Hi everyone.

Although I have written the novelization through [S]MSPA Reader: Mental Breakdown, this is actually where Homestuck the Novel's journey ends on . I know it's a little unsatisfying to end the project when I'm so close to finishing, but there are grander things on the horizon. I may finish Homestuck the Novel at some point, and post it on AO3, but don't expect too much.

I've joined the music and scripting teams for Act Omega, a fan project which you all are encouraged to assist (especially if you're an artist; we need more artists). You can find it by searching "Act Omega Homestuck" and clicking the tumblr link (it should be the first or second option). To get in on it, message either myself or the tumblr page and we should get back to you within a few days.

I'm also working on a solo fan album, although I won't be releasing any of that for a long time, and the concept for a web serial novel similar (but certainly much better) than the little Beach intermission I threw into the novelization at some point.

A few other things on the back burner as well. With all this in mind, there is simply no opportunity for me to balance schoolwork with the multitude of projects I have going on without dropping one of them. That, unfortunately, had to be Homestuck the Novel.

What a ride this has been. Thanks for the opportunity.

-Morn; Hussie; Aris; ostrichlittledungeon; HALLOFdoor