AN: Well damn... I felt pretty guilty once I received several responses after the call out. You guys have been waiting for me a really long time, haven't you? I should call Pope Francis and tell him to turn the bunch of you into little saints. Time to write and I truly hope that you guys enjoy the extremely belated Valentine's Day.

I may or may not have more time to write new chapters for your little saints once I get to France. I will be there for a minimum for two months for study, then move towards Spain, and finally visit Italy before returning back home.

February 13th, 2016 was the date on the calendar today. It had been several weeks since Jack admitted his interest in Elsa, but that had not changed their relationship as it remained as a simple, platonic relationship... which was rather disheartening to a certain degree. Furthermore, there hasn't been any signs to indicate that their relationship was going to change which was another stinging jab to his male pride and confidence.

For example, they worked together on set to record episodes for the drama series on a weekly basis. It was nothing special because they maintained a professional relationship during their work time. He would come bringing tea and coffee for everybody at work in the morning and then he would only be able to enjoy his breaks with Elsa from time to time since many colleagues wanted to spend time discussing about their schedules. Today was such a day, nothing important had happened- at least not until now, or so he thought.

Jack tilted his head from side to side as he stared at the text message on his phone screen with his brows furrowed closely together. He read:

[Hey Jack wanna go out for a dinner tonight? :)] 7:46 PM

If the date had been February 14th, 2016, he would not have felt as puzzled as he was now because if that was the case, the message he read would have been more meaningful. However, today was merely a boring February 13th, the eve of Valentine's Day. He took his glasses off while putting his new novel onto the glass coffee-table. There was nothing he had planned for tonight, but to enjoy a good book with a glass of a properly aged red wine.

Why? To be simply stated, Jack never enjoyed Valentine's Day because he always discovered that holiday to be more irritating each passing year. There were far too many annoying pink, white, and red hearts of all sizes which were all highly inaccurate in every possible way. He was starting to believe that his role as a doctor within the drama was heightening his distaste for Valentine's Day. Then there were the creepy babies in diapers and wings with dangerous arrows and bows. Not to mention all the shiny, glistening, red fonts screaming: [I LOVE YOU]s. And all the chocolates that could without a doubt cause him type II diabetes while all the fan letters and cards would flood his house in less than five minutes. Such horrible thoughts almost caused his to groan aloud.

However, this was a text message from Elsa, Jack mused. He sent the message: [You mean for drinks?]

It would be foolish for him to have much hope since there hadn't been any signs of their relationship changing.

Bzzzt! Another message popped onto his screen: [I heard of this new place that is near my place. Wanna go there with me tonight?]

Jack nearly scoffed at himself, it was good that he hadn't expected it to be anything like a date. He's been learning the past few days to have a close to zero expectation in order to protect his own pride as a man. He typed back: [I'll try to get there ASAP. I will call you then. Text me the address.]

He didn't have to wait long to get the address: [8360 Melrose Avenue #107, Los Angelos, CA]

Nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt anybody if he dressed-up just a bit. After all, he was a famous actor and celebrity, was he not? He mumbled more excuses under his breath, such as the fact that it was always possible for any paparazzi to take a picture of him while in public. It wasn't a lie. There was always a chance for an unexpected photo shot suddenly popping up on a site or in front of a magazine just because:

a) the celebrity wasn't attentive enough

b) paparazzi aren't polite about privacy; though that was their job description.

It was something each celebrity had to be careful about whenever he or she was out in the public. Jack could, in fact, give two perfect examples for example (a) and example (b). The one celebrity who was golden for example (a) would be Justin Bieber. The boy was a sensation and fought his position as a star. It wasn't as if Jack liked his songs particularly, but he wasn't so foolish or arrogant enough to dismay the boy's talent for singing, but as the singer proved himself to be a singer, he also proved to be an idiot with a lack of care. Jack couldn't count the times he's heard of his childish ploys for attention or the nude photos of him... disturbing thoughts to avoid.

So who would the poor candidate be for example (b)? It would have to be Ms. Amanda Bynes who evidently suffered a mental breakdown, starting in 2012, and the media exploded all across Hollywood due to her outrageous deeds- all dictated by her bipolar disorder. It was a tragedy that was often seen in his business, the media may love new rising starts, but they often loved it even more when a celebrity made any errors or "better yet" crashed and failed completely. It was something that has always disturbed him as society didn't seem fully comprehend the complexity and the devastation behind mental illnesses.

Anyways, he would dress properly tonight before going out to meet Elsa. So Jack went to the washroom, combed his hair to the side, and gelled it into place before giving himself a happy yet shy smile at his reflection in the mirror. Then he quickly moved into his bedroom to get dressed into pink dress shirt and black jeans with a brown leather belt. Once he was done, he grabbed his keys in the foyer and then slowly drove out his motorcycle into the driveway.

He brought his phone out again and checked the address on Google Maps. To his own surprise, he knew of this restaurant as he had heard of it from his manager in the past! Ink Restaurant was well-acknowledged by the critiques and gourmets as many of his colleagues at work had visited there and gave some raved reviews about the food and the wine. It would be a great place to go to with Elsa tonight.

Soon he was on his motorcycle, driving under the luminous lights along the streets.

Jack parked his motorcycle along the road and hung his helmet to the side while kicking down the side breaks. He was only hoping that Elsa wasn't waiting at the restaurant already, after all, he did say that he would call her once he arrived. So he walked down the sidewalk, searching for the address and the restaurant's name. Once he could see the soft glow from the restaurant names, Jack brought out his iPhone, and started dialing Elsa's number.

"Hello, Elsa?" Jack called.

He couldn't help but smile when he heard her voice as she said, "Hey! Are you here yet?"

Jack continued to stroll down the street and said, "Somewhat. I am looking for the place. Are you already there yet?"

He could hear the metallic rattling of the keys in the background as she replied, "No, but I can get there in fifteen minutes? Twenty, maybe at the latest?"

As he marched waded through the crowds, Jack finally saw the small black letters spell [i n k.]. He said, "Oh, I think I found the place. I'll try to grab us a place... it looks busy..."

She replied, "Ah, I see. So I'll see you in a bit!"

He muttered a quick "Mhmm" as he hung up the phone and joined what appeared to be a line. While waiting there, he could hear some of the guests mutter among themselves, "Hey isn't that Jack Pine?" and "I think it is him!" and "He must be meeting someone here tonight." and a male voice proudly saying, "I told you that celebrities come here!"

Ignoring their comments, Jack quickly grabbed one of the waitresses' attention. The employee came and politely smiled as she offered him a menu board. She said, "You can take a look at our menus while waiting."

Jack whispered, "How long would I have to wait before I can grab a table?"

The waitress replied, "Possibly thirty minutes, sir."

He grimaced internally as thirty minutes wait was far too long, but he couldn't possibly complain out loud, now could he? Fortunately, it was the waitress who seemed to be interested in him as she quickly whispered, "Um, sir? You're Chris Pine, right?"

Jack flashed a big, happy smile and said, "Yes, I am. Are you a fan?"

She smiled shyly back and said, "My girlfriends and I love you!"

He laughed lightly as he often heard those words frequently from his female fans. Jack offered, "Would you like an autograph?

She looked delighted as she lit up excitedly as she asked, "Can I?"

Jack replied, "Of course, you can. You can even take a selfie with me to make your friends jealous."Then he leaned in, "In exchange for a faster table. And I will even give you a big tip."

It was obvious that the girl agreed to his terms as she said, "Right this way sir. We can have you seated quickly. How many people?"

Jack quickly signed his signature for the waitress and replied, "For two and please make sure that the others won't disturb us later. Thanks."

While going past the line, Jack bumped into a grandmother. He quickly turned around and said, "I'm so sorry."

Fortunately, the grandmother didn't appear to be too upset as she laughed and said, "Oh, it's alright! It's very crowded tonight. It's always difficult to celebrate our anniversary since it's the day before Valentine's Day. We didn't need to come to anywhere this fancy, but my husband insisted it had to be special because it's our 60th anniversary!"

Jack's jaw dropped at the number in amazement as he glanced at the short, stubby man with white hair, who looked rather greatly displeased by the line. Jack smiled at him and said, "That's amazing! Congratulations to you both!"

The elderly man, who looked disinterested in the short conversation, suddenly turned his head and said, "The only reason this woman stuck with me this long is because I do things like this. But when I do it, she says she doesn't need it! But I know better."

Jack laughed and said, "You are a spectacular couple."

Deep inside, he wished that he too could one day be like the couple in front of him and it was an embarrassing and a happy thought to have Elsa pop up into his thoughts. He must have turned red because the older man chuckled and pointed it out loudly, "Look at the boy blush. You're meeting a woman tonight aren't you? You mark my words, you always have to surprise her and make unforgettable memories for her to keep if you want to keep her."

Jack smiled meekly and responded, "She's not my girlfriend, right now..."

The man snorted, "Then make her your girlfriend. Simple as that. You're a young man so you can do it."

Jack laughed loudly as that was a dream for him. He wished Elsa was his girlfriend, then he could make her the happiest girl ever. However, as it turned out, it was more of a challenge to win her heart over... winning an "ice queen's" heard was not simple.

The waitress finally intervened as said, "Sir?"

Jack quickly repeated, "Congratulations on your 60th anniversary!", before heading inside.

If he was in a good mood earlier outside, that mood may have as well been erased completely because when he went inside, his eyes caught another man's eyes. Santino Miller. Now that was a face that he was not expecting to see tonight; in all truth, it was a face he wanted to avoid seeing, with the sole exception at work. A grimace slowly crept onto his face as he knew that Elsa wouldn't want to see him even more than he did.

Perhaps it wouldn't be good for them to spend time here tonight. To worsen his irritation, Santino also seemed to have seen him across the room. Jack sighed as Santino began to approach him. Along his side, a woman he didn't recognize was strapped between his arm. Yeah, it would be best if Elsa didn't see him tonight. In fact, he didn't want Santino to know that Elsa was coming to the restaurant.

Despite the fact that he didn't want to talk to his colleague, Santino approached him and said, "Hey Jack. What are you doing here alone? Are you seeing someone tonight?"

Jack coolly said, "I'm just here to have fun."

When he glanced down at the brunette, she smiled at him cutely and said, "You're Jack Pine, right? I heard you're working with Santino lately! It's so nice to see you! It must be so tiring to be filming, I mean... Santino is always tired when he comes home."

Home? So this was another woman that Santino was brining home... It was very distasteful. Jack smiled back politely and glanced at Santino, saying, "Yes, it's always a challenge at work, isn't it?"

Santino smirked as if he understood the true meaning lying under his words. He grinned and said, "There are lots of people to help us out though, so it's not too hard."

Jack turned his back as he said, "I'm just going to go see the menu now, so I will see you at work Santino."

As the two walked away, Jack could hear the girl say, "He's a bit colder than I thought he would be. He always looked nice on the TV and the magazines."

A single comment wouldn't have annoyed him until the moment he could also hear Santino say, "That's his image, remember? The childish Jack Frost role..." and listen to his date giggle as she said, "So he's a lot like your ex, huh? The ice queen image."

The last comment made him whip around from his position as he called out to Santino, "Hey buddy! I almost forgot! I need to tell you something for work. You weren't there when the director told us something."

Santino looked interested as he approached him and Jack immediately tugged at Santino's collar in a way that the others couldn't see him do the act. Then from his gritted teeth, he growled into his ear, "I've just had about it with you dude. You can say whatever you want about me for all I care, but you seriously don't have any remaining rights to talk dirt about Elsa. So leave her alone from now on. She's not your responsibility anymore."

When he slightly shoved him away, Jack could notice Santino's face slowly turn dark from his comment. Jack smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but my playful "Jack Frost-ish" side couldn't keep it in. See you at work."

To his own shock, he could see Elsa walking through the crowd in her mini black dress. Even though he was in such a foul mood earlier, just by seeing her, a soft smile returned back onto his lips. However, remembering the fact that Santino was also in the restaurant, Jack quickly approached her and said, "It's crowded here, do you want to order to go?"

As if she also noticed what was happening, she asked, "You don't want to stay here?"

Jack replied, "I know a better place we could go, but we can order the food to go. I think it would be best if we left. But I want to tell you that you look gorgeous tonight."

It was true. Elsa look absolutely beautiful, especially with the lighting of the room. The dress she wore made her look a lot like a night flower. Her mini black dress barely touched her knees and the silk hugged her form which also helped her look very elegant. Unlike the girl he saw earlier, Elsa wore less makeup. From what he could tell, she put on her mascara and her eyeliner for... the word he nearly forgot was ... smoky. Yes, smoky eyes. Her fair skin didn't cause her to use too much makeup as Jack could only notice her eye make up along with her pink lipstick. She was indeed perfect in his eyes.

Thankfully, it didn't appear to bother Elsa when he suggested to change the venue as Jack called over the waitress and said, "It looks like we are going to order to go instead... if the elderly couple I met earlier hasn't been seated yet, could you please give them our table instead? And I'd also like to buy them a bottle of wine as a big congratulations to them. Thanks."

Jack quickly viewed the long list of the alcohol which were offered at the restaurant. Jack pointed to the [beaux frères pinot noir, beaux frères, ribbon ridge, oregon 2007]. Then Jack quickly chose a wine for himself and Elsa to enjoy tonight: [dominio do bibei "lacima", ribeira sacra, spain 2010]. Normally, he wouldn't have chosen anything so extravagant, but he remembered what the elderly man told him earlier. From the two choices, Jack chose the wine that he knew was slightly more expensive for the couple to celebrate their anniversary. After all, it was their special night tonight.

Between themselves, Jack and Elsa chose the food they wanted: (appetizer) salt and charcoal potato, corn, foie gras terrine; (main) lamb belly for himself and branzino for Elsa; (dessert) strawberries caramelized in white chocolate on top of nutella cake next to toasted yogurt. When Jack brought out his wallet, Elsa look shocked as she quickly said, "I'll pay for mine!"

However, Jack wouldn't budge as he said, "No way. For one, it's basic etiquette for a guy to pay for a girl he likes and I've always been causing you trouble since the day we met, including tonight... I don't know how much you wanted to stay here, but I am making us move. But I can promise to bring you back here on another day..."

Elsa appeared to be happy from his words as she gave in. Then almost teasingly, she asked, "So you're asking me out on a date next time?"

Jack chuckled and coolly said, "If that's what you want it to be, sure... but does that mean we're on a date right now?"

He was saying it jokingly, but when she said a faint, "Yes", Jack could have possibly stopped breathing for a moment as he blankly stared down at her rose-colored face. It was another surprise when she gave him a cheeky grin up at him as a big smile started to show on his visage.

Damn... she can make me so happy easily.

The waitress brought him the bill, the card machine, a piece of paper, a pen, and her cellphone. Elsa raised her brows at him and Jack admitted, "I made her a deal... for a quicker table. But shhhh, it's our little secret."

Elsa jokingly nudged him and asked, "Do you always use your charming smiles and autographs to get things your way."

Since she already shocked him by telling him that today was, in fact, a date, Jack winked at her and said, "Just for you." Jack chuckled again, another quick blush. This could possibly turn into his new form of entertainment and hobby: making Elsa blush at any chance he got.

Jack quickly gave the waitress his autograph, completed a selfie, and then paid the immense bill of $552.00 before tax and tip... Jack said he would give a good tip, so Jack placed in a sixty dollar tip for the girl. Once they had their order, they walked back to his motorcycle and along their way, he noticed how she was wearing heels.

For her own safety, she would have to sit in the front and thank God that she didn't tie her hair into a fancy bun, but kept them loose because now Jack could cover her head with his helmet. Before much time passed, they put the food and the wine in the storage beneath the seat. Then Elsa held the remaining food on her lap while Jack sat tightly behind him, kicking off the break, and driving them off towards their next destination.

Hey fanfiction fans, I will write the last portion of the date in the next chapter. The truth is, I have been horribly sick for the past 48 hours in the bathtub with the stomach flu and a fever. That's where most of this chapter was written. ...(-_-" Been dying.

Once again, thanks so much for waiting for me to write and I have really missed you guys. When I read all of your reviews, it really made me smile and gave me strength. I love you guys and I sincerely hope that you guys all enjoyed the new chapter and I can't wait to hear from all of you guys again!

Fight on! Cheers. -IB.

PS: the next time I write to you guys, I will probably be in Lyon, France for my studies. So whooot! ;)