Inspiration! It hit me again. I love new ideas. Of course, I'm sure this idea has already been used but... I need it my way.
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom.
"Once upon a time there was a ghost named Danny Phantom, but his real name was Inviso- bill, and he fell in love with the stunningly beautiful popular girl named Paulina. And then they got married and Inviso- bill carried her off into the sunset where-"
" Paulina. Enough." Mr. Lancer cut in, marking a zero on her report about Danny Phantom. This wasn't a story telling assignment. The students were supposed to give their opinion on the teen ghost hero, not explain their fantasies about him.
" But Mr. Lancer! Inviso- bill IS in love with me! And if this is about our opinions, then mine is that he will marry me and have-"
" Paulina!" Lancer barked. " Go back to your seat."
Paulina frowned at the teacher, but walked stiffly back and took her seat, muttering about unfairness. The teacher sighed.
" Next up, Mr. Fenton." Lancer instructed. " You know the drill. As soon as you start speaking, I start the timer, your oral presentation must be over one minute at least." he readied his hand over the stop watch. Danny made his way to the front of the class and cleared his throat.
" Umm... Well, first off, his name is NOT Inviso- bill. It's Danny. Danny Phantom. Danny Phantom is misunderstood by a lot of people. He truly is trying to protect the town from ghosts. Most people automatically classify him as evil because of the belief that all ghosts are evil, when in fact that is completely untrue. Just like there are good and bad people, there are good and bad ghosts. Mostly I... mean Danny Phantom is just trying to keep all the evil ghosts out of Amity Park." Danny paused, knowing he almost let it slip that he, in fact WAS Danny Phantom. " And if he was evil, why would he go at such great lengths to protect people? There may have been a few questionable moments, like the robberies, but he was being controlled by an evil ringmaster. If you re-watch the footage, you'll see his eyes were red instead of green. He would never intentionally steal or harm anybody. And do ever consider the personal cost? I mean, he may a ghost, but he has a personal life too. Or rather afterlife. Whichever." Danny shrugged.
" Mr. Fenton, I may be interrupting, you seem to know a lot about this ghost." Lancer said. It wasn't a question, but it sounded slightly like a accusation. Or maybe that was just Danny's imagination.
" Well..." Danny's face blushed slightly. " My parents are ghost hunters, they know a lot about all ghost. And so naturally, I do too." he shrugged.
" But your parents hate Inviso- bill. But you seem to have another opinion entirely." Lancer pointed out.
" It's Danny Phantom." Danny corrected again. " And my parents are wrong. They still think that all ghosts are evil remains of post-human consciousness, but their wrong."
" But haven't they been studying ghosts longer than you've even been alive. You would think professionals would know more than just their own kid?" Lancer raised an eyebrow.
" That doesn't mean their right."
" But haven't they captured ghosts and proven this?" Lancer asked curiously. Danny snorted.
" Not to make them seem incompetent, but they honestly couldn't catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof." Danny smiled at some inside joke. " They would probably wouldn't even realize it if a ghost was eating dinner at the same table as them. Seriously, their too judgmental too see the facts."
" Very interesting, Mr. Fenton. I have one more question. Why do you think Inviso- bill is trying to help the town, if it takes so much time out of his personal 'life'?" Mr. Lancer asked. Danny sighed.
" Because protecting the defenseless humans is the right thing to do. It's much more satisfying to know your at least trying to do the right thing." he shrugged.
After marking the first A Danny had ever got in Lancers class on his paper, the teacher said, " Excellent job, Mr. Fenton. You may take your seat."
Danny nodded. " Just remember. It's DANNY PHANTOM! Not Inviso- bill. That name is just- ugh." He shuddered as he took his seat. His two best friends, Sam and Tucker winked at him.
" Next up." Mr. Lancer exclaimed. " Valerie Gray."
The huntress didn't waste any time getting up there to express her opinion.
" Danny Phantom is clearly tricking us. He's a ghost for crying out loud! That's what ghosts do, they trick the humans. Please don't fall for his 'hero' acts. He is nothing but a putrid pile of ectoplasmic scum that is trying to pass himself off as a 'good' ghost." Danny Fenton winced in his seat. Valerie noticed. " And Fenton, I can see he has obviously got you fooled. But-"
" No Valerie." Danny cut in. " He does not have me fooled. He isn't trying to trick anyone. You just hold a grudge against him. But didn't he apologize? He never meant to destroy Axion Labs."
" Yeah. I know." Valerie said. " It was that stupid dog of his that he LET destroy my fathers work. It was all his fault that I-"
" Inviso- bill has a dog?" Paulina interrupted.
" No!" Danny shouted. " For the last time, Cujo is NOT my... I mean Phantoms dog! It was once a guard dog that had actually worked for Axion, but when they upgraded security, they had put all the dogs to sleep and Cujo had left behind his-"
" That little squeaky thing?" Valerie growled. "Whatever. That MUTT still ruined my life!"
" I said I was sorry!" Danny burst out. But then he quickly covered his mouth. " I mean... I'm so sorry that a ghost did that to you... "
" Why would YOU be sorry Fenton?" Valerie asked. Danny paled.
" I meant... I feel sorry that... A ghost made your father lose his job." Danny said.
" It doesn't change the fact that one did, and anyway, save your remorse." Valerie said. " I don't need it."
" Whatever." Danny shrugged. Lancer cleared his throat.
" Miss Gray. Please continue."
Valerie nodded. " As I was saying, Phantom is an elusive, tricky, evil ghost obviously bent on destroying innocent lives-"
" That's not true!" Paulina screamed. " Phantom is a caring, loving ghost who only wants what's best for people! And he is in love with me!" she squeaked at the end.
" Paulina, your too blind to see that he's a menace. And he can't love you because ghosts don't have feelings. They don't love. That's why their all evil." Valerie spat.
" Untrue." Danny stood up. " Ghosts DO have feelings! Granted, most of them only feel the anger and hate that they carried into their next life, but not all are evil. And yes, ghosts CAN love. They have all the feelings humans do."
" What makes you think so, Fenton?" Valerie asked.
" I don't think so. I know so." he said.
" Right." she said scathingly. " Even your parents, the Ghost experts, say that ghosts don't feel."
" They've only studied non-sentient formations of ectoplasm. They never captured a REAL ghost and studied it." Danny argued.
" What? Have you? How do you know?" she asked. Danny was about to reply but Paulina cut him off.
" Danny, do you think the ghost boy loves me? If ghosts can feel, then he has to, right? Because all the boys here are utterly infatuated with me, why would the ghost boy be any different?" she asked. Danny sighed and glanced at Sam. He had a secret crush in her for months now.
" I don't think so Paulina." he told her. Paulina's face contorted.
" Why!?" she wailed. " Were meant to be together!"
" He's a ghost, Paulina." Valerie cut in. " Of course he doesn't love you."
" Him being a ghost has nothing to do with it." Danny stated.
" Stay out of this, Fenton. You obviously don't know the first thing when it comes to Phantom." Valerie shot. Tucker and Sam started choking back laughter. Danny tried to keep a straight face.
" I think you have that backwards." Danny muttered.
" As much as I hate to say this." Dash began. " Fenton's right. Danny Phantom isn't evil. He's the coolest superhero ever. This one time, he saved me from this giant mouse-"
" He's just trying to trick you, Dash." Valerie cut in.
" No way! You should've seen him! He-"
" Ugh!" Valerie groaned.
" I wonder what our babies will look like!" Paulina giggled.
" Aww! They would be like little ghost babies!" Star exclaimed. Danny slapped his forehead with his palm.
" Children!" Mr. Lancer yelled. " Calm down. I think Miss Gray made her opinion on Inviso- bill quite clear. Now you may all take a seat. Next up. Dash Baxter." he pointed at the jock. Dash enthusiastically jumped in front of the class.
" He is so awesome! He is the coolest super hero ever! Once we were both shrunk down by some shrinking invention that Fenturd's dad made, and he lost his powers, but he was still so cool and he took over this mouse and-"
" Baxter. This is not story telling time." Lancer told him. Dash shut up and nodded his head.
" Whatever. Anyway he is the coolest super hero ever. And I think he's good because he's the coolest super hero ever because he can fly and he can defeat his enemies and he's so cool." Dash said. Danny chuckled.
" Wow. How many times did Dash just call me cool?" He laughed lightly to his friends. They grinned.
" I think Dash has a habit of repeating himself." Sam noted.
" Can't he think of any other reasons why I'm good besides 'he's the coolest super hero ever'?" Danny asked in a hushed tone.
Tucker laughed. " I think it's past his mental capacity."
" The sad thing is that I think Tucker's right." Sam whispered back. Danny laughed.
" Is there something you would like to share, Fenton, that has got you three laughing so hard?" Lancer asked.
" N-no sir. Sorry." Danny stuttered.
" Very well. Baxter. You may take your seat." He said. Then Mr. Lancer stood up.
" Well I think that's everyone. Anyway, the reason I assigned you all to give your opinion on Inviso- bill, is because the school board has been working with Amity Parks professional HUMAN ghost hunters. And we've decided that as long as Amity is the most haunted city in America, our school should hold a mandatory ghost safety/ hunting class. Taught by the ghost hunters themselves, this new class will take place of your first elective of the day." He paused to give Danny a suspicious glance. He looked pale, like he was suddenly feeling ill. "Class dismissed." he waved the students out just as the bell rang.
Oh! How will Danny react to the fact that his parents are teaching a ghost hunting class? Stay tuned for chapter two!