Author's Notes: Oh hey, look at that, an update. This one is a two-piece that'll feature Cassie heading into dangerous territories.

A lot of people have been asking about it lately, so I'll take this opportunity to tell you; my other lesbian smut fic, Dearest (featuring Tanya-on-Mileena action) will be getting a second chapter. So don't worry, the American Way won't be the only fic filling the gratuitous homosexual smut niche.

So then, with that said, let's see how American Cassie can get today. Wish her luck.


As it turns out, her joke about when she'd told Jacqui that Kotal Kahn had been toying with the idea of sending her out into the jungle to find Mileena, seduce Mileena and coerce Mileena to cease her rebellion seemed to have an element of accuracy to it. A few days after her five-woman playdate, Cassie soon finds herself summoned by no less than the Thunder God himself to accompany him to Outworld, to discuss a special mission with the Emperor.

And as luck would have it, that special mission involved no less than Kotal hoping for to go out into the jungle to find Mileena, seduce Mileena and coerce Mileena to cease her rebellion. Who the fuck would have thought it? Not her, that's for sure, but once she'd recovered from laughing about it for a few minutes, she'd wiped the tears away and assured Raiden she'd be glad to pop along, just as soon as she'd texted Jacqui about it.

Ooh, her buddy got a laugh out of that, and texted back with the hope that Cassie would look after herself and not get into too much shit. She'd had enough of saving her ass, thank you. She appreciated Jacqui's sentiment, had Raiden teleport them to the Special Forces hub to grab her suit and gear, before declaring she was ready to chat to a Kahn.

Currently, the two of them are strolling down the multitude of corridors in the Emperor's palace, the hot Outworld sun blazing brightly through the windows. The guards, emulating the Osh-Tekk stylings of their Emperor, regarded Raiden with a mixture of respect and suspicion and Cassie with amusement, having heard all about her supposed 'taming' of the Kytinn First Minister. Whilst they never discussed it, with fear of being devoured by bugs, it was certainly something to smirk about.

Anyway, Raiden was speaking to his comrade, one hand occasionally brushing her forearm in case he needed to stop her from trying to snap a picture of something.

"I've discussed this matter with General Blade and your father." He says, his blue eyes a touch sombre as he keeps them looking ahead of him. "Neither of them were quite… acceptant of the Kahn's proposal. I admit, I share similar sentiments that he is vastly overestimating your skills and vastly underestimating Mileena's reactions. She is hardly stable, and unlikely to be foiled by this plot."

"It's not about foiling her, Raiden." Cassie replies sweetly, flexing her shoulders a bit to keep her suit nice and stretchy. "Diplomacy is all about honesty. You need to be upfront, crystal clear and as sweet as sugar. I'm not aiming to play her like a fiddle, I'm aiming to dust her like a carpet. Need I remind you that that's the same policy that got me into the good books of the Kahn's right-hand queen bee and the fancy fan-girl?"

Raiden rolls his eyes, simultaneously amused and distasteful at her expressions, and admits: "Yes, perhaps your tactics have yielded fruit. Reuniting with Princess Kitana is an achievement for us, since she is quite experienced in Outworld matters and holds a fair amount of sway towards those who still express loyalty to the memory of Shao Kahn. But at the same time, Cassandra, I cannot be certain if those tactics will be effective on Mileena. She is deranged, as you ought to know."

"Deranged, yeah, but also pretty kinky from what I've heard." She chortles, fondly patting Raiden's arm as if ready to educate a child on a simple matter. "Trust me, Electro, crazy as she may be, she's still a lady, and every lady has their soft spot. I just need to poke around a bit, and I'll find it no worries."

The Thunder God again cannot tell if she is simply amusing or vastly underestimating her quarry, and opts instead to tip his head and let his hat cast his small smile into shadow. Cassie laughs slightly at his quietness, again patting him, before they walk in silence for a moment. Only a moment, of course, because soon the blonde has other things to muse on.

"But the only problem I'm seeing is how I'm going to find her." Cassie says, tapping a finger on her chin thoughtfully. "Isn't she holed up in some deep dark corner of Outworld, far outside the reach of my walking distance?"

"Determining Mileena's location will not be as difficult as you believe." Raiden assures her, that knowing gleam in his eyes that appeared whenever he knew something no-one else did. "I have a contact, a Yautja warrior, whom I found indulging in one of his cultural Hunts in Central America. I made a deal with him, in that he would aid us in locating Mileena provided I grant him a special trophy. His ship has thermal scanning technology, and wherever she may lay, it should be enough to get an idea of her general position."

Cassie gave a low whistle: "Wow, Raiden, calling in the favours. So basically, you got a dude equipped with a heat-scanning ship? If that's the case, why not let Kotal bring his army along, if your guy has a lead on her?"

"He dares not risk his troops over a mere estimate, especially when he already distrusts the Yautja. He would rather have you confirm any possibility of her rebellion loitering wherever they may lie before he makes his own move."

"Oh right, because I'm a single expendable Earthrealmer and thus an acceptable loss if things go up the S-shaped creek."

"I suspect that is also in play." Raiden snorts, eyes narrowing in distaste over the Kahn's plotting. "He has great nerve in attempting to use you as a scout, a scapegoat even, in his war against Mileena. Earthrealm is not involved in their conflict, yet he drags a daughter of its heroes into it to do his scouting for him."

Cassie laughed: "Yeah, he's pretty crummy when you sum him up like that, but don't forget, Raidude, he's not the only one aiming for a piece of Mileena. I'd roll on this no matter how much he considers me a pawn."

The god raises an eyebrow: "So you would take him up on the offer, purely for a chance to see if you can lull her into her grasp as you have done the others?"

"The mouth may be a bear trap, but the rest of her is all woman. I'm not fussy, y'know."

"I know, and I can't exactly argue with your logic, no matter how crude it may be, when it has proven to yield results. Well then, let us see what the Emperor has to say."

They have reached the door to his courtroom at his point, and the Thunder God courteously opens it for Cassie, a sweep of his hand politely allowing her to go first. She giggles, does a little bow to him and skips on through, the god on her heels as they move to greet the Emperor of Outworld. He's sat on his fancy throne, the very picture of elegance and patience as he waits for them, flanked by Ermac and Reptile on the left and Erron Black on the right. Someone else is in the room, sulking in the shadowy corners, but the Earthrealmers don't pay much attention to it.

Kotal Kahn, as it turns out, does not have much to say. He is satisfied that Cassie has decided to take him up on his offer, proud that she would accept his noble task and help bring peace to Outworld; after all, she has already tamed the wild Princess, so perhaps she may yet put on a leash on the Mad Empress. She accepts his compliments with a smile; nice as it would be to end the civil war, she ain't going to play the happy puppet for his sake.

When he's finished offering his wishes for good luck, his lackeys also take the time to wish her luck, though admitting she might not need it; if she can handle the likes D'Vorah and Kitana, she can handle Mileena. How nice of them. Well, the mission is ready to go, and she's ready to roll. Raiden will teleport her to where his Yaujta buddy was, and he has a special present for her for when the time is right; the Thunder God always came prepared.

Before she sets off, though, there's just one last thing she needs to do. She takes the trinket Raiden gives her, tells him to wait a sec, and heads over to see exactly who lurked in the corner.

D'Vorah is the picture of self-imposed isolation, arms folded and cape wrapped around her, looking quite sullen and infuriated under her hood with an agitated swarm of wasps buzzing around her. Normally, none would dare approach the Kytinn when she was in such a foul mood, in fear of an ovipositor driving through their throat, but Cassie is far from the norm. She saunters over to the other female and coos: "Not gonna kiss me goodbye, ladybug?"

Humour wouldn't do much to alleviate the insectoid woman's mood. She turns a glare on Cassie, likely irritated by her lack of seriousness, before turning away to glare at the wall. If looks could kill, the palace would be crumbling.

"This One does not approve." She says bluntly, upon Cassie reaching her and stopping just before her. "The Emperor has made questionable decisions in his time, and This One has often stood by them even with traces of doubt, but to think of sending a single human into enemy territory with some notion of having her simply seduce the Mad Empress… It holds no logic, no sensibility, and I do not like it."

Cassie smiled softly as she observed the sullen Kytinn, finding her use of a first-pronoun quite meaningful. The wasps flutter to her, landing on the hand she holds out for them and dance around, reflecting their queen's discontentment. Cassie doesn't fear the overly large insects D'Vorah hosts anymore; they're like little children to the Kytinn and are often reflective of their mother's mood, such as her sombre regret for Cassie's absence in this case.

She entertains them for a moment, before offering: "You sound like you have no faith in me. C'mon, D'Vorah, I can handle Miss Jaws. She may be a biter, but who doesn't take a nip now and then? I know you have-"

"Spare us the vulgarities."

She considered the venom in the response, as the wasps fly up and buzz back to their queen, before sighing: "Okay, sorry. I know you don't like it. But really, you know me. I can handle myself, whether in a fight or in the horizontal tango, and I can handle Mileena. If my dad could beat up Shinnok, I can take a crazy lady with some teeth."

"We know. But still, we do not like it. It reeks of unease."

"C'mon, what's the worst that could happen?"

Okay, maybe that was kind of a stupid thing to ask, since D'Vorah was already on edge and she was heading into enemy territory that would include literal man-eaters and other kinds of shit. Oops.

D'Vorah shuddered a little, probably considering that notion herself, before she sighed and mumbled: "This One could…. We… I don't… I don't want you to be hurt. I don't want to lose you to that deranged spawn of the Flesh Pits."

Cassie is utterly endeared, so endeared she has to take a moment just to put a hand on her heart as she cooed in amazement, before she wraps the surprised hybrid into a big hug, squealing: "Aw, my ladybug! You do care! To think, the first few times we ever met were rife with all that inter-realm rivalry crap, but here are we now, cuddling and declaring our undying love for each other!"

"This One made no mention of love." D'Vorah huffed angrily, immediately pulling out of the human's embrace and folding her arms defensively, unable to hide the faint bluish tinge on her cheeks even with the hood's shadow. "You are an acceptable plaything and a convenient source of relief. Nothing more. There would be no heartbreak here if you fail, simply, um, simply a lack of physical pleasure for a while."

Cassie just laughed: "You're so adorable. No matter how many girls I get in my carpet, whether Mileena or anyone else, just know that you'll always be the most snug bug ever to snug my rug. Love you!"

She leans in, kisses her on the cheek and skips away, humming merrily as she joins up with Raiden, sparing one final wave to Kotal and his crew before the god raises his hand and teleports them away in a flash of lightning.

D'Vorah watches the light fade away, staring blankly and with slight affection as her hand touches where the blonde had kissed her. It's as tingly and stunning as the first time, and she feels affection brewing throughout herself and all of her children. A faint smile, her wasps buzzing happily, before she notices that the others, even her own Emperor, are looking at her with expressions relaying mirth, humour and bemusement.

Good feeling's gone.

"Cease your staring. She is simply an asset to the Emperor's will, nothing more." She snaps, defensive again, and they all turn away with slight sniggers. Oh yes; they all knew that the Kytinn was wrapped tightly around the bubbly blonde's finger.

Yet again, Cassie finds herself in the crummy jungle. Raiden had dropped her off here, next to a sharp silvery spaceship that looked more at home in a sci-fi film than an Outworld rainforest. Raiden's guy, the Yaujta or whatever, was a muscular male in a weird mesh suit with a metal mask, and on being handed a gleaming crystal orb, he made some weird clicking sounds. Cassie was perplexed, but Raiden replied in the creature's language (and boy, he sounded funny doing a clicking noise), before tipping his hat respectfully. The warrior nodded, cast a glance at Cassie, before hoisting himself into the seat of his ship, a metal cover sliding over him, and making his exit.

"It is confirmed." Raiden says, as they watch the ship streak away into the sky. "Mileena's rebellion hides somewhere within the Kuatan Jungle, where the heat is at its densest. If you walk from here and maintain a northward direction, you will eventually reach the approximate location of their camp. I do not need to tell you, Cassandra, that you venture into enemy territory and thus must exercise extreme caution. If you feel you must withdraw, do not hesitate to use your trinket. And above all else, ensure that Mileena does not know that you are working for the Kahn."

"I've got it, Raidude." Cassie says cheerfully, pulling her shades from a pocket, flicking them open and sliding them over her eyes, downplaying the glare of the sun overhead. "Just a harmless wee Earthrealmer. Boots to the ground and eyes to the sky. I'll be back before you know it."

"I hope so. If you need me, Cassandra-"

She turns and wraps the Thunder God in a hug, smiling smugly as he pauses in surprise, enjoying the pleasant warmth of the electrical tingles radiating through him before replying: "All I need you to do is just keep being awesome, Electro. I've got it covered."

He coughs, a tad awkwardly, and returns her embrace, before saying: "Very well. Good luck, and may the Elder Gods watch over you."

He pulls away from her and vanishes in a flare of lightning, and she is left alone in the jungle. Oh, they'll be watching over her alright, once she's got Mileena pinned down and moaning underneath her. It's a nice thought, but she gives a soft sigh; she can already feel the humidity and heat starting to get to her through her leather suit. Thank Raiden she'd thought to bring plenty of water, but man, slugging her way through the bushes was not going to be fun. Still, duty called, and she was more than ready to answer. Flicking a strand of her hair back, she marches off to meet her destiny.

As she recollects, the last time she'd been here she'd come across the rebel leader's own 'sister', Kitana. And when she'd come across Kitana (fighting D'Vorah, incidentally), she'd seduced her, took her home, and fucked her. And then she'd invited her friends around so they could fuck her some more.

Ah, good memories. And it gave the impression that, if Kitana could be swayed, perhaps a clone forged from her blood could be swayed as well. That ought to keep her feeling perky throughout the trip through this damnable cesspool of heat, mud and big-ass snakes.

Interestingly enough, though, the local insects, even the blood-suckers and the opportunists, don't bother her one bit; she wonders if they might sense her connection to a Kytinn (or smell it, heh) and thus treat her as one of their own instead of a walking biting-bag. That was a fun thought, one she'd she have to ask the ladybug about later, and hey, it meant no bugs out for her blood! Awesome.

She keeps going, keeps going, on through the jungle. The sun passes by overhead, unforgivingly hot wherever it was not blocked off by trees. Her legs ache, resilient but uncomfortable, and her stomach grumbles; light snacks keep it at bay, but they won't last forever. And the humidity, holy Elder Gods, the humidity! It has her sweating underneath the suit, unpleasantly sticky, and no measly water bottle could battle it. If she was going to get anywhere, she needed to find a larger water source.

And as luck would have it, a river flows nearby, and she tentatively walks over to check it out, slowly at first just in case there are any fucking crocodiles lurking about and sticking her boot in it when she's close enough. It's actually quite shallow, fairly clear and it seems appropriate both for washing and for cleaning. A tentative scoop of it in a hand and a quick sip… yes, it's pretty alright. And cool too! Just what she needed!

Call her impulsive, but she really feels like she could for a wash right now. She hasn't gone far enough to reach enemy territory, so she should be alright with taking a quick dip. Ergo, she strips her suit off (and sweet Raiden, her skin can breathe again!), making sure to keep on the white vest and boxers underneath (she's not going to be completely naked in a fucking jungle, after all), neatly sets it down atop a nearby log and probably heads back to the river, dipping a bare foot into the water.

Ooh, it's so cold! Normally, that might have bothered her, but plenty of long nights with Frost have granted her resilience to chills. Thus it's easy for her to get over it, and she idly sits down in the water, giggling to herself as she splashes the refreshing liquids over her. Ah, it washes the heat and discomfort away with ease, soothing her oh so lovingly! A nice wee dip, the hot sun to dry her off and then she'd be back to business! She loved it when plans came together.

A few moments of playful splashing and relaxing, before she deems herself ready to roll. She stands up, strides out of the river and reaches for her… wait… where the fuck is her suit? She freezes up in a dawning kind of horror when she sees that her suit is not where she left it; it's fucking gone. Oh sweet Raiden, where the hell did it go? Did it get snatched up by an animal or something? She didn't even hear or see anything, how the Netherrealm did it-

"Well, look what we have here."

The voice comes from nowhere yet it seems to be everywhere; a low and amused feminine tone that immediately has her spine trembling. Oh sweet shit, she's been fucking found out. She looks up, all around her, desperately attempting to find whoever spoke up, but sees nothing. She adopts a fighting stance, on her toes as she keeps looking around for whoever spoke. It must be Mileena, but she can't find her anywhere!

Cassie, for all her confidence and witty repertoire, has never felt more utterly vulnerable than she does right now; she's caught out in the open, in just her underwear, by a fucker armed with sharp teeth and whatever goons she might have with her. Her suit and weapons are gone, and her green energy couldn't help much against someone she couldn't even see. Still, she keeps her fists up, her stance firm, and snaps: "Come out! Show yourself!"

The voice laughs, a high-pitched and fairly deranged giggling that chills her more than a cold river or the fingers of Frost ever could, and she instinctively starts to channel a faint green glow into her fists; it's not the halo that her father used to beat Shinnok, but it's good enough to reassure her in a fight-

A flash of pink light, and she turns in time to see none other than the rebel leader herself manifest before her. She's heard that Mileena could teleport, but this is her first glimpse of it in action. She tenses as her opponent stands before her, eyes twinkling with amusement as they look at the Earthrealmer, her posture relaxed and her mind-set confident. Of course she would be; she's not the one caught in her underwear.

Even amidst the tension, Cassie can't help but see just how sexy the girl was. Mileena is every bit the bombshell her 'sister' is, a curvaceous and tanned beauty with hips that would have weaker women sobbing and a tantalising cleavage lovingly cuddled by a purplish leathery plate, big enough that a Shokan would have trouble getting a handful of them. Skintight leather hugs strong thighs, messy black hair frames a pretty face, and a pink mask must be holding the infamous mouth, which might well odd an exotic thrill to her. Her eyes are like a cats, gold and with slit pupils, and they're every bit as predatory as one.

Ooh, those eyes. They were intense. Those were the kinds of eyes that could pierce your heart and yet light your groin on fire. Damn.

Cassie breathes deeply, keeping her cool, and growls: "Mileena. Thought I'd find an army before the big rebel leader all on her lonesome."

"Mileena indeed." The hybrid purrs, a slender finger with a sharped nail flicking at a strand of her hair, surprisingly glossy looking despite her habitat, and she seems highly amused. "And not as lonely as you might think, human."

Cassie barely has time to consider that before someone grabs her from behind and throws her with more force than she could have thought. The air whistles around her before she hits a tree, and the impact has her whole body rattling in pain and disorientation. Before she can recuperate, someone grabs her by the wrists and forces them together above her head, before scattering something over them. It feels like dust, glitter even, but then it immediately coalesces in a solid restraint that pins her wrists to the tree, rendering her trapped.


Whoever restrained her moves back, and Cassie's eyes adjust enough to see that it is another woman, a heartbreakingly beautiful woman with a body that looked like it belonged on the catwalk instead of a jungle, dressed up in fancy golden sashes and dark trousers, with smooth brown skin, long black hair and blank white eyes similar to Raiden's. She looks every big as smug as Mileena did, and every bit as predatory.

And every bit as sexy too, holy shit. Even in her dire situation, Cassie spared a chunk of memory to detailing every inch of that curvy frame, her intriguing eyes and her chocolate-esque skin. Between this babe and Mileena herself, Cassie could see why the rebels would be so loyal; she could follow these two to hell and back if she could gaze at their booties for another moment.

Now then, Cassie is fairly sure that Kitana had mentioned this chick at some point; Tanya, an Edenian who excelled in both negotiations and deceptiveness. That she was working with Mileena could not be a good thing, and, more importantly, the fact she'd just rendered her fucking helpless was also not a good thing. This really wasn't how she wanted to make her introductions, but then again, life was a bitch.

"What a catch we've made today, Tanya." Mileena purrs, slinking over like a hunting cat to stand beside her smirking sidekick whilst confirming the identity of her buddy, sharp eyes eyeing their prey with sultry amusement joining the predatory hunger. "A poor little Earthrealmer, wandering the jungle all on her own. Did she not know that monsters lurk amidst the trees?"

"They're all the same; overconfident and reckless." Tanya says sweetly, her sickly sweet and demeaning voice bringing to mind a high school alpha bitch. "No survival instincts whatsoever. Without their technologies, they're ever so vulnerable."

"Indeed." The rebel leader purrs, slowly sauntering forward to closer examine their trapped prey, eyes narrowing a tad as she adds. "But pray tell, whatever was she doing out here on her own? Little girl, enlighten me as to your presence here…"

Ooh, her tone could have spines crumbling. Cassie knows better than to fall back onto her usual wit and humour; defiance and jokes would not sit well with Mileena, not when she was focussing on the business side of things, and she needed her to get off the business train. Thusly, Cassie opts instead to play the role of damsel-in-distress, making a show of trembling in fear as Mileena came ever closer. Fear was a useful tool to get someone to lower their guard, and right now, she needed the hybrid's guard lowered (and maybe her top too. Seriously, her breasts were all but straining to peek over that low-lying plate).

"I, I was, I was sent by, by Special Forces on a scouting run!" She gasped fearfully, as if the utter hopelessness of her situation had reduced her to pathetic desperation, to try and be honest with her captors, spill all the beans, come across as a sad little whelp left in the shadow of monsters. "We, we were looking for a, a safe place to set up an outpost! I, I wasn't doing anything about you or, or your rebels or whatever! P-please, please don't hurt me!"

Mileena considers that as she comes ever closer, Tanya right on her heels and wearing a cautious look, apparently more wary than her leader, and she purrs amusedly: "Well, perhaps I might accept that answer. But I cannot guarantee a lack of hurting…"

But then, a flicker of curiosity appears on the hybrid's face, and she adopts a questioning expression that has the blonde tensing slightly in nervousness for what she might be contemplating.

"Wait… you seem rather familiar…" Mileena murmurs, pausing just before the trapped Cassie, standing over her and casting a shadow over her as she peers down at her. "I know you from somewhere… yes, from the island. You're the daughter of that obnoxious actor and the uptight soldier. What was the name… Cassie! Cassie Cage herself! Whatever were mummy and daddy thinking letting their little princess wander off on her own?"

"They, they thought I could, I could scout it quickly by myself." Cassie squeaked, trying to act scared instead of getting distracted by the cameltoe pinching the leather between Mileena's legs. "They, they thought-"

The hybrid kneels down before her, and the closeness of those gleaming eyes puts a stop to her words, though whether it's fear or arousal, even she doesn't know. A hand teasingly strokes along the side of her body before coming to her mask, and she teasingly pulls it down before the stunned girl. Cassie does need acting for her eyes to widen in utter shock, beholding the infamous bear trap of a mouth for the first time.

Luscious lips, wet and plump and glistening pink, a beautiful kiss that finds itself framed by an unholy maw of jagged fangs. The fangs are sharp, bent and dull white, protruding from ragged red skin that looks almost rotten. Up close, they look like a shark's hungry maw, and her pink tongue flickers out to lick over them. She can't tell if it's hungry or sexy, but either way, she's in for all or nothing now.

Cassie can't help but admit that the fangs, whilst certainly intimidating, seem to serve as an exotic accentuation to the girl; the way they frame the woman's lovely lips, like angry wasps surrounding a flower, only seem to make her more intriguing, more beautiful. The fangs and the lips together, beauty and beast, pain and pleasure. It was intense, and Cassie shuddered heavily. Lucky for her, Mileena assumes she is terrified instead of hot in the pants.

Either way would probably work, mind you. The hybrid loved herself a victim, whether to her teeth or her sexiness.

"And they thought wrong." Mileena murmurs, Tanya adopting a sentry pose behind her as her hand rises up and grips Cassie's chin, ensuring that she kept looking at her and all her lovely teeth. "Daughter clearly isn't as good as mummy and daddy, is she? Lounging around in a river, unaware of what could be watching her…"

Cassie whimpers pitifully, and that seems to evoke a thrill in the hybrid, a satisfied flicker of a tongue over her fangs; clearly she got off in making poor girls tremble before her. That could prove useful, and Cassie keeps track of what she needs to work with even as she puts up her front of terrified helplessness.

Mileena straddles her lap now, surprisingly light on the blonde, and quite warm as well. Cassie shakes at the other girl so intimately close to her. The hybrid her tongue stroking out over her terrifyingly sharp fangs as her eyes flash, eyeing up the girl's neck, as if torn between licking and chomping it. In her dominating enjoyment, she sought out each and every delicious little reaction her taunting the Earthrealmer could produce.

"Whatever shall I do with you, little Cage?" Mileena hisses, utterly serpentine in tone and gesture as she idly moves her head side to side before the trembling girl, her maw of fangs utterly horrific up close, an unholy cesspool of teeth sprouting from torn red flesh, and yet utterly exotic around those plump pink lips. "On the one hand, your parents would do anything to have their darling child returned to them unharmed. But on the other hand, it's been so long since I've tasted flesh as fresh as yours…"

Tanya smirks slightly from behind the hybrid, whether spying an insinuation or simply sadistic, and Cassie figures that she'd better aim for the former. Being eaten alive was not on her to-do list, so she'd better think fast to avoid it. Better fall back into the age-old tricks of the trade; the sheer self-degradation of pitiful pleading. Nothing got a villain more amiable than a poor sap begging for mercy.

Let's see just what got Mileena's rocks off.

Cassie whimpers pitifully, shuddering under Mileena as she pretended to fearfully choke on her words: "P-Please, d-don't hurt me. I'll, I'll do anything, a-anything, just, just don't hurt me!"

Now this certainly caught the ex-Empress' attention, the sudden and desperate pleading of her prey. Her eyes narrowed in twisted amusement as she considered Cassie's words, tongue snaking out and drawing itself across her fangs slowly. She tilts her head, like a cat sighting a mouse.

"Anything, you say?" Mileena murmurs, and her voice is suddenly exotic in the raw playfulness it exuded.

Tanya coos something from behind them, looking quite aroused at how the situation had gotten so much more intense: "Perhaps she could be of use to us, Empress. Even if not practically, then maybe… recreationally."

"Perhaps." Mileena murmured, and Cassie is utterly (though internally) delighted; not only was Mileena seeming to go for it, but her sidekick was just as kinky. That would make things so much easier.

"What say you, Cage?" Mileena purrs, and she begins grinding her hips over Cassie's in a clear sign of her advantageous position, the friction producing a faint warmth and a reaction of arousal in the girl that had her whining pitifully over it. Both of her captors delight in how swiftly she is drawn into their depraved world, but they know not just how gleeful Cassie is underneath, seeing how things are working so smoothly. "Care to prove your worth whilst you can?"

It seemed that the hybrid was a lot like D'Vorah; she was intrigued by displays of weakness, of submission, she was enamoured by compliments of how great and beautiful she was. In short, she loved to be the number one, to be lavished with attention and to be the top dog. And the way she was giving her the grinding, it seemed she had the skills to back it up. Guess she and Tanya weren't just buddies in rebellion, heh.

This would make the diplomatic process a lot easier, Cassie figured. If Mileena was indeed a cross between praise-me and I-dominate-you, then worming into her heart- or her groin- would simply rely on coming off as a snivelling sycophant, utterly weak and helpless and yet utterly enthralled by the bestial beauty. She'd played this role before; it worked wonders for more egotistical pussy-eaters like D'Vorah and Frost.

Maybe Cassie was not the actor her father was, but she made for a good second place.

She shudders, trembles, playing it off as a mixture of pleasure and terror, subjugated by the ex-Empress' hip-tease, and she whimpers: "I, I don't want to die. P-please, you're, you're too much…"

"Hmm, indeed I am." Mileena murmured, as she pushes her chest against Cassie's, the wet shit and leather plate the only things separating their impressive bosoms from each other. The blonde whines at the contact, groaning as Mileena tauntingly grinds her chest across hers whilst she growls: "I am the Empress, after all. I am superior, after all."

And just like that, Mileena's lips are pressing upon hers, and she needs no acting to moan heavily into the hybrid's mouth. Her lips was luscious, soft and warm, wet and domineering, and they press into hers firmly, forcefully, making her acknowledge her superiority. The human moans into the rebel's mouth, squirming beneath her as the luscious lips take hers with ease.

Oh Raiden, she's every bit the kisser her 'sister' is. Of course, where Kitana was regal and reserved, Mileena is feral and lustful, selfish and vicious. Cassie whimpers pitifully under her, a simple girl enthralled by a temptress, as she endures the lip-locking. For a biter, Mileena could kiss with the best of them, and there was no acting required to just squirm and moan for her…

She gasps when Mileena tilts her head slightly and the faint sharpness of fangs poke at her cheek, and the hybrid takes the opportunity to shove her tongue into her mouth. Oh dear Raiden, she was intense; she's domineering and ruthless, claiming her mouth with much ease. Her tongue is fierce in exploring her, certainly a lot longer than the norm, and it curls around inside her as she whimpers helplessly into it.

Oh man, it's like times with D'Vorah or Frost whenever they felt like dominating her; just utterly intense, utterly hot, doing with her as they pleased! She moaned again, highly aroused by all this, and plays up her submission to the rebel with much gusto.

Tanya gulps a little as she watches Mileena zealously tongue the girl, feeling a touch of heat at her hips, and she tries to maintain her composure. Her Empress always knew how to make her feel hot, even when she wasn't the actual target. Just the notion of her dominating this pretty girl aroused her, and she gulped down in a futile effort to control it.

Mileena draws her tongue across the innards of the whimpering human's mouth one last time, before she finally withdraws, gracing her with a softer kiss as the tongue pulls away, before withdrawing slightly. Even this mere taste has the blonde panting heavily, clearly inexperienced in being dominated so ruthlessly, and it just sends waves of lust throughout the hybrid; such a beautiful girl, so easily controlled, so easily swayed…

"Beautiful girl…" She growled, a bestial desire to take as much of her as she wanted burning inside of her. Tanya murmurs softly from behind her, highly aroused at her leader's playfulness, and it serves as fuel to the fire; Mileena moves down and begins to lick at her lick. Cassie gasps at the sudden contact of warm damp muscles probing at her sensitive skin. Oh Raiden, Mileena knows how to work a goddamn tongue; it dances over her skin

Her plan is coming together. Mileena is invested in just having her way with her, bending her to her will

"You don't want to die, Cassie Cage?" She mutters, leaving spittle draped over the gasping human's neck as she pulls back slightly. "Then you're going to be my good little girl. Whatever I want from you, you shall give. Please your Kahn, and earn her mercy."

She leans up, grips the whimpering girl's chin and has her look directly into her eyes, and she adds, a sultry murmur that shivers her down the flesh: "Does that appeal to you?"

Cassie breathes in deeply, exhales with a shudder, pant heavily. Play it up, make it seem like even these simply little touches and licks were enough to put her thirst on overdrive. Mileena got her kicks from that kind of stuff, and she'd give it to her. Giving it a moment, she finally gutturally groans: "Y-Yes… I'll, I'll do anything you want…"

"There we go. Good girl…"

"We ought to move her then, Empress." Tanya states, looking just a touch flushed, her hands grazing at her pants in watching her Empress dominate the blonde and now in anticipating taking her with them. "This is hardly the place to break in a new pet; might I suggest we return to the camp?"

"Of course, dearest Tanya." Mileena grunts, eyes locked intensely on the gasping and whimpering human. "Help me move her, and keep her restrained. When we reach the camp, inform Rain and the Tarkatans that she is for me and me alone. Anyone approaches her without my permission, I will personally break their arms."

Ah yes, exactly what she'd been waiting for. Cassie had to fight the urge to smile as Tanya moved forward to assist her leader in getting the blonde off of the tree and forcing her arms behind her back; Mileena just couldn't resist some pretty little girl all but begging to be her toy if she was allowed to live, and thus she was taking her straight to her base.

Diplomacy was all about honesty, and she was being honest; she couldn't exactly say that having the sexy hybrid have her way with her wasn't appealing in some fashion, especially since it seemed the sidekick would be joining in too. Honesty kept a straight face and a clean mind, and both were necessary to pull this off. So then, let's get to it.

As Tanya had her moving forward and Mileena slung her suit over her shoulder, the latter saw fit to tease her some more, moving in to tickle at her chin as she cooed: "If you know the Thunder God, Cassie Cage, then pray to him now; when Tanya and I are done, you might be a changed woman."

Ooh, she'd be praying to Raiden alright, praying that he'd be high-fiving the Elder Gods when she turned the tables and had these two at her mercy instead. But as it stood, she simply kept up the act of a poor and aroused captive, whimpering softly at Mileena's touch. Satisfied by her submission, the two made for camp with her in tow, all whilst unknowing of Cassie's internal smirk.

This was going to be fun. Such was the American way.

Author's Notes: Uh-oh, Cassie's been taking into custody. Still, I trust she'll be fine. Girl's a tough cookie, after all, and she'll go on to fight tougher opponents than this.

Speaking of which, no-one seems to be fazed or concerned yet at particular implications regarding a certain character's loyalties. Hmm...

And one final thing; some people have asked if Ferra would join in the action at some point, what with being another of the new girls, and some others have asked if she could be excluded, what with being small and child-like and all that. So, I'll put my own diplomacy into play; you the readers will vote on whether or not you feel Ferra should be included in a future chapter, and I'll see where it goes from there.

Okay then. Thank you for reading, and I'll see you next time.