A/n: This is the final chapter of A Little Time in the Tower. I hope you all enjoy it and it does justice as the ending of this little story.

Two and a half weeks went by since Rick proposed to Beth. Two and a half very long weeks. Rick constantly went on runs to get everything he needed to give Beth her dream wedding, including a suit and tie for Carl, (much to his chagrin) and the cutest pink dress and bow for Judith.

While Rick was away, Carl stepped up to help with Judith. Both Carl and Judith slept in her and Rick's cell, pretending they were having a sleepover. Beth and Carl played card and word association games until the three fell asleep in what could be accurately described as a pig pile, each night.

Beth and Maggie could hardly focus on anything other than Beth's upcoming nuptials. Hershel and Glenn took their increasing excitement with considerable good grace and lots of smiles. As the day got closer those a part of their family became happier than and almost as excited as the bride to be.

The day of the wedding had all of the men setting up things while all of the women locked themselves in the showers to prepare for the big moment. Beth was first to shower and get into her dress. The other women took turns showering and those who weren't showering or getting dressed contributed to putting Beth's hair up and applying her make up. If Beth hadn't insisted upon bathing herself they would have tried to help her with that as well. Carol, Maggie and Michonne (and baby Judith) would be the only ones in the wedding party, but everyone was partaking in some way, even if it was just to shower and dress as nicely as possible.

When Beth was finally dressed and ready, the 'guests' went to the common room and sent Hershel to the showers to escort Beth to her wedding. Carl came upstairs and took Judith to escort her as a very young flower girl.

The wedding was quick and simple, the couple exchanged vows and rings with Hershel saying a few special words.

Once the couple sealed their marriage with a fevered kiss, their gathered family erupted into applause. Beth's pale skin turned fire engine red at the applause and attention focused on herself and Rick. The blush changed from embarrassment to parental pride as she caught sight of Judith in Daryl's arms, clapping like everyone else, with a toothy, drooling smile.

She leaned into Rick's side and smiled at everyone. Rick leaned down a little to press a kiss into Beth's golden hair. Slowly the family came up to the couple to give them their well wishes and congratulations. The last to do so was Daryl with Judith. The little girl paid no attention to anything other than pulling the hair in Daryl's beard and giggling.

"Congrats, ya two." Daryl grunted.

"Thanks, Dar." Beth smiled to him before stepping close to hug him and Judy and press a kiss to his cheek. "You sure you want babysitting duty?"

"Me an' Ass Kicker will be fine. Y'all go enjoy yerselves. It ain't every day ya get married when the dead starts walkin' around."

"You're absolutely right," Beth agreed after just a moment of hesitation.

Rick took Beth's hand in his own and gave it a gentle squeeze.

He pressed a kiss to her temple and then moved his lips to hover over her ear. "I have a surprise for ya," She could feel his smile against her skin, "Whenever you're ready."

"Let's say good night and make sure the kids'll be fine."

Beth and Rick got Daryl's attention focused on them again, rather than just on their daughter in his arms. "If ya need anything come an' get me. I already put everything o' Judith's in your cell."

"I ain't interrupting yer night fer nothin'. I got Carl, your dad, Maggie an' Carol if'n I need anything, Beth, relax."

Beth looked contritely at him, "sorry,"

Rick chuckled, "You're a good mom, baby. Don't be sorry for worryin' about our kids."

"Do you trust me?" Rick asked Beth.

"Of course I do,"

"Will ya let me blind fold ya?" Butterflies erupted in her stomach and she felt a thrill of excitement at his question. She nodded with a giant grin. She couldn't begin to imagine what he had in store for them.

He pulled a black and red tie from his pants pocket and moved behind her to cover her eyes. When he finished he stood in front of her and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and allowed her fingers to thread into Rick's long, curly hair.

Rick led Beth through the prison a short way. She heard the telltale click of a door opening. Then she felt Rick behind her once again as he slowly loosened the knot on the tie and let it fall to the floor. She took in the sight of the room before her and she felt her breath leave her in a rush. It was beautiful. Candles were placed all around the room and he'd scattered rose petals throughout the old office. In the center of the room was a queen sized mattress made up with silk sheets. Next to the bed was a bottle of wine and a couple of wine glasses. How much trouble had he gone through to do this for her?

"It's beautiful," a breathy whisper was all that she could manage as she fought back tears. She turned around to wrap her arms around Rick's neck. "Thank you," She kissed his cheek before seeking his lips with hers. His hands wandered to her hips and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. As she wrapped her legs around his waist she was grateful that she'd worn a dress with a long cut down the side so she didn't tear the beautiful dress.

Rick took a couple of steps into the room and kicked the door shut behind him, not taking his lips from hers before he turned around and pressed her back against the wall. Beth slipped her hands from around his neck to push his suit's jacket off and then started unbuttoning his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Her fingers wandered over his chest as their kisses became more and more frenzied.

Rick let Beth stand again and helped her to get out of her dress, his eyes drank in the sight of her standing before him in a matching bra and thong set, both red and lacey. He licked his lips appreciatively before taking her hand in his and leading her to the bed. He pulled his pants off and got onto the bed next to Beth, moving to lay over her, his hands roaming every inch of her body he could get to, a tease of her body. Beth arched her hips against Rick's, wanting to feel his skin against hers. He pressed kisses against her skin in a trail down to her thong and used his teeth to pull it off her. Beth, impatient and wanting more sat up slightly and undid her bra, throwing it across the room. Rick cocked an eye brow at her and she smirked at him. Rick followed suit and pulled his boxers off, letting them fall to the floor somewhere near the bed. He wasted no more time with foreplay before giving Beth the honeymoon any girl could wish for.

Sometime later they lit the candles around the room and lay curled around each other in the bed drinking wine and talking quietly about their future together and the possibilities of expanding their small family. Rick wanted to give her the life she always dreamed of, including children of her own, if she wanted it, and if it was within his power to do so.