HEY GUYS! It's the last chapter! THE BIG FINALE! School has started for me…and I'm already overwhelmed yaaaaaaaay. -_- But you know what? Somehow, some way, I'm going to keep writing because one of my favorite parts of writing is hearing feedback from you guys. Besides, it's just a lot of fun in general and I think they turn out pretty cute.^^ Okay. Here we go. (All rights go to Trollshima except Luke).

The next morning…

Lucy had just walked into the guild. It seemed pretty normal. Mirajane was working behind the bar as usual, there were a couple of people looking at the request board, and others were laughing and drinking and having a good time. She felt relieved. She didn't want them to know about yesterday's events because she didn't want anyone to worry about her. Luke was gone now, and she was still shocked at what he had said. She trusted him, and he was just another guy with jewel signs in his eyes. She'd be lying if she said she didn't like him in that way once, but now…

She put her hand on her cheek.

"There…I…I made it better. Now it shouldn't hurt so much."

Lucy shook her head and her face felt hot. Stop it, Lucy! Why am I still thinking about that? she thought to herself. She sighed and sat at the bar, and put on her famous smile. "Hey, Mira." She said happily.

"Hello, Lucy! Soooo? How did yesterday go with your friend? Luke…right?" she asked, smiling as if she knew something. Lucy automatically felt suspicious that she knew something she shouldn't, and she felt herself blushing again.

"U-Um, we hung out…then he left…nothing else happened really!" Lucy said in a high pitched voice. Everyone knew she was a terrible liar, and even if she could lie well, Mira wasn't stupid.

"I see…" Mira said, casually wiping a beer glass. "A little bird told me you saw Natsu at some point…but I guess that was a lie…" She smiled a smile that said, I know you're lying, so spill. Lucy started freaking out. She couldn't take the pressure, it was too much. "O-Okay, yes I saw Natsu…b-b-but nothing happened…" she stuttered.

"Lucy, I already know everything." Mira said with a smirk.

"W-What? How did you…" Then Lucy thought about what Mira had just said. She had said a little bird had told her…

She looked around the guild for a suspect and she didn't have to look far to realize who it was. A little blue cat was sitting right next to her on the bar, gnawing on a piece of fish with a smile on his face. Little bird? More like a little cat…

"Alright cat, spill. What'd you see?" Lucy demanded.

"Everything…heeheehee" Happy said, laughing into his paws. Lucy snatched up the fish and held it high in the air.

"Hey, my fish! Lucy, you meanie give it back!"

"I'm not giving it back until you swear to keep whatever you saw a secret from the rest of the guild!"

"Well, I already told Mirajane, and she loves gossip, so it's not like the news is gonna be secret for long anyway."

Lucy contemplated this, and knowing Happy was right, she slowly gave him back his precious fish in defeat. She looked around and she saw everyone she knew except-

"Oh, by the way Lucy, Natsu told me to tell you to meet him at the Sola Tree…about an hour ago."


"Well, you just got here! It's not my fault you slept in dreaming about Nat-" Lucy ran and put her hand over Happy's mouth, while Mirajane giggled.

"One more word, and by the time I'm done with you, you'll wish you were lucky enough to be dead," Lucy whispered in the cat's ear, and he nodded in agreement. She loosened her grip on him.

"I'm gonna go now…I'm watching you, Happy…" Lucy said, squinting at him. As soon as she turned her back to leave, the two matchmakers behind her started whispering to each other, both grinning deviously.

It was hot outside, but there was a nice breeze. Lucy was walking to her destination, wondering why Nastu wanted to meet her. Sure, she was happy. She was ecstatic. Her heart was beating at an impressive rate, so much so it felt like it would burst at any moment. Questions were racing through her mind, one after the other.

Does he like me? Does he actually know what love is? Do I like him too? Why do I feel this way? And why didn't he ask me to meet him here himself? She sighed. I must like him if I'm freaking out like this…

Then a thought hit her like a bolt of lightning. It wasn't a good feeling at all. She remembered the last time she thought Natsu was going to confess to her, and it turned out to be about some stupid treasure hunt. Lucy couldn't believe she fell for it again. But, he did kiss her cheek last night…and she felt so happy then. Maybe this time it would be different…maybe there was hope! However, this was Natsu she was talking about. The last person on earth she would expect to know anything about relationships. Why are boys so damn confusing, she thought. Lucy's thoughts were interrupted by someone calling her name.


She looked over and saw Natsu leaning against the tree, waving at her and showed his adorable grin, the one that no one, especially her could resist…Shut up, Lucy she thought as she smiled and waved back nonchalantly.

"Glad you could make it, Luce! I was beginning to worry Happy didn't tell you about me." He said, once she was near him.

"Yeah, well I didn't arrive at the guild until recently…" she said, still trying to figure out what was going on.

"What? But it's almost noon!"

"Well, I kind of had a rough day yesterday." Lucy said, harshly than she meant and that shut both of them up. Natsu's face turned rosy, and looked away from her. Lucy didn't see this because she was looking at the dirt. She hadn't really had time to think about Luke yesterday, considering all that had happened. New and painful emotions were rushing through her, and excitement and love quickly turned into disappointment and sadness. She didn't want to cry in front of Natsu anymore, and she felt like he could comfort her at a time like this, but she wanted more. She wanted him to comfort her as more than a friend, and she didn't want to endure more disappointment.


"Natsu…listen I don't have time to dig up treasure, and I don't even have my keys with me, so I can't summon Virgo…so if that's all…" she started to turn away to leave.

"Treasure? When did I say anything about digging up treasure?" Natsu asked, looking confused.

"That's why you wanted me here…I thought?" Lucy asked slowly, turning back around towards him. "Just go get a shovel or-"

"No, of course not…I gotta tell you something important, but I'm not sure how to say it. So, give me a sec, would ya?" Natsu said, with a nervous look on his face. Lucy's heart was racing. She couldn't tell up from down.

"Listen Luce…" Natsu looked at her seriously, and his black eyes felt like they were staring right through her soul. He took a deep breath and continued, "…First of all, I don't need to dig up any treasure, because the greatest treasure I'll ever get is you."

Lucy stopped breathing. The world simply stopped turning. She stared at him, shocked by his words. Nothing mattered anymore, and in that moment, they were the only two people in the universe.

"Remember last week, when you showed me the definition of the word love in the dictionary? Well, that's when I figured out what I was feeling for you since, gosh, the beginning of time maybe? I don't know, I guess Igneel didn't teach me everything after all," he smiled sheepishly, "I knew I liked you before, but I didn't know what it was called, and Mira actually helped me by explaining the whole love thing, and it all started to make sense. I was actually gonna tell you all this yesterday, but then that bastard showed up and I just...I just felt terrible. I felt like he was stealing you away and there was no way in hell I was gonna let that happen so…I…"

Lucy, at this point had tears of happiness in her eyes; she couldn't believe he was saying all of this...She chuckled, "Yeah, how long did you follow us around yesterday, anyway?"

Natsu looked guilty all of a sudden and rubbed the back of his neck, realizing his mistake, "I-I have no idea what you're talkin' about…"

"And I thought I was a terrible liar. You're so busted, Natsu. I knew you were there the entire time."

"…No, you don't…" Natsu said blushing.

"You didn't think I would figure it out?! Especially after the pebble?" Lucy was fighting back laughter. She enjoyed teasing him.

"What are you…oh." He said, remembering what he did. "Yeah okay, sure…so what if I threw a pebble at his head…that doesn't mean I followed you everywhere…"

"Oh yeah, and you just happened to show up right when, well you know…" Lucy pointed to her cheek. Natsu looked at her strangely. She couldn't tell if it was pity or admiration. "Besides, I heard you say "A man on his deathbed" when you talked about Luke's father, which means not only were you following us, but you were listening to everything we were saying as well," Lucy said triumphantly. "There's no way you could have known something like that unless you were listening to our conversation." She smiled. Ha, and people call her dumb.

"You're too damn smart for me," Natsu said quietly. "Fine. I had a bad feeling about him, so I followed you guys, okay? There. I said it."

"Remind me never to underestimate your dragon slayer senses ever again…" Lucy said as she laughed. She might have seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside her mind was saying, Oh my god oh my god he was jealous he was actually jealous he was jealous over and over again.

While they were laughing, Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand suddenly, and just that simple touch sent shivers down her spine.

"Aren't you glad I stepped in when I did though? If that bastard had hurt you anymore…if anyone hurts you really I just…I can't…" he squeezed her hand and clenched his teeth. Lucy thought it was cute, and she was becoming happier by the second. She loved this idiot so much it hurt.

"Hey, Natsu…" she put her arms around his neck. "I'm fine…and I'll always be fine, as long as you're here with me. I always feel safe around you, you're my best friend, and…well, I love you…" she said, looking straight into his eyes and blushing furiously. Natsu, shocked to hear all of this, was blushing as well, and they were both silent for a couple of seconds. After what had seemed like hours to Lucy, Natsu smiled, and wrapped his arms around her waist, and he leaned forward, causing their foreheads to touch.

"Always," He said. Lucy almost broke down right then and there. The amount of love and devotion in his voice was enough to make any girl's heart shatter into a million pieces. "I love you too, Lucy."

"Oh, Natsu!" Lucy cried, and the tears finally came out. She hugged him so tight she sworn she could hear him struggling to breathe. They could have stayed in their embrace forever, however-


Natsu and Lucy jumped in surprise and were in shock as the entire guild, including Happy, were watching them, for who knows how long. They blushed and stepped back from one another in pure embarrassment, glancing at each other with small grins. Now the whole guild knew.

"T-That was s-s-so beautiful!" Juvia exclaimed while sobbing loudly, trying to cling to Gray's arm.

"Hey! Get a hold of yourself, would ya?!"

"Better than any romance book I've ever read that's for sure." Levy said.

"Oh, so you do like those kinds of book, shrimp?"

"S-Shut up, Gajeel!"

"Hey, Cana!" Mira yelled, "You owe me 10,000 jewel now! I told you they'd be together because of that boy!"

"Goddamnit…fine. Should've known better than to bet against you, Mira…" Cana said, chugging down a swig of beer.

Natsu and Lucy knew they would get teased about this for days on end. But neither of them cared. They were finally together, and they planned to stay that way forever.

:)I'm a cheesy son of a gun. That's the end! As always reviews are always appreciated and hopefully I can get another fanfic for ya'll to enjoy soon! But probably not for a while since school's stupid and stuff. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Nalu forever! You guys are awesome. Bye bye;)