Why do people blindly chase after their dreams? Is it to escape their reality to become something more in their fantasies?
Dreams are simply illusions self created by those who are unable to face reality. Yet even with this knowledge people still blindly follow their dreams. Why? Why do they cling to an unattainable goal?
Or perhaps it is possible… to make a dream become reality.
Perhaps that child can do it. Perhaps he can create a miracle to achieve his dream.
Or destroy everything in his path in order to chase after his self created illusion.
A simple boy of the age of 7 with a dream to become a hero… to become someone who could protect the innocent… to become someone his family would be proud of. That dream driven boy was currently listening to his loving father tell him tales of heroism in a luxurious room that was filled with posters of great huntsmen and huntresses.
The young boy was under the covers of his white bed listening to his father who was sitting beside him, the bangs of his unkempt blond hair barely above his ocean blue eyes. His father with similar hair and eyes was currently finishing one of his many stories.
"So after initiation we were grouped together and the headmaster gave us the name of our team." The older blond said ready to wrap up the story.
"What was it?" The young boy asks with excitement evident in his voice.
The father of the young boy was scratching the back of his head in an embarrassing manner. "Well… the name chosen wasn't really to our liking. But it grew on us as time went on."
"Just tell me dad!"
"Alright, alright… our team name was ORGQ (Ogre) happy now?"
The young boy began to stare at his father confused if he was serious. Why would anyone name a team something so ridiculous? But the silence answers the young boy's question… the answer making him laugh hysterically.
"THAT'S SUCH A STUPID NAME!" His laughter continues and echoes through the entire house.
The older blond starts pouting despite him being the father. "Come on it wasn't my idea to name it that!" Despite his words the kid's laughter increases in volume.
However the laughter soon dies down, both the blonds sensing a dark and ominous aura. Black aura leaking through the cracks of the bedroom door, when it opens ever so slightly more of the terrifying aura began to seep in. Crimson eyes were then seen from the pitch black darkness from the small opening.
"Oh no…" The older blond began.
"It's…" The boy was about to finish.
The door bursts open revealing the one person the two blonds both feared the most… and loved the most.
A beautiful woman with raven hair and amethyst eyes enters the room. Her skin was as pale as the moon that radiated beauty and perfection. Upon her flawless face was a sweet smile. However, contrasting her beauty was the sinister purple aura that was emitted by her.
"Rohan… I believe its Jaune's bedtime so why don't we call it night…" Her black aura creeps towards Jaune and Rohan causing the two blonds to lose color to their face.
Rohan jumps out of bed bowing his head in apology. "YES MA'AM!"
Rohan runs past his wife scared for his life leaving a terrified Jaune. The young blonde's mother walks towards his bed and takes a seat. The moment she sits her frightening demeanor disappears in favor of a more loving and innocent persona.
"Jaune it's time to go to bed." She has her hand on top of her pride and joy's head. The simple act of affection brings a warm feeling inside Jaune's chest. His fear vanishes and turns into affection his bright blue eyes radiating life at the sight of his kind mother.
"Can you tell me a story first?"
Jaune's mother giggles for a few moments before saying the very words Jaune was hoping to hear.
"Oh alright, I'll tell you about my time in Beacon. Well to begin with my team was known as ETRL (Eternal)…
After the story his mother starts tucking him in. While she was doing this he kept asking himself the same question over and over again until he finally let the words escape his mouth.
"Will I ever be a hero like you and Dad?"
His mother responds with warm laughter. "If that's what you really want to do when you grow up. I'm sure you'll be a hunter unlike anyone else has ever seen." She kisses his forehead after tucking him in. "Good night my little angel." She walks out of his room, her husband that she had scared moments ago outside waiting for her.
"Should we really encourage him to be a hunter, Elizabeth? I'd prefer him to be safe from danger." The now identified Elizabeth sighs but then has an amusing smile.
"Usually the mother would have that line." She says with an amused expression. "Rohan if our son wants to be a hunter then that is his decision. Neither yours nor mine, he alone can make that decision. And no matter what he chooses we should and will give him our support no matter what."
Rohan smiles in agreement. "I suppose you're right."
Elizabeth giggles and gives the man she loves a quick kiss on the cheek "When am I ever wrong?"
The blond knight chuckles remembering all too well. "Good point." He said in amusement.
The Arc family was truly a happy family.
But the happy times could never last. On Jaune's 8th birthday his childhood was ruined. He along with his loving parents was attacked by the creatures of Grimm. His parents protected him from harm. They did so with their lives. The trauma of those events caused Jaune's memory of the event to become distorted and shattered, the only fragment of his memory that he can recall, was a hellish fire all around him.
In the headmaster office of Beacon Professor Ozpin was having his midnight coffee looking through documents only the sound of the gears in his office turning can be heard.
However, Glynda Goodwitch barges in with a look of shock and pain. Ozpin simply looks up from the documents with a blank expression. "What is it Glynda? I'm looking through."
"Rohan and Elizabeth are dead!" The moment she utters these words the headmaster of Beacon was simply stunned. And for the first time in years Ozpin felt despair, hopelessness and sadness.
Ozpin looks at a single picture while tears threatened to fall. A picture that would usually brighten is heart and gives him such joy. But now… it was almost too painful to look at.
The image of four teenagers was present. A teen with white hair and green attire similar to his with a few pieces of black armor present was in the middle left having an annoyed expression. The cause for the annoyance being the blond teen right next to him with his arm wrapped around his neck, wearing a black jacket, gray undershirt with pants that were the same shade of gray. White shoulder guards, forearm guards and kneeguards were also on.
It was Ozpin and Rohan in their Beacon days.
On the far left was Glynda in her younger years. Her light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her bright green eyes filled with life looking at the two boys next to her. She was wearing an outfit identical to what she was currently wearing save for the purple shoulder guards and other accessories she has on.
On the far right was a teenager with long black hair (similar to Ren's save for the magenta streak) wearing a combat trench coat of the same color with a black shirt underneath the coat. Silver shoulder guards and gauntlets of the same color were present. The teen's silver eyes were looking at the two boys in the middle in a bored manner. Around his neck was a necklace with a silver cross.
The four teens in the picture were the members of team OGRQ. Their former leader was currently looking at his teammates... his friends... his family, with sad eyes.
"What of Jaune? Is he okay?" Ozpin asks the question in a hush voice.
"He's in the hospital at this very moment. He's unconscious so we should make haste so we can be with him when he wakes up." Ozpin nods in agreement and they leave Beacon to board a dust plane.
After about a 30 minute plane ride they arrive at the city. They made sure to get to the hospital with deliberate speed.
They arrive at the hospital and quickly ask the nurse with orange hair for Jaune Arc. The nurse directs them to Jaune's room. When they enter they were met with no one. Jaune wasn't there. Ozpin quickly looks towards the nurse "Where is he?"
"I don't know. He was here last time I checked." The nurse was honest with her words. And knowing that asking her more questions wouldn't solve anything Ozpin and Glynda leave the hospital to
Afterwards Ozpin and Goodwitch were both outside the hospital, both distraught over the disappearance of the son of their former teammate and friend.
"Where could he have gone?" Ozpin questioned, with Glynda also questioning the disappearance of the boy.
"Do you think he left the hospital on his own?" The blonde beauty asked despite already knowing the answer.
The headmaster of Beacon directs his attention towards Glynda. "Unlikely. He's only eight so if he were to have awakened he would have remained in his room."
"Perhaps I can shine some light on the situation." Ozpin and Glynda sharply turn to see the person who spoke. It was a man with a black coat with his hood up to cover his face. He continues. "Would you like to see him?"
Ozpin narrows his eyes at the hooded figure while his partner questions the man. "And how would you know where Jaune is?" She says while readying her riding crop for battle.
The hooded man gestured towards a limo. "I know because I am the one who took him. So if you wish to see the boy then I suggest you come with me." The professors eye the man suspiciously. However, wanting to see Jaune they comply… for now.
They enter the limo and after some time arrive at a facility with countless guards. The moment they enter the facility the Schnee company logo graces them. The symbol of the Schnee family on countless crates and other pieces of equipment.
The hooded man who was seated in front of Ozpin and Glynda speaks. "Welcome to our facility. As you can see the Schnee company is our investor." The two hunters didn't speak.
The car stops and they exit walking through the facility full of dust powered machinery. After a while they arrive in front of a double door with the Schnee company logo on it. The hooded man types in a pass code and the door opens revealing a sleeping Jaune Arc on a white bed. Ozpin with Glynda next to him walk to the sleeping child to make sure he was okay. The room they enter was pure white where the Schnee logo was on each wall.
Despite the relief that the two teammates felt they kept their emotions in check. "Good, he's okay." Ozpin said.
The man in black steps forward. "He will be fine. This child is quite remarkable… to be able to use his aura at such a young age to destroy the Grimm that killed his parents."
Ozpin and Glynda were shocked by this revelation. Glynda voices her disbelief while maintaining an icy glare at the man. "How can that be? A child can't utilize their aura for combat at such a young age. Even if a child were able to they would die from its usage."
"But Jaune is no normal child. He is… special." The hooded man replies with both interest and amusement.
Ozpin narrows his eyes at the man. "Are you really implying that Jaune was able to use his aura?"
"I wouldn't lie about something like this. However neither I nor my men saw this spectacle. We only felt the aura that he generated, and it was vast."
Though they were quite surprised they didn't show it. "Perhaps we should take this outside." Ozpin said. The hooded man agrees and the three individuals leave Jaune to continue his slumber.
Ozpin and Glynda were in front of white double doors. On each door was the Schnee emblem. They enter the room and see a man in his early thirties seated. He has snow white hair with light blue eyes resembling ice that look over at the hunters. "Hello Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch. I'm sorry for the inconvenience we've caused you and the boy. But I'm afraid it was for the best."
Ozpin looks at him suspiciously. Despite whom the powerful man in front of him was he didn't care. "And what would Kalte Schnee… owner and head of the Schnee Company want with a child?"
The now identified Kalte Schnee looks down on his desk for a moment before responding. He was contemplating what to tell the two powerful individuals in front of him. With a look of determination he answers the headmaster. "To enter him into the Jeager Program."
"Would you like to enlighten us on what this Jeager Program is?" Glynda said with a hint of anger in her voice. Her sharp gaze maintained on the two potential enemies.
Before Kalte could speak the hooded man answers. "It is a program with the purpose of training gifted children to become true hunters."
Ozpin and Glynda were surprised by the answer given to what this Jeager Program is. Ozpin further questions the purposes for this program. "Why would you want to train children at such a young age. The age required to start an education as a hunter is 12. Jaune is four years too young to start training."
The man in black replies to Ozpin. "True, but with the Jeager program he can be trained to become a perfect killer. You see, children's minds are more acceptable to knowledge given to them. Teaching a child how to kill engraves the muscle memory and the mentality of it all at a faster rate."
"Why would you want to train children to become monsters?" Glynda asks obviously disgusted by the idea.
"In order to kill a monster you have to become one yourself."
"Monster?" The very mention of the word being tied to children brought almost uncontrolable rage to Glynda and Ozpin. 'Almost' being the key word. If they were to ensure Jaune's safety then they would need to keep calm and analyze the situation accordingly. So they remained calm and steadfast.
He continues speaking. "We already have twelve children ready. Jaune will be our 13th and final member. He will be XIII in the program." Ozpin and Glynda were both mortified by the idea. They didn't want Jaune to enter something so immoral, to become a monster. Something that would tarnish the memory of his parents.
Kalte as if somehow reading their minds speaks in hopes of easing their minds. "Jaune won't become a monster. The purpose of this program is to train these talented children into the best huntsmen and huntresses in the world. These children will become the symbol of hope for the world. They will inspire others and-"
"But they're children!" Ozpin intervened, not evoking any of the anger he was feeling. "That is what our schools are for. To train those who are both willing and ready for such a daunting responsibility. You've abducted children against their free will and plan on training them when they're not ready."
Despite his words though he does the unthinkable. "However, it's obvious that we won't be able to convince you to change your minds. So I won't force you to stop. Besides, even if we were to use force. It would only make the situation worse."
They hear a chuckle filled with amusement. The source of the deep laughter was from the man in black.
"So you caught on as to why I took you and Ms. Goodwitch to our facility."
Ozpin narrows his eyes at the man. "Indeed. If Glynda and I were to start a commotion we would most certainly lose in the end."
Glynda looks at her partner with unwavering eyes. She too knew the reason for Ozpin's statement.
Ozpin continues. "If we were to battle it would bring attention over to us and force the police to act. And given Mr. Schnee's reputation they would most likely take your side over ours. Even if we're Hunter Saints, Archibald Schnee has more authoriy than us."
Ozpin narrows his eyes at the white haired entrepreneur. "However, if that child is harmed in anyway I won't keep myself as composed as I am now. That boy... he is the legacy of the Arc family."
Kalte shows no care and instead smiles "I promise you. No harm with befall the boy. But I was actually going to let you watch over him. He'll live with you but he'll still participate in the Jeager Program. How does that sound?" Ozpin was indeed surprised at this offer. He expected them to take Jaune away from them.
"I accept" was all Ozpin said.
Kalte stands up to shake Ozpin's hand but he made no move to return the gesture. None the less Kalte still smiles. "Then we're in agreement. You can take Jaune with you now if you'd like."
Ozpin nods his head "I would very much like that. Glynda it's time we leave with Jaune."
Kalte then speaks as they're leaving."I'll unlock the door to Jaune's room from here." They leave the room to go back to Jaune.
"Are you sure this is a good idea Professor?" Glynda asks voicing her concern.
Ozpin didn't like the idea but it was their only option if they want to keep an eye on Jaune. They arrive in front of sleeping boy's room. "It's all we can do." They enter the room to take the sleeping child with them.
First comes destruction…
Drifting into nothingness, that was what Jaune was doing in his dream. All he could remember was his mother and father eating dinner with him in their small home in their simple village. Jaune couldn't remember anything else after that. But he didn't care at the moment; he was so tired… so very tired. However, his slumber ends when he hears two voices speaking. Reluctantly he wakes up from his slumber… no longer in the dark void.
The two voices he heard were not in fact his parents. Which confused the boy, it was however his father's teammates Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch. Jaune remembers them instantly and has a joyous expression.
"Uncle Ozpin, Aunt Glynda why are you in our home? And where's mom and dad?" Ozpin and Glynda frown at the question. This did not go unnoticed by Jaune. His smile fades and has a concerning look. "What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Maybe I can help."
Jaune was always a kind boy placing others before him. It was rare to find that trait in anybody let alone a child.
Ozpin takes a seat that was next to Jaune's bed. "Yes Jaune, Glynda and I are hurt deeply. But I'm afraid it is an injury to the heart."
Jaune only smiles "Don't worry, mom always says that a wound to the heart can be healed by friends and family." His words were moving but did not change the despair they were feeling. For they knew Jaune's loving smile would vanish at the news they were about to give him. Jaune breaks their train of thought. "Uncle Ozpin, Aunt Glynda what is it? You can tell me. I'm sure mom and dad can help."
Ozpin looks at Jaune with sad and tired eyes, eyes that have seen tragedy due to his own mistakes, eyes that held regret for his mistakes. "I'm afraid what I'm about to tell you regards your parents." Jaune looks at him with confusion only for Ozpin to continue. "Jaune you're not home. You are currently residing in my home."
With realization Jaune looks around the room to take in his surroundings. His usual room filled with posters not gracing him. Instead green walls void of decoration was around him.
"Why am I here Uncle? Where are mom and dad?" Jaune asks with worry evident in his voice.
Glynda takes over for Ozpin, sitting on the bed she begins. "Jaune listen to me. Your mother and father are no longer with us. They're…" Glynda pauses not knowing what to say.
The pain of having to tell a young child that his mother and father are gone was something that no one should have to do. To see a child drown in sorrow is a sight unwanted by even the strongest of individuals.
"Aunt Glynda?"
Before Glynda could say anything Ozpin takes charge again. "Glynda we can't hide the truth from him. He deserves to know."
"Know what? What are you guys talking about? I want to talk with mom and dad. Where are they!?" Jaune begins to raise his voice the lack of knowledge about his parents beginning to upset him.
Ozpin places his hands on Jaune's shoulders. "Jaune… what I'm about to tell you might change you. But you deserve to know. Elizabeth and Rohan, your mother and father… are gone, they're dead Jaune. You were all attacked by the creatures of Grimm. Your parents protected you but they died doing so."
Jaune's mind went numb. Was he dreaming? Was this all just a nightmare? Is this feeling of anguish real? 'This has to be dream' he thought. Wake up… wake up… please wake up.
There was no wisp of relief… there was only an abyss of sorrow.
A single drop hits the covers of his bed. Then more fell… tears that are heavy and warm "What do you mean? They can't be gone!" He raised his voice at that last part. He continues still crying his heart out "They're heroes! Heroes don't die!"
Jaune suddenly embraces the old hunter, his head to his chest, his tears wetting Ozpin's shirt. But he didn't care, he has comforted children before throughout his time as a hunter.
"Jaune I am so sorry. But I'm afraid that even heroes die. That is reality, Jaune."
Jaune starts speaking again "It's not fair… it's not fair." Glynda looks away, not wanting to see the now broken child. But she did not cry, she along with Ozpin was indeed in despair. But crying now would only make matters worse for the boy. So they had to be strong for Jaune. The time for their tears would come soon enough.
"I know Jaune, I know." Jaune keeps crying while Ozpin tightens his embrace. "Jaune listen to me. You have to calm down. Your mother and father wouldn't want you to cry. They would want you to move on."
Jaune shakes his head no. "I don't want them to be gone! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE ON!"
The crack of skin contacting skin echoes through the room.
Jaune's right cheek was bright red feeling a painful sting while Ozpin's hand was the same color as Jaune's right cheek.
Jaune looks at Ozpin with his eyes widen, tears still flowing down. Glynda looked at the poor boy with a solemn look. She knew why her old teammate did what he had. But she didn't approve of it.
After silencing the young Arc, Ozpin speaks. "Jaune if you don't move on you'll only drown in despair. Think about what your parents would want. They would want you to live a life fulfilling your dreams."
Jaune opens his mouth to retort but was stopped by Ozpin.
"Don't tarnish their memory by crying over them for the rest of your life."
Jaune was speechless, thinking about his uncle's words, he finally speaks though starting to understand his words. "You want me to let them go?"
Ozpin shakes his head no. "I'm not telling you to let them go. I'm telling you to move on, to live for them." Ozpin was calm when he says these words but yet they held such power and conviction.
Jaune notices despite his young age, and despite not wanting to stop his cries he did so. "Is that what they really want?" Ozpin nods his head. "Then… then I'll move on. I'll become a hunter for them. I'll become a hero for them! And I'll… I'll…" his teary eyes now held malice and determination. "I'll kill the Grimm! I'll kill every last one of them!" His voice held higher volume at that last statement.
Glynda has a look of worry. She wasn't sure if allowing Jaune to make such a rash decision was best for his safety. "Jaune are sure you want to be a hunter?" Glynda walks up to the bed and holds his hand with her own pale hands. "Jaune your parents would want you to be safe."
Ozpin looks at Glynda with a knowing look. "Glynda, you and I both know that Rohan and Elizabeth would want him to do what he wants. If he desires be a hunter then that is his decision."
"And I do want to be a hunter Aunt Glynda." Jaune added.
Glynda who was still holding Jaune's hand sighs "If that's what you really Jaune then I won't stop you. I support you on your decision. Ozpin included."
Ozpin then mentions a certain program. "Jaune if you want to start your hunter training then I'm afraid there is only one option. You will have to be a part of the Jaeger Program." Jaune looks at Ozpin in confusion.
"Jaeger Program?"
3 days later
Jaune was in front of the same facility he was at before along with Ozpin and Glynda. Jaune looks at the building in awe. "So cool" Ozpin and Glynda walk to the building and Jaune follows after them.
They enter the facility and the first person they meet is the man in black. "Welcome back Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch and of course Jaune Arc." Jaune was a little scared of the man. He was wearing a black coat and had his hood hides his face. He continues despite the look of fear Jaune has. "Oh where are my manners? My name is Gilbert Klein." He removes his hood. He's obviously a man in his late 30s and has short black hair with dark brown eyes. "And I am the director of the Jaeger Program. Which means I'm your teacher." he smirks "So I do hope we can get along."
Jaune tugs on Ozpin's sleeve motioning him to kneel down so he could tell him something. Ozpin does so and Jaune whispers to him "I have a bad feeling about him."
Ozpin nods. "You and me both."
They enter Kalte Schnee's room where he was currently talking to someone on his scroll. He notices them.
"Oh I'm sorry Winter I have to go. Goodnight. Oh and make sure Weiss goes to bed."
He ends the call and addresses his guests. "It's nice to meet you, Jaune. I'm Kalte Schnee and I'm the one who funds the Jeager Program. But you won't see me too much. Now I'm sure Ozpin and Glynda have informed you of the Jaeger Program. So I'm going to tell you now. The training you will be put through will be quite strenuous."
Jaune looks at Kalte with sad and tired eyes "I figured that. But I want to do this. I want…" He stops himself rethinking the words he would soon say. "I need power."
Gilbert smirks at Jaune's words.
Kalte smiles "I see, well I'm happy to tell you that your training will begin in a week. You'll still live with Ozpin while training with the other 12 members." He then looks over to his assistant. "Gilbert, could you take over?"
"But of course. I am his teacher so it's only natural that I tell him." He looks over at Jaune with a smirk on his face. "You will learn how to fight and kill the creatures of Grimm in a classroom and in time you will learn on a more… hands on approach. You will learn how to manifest and control your aura. The properties of dust and how to use it, and most importantly, you'll forge your own weapon."
Jaune wasn't overwhelmed by the training regimen; no he was determined to start. He would become a hunter unlike anyone before him. He would do it for his family. "I'm ready to begin training."
Gilbert smirks "Are you now? Well if you truly are then let me ask you something. Do you desire to become a hunter for the benefit of others? Or is it for revenge?"
Jaune thinks about the words told to him for a moment before giving Gilbert his answer. Glynda, Ozpin and Kalte were waiting patiently for Jaune's answer. Jaune looks at Gilbert with unwavering conviction.
"It doesn't matter what my reason is. The end result will be the same. Because killing the creatures Grimm will result in the protection of others. It's simply the same thing the other way around. By protecting others I destroy those monsters." His final words hold malice and contempt as he says this.
Gilbert walks up to the boy and ruffles his hair. "Good answer. You and I will get along just fine."
Glynda looks at Jaune with neutrality, but in reality she was worried for the boy. She didn't want Jaune to go through rigorous training at such a young age. However, she stays silent knowing that she wouldn't be able to sway the boy.
Ozpin coughs slightly to get everyone's attention. "If I may, since Jaune is training in the Jaeger program is it possible for Glynda and I to add on to his training?" Glynda looks at Ozpin with widen eyes. Gilbert only has a bored expression not really caring what Ozpin does. Kalte was deep in thought about Ozpin's proposal.
Kalte finally replies. "I'm afraid that is up to Gilbert. He's the one who will be training them."
Gilbert sighs. "Do what you want. All I care about is making these kids stronger to eliminate the Grimm. Just don't get in my way." Ozpin simply nods. Gilbert makes his way out. "See you later… XIII."
Jaune doesn't say anything to the man as he leaves. Jaune then looks over to Ozpin and Glynda. "Uncle Ozpin. I'm ready to go home."
Jaune holds his lips due to his own words. Knowing that he wasn't going home, but to a different house. No longer will he be able to talk with his mother or father. No more stories from the two most important people in his life. All that awaits him… is nothing.
"I mean back to your house." He corrects himself.
Ozpin simply nods, and escorts the young boy out of the facility.
Ozpin, Glynda and Jaune were in the back seat of luxurious black limousine, Ozpin and Glynda seated right next to each other with Jaune facing them. They were silent for most of the trip back home but Ozpin clears his throat getting their attention.
When Jaune looks at his new caretaker he sees an affectionate smile. However, the affection that the boy sensed was forced. Not the affection but the smile itself. "What is it Uncle?"
"Jaune, I didn't want to say anything when we were in the facility. But in regards to you coming home." Jaune has a puzzled expression not understanding where the hunter clad in green was going with this. But his confusion ceases when he hears the next words uttered. "You are coming home. You and I are a family now. Which means my home is your home."
Glynda smiles as well. "And if you ever want to stay with me then just ask. I know how insufferable Ozpin can be.
Jaune's eyes glue to his god parents. The sight of their smiles bringing him warmth, warmth that only his parents were able to provide. He couldn't contain himself any longer. For the rest of his life he would no longer be with his loving parents. Yet…in front of him were two individuals who showed such affection that only a loved one can offer. Even though he wasn't their child he felt like he was at this very moment. So it was only natural for his eyes to convey unwavering happiness. This happiness causes his lips to quiver, his eyes to become glassy with fresh tears threatening to fall. "Thank you…" He whispered.
Ozpin and Glynda hear his hushed words. They remain silent though believing that there was no need to reply. But what came next was truly a surprise to Glynda and even the all knowing Ozpin.
"Thank you so much." His eyes are flooded, the tears he was withholding all rushing out. The simple act of kindness that was displayed before him... it was all he needed to have a hint of happiness.
He lunges from his seat, capturing his god parents in a thankful and loving embrace. "I love you... I love you both so much!" He exclaimed, his tears still falling. The embrace caught them off guard. Ozpin and Glynda were unsure of what to do. They never raised children, they didn't even think about finding a significant other to start a family. But with the young boy hugging them, sharing his joy and peace of mind they couldn't help but say their next words, all while returning the hug he graced them with.
"We love you too... Jaune."
What path will this boy tread?
Will he find love that will fill the void left by his beloved parents? Love that can transcend even time?
Will he continue to hate? Will his hatred for the monsters that brought ruin to his perfect world lead to hatred for the world?
Will he become a guardian… a defender for those without power? Will he save every life to the best of his abilities?
Will he become an avenger? Will he reap the lives of those horendous monsters rather than save a life?
Will he be the symbol of an angel? Will he provide a shining beacon of hope for those around him?
Will he be the symbol of a Demon? Will he spread the despair he himself feels to those around him… be it the monsters he has sworn to kill… or the friends and loved ones he will meet?
Only time will tell.
This is a story about a boy who has lost everything. His name is Jaune Arc and…
Now many of you who have already read my story are probably agitated that I've decided to re-write my chapters instead of continuing on. I understand your frustration but I want you all to know that I want to improve on what I have done in the past. Now this revamped version isn't going to be me starting from scratch. I'm simply adding and improving on what was wrong with my older chapters. I hope you'll understand and that it won't prevent you from following or giving this version a favorite.
For those of you who are new readers then here is some information for you all to know.
Kalte: Means cold in German. So Kalte Schnee means Cold Snow.
Jaeger: Means hunter in German. So the Jaeger program is the hunter program.
So tell me if you liked the start up and the concept. Now if you think you won't be able to enjoy the story then I understand. However, I would appreciate it if you would all give the story a chance before casting it aside. You might actually enjoy the story.
Remember to review if you have any suggestions or concerns you may have for the story. If you like the story then I'll truly be happy. As long as even a single individual enjoys my story then I'm doing something right.