Hey guys, thanks for reading my first story. I am new to Fanfiction, so any constructive criticism you can give me would be amazing. I hope you enjoy!

Also sorry to the people who originally read my story, I did some edits so now there's some new twists (check back to chapter two for a big one).

Just a quick note-

I do not own any of the recognizable characters, settings, etc., in this story. All rights belong to disney.

Belle's POV

Why is it that human nature can turn a good thing into something so bad? We make such beautiful things, but insist upon destroying them. We let fear and vengeance control us. Human nature brought my true love and I together, but it could also tear us apart.

Standing on the balcony connected to my bedroom, I enjoy the beautiful spring air. You can see the whole kingdom from my balcony, and it gives you a gorgeous view of the lush countryside and small villages. I love to look at my old small town from there, and occasionally I can see the triplets milling about in their bright dresses, or the baker with his tall hat. Sometimes I miss that simpler life, but I know that this is where I truly belong. Before I met the Beast, I didn't know who I was, but now that I found Adam, I know who I am.

From there I also have a perfect view of my old cottage. Now that Adam and are married and I am princess I officially live in the castle. My father is also allowed to live at the castle, but he often makes trips back home. He mostly only goes for blueprints and spare parts for his inventions. Now that he doesn't have to work the land anymore, he has plenty of time to tinker with the royal engineers on his inventions. They accepted him whole heartedly. He's created so many useful things like a water transportation system for the rooftop garden and a broom that also has a dusting, mopping, and soap feature for the maids. He loves it here.

As I stare at the villages and think to myself, a now awake Adam quietly sneaks up behind me. When he wraps his arms around my waist I jump and make a tiny yelp. He likes to sleep in late so I wasn't expecting him up this early. He quickly spins me around, making me lose my balance, but he catches me.

"Bonjour ma cherie," he says with a big grin, "Did I scare you?"

I hate to admit defeat, but I reply with a sigh, "Maybe, just a little bit."

"Think of it this way, I, a valiant knight, saved you from a sudden gust of wind that was about to push you over the ledge! And do you know what chivalrous knights deserve from the maiden they just saved?" Adam replies.

"I think I have an idea, but this valiant knight might have to refresh my memory," I say with a little giggle.

"Every knight deserves a kiss from his beautiful maiden," he says. He smiles even more and starts to lean in when I turn myself around and face the kingdom again.

"But valiant knights also apologize for scaring their maidens before they saved them," I reply.

He sighs, "Ah, a beautiful and intelligent maiden, whatever shall I do. Well, I do apologize for frightening you. How ungentleman-like of me. Now, do I get that kiss you promised?"

Without speaking I spin around and passionately kiss him. I take him by surprise and we fall over. I can't resist. Kissing him makes me feel alive and sweeps me off my feet every time. He returns the kiss with just as much passion. When we release, we both collapse in a fit of giggles.

Adam speaks first, "What is it about you that takes my breath away whenever I kiss you?"

"Maybe its the fact that I just knocked you over," I helpfully reply.

"No I think its just you," he says with a smile.

We both collapse into another kiss, then just lay there on the balcony peacefully. We lay there for what seems only a moment when Mrs. Potts comes in with our breakfast.

She jumps when she enters the room seeing us on the floor, "Oh my! Sorry to disturb you two love birds, I just leave your breakfast at the door." She gives a little giggle then exits the room. We both laugh then get up.

"I wish that didn't have to end," I say.

"Me too, but since the coronation is coming up soon and all of the attendants have become madmen about it I guess it had to happen sometime," he replies. He looks happy, but slightly disappointed that the moment ended.

I sigh, "Right, the coronation," The coronation was supposed to happen sooner, but Adam and I both agreed that since I was still getting acquainted to the castle and he was still getting back into being a royal again that we would postpone it. We decided the village governments that had been set up in Adam's absence could continue to govern for a little while more. "Adam?" I ask.

"Yes dear?"

"I know that the coronation is coming up soon but do you think that we could go to the town and maybe go to the orphanage or to the school to see how it's running?" I ask. I recently started up a school system in the kingdom to give the children in the town a brighter future than farming and hard labor. So far the system has been working well, but I always love to check up on it, and the kids love it when Adam and I visit.

"I would love to, but since the coronation is in three days, the servants are in an uproar. I would never hear the end of it from my advisors, especially Cogsworth. You should go though, the children would love it, and I know how much you love to spend time in the village," he replied.

"Fine, I wish you could come though," I say.

We both go to our closets and get dressed. I put on my old blue dress. I don't like to dress extravagantly when I go to the village. Since winter just ended and it is still slightly chilly in France during the spring, I also put on a thin ruby red cloak. I come out and fix my hair at my vanity when I see Adam come out of his closet. He looks handsome in a loose blue shirt and beige trousers.

He walks up behind me and says, "I always loved you in that dress. You were wearing it when I first saw you and my first thought was that you looked so beautiful."

"You don't look too bad yourself," I reply.

He gives me a kiss with a smile, "Have fun in the village, I'll get some guards to accompany you." Although I hated having to take the guards, I knew they were necessary. After my old village got over the fact that their town hero, Gaston, was dead, they realized that he was no hero and forgave both Adam and I. Though most of the town forgave me, there were still a few who didn't forgive us, and we always had to be cautious. I always felt safer with Adam around, but I guess today guards would just have to do.

"Hope all goes well with the plans, I'll see you tonight when I get back from the village. Maybe I'll bring you back some of the croissants from the baker that you love so much." Although the royal cooks did an excellent job with the food, Adam thought that the baker in my old town made the best croissants. I pecked him on the cheek, "I love you."

"I would love that. I love you, too," he replied. He hurried out of the door. We could both hear Cogsworth and yelling outside of our door.

I retrieved my breakfast from outside and quickly ate. I then went down to the foyer to leave for the village. My two guards, Jaques and Pierre, were already waiting for me at the entrance. We retrieved our horses. I much preferred horses to a stuffy carriage. We then set off towards the village.