"Rigby?" Mordecai called out through the park house. Searching the kitchen and lounge room, he found both to be completely empty. "Huh, that's weird," he said to himself. "I haven't seen Rigby all day."

Walking upstairs to Benson's office, Mordecai rapped on the door before poking his head in to see his boss. "Hey, Benson. Have you seen Rigby today?"

"Rigby?" He grumbled, looking up from the stack of papers piled high on his desk, "that slacker hasn't been here all day"

"I better call him," Mordecai said before leaving. Pulling out his phone, he dialed Rigby's number and waited for him to pick up. After several seconds of no response, Mordecai gave up and instead rang C.J for help.

"Hey man, what's up?" Came C.J's cheery voice from the receiver. "You still working?"

"I'm supposed to be, but I can't find Rigby! Have you seen him?"

"No, I haven't," she paused, thinking, "actually, I haven't seen Eileen today either. Maybe they're together?"

"I guess so. They have been hanging out a lot more lately. I'll try ringing her, too."

"Alright. We still on for Wing Kingdom tonight?"

"You know it!" Mordecai cheered up, remembering the plans he had made earlier. "I'll see you then."

Hanging up, Mordecai decided to quit his search and play video games until the absent raccoon made his appearance.

The next day, when the sun was just rising and Mordecai sat at the couch eating his breakfast, Rigby returned home. His fur was noticeably bristled, and his usually smooth tail had been coarsely teased.

"Dude, there you are!" Mordecai said, anger lacing his words. "I waited all day for you to show up! You know how mad Benson is with you?" Pausing for a moment, finally taking in Rigby's scruffy appearance, he continued. "Where have you been, anyway? You look like crap."

Not even bothering to acknowledge the insult, Rigby muttered something incoherent and walked up the staircase, a hint of red tinging his cheeks. Following his path, Mordecai smiled slyly, turning the Raccoon to face him properly.

"If I didn't know any better", he began, "I'd say that you had sex"

"What?!" Rigby spluttered, knocked out of his quiet trance. "What would make you think that?!"

"Oh come on, dude. The messed up fur, the early morning return from god knows where. I'm not stupid. And try to tell me you weren't at Eileen's place."

"Okay, fine. I was at Eileen's. But nothing happened!" Turning a deeper shade of red, Rigby turned and made his way to their bedroom, Mordecai on his heels

"You suuure nothing happened?" He teased.

"Yes! Nothing happened!" Came the trademark screech. Suddenly turning serious, Mordecai thought for a moment before speaking again.

"Dude, really? Nothing happened? You kinda missed an opportunity there"

"What do you mean, 'missed an opportunity?'" Rigby asked, more curious than defensive now.

"Isn't it obvious? Eileen is totally head over heels for you, and you're not even making moves on her!"

"Oh please," Rigby scoffed. "Eileen is not 'head over heels'. We're just friends"

"Friends who give each other waffle cakes and sleep at each other's houses?" Noticing his puzzled look, Mordecai continued. "Eileen told C.J about the waffle cake and C.J told me.

"Dude, seriously. I know you like Eileen, and I'm proud of you for it. You're actually acting like a 20 something year old should for once. But if you don't act on it soon she's gonna move on."

"For your information," Rigby bragged, "I've made plenty of moves!"

"Aha!" Mordecai exclaimed, "so you did sleep with her!"

"What? No! I told you nothing happened! Listen, what I do in my spare time is none of your business. I'm still trying to work all this out, anyway. I'm going to bed."

"Dude, it's 6 in the morning," Mordecai pointed out.

"Yeah, well, I didn't sleep last night."

"I'll bet you didn't," Mordecai teased, grinning wide.