Author's note: I got this idea from one of my many wonderful readers, BlackLothus. She commented on my Going to college fic, and I quote:

Although sometimes I like to see him getting her out of trouble. o3o
I guess it should be reciprocal, you know xD If I ever get on a relashionship, I want to protect my boyfriend too. I don't like being a damsel on distress(Not all the time, at least xD). But I think the thing I like the most about headcanons with Gajeel's behavior around Levy is him being all protective when she is sick or has a nightmare x3 (...)

And BAM! my brain was overflown with images. And I had to write them down, obviously.

So, thank you BlackLothus for being my reader, for reviewing and forr all the wonderful words! I thank you all, ALL OF MY READERS! With or without review, I still get tens of thousands of views! And it warms my heart!

I've started translating The Dragon Tamer from English to Spanish. And what I've found is that... IT TAKES A WHOLE FUCKING LOT OF TIME! goddang my brain for only thinking in English and Japanese... T_T

By the way, I'd love to see a review/comment in your native language! (Of course, please consider the writer, as well, since I only know 4 languages: Romanian, English, Spanish and Japanese, so add a translation, as well, if you guys happen to not be a speaker of those 4 languages)


Four high school kids were advancing on him. He swore under his breath, bracing for the beating he knew he was gonna get. Heck, it was worth it. No one was allowed to insult his little blue head while he still had strength to stand. He managed to hit hard one of the older boys with his slingshot, but it wasn't hard enough to knock him out completely. That's why the older kid called his friends. And he was gonna get it bad this time.

He closed his eyes for a moment, bracing for the first punch, when a surprised yell made him snap his eyes open just in time to see one of the four get thrown into another boy.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, punks?" A wide smile spread on his face seeing the cheeky grin his bluenette had plastered all over her face.

"Shit… She came!" One of the boys that were still standing trembled in fear. After all, she was known all over town. Her reputation preceded her father's, even though her old man was a martial arts master.

"Why doesn't it surprise me to find you in this situation again?" The blue haired girl addressed the one whom she just saved after swiftly throwing the two remaining wanna-be thugs into a dumpster.

"They were talking shit about you!" The little boy complained outrageous.

"You know I don't care about what they say. Why do you?"

"Because! It's not fair! And I can't stand them calling you names in front of me!"

"You should've learned by now how to pick your fights. It's not smart to throw yourself head-on every time. You could've gotten really hurt!"

"I know… I know… I'm sorry… AAARGH! It's so frustrating I can't get stronger!"

"You will if you keep practicing. Come on, stop crying like a baby and let's go home, Gajeel." He sniffed angrily, taking her extended hand.

"Thanks… Hey, Levy…"


"I'm gonna get stronger. Just so I can protect you for once." Gajeel squeezed her hand, looking fierce in her hazel eyes.

"As long as you're by my side, you don't need to protect me." Levy smiled warmly, stopping suddenly to hug him tightly and give him a quick peck on the cheek. Gajeel blushed furiously, stuttering as Levy grabbed his hand one more time and tugged him along, back to the dojo.

Gajeel walked through the wooden doors of the dojo like he'd never left, remembering one of his favorite moments. He spotted Levy with a group of kids, seeing she was with her back to him, teaching the kids how to punch. He leaned on the door frame, smiling warmly. Levy was concentrated on her work, now showing the kids how to spin and dodge an attack. That's when she noticed a relaxed Gajeel leaning silently on the frame.

"Gajeel! You came back!" She beamed, running to him and jumping in his arms.

"Wow, there, Shorty!" He caught her swiftly, spinning with her in his arms. As soon as Gajeel released Levy, she punched him in the gut.

"Who're you callin' Shorty?" She pouted angrily, Gajeel laughing slightly.

"'pparantly you. When'd you grow so short? I mean, heck, I've been gone for only five years and gravity took its toll on you." A vein twitched on Levy's forehead, punching him swiftly in the liver and the head, a small bump already forming. "OOOUCH! DAMN IT, LEVY!"

"Tommy, take over!" She passed Gajeel without looking at him, stomping away. The raven haired man grabbed his back pack and hurried to her.

"You didn't have to be so rough, ya know!"

"Well, YOU didn't have to be an asshole, but you still opened your mouth."

"Come on, don't be like that! I was only joking!" Levy spun around trying to face him with her angry scowl, but she barely reached his shoulder. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, okay?" She kept her scowl in place for a long moment, Gajeel holding his breath.

"What did you eat while you were gone? You're like a monster, all bulky and stuff. How tall are you? 6'2''?"

"6'4'', actually. And you? Minus 3?" He snickered again, enjoying Levy's angry face.

"UGH! I can't believe you!" She turned to leave, but Gajeel wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in a tight hug.

"Sorry, I can't help it. You were taller than me when I left…" He looked deeply into her eyes, stopping her struggle when Gajeel placed his head on her shoulder, inhaling deeply under her ear. "God, I've missed you…" Levy blushed furiously, a new sensation fluttering in her belly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the hug, staying like that for a long moment.

"We've missed you too…"

"We? Oh… shit… I have to face him, too…"

"Well, you DID leave without so much of a good-bye… What the heck, you could've sent a post card or something, let us know you're alive!" Levy led him through the dojo towards the Master's room.

"I was… away from any kind of communication…" Gajeel followed her without struggle.

"Where?" They reached the wooden doors, Levy kneeling down when the young man next to her didn't answer. Gajeel followed her move, sighing heavily as the bluenette knocked twice. "Father? We have a visitor. May we come in?"

"You may enter." A rough voice could be heard behind the sliding wooden doors. Levy slid the open and bowed respectfully, Gajeel doing the same.

"Father…" Gajeel addressed the raven haired man without lifting his head.

"Gajeel. Never expected to see you again." Levy went to her father's side, kneeling down as Gajeel kept quiet. "Apparently we weren't worthy enough for an explanation."

"Father…" Levy started, but the man silenced her.

"Stay out of this!" His rough voice boomed through the room, the bluenette looking away.

"Metalicanna…" Gajeel spoke, but the man continued.

"I thought I taught you better. I thought I taught you respect. It was the least you should've felt when you left without as much as a 'thank you for taking me out of the streets'. Do you have any idea what you did to Levy when you left like that?"

"F… Father!" Levy blushed furiously, but Metalicanna cut her.

"Do you have any idea what you did to me?" He stopped, waiting for an answer, Gajeel raising his head to look at his foster father in the eyes.

"Will it help if I say I'm sorry?"

"No." Gajeel pursed his lips, feeling a lump choke him. "I raised you as my own. I cared for you as my own. And this is what I deserve?"

"You deserve much more than I could've given you if I stayed! That's why I left! Please, let me finish!" Metalicanna was about to reply, but stopped when he saw the fierce look in his red eyes. "I left so I could become stronger. So I could learn new things and bring back the knowledge."

"Oh? So I wasn't good enough for you… I see…"

"NO! That's not what I meant! You are too good! And Levy is, too! That's why I could have never surpassed you two if I stayed!"

"You say you learned new things… Show me." Gajeel was taken aback, looking incredulous.

"I… I couldn't…"

"Then get out. You don't deserve this family."

"Father, please!" Levy placed her hand on his arm, but Metalicanna pulled it away.

"He threw away his right to be in this family when he deserted you." Gajeel's anger was bubbling up. It was one thing to treat him like that, but Levy, on the other hand… So he stood up defiantly, taking an offensive stance. Metalicanna turned to see what the shifting noise was, snickering when he saw Gajeel stand. "Hoo…? Interesting kamae… Let's see if you have it in you, kozo."


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