
Thank you so much everybody for your continued support and getting me to 300 reviews! I don't know if any of you realize this but that's over 100X the amount of reviews I got for my first story which was at a solid 3 reviews. Over the course of a few months, I have learned so much, created great relationships, and inspired/was inspired by so many amazing people. Every review made me smile and I honestly couldn't have gotten here without you. So I would like to thank all my spectacular reviewers:

Queen Rebelle
Ravenwing of ThunderClan
Juliet's Shadow
Lemon Grasses
Frost Dawn
Fire Dawn
Stuffed Watermelon
Lazy Watermelon/Emma
Leafpelt of ThunderClan
Stream that Flows Around Rock
Silverwillow of Freljord
The Darkest of the Dark
Embersky of ShadowClan
Shira the Mage
Swifstar of ThunderClan
Wood Cats
Pale Eye
Aeran M. Calhoun
Snowsong of SnowClan
no name

And I would especially like to thank tr1xx777 for letting me adopt this amazing story! None of this would have happened without her so thank you for believing in me :) To everyone else, check her out because she has one of those story adoption fics and it has some pretty great ideas!


- When I first adopted this fic, the original plan was to have Swallowtail become pregnant and Foxleap move to WindClan and live happily ever after. But then when I was browsing the internet, I saw this rant page forum thingy where someone mentioned how annoying forbidden relationships were getting and that they were written unrealistically. I realized that it was getting a bit ridiculous and I wanted to do something to show that when you break an ancient code, it'll come back to bite you. Once I thought of the idea of the dogs, I couldn't get it out of my head.

- Owlclaw is in love with Minnowtail who is in love with Mousewhisker who loves her back but at the same time hates her because she 'cheated' on him with Owlclaw.

- Swallowtail wasn't pregnant but she thought she was and she really wanted kits.

- I was originally going to have Foxleap and Swallowtail have a one-night stand where she got pregnant but I didn't like the way it would pan out after.

- Foxleap resents his Clan for not being there when he needed them most.

- The first thing Foxleap fell in love with was how comfortable it was being with Swallowtail. They had good chemistry but she was still there when he needed her, and vice versa. He also found comfort in her eyes, which were the same colour as Ferncloud's.

-Swallowtail went to StarClan after she died but the other leaders wouldn't allow her to visit Foxleap in his dreams.

-IF Foxleap became Rosepetal's mate after The Challenge (remember, it's your choice on what you think happened) he would have chosen Swallowtail in StarClan. To him, she would always be on a high pedestal that no one could match and even though they were together for less than a moon, no one had never made such an impact on him in such a short period of time.

The Challenge Playlist

Some of the chapters might not make as much sense because it's actually pretty hard to find a song for these and sometimes I can only choose songs for one or two parts of the chapter. But here you go, the complete Playlist for The Challenge! But I do recommend almost all of these songs (excluding chapter 2) so go check them out and tell me which one is your favorite!

Chapter One: Kiss my Sass by Cobra Starship

Chapter Two: Fancy by Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX

Chapter Three: It's Not Over by Daughtry

Chapter Four: Ready, Aim, Fire by Imagine Dragons

Chapter Five: Brother by Gerard Way

Chapter Six: How to Save a Life by the Fray

Chapter Seven: All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran

Chapter Eight: Sorry by Buckcherry

Chapter Nine: Who Are You Now by Sleeping with Sirens

Chapter Ten: Take My Place by Lily Allen

Chapter Eleven: Save Your Heart by Mayday Parade

Chapter Twelve: Dirty Little Secret by All-American Rejects

Chapter Thirteen: Anywhere but Here by SafetySuit

Chapter Fourteen: The Scientist by Coldplay

Chapter Fifteen: Kissing in Cars by Pierce the Veil

Chapter Sixteen: Bad Jokes from A Prairie Home

Chapter Seventeen: She Ain't You by New Hollow

Chapter Eighteen: Your Guts (I Hate 'Em) by Reel Big Fish

Chapter Nineteen: Stormy by Hedley

Chapter Twenty: The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance

Epilogue: I Miss You by Blink182

Deleted Scenes

[1] Aftermath

It wasn't like he was hit by waves of pain or anything. He knew that he should have been hurting but he just... didn't. Instead, he just felt completely hollow, like Swallowtail had taken his entire heart with her when she went to StarClan.

And all Foxleap could do was stare at Swallowtail's empty green eyes.

Foxleap let out a low breath, squeezing his eyes shut and preying that when he opened them, this would all be a dream. That when he opened his eyes, Swallowtail would be sleeping in front of him and they'd be at their regular spot by the WindClan border. But that wasn't the case. When Foxleap opened his eyes, all he saw was Swallowtail's motionless body.

"Foxleap..." the tom slowly turned to see Spiderleg standing there, his jaw parted slightly in shock as he stared at his broken younger brother. "She... I..."

"Just leave me alone," Foxleap hissed. But he was so empty and hollow that his words came out emotionless and none of the anger he was feeling fit them. "Go."

"She's gone, Foxleap," Spiderleg whispered and that's when the pain hit.

It felt like every wound he ever received lit up in fire and his chest had ripped open, spilling his organs on the ground. 'She's gone, she's gone, she's gone, gone, gone!'

Foxleap's eyes clamped shut and he stumbled to the ground as pained cries fell from his mouth. There wasn't much Spiderleg could do but wrap his body around Foxleap and let him wail into his dark fur.

Everyone was staring with wide, shocked eyes as it registered in their minds why Foxleap was so upset. The ones who weren't staring were caught up in their own nightmare when they counted the bodies of the Clanmates they lost. All of WindClan knew that Swallowtail and Foxleap had a special connection and none of them were shocked when they put the pieces together.

Other than ThunderClan, that is.

ThunderClan didn't see Swallowtail with Foxleap. They didn't see the way they stargazed together or their playful banter or any of it. All they saw was a broken tom and the cat that broke him.

"I told you she would rip your heart out," Mousewhisker muttered under his breath. Hazeltail shot him an accusing look for not telling about the forbidden relationship but he ignored it. Instead, he padded over to the reddish brown tom and carefully helped him up, letting him lean on Mousewhisker's shoulders for comfort. Rosepetal approached next, standing on the other side of him. And finally, Bramblestar appeared.

Foxleap couldn't meet his eyes. The warrior just stared at the ground, refusing to look up.

Bramblestar didn't say anything for a long moment. Finally, he asked, "Did you love her?"

Foxleap slowly nodded and Bramblestar let out a low sigh. It was a few more heartbeats before the leader spoke up again. "Let's go back to ThunderClan..."

"You aren't going to punish him, are you?" Rosepetal asked fearfully. Sometimes forbidden relationships ended in exile. The she-cat wasn't so sure that Foxleap could handle watching Swallowtail die and being exiled. That might just be the breaking point that sent him over the edge.

"He has to stay in camp for a quarter moon," Bramblestar said simply and Rosepetal gaped at him. Not because the punishment was harsh but because it was so easy. If anything, staying in camp and being surrounded by friends is exactly what Foxleap needed in that moment. Noticing the look in Rosepetal's eyes, he went on. "I think he's been punished enough."

Rosepetal glanced at Foxleap to see he was staring longingly at Swallowtail. She couldn't tell whether he was longing for her to be alive or for him to be dead next to her.

[2] The Anti-Climactic Proclamation of Love

Thornclaw padded through the forest with a pretty tortoiseshell on one side and a limp bird hanging from his mouth. Scooping up some dirt, he buried the bird for later before turning back to Blossomfall. "So love, where to next?"

"I'm not sure," Blossomfall mused. "Fernkit, Hollykit, and Sorrelkit have more than enough food and all the elders are well-fed. Why don't we just rest here for a while then?"

"Sure." Thornclaw plopped to the ground, stretching out and letting himself be bather in sunlight. "Beautiful day with a beautiful cat."

"I wish the weather would stay like this forever," Blossomfall added, not picking up that Thornclaw had just called her beautiful. He didn't know how she hadn't picked up the hints by now. He called her beautiful, said he wanted to have kits with her, and tried every trick in the book but she just wouldn't get that Thornclaw loved her. He didn't want to have to spell it out for her but the tom was getting old. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life wishing that she was his mate.

It wasn't even 'hints' it was more of blatantly telling her something and it would register in her mind as something else.

"For StarClan's sake," Thornclaw mumbled under his breath. "So Blossomfall, what are we going to call our kits?" It was worth a shot.

Blossomfall frowned for a moment before lighting up again. "If I ever have kits, I would want something fierce. No offense to my parents but Blossom and Bumble doesn't exactly scream strength. What about you?"

Of course. She thought he meant if they each had separate litters of kits, not kits together. He let out a sigh. "I don't know, I'm getting a little old for having kits." By that, he meant that by the time Blossomfall actually got it through her thick skull that he loved her, he would already be an elder.

"No you aren't! Besides, if you just find the right she-cat in time, you won't be," Blossomfall pointed out and in that time, Thornclaw wanted to knock some sense into her.

"I already have," Thornclaw tried and Blossomfall's whisker's twitched. She glanced at her best friend in amusement.

"Oh? Who's the lucky she-cat?" Blossomfall asked, playfully swatting Thornclaw with her tail.

"You," Thornclaw answered seriously. The only problem was that Blossomfall let out a snort of laughter and shook her head as if to say, 'Ah that Thornclaw, always up to his old tricks.'

Maybe that was it. Maybe it wasn't that she wasn't hearing what he said, but that she thought it was some long-running joke. If that was the case, he would have to break down every single genuine feeling he had for her but Thornclaw really didn't want to do that. If he had to, they'd be there for at least a moon, just talking about how breath-taking her eyes were.

Or maybe, on a more depressing note, she had such a low impression of her self that she couldn't fathom that someone actually loved her. Thornclaw hoped that wasn't the case but if it was, he fully blamed Millie for it.

"Is that it?" Thornclaw accidentally asked out loud and Blossomfall looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe he was but it was her fault for driving him to be that way.

"What are you talking about?"

Thornclaw didn't want to explain. To be honest, the only thing he wanted in that moment was Blossomfall and he was going to make her understand his feelings whether it took all night. "Blossomfall, I love you."

"Uh, love you too, bud," Blossomfall answered, eyeing Thornclaw up. "You feeling okay?"

'Of course, she thinks I mean it platonically...' Thornclaw sighed as he stared Blossomfall dead in the eyes. "No. The fact of the matter is that I'm in love but the she-cat doesn't even notice."

"Who is it? I can explain it to them if you want?" Blossomfall tried and the tom in front of her let out a frustrated growl.

"No I just-" Why was this so hard? "I love you. Not platonically. Not in the brother-sister way. Not the way you love Bumblestripe or I love Brightheart but in the romantic way. In the way Berrynose loves Poppyfrost or Cinderheart loves Lionblaze."

He could see the words processing in her mind as she started to figure it out. It wasn't that she was stupid by any means, but it wasn't like she was emotionally intelligent either. Finally, her eyes lit up with realization and Thornclaw let out a sigh of relief. They were finally starting to get somewhere.

"Oh, you mean you're in love with me," she clarified and Thornclaw nodded. "Why didn't you just say so?"

Thornclaw stared at her. "I did. Twice. And I said I wanted to have kits with you. And I called you beautiful. Does any of this sound familiar to you?"

Blossomfall shrugged. "I thought you were joking or something. But yeah, I'm in love with you too. I have been for a while now, actually."

Thornclaw blinked a few times. "Wait, is that it? I love you, you love me back? I feel like there should be some dramatic proclamation of love in the rain or something."

"Yeah you're right, this was actually pretty anti-climactic." Blossomfall nodded. "Whatever, next time it rains we can try again and try for a little more drama. Now what do you say we just have a go at it in the forest and then go tell the rest of the Clan that we're finally mates?"

"Sure, sounds good to me," Thornclaw mewed with a shrug.

As they padded away, Blossomfall turned to her new mate with a frown. "You know, Thornclaw. The next time you want to express your feelings, maybe you should be a little more clear about it."

Thornclaw stared at her, his jaw parting slightly. Finally, he said, "You're lucky I love you or I would claw you right now."

"Lucky me."

[3] Armistice

"Wow, look how many new apprentices there are," Rosepetal mewed as she stood beside her two best friends, Foxleap and Mousewhisker.

Everyone fondly referred to them as the Golden Trio of Confusion because no one could really understand where their friendship had bloomed and why exactly. But for some reason, the three of them were inseparable and even moved their nests next to each other about three moons after the dog attack. By now, it was seven moons after the dog attack.

Blossomfall also decided that they're all in love with each other because she firmly believed that Rosepetal and Mousewhisker were competing for Foxleap's feelings so that also added to the confusion around the trio.

"And warriors," Mousewhisker added. Just looking around, he could spot a few cats who were proudly puffing out their chests and bragging to their friends about their new names. Lionblaze's daughters were all ogling Slightpaw - or whatever his new name was - and Mousewhisker could spot the frowning father from off to the side. He did not look happy with the WindClan tom.

Neither did Featherpaw - again, or whatever her name was.

"I wonder if - hey watch out!" Mousewhisker heard Foxleap's warning too late and he was sent flying forward as three excited bodies collided with his back. Mousewhisker frowned and whipped around, ready to chastise the mouse-brained cats who had run into him. But when he turned around, all he could do was stare.

It was like looking into a reflection, only the reflection was slightly smaller and more feminine.

Mousewhisker could only gape at the she-cat in front of him and the second Foxleap and Rosepetal got a look at her, they matched his expression. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. Their eyes shifted from one apprentice to the next as the pieces quickly fell into place. Of course Rosepetal and Foxleap knew about Minnowtail but they didn't know about this.

One of them was a replica of Mousewhisker. The tom had Minnowtail's amber eyes and Mousewhisker's broad shoulders. The final she-cat had his green eyes and Minnowtail's sleek build.

"Whiskerpaw, Smokepaw, and Stormpaw, can't you go five heartbeats without running into someone?" Mousewhisker's eyes only lifted from the apprentice's to gape at Minnowtail. He didn't know how but he managed to avoid her for the past seven moons and seeing her now was... indescribable. "Oh, uh, Mousewhisker?"

"We need to talk." There was no doubt about it; these kits weren't Owlclaw's. They were Mousewhisker's. Meaning that Minnowtail was either fooling around with two toms or there was some major miscommunication. And unless Owclaw was Mousewhisker's long, lost brother, there was no way that those kits would look exactly like Mousewhisker.

Foxleap and Rosepetal shot Mousewhisker and knowing look as he led his ex-mate over to some bushes where they could get some privacy. Once they were sure no one was listening, Mousewhisker whirled on Minnowtail. "Explain."

"It was Owlclaw," Minnowtail breathed out like it was a secret she had been holding in for seasons. "He threatened to tell on us if I didn't break it off with you... I had no choice!"

"So there's no way that you couldn't have gotten in touch with me over the past two - nearly three - seasons to tell me that I had kits? And don't even try denying that. That she-cat, Whiskerpaw, is like my twin. And I couldn't imagine where her name came from," Mousehwhisker snapped harshly.

"I didn't want to risk it," Minnowtail mewed. "And I didn't want to put you in any more pain than you were already in. I thought that it would just be easier for all of us if we didn't see each other anymore."

Mousewhisker stared at her. Could she really be so dense as to think that? "Minnowtail, that was not easier. Do you know how it feels to have the one thing you loved be ripped away from you? Because all I knew was that I loved you with every piece of my heart and you cast me out like I was nothing."

"I'm sorry," Minnowtail whispered. "D-do you still love me?"

Mousewhisker flinched back. He hadn't been prepared for that question and to be honest, he hadn't even thought about it for such a long time. He just thought about how hurt he was and how much he despised Owlclaw, but not his feelings for Minnowtail. "I..."

"If you have to think about it, it means you probably don't," Minnowtail muttered, looking away.

"Don't do that," Mousewhisker hissed. "I have the right to be confused about my feelings right now. I just found out that I have three kits and that Owlclaw is a conniving piece of fox-dung. So don't talk to me about hesitation because I can't even think straight right now."

"Look, it doesn't matter," Minnowtail finally snapped. "It doesn't matter your feelings for me because... because I don't want you to be part of their lives. My kits, they already have a hard enough time not knowing who their father is and I can't just thrust this in their faces after so long. They don't deserve that."

"I don't deserve this!" Mousewhisker screeched. He had tried to control his volume but a few cats glanced his way, one being Owlclaw himself.

When his eyes settled on the two talking, he murmured something in Tigerheart's ear and padded over, trying to ignore the harsh glares they were both saying. "Uh... hi."

"Oh, hey Owlclaw, how's the prey running?" Mousewhisker spat sarcastically. "Ruin any families lately or do you save that for special occasions."

"Um, no actually, I haven't," Owlclaw muttered looking at the ground. "Look, I just came over to apologize and explain myself. By now I'm sure you're caught up about who's to blame for your split and I need to justify myself."

Nobody said anything so Owlclaw sighed and continued.

"Minnowtail, I loved you. Well, I thought I did but in reality, it was just infatuation and wanting to love someone. I thought that if I couldn't have you, no one could. I was selfish and if I could take it back, I would."

"What changed?" Mousewhisker asked with narrowed eyes.

"I found someone who I actually love: Dawnpelt. She's in ShadowClan caring for my kits right now but... I don't know how I spent a moment without her. I was in a dark spot when I got to know her and she showed me the light. I'll always regret the mistakes I made during those few moons but I can't take them back so all I can do is make them right."

Mousewhisker didn't know Dawnpelt very well and always had the impression that she was a bit stuck up but seeing how hopelessly in love Owlclaw was over her... she must be something special.

"Owlclaw, the damage has already been done," Minnowtail mewed softly. "I don't know if Mousewhisker and I can ever trust each other like that again..."

"Do you love each other?" There was that question again.

Mousewhisker turned and looked into Minnowtail's eyes. He remembered all the memories they shared and how his heart would stop whenever he saw her. Looking at her now, it wasn't stopping. He didn't get that feeling that he used to and even basing off of Ivypool's feelings for Toadstep or Foxleap's for Swallowtail, it was painfully obvious what the answer was.

"No. I forgive you, I do. But I've grown in the past few seasons and I'm not the same as I was. I loved you back then but... not anymore," he explained." Surprisingly, Minnowtail nodded without even flinching.

"I'm a mother now and my only focus is on my kits and keeping them safe. A part of you must still love you somewhere, but I think it's best if we just part ways." Mousewhisker agreed with her fully. But one thing was still bugging him.

"I know you don't want me to father my kits but I still have to know them... will you tell me about them?" he asked sheepishly. He didn't even notice as Owlclaw snuck off.

Minnowtail nodded with a smile on her face. As she began telling stories about the three mischievous kits, she couldn't help but think about how perfect that moment was. Sure, she and Mousewhisker were no longer in love but maybe... maybe that was okay.

[4] Revelations

Swallowtail sat next to Thistlepaw as they stared into the pool to watch Foxleap teasing Mousewhisker over something. The gray and white playfully attacked him and they started fighting before Blossomfall padded over and made a rather inappropriate comment about the two. Rosepetal was next to her, laughing her tail off as the toms ducked their heads and glared at Blossomfall.

"It's only been a few moons since my death and it already seems like everyone is moving on," Swallowtail sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Foxleap has finally started to heal but it's just hard to see that I didn't make that big of an impact on anyone's life."

Thistlepaw playfully swiped at her sister. "You're kidding right? WindClan and ThunderClan are closer than ever after your death, Leaftail finally smartened up and worked to serving his Clan instead of impressing you, and not to mention that if Foxleap hadn't met you, he's still be that arrogant fur-ball that we all know and hate."

Swallowtail purred when she heard it, "I know. I don't know why I even said that; it was really selfish since everyone in StarClan is feeling the same thing as me."

"You know, you made quite an impact in StarClan too. It was quite entertaining watching Foxleap try to make you like him. Once we realized that he was starting to develop feelings for you, it wasn't so funny though," Thistlepaw mused.

"It was nice for me," Swallowtail mewed with a shrug.

"And it all happened because of one little challenge," Thistlepaw sighed in content. Swallowtail chuckled for a moment before she froze and her head whipped to her sister.

"Wait, what challenge?"

Thistlepaw gaped, realizing that Swallowtail still didn't know about the reason of Foxleap getting to know her. "Uh, wow, I have some important StarClan stuff I should be doing. See you!"

"Oh no you don't!" Swallowtail hissed, lunging at her sister and pinning her to the ground. "What challenge?"

"It's nothing, honest!" Thistlepaw shrieked. Bluestar and Thrushpelt, who were laying nearby, both turned to look at the two, shaking their head when they saw the fighting sisters.

"Thistlepaw, I'm giving you to the count of three," Swallowtail warned. She didn't know what she was going to do at 'three' but Thistlepaw didn't know that. "One... Two..."

"Okay!" Thistlepaw screeched in defeat. "SpiderlegchallengedFoxleaptofindashe-catwhoenjoyedhispersonalityandhegotrejectedbyeveryonesoheusedyoutowinthechallenge!"

Swallowtail sat back, her eyes wide in shock. "W-what?"

Thistlepaw ducked her head in shame. Most of StarClan had decided to keep the challenge a secret from Swallowtail and Thistlepaw had gone and ruined it. "If it makes you feel any better, once he got to know you, he forgot about the challenge..."

"How do you know that? You're not a mind reader," Swallowtail spat. It wasn't that she loved Foxleap any less but knowing that there entire relationship was based off some silly game was a little hurtful. She felt like she got played.

"Swallowtail, don't make that face," Thistlepaw sighed. "It's not like your entire relationship was a lie. He won that challenge about halfway through the moon but he kept meeting with you because he liked you. Not because he was trying to win a bet with Spiderleg."

"Wait, you told her?" The two she-cats turned to see Foxleap's older brother, Shrewpaw standing next to Swiftpaw and Smokepaw. Smokepaw was rolling on the ground laughing, Swiftpaw looked mildly amused, and Shrewpaw looked annoyed. "I thought we agreed that she wouldn't know!"

"She threatened me!" Thistlepaw squeaked. "And it's not that big of a deal."

"You're messing up my brother's reputation," Shrewpaw sighed. "Look, Swallowtail, Foxleap loved you. And since he's my brother, I know these things better than anyone."

"You never met your brother," Swiftpaw deadpanned. Smokepaw laughed even harder and they all shot him a weird look. Before joining StarClan, everyone assumed ShadowClan were grumpy and never smiled but the ex-ShadowClan apprentice never stopped laughing.

"All I'm saying is that he won the challenge before you even became mates. Blossomfall and Rosepetal both grew to like Foxleap's personality but he refused to acknowledge that because he didn't want to stop meeting up with you," Shrewpaw explained. Finally he turned around and whacked Smokepaw upside the head. "Will you shut up?"

Smokepaw laughed harder.

"When you say it like that, it's kind of sweet," Swallowtail purred. Sure, she had been lied to but if Foxleap hadn't agreed to that silly bet then they wouldn't have met. Swallowtail still would have died, sooner than she did because Foxleap helped save her from the badger, but at least she died knowing that she was loved.

"See? Everyone's happy in the end," Swiftpaw purred. "Well, I'm still pretty annoyed about getting ripped to shreds by dogs but at least now I have a few cats I can relate to up here."

"Except you died out of your own stupidity," Smokepaw pointed out. He dashed off before Swiftpaw could attack him.

Swallowtail wasn't paying attention to that though. She was lovingly staring down at the pool where Foxleap was getting ready for a Gathering with his friends. Yes, he was a mouse-brain, and yes, he probably could have mentioned the bet sometime during their relationship, but the gray she-cat couldn't help but feel the anger wash away.

Even in death, she was completely and utterly in love with the ThunderClan tom.

Final A/N: I love making acknowledgements :) There's just so much things to do! How did you like the bonus scenes? Which was your favorite? For me, I kind of enjoyed writing the one about Blossomfall and Thornclaw because they're such a simple and relaxed duo. Anyway, onto some bigger news! Fight of Flight: Book One will be posted on Thursday (Christmas!) where I'll also be announcing the winners for the challenge! :D Be sure to check out that and review!