"A bloody mess." Robards muttered begrudgingly to his gathered forces. Six Death Eaters lay subdued at their feet. Three of which were being tended by healers. Severus had brought these down and he was sorry to see them getting any care. It was a small consolation that they would rot in Azkaban. Living was simply too good for these fiends.

Robards sighed heavily, then addressed the Aurors. "Savage, take a few agents with you to transport and put up these prisoners for the night. We'll deal with them in the morning. The rest of you, good work. I know it doesn't seem like a victory, but every inch we gain counts and is well-earned. Go on to your homes if Savage doesn't have need of you." Savage called on a few while the rest turned to either be on their way or converse over what they had just witnessed here. As Severus turned to go, Ron made to approach him, his expression livid. Before Weasley could reach his intended destination, Robards stepped up to Severus. "A word, Snape." Robards commanded, leading the way to a secluded area to speak. Severus followed, not sparing Weasley a glance. Likely the boy was going to accuse him of putting Hermione in danger. A conversation they should have with fewer ears about anyway. Robards stopped out of earshot of the remaining aurors who had lingered, though he was still in their line of vision. Clearly Robards was unwilling to spend time in Snape's company completely alone. "How is it you came to be here?" Robards asked immediately.

Severus wasn't surprised by the question, but it certainly wasn't something he was keen to answer. He would rather no one have an inkling as to where he had been hiding. More than his own safety was at risk if word got out. "Were you here with the Death Eaters?" Robards continued his query.

"No." Severus denied vehemently. "I was nearby and saw the dark mark."

Robards searched his face for signs of dishonesty. "You live nearby." He surmised.

Snape said nothing. Robards evidently did not require a response. "You were with the girl. Potter's friend."

"Hermione Granger." Snape corrected him tersely.

"Are you involved with Miss Granger?" Robards asked bluntly.

Severus snarled. "No."

"Then you have been hiding out with Potter, Granger, and Weasley." Robards guessed.

"Weasley lives with his parents." Severus dodged.

Robards growled in frustration. "Merlin's pants! I'm trying to help you, Snape. This attack was very near Hogwarts. A place Potter has an affinity for. It also drew out two of Potter's acquaintances. It doesn't take a genius to guess Potter lives in the vicinity. You will have to relocate. This area is not safe."

"I appreciate your input." Severus replied stiffly.

Robards sighed and shook his head, relenting the topic seeing as how Snape was going to give nothing away. "You acted poorly this evening." He changed the subject. "I told you in the beginning that we try to apprehend Death Eaters. Not kill them. You risk appearing as though you want to cover something up."

"If I had intended to kill them, they would be dead." Snape said coldly. "It was for the sake of interrogation I spared them. I should have liked very much to see them dead after what they did to-" He held his tongue. He was saying too much in his anger.

"Why was she here with you?" Robards asked.

Snape gave a hollow laugh. "She wanted to help until the Aurors could get here. I tried to stop her but she apparated us here."

"Does she have a death wish?" Robards asked incredulously. He snorted then continued on. "You puzzle me, Snape. You seem honest, but you are not forthcoming. You aide us, then you show such a proclivity for darkness…- You did more than just harm those Death Eaters. You don't exactly make one eager to trust you."

Snape said nothing. This was not a new issue. Everyone distrusted him. Except Dumbledore. And now Potter, stupid boy. He still wasn't sure about Granger. She continued to look at him, from time to time, as though he were about to do something horrible.

Having garnered no response from Snape, Robards tried again. "You've helped us capture ten Death Eaters. I expect in the morning they will print the story of your innocence as we agreed. You are free to do as you wish."

Severus looked at Robards levelly. "I've said before that I would like to see the Death Eaters face justice. It is a task I would like to see through to the end. If you would allow me to remain on staff."

The gears were turning in Robards' mind. Severus didn't know what he would do if this job was taken from him and he waited anxiously for an answer. "No messing about, Snape." Robards said suddenly. "Tell me; are you hiding in the same location as Potter? You have known this entire time where he is?"

"Yes." Snape replied.

"That boy trusts you." Robards thought aloud.

Snape grimaced. "He knows me better than most."

"I do not think you would have kept knowledge of Potter's whereabouts a secret these months if you were in league with the Death Eaters." Robards admitted. "In the time you have worked at the Ministry, I have come to value your skills. But damn it if I don't hate you at times. And I still can't say I have full confidence in you. Still, I'd hate to see you leave my force." The gruff man deliberated a while longer, which brought to Snape's mind the analytical Sorting Hat. Finally, Robards made his decision. "Very well. You are welcome to stay on staff, but that does not absolve you of suspicion."

The tension left Snape's shoulders only slightly. "Thank you, sir."

"Hm. Well, off with you. Potter and Granger may have need of you if there are any Death Eaters still about. Be certain of your protective wards and change locations as soon as you can. I'll see you and Potter in the morning." With that, Robards left to attend his own business at the Ministry.

Wasting no time, Severus apparated to Ainsley Place and searched the area. He found no Death Eaters. To ensure their protection, he added a few wards of his own invention to their safety perimeter. After a final cursory check for enemies, Severus allowed himself to enter the house and locked the door behind himself. Wearily, he trudged into the kitchen to brew himself a spot of tea. To his surprise, Hermione was sitting at the table alone, a steaming cup of tea in one hand, her bowed head in the other. Quietly, he went about pouring his own cup from the pot nestled in a tea cozy on the table. Hermione flinched as she registered his presence, but she didn't look up. Severus sat across from her and began drinking his tea, enjoying the comforting heat as it warmed his mouth, throat, and stomach. He had almost finished his first cup before Granger said anything.

"I'm sorry." Her voice cracked under the weight of the prolonged silence.

"It's nothing." Severus dismissed her apology with detached finality.

Hermione's head snapped up then. Having forgotten the cup in her hand, it thumped onto the table and sloshed its contents over her fingers, which she ignored in her agitation. Eyes red-rimmed from tears fixed him in a desperate stare. "No! I put you in danger. We could have- we almost died!"

Snape regarded her silently, his features set in an unreadable frown.

"They know now. They know for sure you are against them. They'll kill you!" Hermione was practically in hysterics now, tears running freely. "I can't lose you. I can't lose Harry. Not after my parents. Not after all those friends."

"Hermione." Severus said her name like a reprimand.

Hermione sat back in surprise, then shook her head. "I don't mean to be so emotional."

"You experienced something traumatic." Snape explained analytically. "I understand, but don't let your fears reel unchecked."

"You understand." Hermione repeated with a sarcastic tinge of bitterness. "Have they strapped you to an altar before?"

Severus pursed his lips in dismay. "Of course not, Hermione, but there are other ways to subjugate and traumatize a person. I do understand. If you let your fears consume you, you have let them win already. If you don't get a grip now, it's possible you won't find purchase on this slippery slope. I might have gone mad by now if I didn't learn to control my emotions."

Hermione opened her mouth then shut it again and took a deep, calming breath. She took several. He was right. Tonight was about fear. They set out to etch fear into their enemies and make them feel as though they had no chance against them. She would not let them succeed.

"Are you alright?" Severus asked gently.

Hermione scoffed. "I suppose. Is that what you would prefer to hear?"

"No." Snape said. "I meant your cheek. Are you hurt?"

"Oh." Hermione glanced away. "I don't feel it."

Snape's indecipherable frown returned and it frustrated Hermione. "Do you even care or are you just trying to make up for how badly you treated me in school?"

This caught Snape off guard and stung. He chose his words carefully. "You mean more to me than some sort of atonement project, Hermione. I have thought of us for some time as friends."

Hermione considered his concession, studying his features. "I know I was childish tonight and it risked both of our lives. Are you angry with me?"

"No." Severus said immediately, almost harshly.

Hermione looked at him with some confusion. "Why are you acting so coldly towards me, then?"

Severus opened his mouth to deny her assertion, then considered his behavior from her perspective. He realized how distant he must seem to her while in reality his emotions were in turmoil. Could it really help her to see some of his own distress despite what she had just gone through? How could burdening her with his own struggles help? Deciding that since she had misunderstood him it would do more harm than good to conceal his reaction to the events of the night, he began to explain. "I am not angry with you. I'm angry at those bastards for what they tried to do to you. And I am angry at myself for not killing each and every one of them."

Hermione took in Severus' countenance breathlessly. She called to mind his frigid, calculated attack on the Death Eaters just an hour or so prior. His rage was like cold steel. Seeing the things he had; this was how he dealt with them. By appearing emotionless. Of course he would advise her to react in the same way. "You very nearly did." Hermione said little above a whisper. "Kill them I mean."

Severus gave a dissatisfied grunt. "They'll live. Longer than they deserve."

Several moments ticked by in which the two returned to their tea. Snape poured himself another cup. As he took a second sip of it, Hermione noticed he winced as the steaming liquid passed over a cut on his lip. "Will you let me tend to that?" Hermione asked.

Severus' back stiffened and he set his cup down slowly. "Are you…" He trailed off, unsure how to put his question delicately. "Would you be comfortable?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione was befuddled.

Snape swallowed awkwardly. "In some cases, after a woman has been through what you have… I would understand if you wanted to avoid close proximity to men."

Hermione shook her head. "Maybe if they had done what they meant." She shuddered, then continued. "But that was them. You're a friend."

"Then why the bloody hell didn't Potter tend to your cheek as soon as you got here?" Snape exploded, summoning a salve and bandages with an agitated flick of his wand. He rose to stand at her side.

Hermione blushed and avoided eye contact, looking down at her tea. She was affected by his nearness and he hadn't even touched her yet. Perhaps as a result of the rawness of her emotions, she reasoned. "I told you, I don't feel it hurting. I sent Harry off as he seemed eager to get to the Ministry."

Severus withdrew his fingers from the pot of salve and focused on Hermione. "You mean to tell me he left you here alone?!"

Hermione grimaced. She didn't want to put Harry on Severus' bad side. "I told him to. I wanted to be alone and I would prefer him to be at the Ministry where he could help them with those monsters."

Severus growled quietly in the back of his throat, trying to calm himself. "Merlin, give me strength." He muttered before returning to the task of collecting the salve on his fingers. "Potter should have known better than to leave you alone. You are likely in shock and he should have tended to you whether you felt you needed it or not. You don't feel damage until after the shock wears off, but it's still there. Not to mention there could be Death Eaters lurking anywhere in these woods."

"But we drove them off." Hermione objected, then hissed through her teeth as Severus began to apply the salve. Now it hurt.

Severus retracted immediately. "I'm sorry."

Hermione looked up at him in surprise. She had never heard him apologize before. Didn't know he was capable. "It's okay." She breathed, then turned her head. "Please, continue."

Severus hesitated, then began to apply the salve once more, being careful to press only lightly. "Do you taste blood in your mouth?" He asked softly. "Did he damage your teeth?"

Hermoine lapped at the coppery taste in her mouth at his mention of it, though she had been aware of its presence since the man had backhanded her. She was surprised Snape wondered if she had lost or loosened teeth. She must have been hit very hard. "There's blood but nothing feels loose."

"I'll give you a rinse for your mouth. It should heal the bruising there." Severus closed the jar of salve, then went to work cutting a clean sheet of gauze and some medical tape. It was interesting to Hermione which things the wizarding world still seemed to rely on and which things they had completely moved beyond the need for.
Once her cheek was bandaged to Snape's satisfaction, the potions master summoned a rinse for her mouth and sent the gauze and tape back in two nearly indistinguishable flicks of his wand. Hermione took the proffered rinse from him in awe and went to the lavatory to swish the medicinal potion and spit it out. Upon her return to the kitchen Snape was pleased to learn the bleeding had stopped and the area did not seem as inflamed.
"Now let me tend to yours." Hermione said, summoning a few more topical potions and bandages.

"I can take care of my own minor injuries, Miss Granger, thank you." Snape said curtly, returning to his seat.

Hermione blew out a breath of amusement. "Miss Granger now, is it?" It had not escaped her notice that he called her that when he was uncomfortable and trying to deliberately distance himself from her. But she wasn't going to scare off that easily. Especially since she felt the injuries were due to her own folly. "I did treat your wounds after you were attacked by that wretched snake. I think, compared to that, this is child's play."

"The difference is that I can take care of myself now." Snape objected.
"And I could have tended to my own as well, but you helped me." Hermione retorted. She didn't dare hope she actually saw a blush climb into Snape's cheeks. "Please," She pressed. "Let me do this. I'd like to make up for being the cause of your injuries."

Snape glared at her for a few beats, then heaved a relenting sigh. "Fine." He sat back in his chair and Hermione began to measure out a dropper of a potion for sealing cuts. It was much like dittany, but for minor abrasions.
"And you were not the cause of this." Severus tacked on suddenly.
Hermione smiled sadly. "It's kind of you to say so, sir." She said, reaching out to apply the dropper of potion to his split lip. Snape's hand shot out and caught her wrist before she could administer it. He looked at her seriously. "Do not blame yourself. Those fiends didn't have to do what they did tonight. You were only trying to help those in dire need. You needn't apologize for that."

Hermione blushed and looked away. "You tried to warn me there was nothing we could do." She said sheepishly. Snape let go of her wrist and sat straighter in his chair. "And perhaps next time you will listen to me. But you don't need to apologize." He repeated. Hermione nodded and applied the potion to his split lip which closed with a hiss Snape didn't even acknowledge. He bore the rest of her treatment with patient indulgence, not moving and appearing deep in thought. Hermione found herself hoping he would respond to her touch and lingered longer than necessary. She desired an intimate moment, had come to look forward to them more and more, but he did not give her that. When she finished her care of him she took a step back and tried unsuccessfully to keep disappointment from her voice. "All done here."

Snape came out of his thoughts and looked up at her questioningly. "Is something bothering you?" He asked. "I know I'm not Potter or Weasley, but I would be happy to listen."

Struck by his generosity in a way that left her very affected and unable to come up with an appropriate reaction, she decided to dismiss her earlier hope. This was something more potent than she had bargained for. "N-no. It's nothing." She said weakly. He seemed unconvinced but left it alone. She had been through enough tonight without his badgering her.

Hermione sat across from Snape once more, taking up her now cold teacup. She drank it quickly, then poured a fresh cup.

"Potter's ears are going to be blistered once I've spoken with him." Snape grumbled, looking towards the kitchen entrance as though expecting the young man to walk in any moment.

"I sent Harry away." Hermione defended her friend. "I didn't need healing badly enough to warrant a lecture."

Severus looked at her exasperated. "It was foolish to leave you alone after an attack so near by. There may still be Death Eaters looking for us. We reacted too quickly. And for us to have stumbled upon them twice in the same area- I'm certain they will discern we live somewhere close. Or at least that you do. They would be all too happy to make an example of any friend of Potter's."

A chill ran up Hermione's spine. "So they could find us at any moment."

"Possibly." Snape assented.

"It's not safe here anymore." Hermione said.

Snape inclined his head. "Precisely."

"Where else can we go?" Hermione asked thoughtfully, considering their possibilities.

"I'm not sure." Snape replied. "But I had hoped for Potter's input. He is welcome in more homes than I am, and more well known than either of us. We'll likely need him to make arrangements."

"Wait, won't the Ministry be printing the story to clear your name soon? You've helped them capture at least ten Death Eaters after tonight, haven't you? You'll be able to live freely now." Hermione pointed out. She tried to keep from sounding disappointed at this acknowledgement. It was a good thing that he had his freedom. If he wanted to spend less of his time with her, that was his decision. She could hardly object. Had no right or claim on him. Why would a mature, intelligent man such as himself feel obligated to associate himself with an insufferable know-it-all like her?

"Hermione, an Order of Merlin couldn't convince most people of my innocence. I don't have much faith in a simple news article from a classically disreputable paper. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I want to stay out of Azkaban." Snape retorted.

"What will you do?" Hermione asked, worried.

Snape gave her a suspicious look. He regarded her silently for some time before responding to her question with one of his own. "Would it have been easier for you if you had left me to die?"

Hermione's eyes widened in shock. "Why would you say that?"

"The way you watch me." Snape said in a cold analytical tone. "You seem concerned that I'll do something terrible if I'm let loose into the world. Not that I blame you. It is merely that you seem to turn to me for help, but at the same time you think I'll return to the Death Eaters. It perplexes me."

"What? No." Hermione shook her head. "I trust you."

"Your eyes tell me otherwise. What worries you?" Snape pressed.

Hermione blushed. She couldn't admit her feelings to him. That would certainly chase him away forever. "I-I'm worried I won't get to see you again." Her blush deepened and she rushed on, hoping to lessen the potency of her words. "I'm sure you'll be well shot of us. There are likely more compelling friends waiting for you than a bookworm like me. I guess I've just come to rely on your friendship, though I don't want you to feel obligated to my selfishness. You've already done so much for me. For Harry. You should go do as you please without any pressure to serve anyone other than yourself."

Severus had not expected this response. She valued his friendship to such a degree that she didn't want to part with him. He was ashamed by the hope this gave him. He felt rather as though he had been bewitching the girl. Ensnaring her little by little. He had not suppressed his dark desires enough, but he was too selfish to completely part with her. Besides, they still had much work to do on the counterspell for her parents. He would have to be more careful.
"Is that all?" Snape attempted a disinterested tone. "You don't give yourself enough credit. I'll admit, former students would not typically be my first choice for company, but I've come to appreciate you and Potter as companions."

"So you'll come and see us from time to time?" Hermione asked hopefully.

Snape raised an eyebrow. Good gods did she think so low of him? Or was it herself she doubted? "I had assumed I would stay in hiding with the both of you. The Death Eaters would be all too happy to find me."

"You're staying with us?" Hermione couldn't keep the smile from her face.

Snape saw Harry appear in the kitchen doorway then. They hadn't heard him enter during their conversation. A scowl clouded Snape's features. "Of course I'm staying. Especially considering Potter will leave you undefended the first opportunity he gets. Someone will have to help you keep the Death Eaters at bay."

Hermione turned around to see Harry looking dumbfounded. "You told me to go get the aurors. I would have stayed to fight them with you but-"

Snape cut Harry off. "No, you stupid boy. After. You left Hermione here alone and still injured to go gallivanting off to the Ministry. There could very well still be Death Eaters scouring the forest."

"She told me she was fine. I had to follow up with Robards." Harry argued.

"I know you're accustomed to taking orders from Granger, but you Gryffindor dunderheads are selfless to a fault. I had better not hear of you leaving her at risk like that again." Snape growled.

"Severus, please." Hermione said reproachfully. Snape opened his mouth to argue but a pleading look from Hermione closed his throat to any protest. He felt he'd swallowed his tongue. Merlin help me, her eyes. To cover up how much her expression affected him, he clenched his jaw and looked to the side in pent up frustration.

Harry muttered. "Ron's not wrong about this at least."

"What was that, Potter?" Snape hissed, looking up from under his lashes murderously.

Harry smiled sheepishly. "Nothing. Is there any tea left?"

"Likely not enough for a full cup." Hermione answered, uncertain as to what Harry had said to annoy Severus.

Harry took the tea kettle out of its cozy and prepared it to brew another pot. "Robards insists we should move." Harry said slowly, as though breaking bad news while he waited for the tea to boil.

"Yes." Snape said acidly. "That's what we were waiting to discuss with you."

Hermione gave Snape a disapproving frown. Snape rolled his eyes heavenward and sighed. "We could come up with no options." He continued in a more amicable tone. "I thought perhaps you would have a suggestion considering how popular you are."

"Actually," Harry grinned. "I know exactly where we ought to go."

"Well?" Snape prompted. "By all means, Potter, enlighten us."

"Twelve Grimmauld Place." Harry revealed triumphantly.

The magical effect of the fidelius charm was lifted for the two and realization dawned on them. Ever suspicious, Snape had questions. "Does the Ministry know of this place after our raid? Are there any records?"

Harry shook his head. "No. They turned all records over to me. Only Ron and I know of its existence and now you."

Severus leaned back slightly as though retreating with this information to think on.

"A little scary, isn't it?" Hermione said, voice breaking. How magic can make you forget."
Severus was alarmed by the sheen he saw in her eyes and looked at Harry to tend to his friend. Harry looked completely at a loss. Likely he didn't even realize what had set her off. Taking it upon himself, Severus turned to Hermione and put his hand on hers. "Hermione," He said gently. Granger, who had been looking out sightlessly, focused on his face, a single tear racing down her cheek as she did. Potent sympathy constricted his throat and he had to swallow before he continued. "We will restore your parents' memories."
Hermione's countenance crumbled and she looked away as she fought to compose herself even as tears fell in earnest.

Harry looked at the joined hands on the table and decided suddenly to take a page out of Albus Dumbledore's book and give things a little nudge. The tea kettle whistled as though signalling his queue to go. Hastily, he fixed a cup of tea to take with him, approached Snape and patted him on the shoulder as though passing the baton, which the man took with silent fury. Harry could feel the infamous twinkle enter his eye and Snape seemed to notice as his ire rose to the verge of apoplectic. Harry went on to Hermione and squeezed her shoulder to show her he was concerned for her. She patted his hand with her free one and with that Harry left the two alone.

Now that they were alone, Snape felt the contact of his hand on hers magnify in significance. Self-consciously he removed it. "I apologize." He said as he retreated to cradle his teacup. This was the issue. Was he so starved for companionship that he would react like a letcher at the young woman's every vulnerable moment?

Hermione studied her hand, then inched it forward and placed it on Snape's wrist. Snape tensed under her touch but allowed it.

"Don't apologize." Hermione said, echoing his sentiment from earlier in the evening.

Snape looked at her hand on his wrist. Giving in to his impish impulse, he slowly rotated his hand to grasp hers properly. As his fingers slid shut over hers he looked up to see her watching his movements, transfixed.

A shifting of robes from the doorway drew Snape's attention. There stood a furious Weasley. His face competing with his hair for a deeper shade of red. "Outside. Now."

Weasley did have a habit of bringing out the rebelliousness in him. While Hermione flinched at her old flame's voice, Snape retained his hold on her hand. "An impertinent way to speak with your elders." He drawled, settling in his seat to make it clear he would stay right where he was.

"I've never had any respect for you." Ron growled. "Least of all now. What the bloody hell was Hermione doing at Hogsmeade tonight?"

Hermione stood up, then, taking her hand from Severus' grip in the process. A pity. The man thought petulantly. "For your information, Ronald, it was my fault we were there in the first place." Hermione said brazenly.

"This git manipulating you now?" Ron replied stubbornly.

Hermione huffed a frustrated laugh. "I don't think you realize how insulting your accusations are to my intelligence. I can think for myself. Severus warned me not to go and I apperated us there. But really, if you spent more time with your friends you might be present for such things and not have to jump to conclusions after the fact."
Harry's voice came suddenly from the hall. "Ron. I'll get you up to speed."
"Yes, why don't you get up to speed, Ronald. Come back when you've cooled off." Hermione said savagely.

Ron began to sputter an angry retort but Harry interrupted. "Hermione, not helping."

Hermione spun on her heel and stomped to the sink, resting her hands on the rim, her knuckles white. Harry grabbed Ron's shoulder from behind and practically dragged him to his room.

"It's hardly fair." Snape commented.

"What?" Hermione snapped.

Snape stood and approached her, stopping mere centimeters from her. "He cannot hope to beat your logic. It must be frustrating." He couldn't stop the sneer that entered his voice.

"Things would be easier if you wouldn't bait him." Hermione retorted, twisting around to find him closer than she anticipated. She nearly collided with his chest. Severus had to check his urge to grasp her shoulders. Instead his fists opened and closed by his side. "If you want to be technical, Hermione, he is always the one to pick the fight."

Hermione was still working to school her features upon her reply, clearly disconcerted by his nearness. "Oh, yes. 'He started it.' What a mature argument."

"I was speaking of technicalities. I don't think you'd like to hear the mature argument." Snape replied. He could tell he was getting reckless. It was late, he had been through much and he was tired. Perhaps he shouldn't give in to his urge to push this.

He had piqued Hermione's interest as well as her ire, however. "I suppose you think I'm too young to handle it." She straightened her back defensively. "I assure you, Severus, I can keep up."

Severus raised his eyebrow, yet the familiar expression took on an inveigling edge. "Since you insist." He said as though she had fallen into his trap. He had intended to tell her all the same and he didn't mind taking her down a peg in the process. She may be Ron's mental superior but she was not his and he wanted to remind her of that. "I don't like how the Weasley boy talks to you. I don't like that he acts as though you are his when you never were. I don't like seeing an intelligent young woman tossed about by a troll like him. But moreover…." He lifted his hand so suddenly she flinched, but he merely traced her collar bone with the tip of a finger as he lowered his voice. "I enjoy teasing you."

Hermione felt afire. Could she keep up? She certainly felt in over her head. This was not something she could ever experience with a man her own age. This was an advance made with sureness. There was much unsaid, yet much implied. She wasn't certain she was interpreting this correctly. Instead of acknowledging the seductive implications which she didn't feel confident confronting, she latched on to the part she did understand. "Ron is not a boy." She retorted breathlessly.

One side of Severus' mouth quirked up lazily. "He will always be a boy until he decides to grow up." Looking into her eyes, he saw Hermione was at a loss for a response. He had pushed her too far tonight. He really shouldn't have been so forthright. There was no way he could walk this back. But truly he couldn't bring himself to care especially. Perhaps she would think on his words and not let the churlish Weasley get to her. For now, he would relent. He pulled away from her and began cleaning up the remnants of their tea.

It took several moments for Hermione to collect herself. She was still not sure what had just happened. Did Severus like her or did he just like messing with people? He did seem to glean sadistic pleasure from torturing his students. Perhaps this was another instance where he could watch her squirm. She thought perhaps she should be disgusted with this aspect of him if that was indeed what he was doing, but in the end she enjoyed his attention and couldn't muster up the moral indignation to give a damn. Squaring her shoulders, she reclaimed her seat at the table.

Once Snape had cleaned and put away the tea set he returned to his seat across from Hermione and the two sat in silence, each thinking over their interaction. It was noteworthy to each of them in their own minds that the silence was not awkward after the encounter.

Minutes later Harry and Ron joined them in the kitchen. Ron stood with his arms crossed while Harry took a seat at the table. "So, when are we moving to Grimmauld Place?" Harry asked the group.

"I, for one, am exhausted." Hermione contributed.

Everyone agreed silently on that count. "Does everyone feel safe staying here for the night?" Harry expounded the query.

That did not generate an immediate response. After several moments Severus spoke up. "I would not advise staying tonight. None of us are fit to stand guard the rest of the night."

"How about we pack an overnight bag for tonight and plan to move everything tomorrow? I'm sure Robards would let us take the day to get settled." Harry suggested.

Pansy popped into Hermione's mind. She would definitely notice if Harry, Severus, and Ron were not there tomorrow. The Death Eaters would suspect they were up to something whether that was a relocation or some sort of mission. They couldn't risk that. But she couldn't just talk about Pansy as an enemy in front of Ron. He was completely taken in by her. Hermione chose her words carefully. "We know there are informants at the Ministry. It would look suspicious if all three of you were missing tomorrow. Maybe the evening would be a better time to move."

Snape's eyes met hers briefly and he nodded imperceptibly as though she had voiced the very concern he had.
Harry nodded. "Alright. And I believe Ron would like to move in as well. Any objections?"

Hermione shifted uncomfortably. Something about Ron living with them seemed dangerous, but she could hardly say that. Despite her misgivings, she said nothing.

Severus knew this was a bad idea. Weasley was too close to the Parkinson girl. They would need to rely on his ability to keep his mouth shut. A grim possibility. But, Severus could also see how the conversation would play out should he give voice to any objections. Ron would argue loudly that the greasy git was trusted to move with them so why wouldn't they trust their own friend? Potter would fall for it. Hermione would be guilted into saying nothing. There really was no option in the matter. Severus held his tongue, but vowed to keep a close eye on Weasley's comings and goings.

"Then let's pack for the night. Ron is going to go pass a message through Mr. Weasley to McGonagall for Kreature so he knows it is no longer safe here. He'll spend tonight at the Burrow and move in with us tomorrow evening. Let's get to it." As Harry stood, everyone disbursed to prepare for the night.

In the span of fifteen minutes Harry, Severus, and Hermione were packed and standing in the kitchen ready to apparate. Ron had already left for the Burrow. "Ready?" Harry asked.
Hermione nodded. Severus inclined his head. The three of them vanished from Ainsley Place and appeared with a pop at Grimmauld Place.

They stood about awkwardly, uncertain as to where they should claim to settle down for what little remained of the night.

"Could…" Hermione broke the silence. Her throat closed up when both men turned their attention to her. She cleared her throat. "Would it be alright if we camped out here for tonight?" Hermione gestured to the couches that surrounded them. They were in the sitting room. "It's silly but I feel nervous about sleeping in a new place alone after tonight."

Harry smiled at her gently and shuffled his overnight pack to one arm so he could give her a sideways hug. "I'll be here." He said comfortingly.

Snape said nothing since anything he could say would pale in comparison to Harry's warm acceptance of the idea. Instead, Snape cast a nonchalant cleansing spell on the dusty couches and began to unpack and arrange his bedding. As he went to change into more comfortable attire, Hermione placed a hand on his arm. "Thank you." She said.

Severus gave her a tired smile. "Sleep well, Hermione."

Moments later the trio was settled in. Each fell asleep quickly hoping to make the most of the scant few hours left of the night after all that had happened.