Beth glanced at the watchtower roster, quickly searching for Rick's name on today's schedule. She spotted his name penned in for the six to midnight shift and grinned at how perfectly that time slot fit in with her plans. She looked at the names on the list before Rick's and her smile grew even bigger. Maggie and Glenn are perfect to enlist in helping her with her idea. Glancing down at her watch she found that she had just enough time to find her sister and brother in law and talk to them before they head out for their shift.

Beth found her sister in her cell, just waking up from a nap. "I need your help with something, Maggs."

Maggie looked up at her sister as she came into the cell. Her brow furrowed in concern. Her sister didn't often ask for help. "Everything okay, Bethy?"

"Oh yeah. Everything's fine. I just want to surprise Rick later,"

Maggie's eyes lit up and a mischievous smile took over her face. "What kind of surprise are we talking?"

Beth's grin was all the response that Maggie needed to know that she'd help her baby sister with whatever it was she needed to surprise Rick. Beth began to outline her plan and what was needed of Maggie and Glenn. Maggie agreed to enlist her husband and get the supplies Beth would need to the tower. "Don't forget to get the portable CD player out there and that Glenn actually puts good batteries in it, okay? I know it's not the best use of our battery supply."

"Don't worry about it, Glenn hoards batteries." Maggie reassured her.

"Okay. I'll meet you at the tower about an hour before your watch ends." Beth smiled and left the cell.

After leaving Maggie and Glenn's cell Beth went to the laundry room where she'd left Judith with Carol. "Did you do whatever it was that you needed to?" Carol looked up as Beth came in.

Judith began to babble excitedly as soon as she saw Beth, and Beth reached down and picked the small girl up. "What I can of it," She smiled brightly.

"Is there anything I can do to help with your mysterious task?" Carol asked.

"Nope. I've got it covered, thank ya, though, for keeping Judith for us."

Carol stood up and hugged the younger woman and then kissed the little girls forehead. "It was my pleasure. You and Rick know how much I love helping out with her."

Beth smiled and nodded, "By the way, do you have mine and Rick's clothes?"

Beth poked her head into hers and Rick's cell, making sure he was still taking his pre-watch 'restoration' nap. Finding Rick still fast asleep she set the small pile of clothes down, and pulled out a couple of items. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she took in the sight of Rick lying there peacefully. In sleep he looks ten years younger, the crinkles around his eyes smoothing out, and he doesn't look as if he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

She took Judith and went in search of Carl. She found him in the library completely absorbed in reading a book, with his father's sheriff's hat slung low on his face. He didn't notice her as she came in so she cleared her throat trying to not startle him. It didn't help any, the poor kid still jumped a mile. "Sorry Carl. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Just glad it was you, Beth." He looked at Beth and his sister. "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." She smiled brightly at him. "I think Judith's about to say her first words. I figured you'd want to be the one to hear them first." Carl stood up quickly and stood in front of them, reaching for his sister. Judith's babbling took on an excited tone and she practically fell into her big brothers arms. Beth's smile was impossibly big as she watched the two together. "I'll find you guys later, okay?"

"You don't want to hear her say her first words?" He asked, the confusion written clearly on his face.

Beth's smile was soft and filled with love as she looked at Carl and Judith. "I'll hear them eventually. You deserve to be the first ta hear it, not me." Before he had a chance to say anything else she said, "I'll be back later. If you need anything Maggie will be back from watch soon." She didn't give him a chance to protest before she turned around and walked out of the library.

After leaving the library Beth went straight to the guard tower careful that no one saw her and joined her sister and Glenn inside. "Did ya get everything?" She asked, looking around the small room. She took in the armless, metal chair, the portable CD player sitting on the small table in the corner of the room and a small stack of CD's. She set her small pile of clothes down on the table next to the player and the CD's.

"Yup, we did. Those are all the CD's we could find, we raided all the cars for them. I think you'll find one that will do. Glenn why don't ya go keep an eye out for Rick? Ya know he likes to be early for his watch."

With a kiss to Maggie's cheek and a pat on Beth's shoulder Glenn stepped outside into the evening air.

"I'm gonna change real quick," Beth announced and turned away from her sister. She quickly took off her ratty t-shirt and slipped on a red lace bra, and then one of Rick's button-down shirts.

"Here." Maggie offered Beth a pair of silvery gray 4 inch high heals. "Thought these might come in handy. Glenn seems to appreciate them."

"Hey Rick!" Maggie and Beth heard Glenn call out.

"That's my cue, Bethy." Maggie smirked. "Good luck," She left the room as Rick walked in. She winked over her shoulder and shut the door behind herself.

"What are you doing here, baby?" He asked, taking in the sight of her in his button down, and short shorts. His pupils bled out instantly, the blue in his eyes barely visible, just from seeing her in his shirt, and the short shorts she's wearing, barely visible under his shirt, and 4 inch high heels, unpractical in this world, but sexy as hell, emphasizing her long legs.

"I wanted to surprise you."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, eyes drinking in her appearance again. "Beth…we can't…I'm on watch…"

She smiled, coyly, "I know. That ain't what I wanted to surprise you with."

"It isn't?" He gulped.

She took a step closer, motioning to the chair. "You can look, but ya don't get to touch…yet." He looked around and spotted the chair, slowly sitting down, eyes riveted on her. She stalked towards him, leaning over him, the shirt falling open enough for him to catch a glimpse of the tops of her round tits, and clicked the play button on the portable stereo. The opening chords started playing, Beth's hips gyrating to the beat, as she straightened her body out.

"Can you feel that?
You better hold on
This one's about to get bumpy

She started circling her hips, taking a step back from him, unbuttoning the few buttons she had left unbuttoned, stopping when only three buttons were left. She turned her back towards him, turning her face towards him, and slid his shirt down one shoulder, moving her body to the music.

"She's a ten, hellbent, I'm in heaven tonight
Six speed sex scene playin' out in my mind
One look, I'm hooked, motor runnin'
Rev'd up, my heart startin' pumpin'
Are you ready for the best damn ride of your life?"

She slid the shirt almost completely off as she turned around, but slid it back up as his eyes caressed her

"Gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now
And gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now
Get ready to go
She ain't movin' slow
She's takin' control
Pushin' the pedal to the floor
I'm beggin' for more
You better hold on tight"

Tossing it across the room, eyes locked on his, only breaking away to watch his tongue as it licked his lips hungrily. He couldn't take his eyes off her, the way she moved, the way her bra, red and covered in black lace, accentuated her small, firm and rounded tits.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey

Got a taste, can't be saved, I'm a junkie for life
She fuels my fire and adrenaline high
My need for speed's got me gunnin'
One touch, she screams "keep it comin'"
Are you ready for the best damn ride of your life?"

She turned, circling, hands moving fluidly in the air and roaming over her body. She faced him, stepping towards him until just in front of him, stepping in between his legs. She turned around, tucking her thumbs into the front of her shorts, lowering them just enough to give him the slightest tease of the matching panties. She moved her thumbs towards the back of her shorts, turning her back to him and letting her shorts fall to the floor, stepping out with her left foot, letting her pert ass sway in front of him as she slide the shorts across the room.

"Gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now
And gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now
Get ready to go
She ain't movin' slow
She's takin' control
Pushin' the pedal to the floor
I'm beggin' for more
You better hold on tight

Almost home
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey (come on)
Hey, hey, hey, hey (yeahhh)"

Still facing away from him, she slipped one hand under a bra strap letting it drop down, sliding her hand over the tops of her breasts and down her flat stomach. She turned her body in a sensual circle, lifting her other hand up her stomach and across her breasts to the other side, allowing the strap to drop down as well.

"Gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah" (hell yeah)
Stand up right now
And gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now (right now)
Gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah" (yeah)
Stand up right now
And gimme a "hell" (hell)
Gimme a "yeah" (yeah)
Stand up right now (right now)
Get ready to go
She ain't movin' slow
She's takin' control
And pushin' the pedal to the floor
I'm beggin' for more
You better hold on tight"

She turned away from Rick once more, still standing between his legs, and pushed her ass towards him, thumbs hooking into the red lacy panties, slipping them down, as she slowly lowered herself onto his lap, dropping her panties down over her knees, down until they rested on her foot. She lifted one foot up, and let her leg rest atop of Rick's. She lifted the other leg, crossing it over the leg resting on Rick's, reached over taking the panties off her foot with one hand, raising them in the other before using the other hand to drop them on the other side of them.

"Gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
And gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey"

She lifted her body off Rick's, grinding her ass over his erection as she stood up, hands careful to keep hers mound and tits covered, giving him just the smallest of glimpse of them, before languidly reaching down and picking her panties back up and putting them back on, over the stilettos. As the last lines of the song faded she picked Rick's shirt up and put it on, not bothering with her bra. She buttoned enough buttons that it would be modest again, but left enough buttons undone that Rick would go crazy with the want to touch them when she leaned down and kissed his stubble covered cheek.

She slid her shorts back on and gathered her bra and the clothes she had originally worn out to the tower into a neat pile and turned to face him with a small smile. His pupils completely blown, and his hands fisted into the material of his jeans, he kept his eyes on her as she came towards him. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. He responded instantly, and her tongue darted out, tracing his lips, asking for entrance. His lips parted and his tongue met hers, hurried and desperate. She pulled back after just seconds and smirked at his reaction.

His hands came up and gripped her ass as she took a step back and out of his grip and went to the door. As she walked out the door she looked over her shoulder at him with a coy smile and said, "You'll have to wait, I'll see you in our cell tonight, baby."

A/N: Whoo! That was a hell of a thang to write!

This one is for my dear friend Hearts1989, who asked me (After I got her hooked on my Brick story, Picture Perfect) to write a Beth/Rick story where their relationship has long been established and Beth does a strip tease for him. So here we are, awhile after she gave me this prompt and hours of research later...yes I did research How To stripper videos and Lap Dance videos on Youtube.

I've never given a lap dance nor have I stripped for anyone. I hope that this did Beth and Rick justice and I strongly urge you guys to tell me if this is shitty! I didn't bother to have my dear friend beyondmythought-s check this over for me before posting it. I knew if I didn't just do it I never would.

The song is Hell Yeah by Rev Theory, a song suggested to me in today's Bethyl Ghost Chat...if you haven't heard of this go check out the tumblr bethylghostchat run by the lovely coolstoryshawty and akiraflame-tumblr (Those are their names here on ...feel free to go and check their stories out!)

Thank you as always for the love and support that I get from you, my beautiful readers.