The ending is here! I thought I'd need two more chapters but if I did another one, it would be really short. And it worked out well.

Thank you for all the reviews.

Thank you for all the love! Before I continue, let me tell you a little about how Amelia Kirk came to be. I will be 41 in a little less than two weeks, I would watch re runs of Star Trek and made a character in my head. Anna Kirk. She was the daughter of James Kirk, about the age I was. I wrote fan fiction before it became popular! I never put her on paper, but she was always there. With the relaunch, she's kind have been talking to me again. I did change her name and getting her with Prime Spock is new, but they work. So I thank you all for embracing a character that has been with me for at least 30 years. Also, since Amelia's had semi private conversations with most of the crew but Sulu and Chekov, brain bugged me to have one with Sulu. Once again, sorry Chekov! But Sulu is a pilot.

Reviews are loved!

The Future of Non Existance

Chapter 30

Amelia climbed on the shuttle, knowing it was empty except for her. "Well Mr. Christenson I hope you don't mind me as your only company," she said to the pilot with out even looking up.

"I hope that you don't mind a change in pilot's Ambassador," she heard the familiar voice say.

Amelia stopped and turned around. "Mr. Sulu what are you doing here?"

"Evan and I went to piloting school together, I asked him if he minded that I take this run to New Vulcan," he said as he stood up and helped her with her bag.

"Sulu I appreciate it, but this isn't necessary," she told the young man.

"Actually Ambassador, it is. You told Khan that you would do anything for family, so would I. I'm not going to let someone else deliver you to New Vulcan, Ambassador. You're stuck with me," he told her.

Amelia had to laugh as she sat down and put on her seat belt. "I forgot how stubborn the crew of the Enterprise could be," she told him. "By the way, Mr. Sulu, I haven't forgotten that you did disobey a direct order," she told the man with a small smile.

"Write me up," he said as he took the pilot's seat. "I did what needed to be done."

"And I do appreciate it, Hikaru," Amelia answered. "And, I also appreciate this."

Sulu smiled back at her. "It's my pleasure, Amelia. We should be at New Vulcan in 18 hrs and 14 minutes. A little faster if I step on it," he said.

Amelia arched her eyebrow. "No offense, but you can go normal," she assured him.

"Yes ma'am," Sulu answered.

Seventeen hours thirteen minutes later:

"This is Lt. Sulu requesting permission to land," he said as he approached New Vulcan.

Amelia arched an eyebrow as she took off her glasses and looked at him. "Almost an hour early, Mr. Sulu, you stepped on it for a bit."

Sulu grinned. "Had a good tail wind."

Amelia laughed as she heard the response. "Permission to land given," came the voice.

"Acknowledged, landing procedure activated," Sulu responded.

"I will make sure that you get quarters to rest, Sulu. And no arguments, we take care of family Mr. Sulu," she responded as he landed the shuttle.

"Yes ma'am," she answered as the door opened.

"My wife does not like being called ma'am, Mr. Sulu, she prefers Ambassador or Amelia," the older Spock told the young man. "Thank you for bringing her home."

"Anything for family Mr. Spock," Sulu answered.

"Impatient husband? Couldn't wait for me to get off the shuttle?" Amelia asked standing up.

"It would be illogical to wait for you to get off the shuttle, when I was waiting for your arrival," Spock said as he kissed her. "Welcome home."

"I told Sulu that we would arrange quarters for him to rest," she said as she touched his face. "I think you are making him uncomfortable with your show of affections."

"At this time I do not care," Spock answered in her head. "Arrangements have already been made. My assistant will take you. You understand why I do not accompany you myself," he told Sulu.

"Totally understood Sir," he said as he smiled.

Spock walked off the shuttle with her. "You look rested," he told his wife as he kissed her hand.

"I have managed to catch up on some sleep, my husband. I expect that I will get more now that I am home," she said as she walked with him.

"You will," he agreed as they walked into there quarters. Spock took her face in his hands and kissed her. "Do not ever scare me like that again."

"I do not plan on it," she answered as she rubbed his hands. "I do know how lucky I am to have survived another meeting with Khan," she said as she kissed him.

"It is quite improbable that someone would survive three meetings with Khan and tell about it," he said as he leaned his head on hers.

"I am a Kirk…I think we strive to break all improbability rules," she teased as she kissed him. "They're going to be alright."

"Who?" Spock asked.

"The captain, Spock, the rest of the crew. They might be young, but in a way, I think that makes them better in some respects to our time line. It makes them more willing to do what needs to be done."

One Year Later, Rechristening of the Enterprise

Amelia squeezed her husbands hand, as they stood in the back of the crowd. She knew this would be the last time she would lay eyes on this crew of the Enterprise. That's the way it should be. This was there journey, she had already had hers. She watched as her future father gave a speech.

"There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them,we risk awakening the same evil within ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us. But that's not who we are. We are here today to rechristen the U.S.S. Enterprise ,and to honor those who lost their Iives nearly one year ago. When Christopher Pike first gave me his ship he had me recite the Captain's Oath, words I didn't appreciate at the time. Now I see them as a call for us to remember who we once were, and who we must be again. And those words? Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her 5-year mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before," he said.

Amelia looked up at him and nodded. She gave the Vulcan salute and mouthed, "Live Long and Prosper."