocked as she grabbed the girl she loved and wrapped her into her arms as Shimako reached across and placed a folded handkerchief before the pair.

"What do you mean she's not happy? what's going on here?" Kanae's voice rose in volume as her fear took over due to her girlfriends state, Yumi remained calm and the other seated at the table did so also, but still allowed Yumi to control the situation unless needed.

"This morning Nana-chan noticed that Kyoko-san and another girl in her class seemed to be having altercations in the classroom, or maybe Ruriko-san used a few unkind words towards you Kyoko-san?" her voice was soft, gentle and kind. As Kanae looked down at the sobbing girl in her arms.

"Is this correct Kyoko?" Kanae asked her voice full of love and concern as Kyoko nodded.

"I didn't want to worry you Kanae." and with that the dam full collapsed as Kyoko spoke out about Ruriko's bullying that had been going on since the first week of school and even though it took some firm words from Yoshino to keep Kanae running off to find the girl who had hurt her girlfriend so much the Yamayurikai too felt the deep rooted anger.

Sachiko, Youko and Sei were all shocked when Toukou opened the door they had been approaching saying goodbye to two young girls, one who seemed to have been crying considerably the other supporting her with their joined hands as they bowed to the former roses with a quiet.

"Gokigenyo." before they continued onwards.

"Is it just me or did a little Sachiko just come out of the rose mansion?" Sei asked almost stunned as Sachiko and Youko both looked towards their grand soeur, eyes full of question as Toukou smiled sadly.

"I think you will need to come in Youko-sama, Sachiko-sama, Sei-sama and all can be explained in good time." none of them questioned the young rosa chinensis just entered the building they all knew so well and made their way up the old staircase to a room full of people planning how they could rectify so many wrongs.

Yumi stood in the stage wings and twisting an object in her hands worry, how would this go? would this even work? her Onee-sama and her grand soeur had been impressed when she had laid out her plan she had contrived during Kyoko's upsetting story, Sei had even asked who she was and what had they done to the real Yumi? before hugging her tightly to Sachiko's annoyance and whispering that she knew Yumi would make a wonderful Rosa Chinensis.

Yet now it was the moment of truth. the school's director had been all for it when the roses had approached her with the problem, she herself they knew from their first year had a similar problem with unaccepted sexuality and she almost jumped at the chance to help the roses with their idea literally pushing it through the directors with firm and unyielding power , which they bowed too almost immediately.

The Yamayurikai as a whole had worked so hard on this, so that saturday morning normal classes had been canceled and a special assembly given by the Yamayurikai would take place in the main hall, parents were also invited by letter that had been sent out two weeks before to the special assembly. The hall had filled quickly and almost to the point of bursting as parents and even Yumi noticed former students sat and stood waiting to show either their contempt or support for todays cause.

"You will do fine Onee-sama." Toukou said softly as she came and stood beside her, Yumi grabbed her hand and held it tightly for a few moments before taking a deep breath.

"As long as I have you by my side Toukou-chan I know I will be fine" Yumi said as she twisted the small object in her still free hand.

"You really will lose it if you keep doing that Onee-sama." Toukou said stilling Yumis other hand with her own as Yumi smiled once more.

"You're right of cause." slipping it back ito place she smiled at Toukou, who smiled back.

"Show them what you're made of Onee-sama." Toukou said as they watched Director finish the opening address and open the stage to the Yamayurikai, Yumi took a deep breath and smiling she entered the stage alone.

It's getting late here near 1am so I'm thinking this will be more of a two shot.

I am starting to learn my lesson not to write when tiered :P

so you will have to wait for the second chapter to see what Yumi's plan may be

and how the Roses and there en boutons deal with the situation at hand.

thanks for reading

Neh xxx

Comments and reviews please, I will happily reply to PM's and questions