"What is that thing?!" Theresa cried out loudly, shaking from the fear that was rushing through his body and looking back to see Copy-Bot chasing after them. "Is that another Ninja?"

"I'll explain later!" Randy rushed his words as he continued running with Theresa. "Right now, we need to get away from that thing!"

"Yeah well Ninja," Theresa said panting, already tired of running, "He's catching up!" Copy-Bot got out a handful of metal needles with a point at both ends
and threw them at Theresa, Theresa ducks her head and the Senbon missed her by inches.

Randy gets out three disks that serves as Ninja rings, he throws them at Copy-Bot. Copy-Bot successfully dodges them, though one grazed his metal face a bit
causing a drop of oil to seep out.

The Copy-Out frustrated about this, vanishes and reappears behind Randy. Randy quickly turns around as to not leave his back exposed
and in a last ditch effort used the Ninja scarf to trip him. Theresa took the opportunity of Copy-Bot being distracted to run and jump in a nearby
trash can. Just then the lid of the can opened and two small, dark blue eyes blinked out of the blackness not wanting to miss the fight that would soon unfold.

"Get him Ninja!" Theresa cried out loudly, from her hiding place as the Ninja dropped to his fighting stance. And with that Copy-Bot sprang towards the Ninja.

Randy sprang back as the robot charged straight for him. He spared one last glance at Theresa cowering in the waste receptacle, thinking of somehow he could protect her and still fight Copy-Bot at the same time. But before he could think about it further, a cacophony of clanking drew his attention back to Copy-Bot as a troop of blue garbage cans joined Copy-Bot, all of them sporting glowing yellow eyes. The Cans clattered towards the Ninja, who tried to use his sword to beat them back, although a couple managed to land hits. Then it was Copy-Bot's turn to attack, and it came straight for Theresa, who yelped and tried to flee, only to be lifted up by the back of her shirt by one of Copy-Bot's extendible arms.

Before Randy could leap to Theresa's rescue, Copy-Bot had tossed the girl over his shoulder and she fell with a scream into one of the waiting RoboCans. Randy hurried toward the row of garbage bins, but they were advancing too, and it was all Randy could do to defend himself against the ruthless onslaught, soon losing track of which RoboCan contained Theresa. All of them rang with the sound of clanking and muffled vocalizations: just what was inside those things anyway?

Well, he'd soon find out. Gritting his teeth, Randy launched his attack, leaping from can to can, driving his fist down with as much force as he could muster with each landing, forcing the metal to buckle under his punch and sending the pulverized cans reeling and rolling along the ground.

"I'm free!" cried Theresa in relief as she burst back into the clean, open air. But there was no time for a breather, as Theresa wasn't the only thing freed by Randy's attack, and the two soon found themselves beset by a gaggle of tiny, angry RoboLizards and even a couple robots shaped like balls with glowing blue eyes, long snake-like bodies with orange spikes running down their backs up to a pointed tail, and maws filled with razor sharp teeth
that swam though the air like ghosts, circling the two before turning and lunging with their toothy jaws as Theresa threw her arms around the Ninja's neck, hugging him. Randy took a step back from shock(and the force of being pushed back by Theresa) as Theresa
dug her head into Randy's shoulder, exclaiming a scream of terror as she felt the robots advancing. And not a moment too soon Randy came back to reality.

"Ninja Rings!" He shot a few black-and-red discs at the robots, slicing each of them in half. One by one, they fell apart in halves.

And then more Junker Cans appeared. But it was Copy-Bot itself that attacked first, jumping into the air and doing what Randy and Theresa thought was a ground pound, and tried to dodge with jumps of their own. What they weren't expecting was a bucket to come falling from the sky straight onto the Ninja's head. Theresa's eyed widened in surprise and she looked skyward, where Crystal Snail

was leaning over the side of a rooftop, watching the fight with 2 RoboApes standing on either side of him who were laughing at what the snail-like robot had done – the bucket had been from him. "Good aim…" thought Theresa, fearing what else might come crashing down from the robots, but looking back down, she saw what was coming next:

Copy-Bot was holding a RoboCan and as Theresa watched in horror, the RoboCan let out a funny battle shout as it was thrown into the air above the Ninja.

"Ninja! Look out!" squeaked Theresa as she sensed the RoboCan preparing to drop on the Ninja as he staggered around, disoriented by the blow to the head and the inexplicable darkness that surrounded him.
The RoboCan fell, barely missing the Ninja, but Copy-Bot kept throwing RoboCan after RoboCan, and as the Ninja's luck ran out and the last RoboCan hit home, Theresa shuddered because that one looked like it hurt alot.

Protected by his suit and, ironically, the bucket itself, Randy wasn't finished off by the RoboCan, but he took a lot of damage and was sent reeling, barely able to stay on his feet as his eyes sickening rolled about their sockets while the pieces of the shattered bucket tinkered to the ground around him.

Theresa valiantly pulled out a twirling baton and defended herself and the incapacitated Ninja as the RoboCans swarmed again, managing to destroy a couple and fight off the RoboLizards that came out of them. But as before, the cans were replaced by more, with a quick look skyward proving Theresa's suspicions: it was Crystal Snail who was sending in the reinforcements.

Theresa flinched as a hand suddenly clapped onto her shoulder, but looking over to see the Ninja back to his senses, she smiled with relief and jumped away, The Ninja taking his usual place once more as Copy-Bot grabbed one of the cans and turned it upside down. However, it wasn't a single enemy that came tumbling out, but a whole slew of baddies: RoboSpiders, RoboLizards and even a Robo-Snake.
They raced towards the Ninja in a rage over their imprisonment in the cans and not caring who paid for it. The Ninja fought them off and then launched an attack on Copy-Bot, but the battle was far from over and Theresa and Randy were beset by another flurry of RoboCans and the enemies inside of them.

As more cans marched up the street behind Copy-Bot, Randy and Theresa exchanged looks: they couldn't continue fighting like this. They had barely hit Copy-Bot at all, yet both were being steadily worn down by the endless enemy reserves. Nodding ever so slightly, they agreed to a new tactic: the Ninja would focus all his energy on Copy-Bot – it was their only chance. But Copy-Bot had other plans and came at Theresa once more with its extendible arm grab, sending her sailing into an RoboCan.

Randy growled in frustration, but before he could go after Theresa, Copy-Bot turned its attention onto him. Raising its arms up, it used it's power of magnetism to form some of the RoboCans into a
ball of scrap metal and hurled it at Randy, but he merely jumped and alighted on top of the metal as it rolled to a stop where he had stood. But Copy-Bot wasn't done and combined more RoboCans into a second, larger ball of metal at Randy, who once more jumped up as it rolled towards him. It blasted away the smaller ball, but Randy had scarcely gained his balance atop the second wad of scrap when Copy-Bot itself charged, its entire being flashing with power. Taken aback, Randy scarcely cleared the attack, only being hit by the eruption of energy and not the robot itself.

He landed hard, feeling the ground shake beneath his hands and knees as Copy-Bot continued its rampage.
Breathing heavily, he pushed himself to his feet just as Theresa blew the lid off his prison and pulled himself out of the garbage bin now holding Crystal Snail's ray gun.

Crystal Snail gulped and his eyes widened at seeing this. His eyes slowly traveled down to his hand where he found a RoboLizard looking up confused at him before scurrying off.
He then mentally cursed himself knowing he made a mistake filling up the last RoboCan he sent down.

"Who's getting destroyed first?" Theresa asked rhetorically, pulling up her new ray gun.

A random RoboCan jumped at her.

She pulled the trigger and the ray gun blasted the robot in half with a destructive beam of yellow energy, and the resulting kickback of this powerful device
,buit for a bigger person to use and not Theresa's size, knocked Theresa back into a wall.

"Owwww!" Theresa shrieked, rubbing her head as butterflies danced around it in perfect harmony. "Sweet cheese, that hurt!"

She then let out a frightened scream as she saw about a dozen more RoboCans coming after her. She did a barrel roll and they landed in a pile.
They quickly regained themselves, and hissed at her.

"Oh yeah?" Theresa taunted. "Well get a load of this!" She pulled the trigger again, now getting a little used to the kickback, and shot off another beam of destructive energy at the RoboCans, sending them flying through the air.

Without warning many metal needles whizzed through the air and dug themselves into the side of the ray gun. She let out a frightened yelp and dropped the ray gun to the ground as
the automatons inside it sputtered, sparked and flailed, causing the ray gun to implode into a shower of parts.

"Now what do I do?!" Theresa asked herself in panic that her only weapon had broke.

Just then Copy-Bot appeared from nowhere and landed in front of her. She shrieked and tried to flee.

"And just where do you think your going?!" Copy-Bot evilly smiled, creeping Theresa out and reaching for her with both hands.

Theresa thinking fast, kicked Copy-Bot as hard as she could. Copy-Bot fell to his knees cursing and swearing up a storm as he rolled around on the ground in pain.

"Ninja Leap!" She heard the Ninja say.

She looked back at the Ninja, he was too busy fighting off the other Robo-Cans, so distracting him wouldn't help at all.

She then looked back down at Copy-Bot still writhing in pain and saw him have two simple long slender, blunt, hand-held steel baton-like weapons at his sides. She smiled and relieved him of the weapons.

"It's going to be fun now that you two are actually putting up a fight!" Copy-Bot yelled as he flew into the air. "For a minute there I was getting a little bored..."

Theresa raised an eyebrow because he was calling them weak? "We're not weak and we'll prove it if you'd get down here!"

Copy-Bot shook his head then blew a whistle he pulled from his suit causing more Robo-Cans to drop down from nowhere. "The first Robo-Can to destroy the Ninja or his little friend gets the day off!"

The Robo-Cans turned to attack Theresa, but the Ninja was already on his way and together the two made quick work of the enemies and turned their attention back to Copy-Bot. They were fighting exhaustion now too, but refused to back down as they unleashed every attack they could think of,
dodging the occasional interference from Crystal Snail, for another Robo-Can down or other robot, and ignoring the next round of Robo-Cans that was already on its way.

"You know you don't have to do this! I can beat them up myself!" Randy stated, slicing a advancing Robo-Can in two.

"I can't let you have all the fun besides these robots are easy to destroy." Theresa giggled, as she bashed a Robo-Can into scrap metal with her new batons.

Then, after a long battle and Theresa managing to land a particularly savage blow of her baton to a Robo-Can's face, the robot went haywire. With the last of his Robo-Cans destroyed, a very angry looking Copy-Bot landed in front of them a few feet away.
Copy-Bot evilly smiled, pulling the whistle from his suit again.

"Haha! Going to summon more of those robot trash cans. If they couldn't destroy us the first time what makes you...think they could a second...?!" Randy was cutoff when Copy-Bot glared putting the whistle
back into his pocket thinking another swarm of minions. Suddenly an evil idea snuck it's way into his mechanical brain.

"Sorcerer," Copy-Bot cried out, kneeling on the ground and extending his arms outwards. "Give me the power that I need to destroy the Ninja?!"

Randy and Theresa looked at ourselves before they felt the ground shake. Without warning a cloud of green gas spewed out from every sewer drain, manhole, and every crack in the ground
on that street and engulfed Copy-Bot. Copy-Bot's eyes glowed a menacing red. He started to grow in size and his appearance became that of a
large, red, heavily-armed mechanical dragon, with two eyes lined up vertically on his head. His hands became claws, he grew a long barbed tail with a spear-like tail covered in spikes,
, his eyes were bright red slits over a mouth filled with innumerable rows of dagger sharp teeth, several long spikes on his upper body and many smaller ones running down his back, and
no legs. Instead his lower body is attached with several thick cables to a puffy stank cloud-like monster with a large single eye located in the center of its soft, cloudy body.

"Ninja, I was created for the purpose of destroying you and releasing the Sorcerer! That is why I transformed my own body!" Copy-Bot roared out in a voice matching that of
deafening thunder, as the skies above began to turn the color of black.

And with that, The neighbors ran out of their houses, screaming for help as the giant monster began to lay waste to the neighborhood. Theresa felt so scared that she almost hyperventilated.

Theresa shook the Ninja back to reality. "Ninja, please, save Norrisville?!" She cried. "Who knows what all that thing will destroy?"

"Don't worry, I got this."

The Nina pulled out his katanas and dashed at the incoming Copy-Bot. Theresa watched as he dodged every swipe from the robot's claws, then sliced one, breaking it off only to look
confused as it grew back and sent him flying back a ways with a power packed punch.

"Oh boy! This can't be good." Crystal Snail said, his eyes widening and becoming filled with terror at the sight of the new Copy-Bot. "We should report this to Mc-"
he paused as his expression went cold. His eyes and the Robo-Ape's eyes on either side of him then glowed red.

"MUST OBEY!" They all 3 exclaimed, before jumping off the roof top and helping Copy-Bot destroy the neighborhood.

Theresa ran to exit the endangered neighborhood and enter the city, but with the fleeing crowds and robots attacking it was difficult.


Viceroy looked horrified at the screens before him in the control room "This is bad," he muttered. "THIS IS BAD?!"

"What's bad, Viceroy?" asked McFist, lumbering into view.

"It's Copy-Bot!" snapped Fawful. "He's gone psycho!"

"But this isn't new news. Doesn't everything you build always go psycho?" asked McFist in confusion.

"This time it's much worse!" shrieked Viceroy, turning and looking up at McFist. "Tt's destroying the city and has hacked into the control system and reprogrammed all the robots into it's mindless army?!"

Suddenly an explosion echoed across the left side of McFist's pyramid building. McFist and Viceroy held each other tight and scream bug-eyed as they
turned and saw Copy-Bot looking in on them through a huge gaping hole in the wall.