
Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I don't own BeyBlade!

Kira's POV

It was a few days later and things between Ray and I were...well I wouldn't call them normal. I couldn't exactly say what we were, but we were definitely having a lot of sex. And it was amazing. It wasn't like it was before at all. I think before everything bad that happened...happened, we didn't really appreciate each other like we do now. It was really really nice to have something like that again, especially with Ray.

I hadn't spent the past couple of days practicing with the guys', all my time was spent with my dancers practicing for the JVMA's. It was surreal to me that the day was finally here and I was going to be performing in front of all those celebrities on live television. I mean, yeah I had performed on TV before at beyblade events but that was different! These were people I could potentially work with on collabs and stuff.

My dancers and I had finally finished for the day, while we would be going to Tokyo later tonight to prepare for the live show! The nerves were running through me like crazy, and so I decided to go inside and look for Ray. Smiling, I walked into the kitchen where everyone seemed to be congregating. Just thinking of it, I hadn't eaten anything yet that day and my stomach was starting to growl from the lack of nutrition. "Hey, have you guys seen Ray today?"

"He actually left a little while, said he had to meet up with a new friend." Tyson wiggled his eyebrows, and I raised mine. I had just hung out with Ray last night and he hadn't mentioned anything about a new 'friend.' I mean yeah, we were a little preoccupied...but still.

"A new friend?" I shook my head.

"Yeah, this really cute redhead, I think Ray said they were going on a lunch date or something." Lucy teased from the counter.

"I wouldn't think too much of it, Ki. You know how Ray is." Luna smiled, and I nodded, biting my lip.

"Uh yeah, sure." I grabbed a banana off the counter, taking a bite. "Does anyone wanna go blade in the backyard? I need to lose this tenseness that I have in a battle." I frowned, and Max jumped up. Well, technically Tyson AND Max jumped up, but Max reached me first.

"Me!" He grinned, as he put his arm around my shoulders and Lucy smiled grabbing her laptop.

"Perfect, I need to get some more data on you two. We haven't seen anything about those mysterious bladers since getting back and I don't want you two getting caught off guard." I was so busy enjoying my banana and slipping off into daydreamland, partially due to barely getting any sleep lately. I kept trying to imagine who this mysterious redhead could be, and why Ray hadn't mentioned her. Sure, we weren't exactly platonic, but it would have been nice for him to mention her. I told Max and Lucy to meet me outside so I could change out of these sweaty clothes. I hopped into the shower really quick and rinsed myself off. It felt so good to just feel clean and actually be clean, I hadn't had much time to take care of myself the past couple of days. After feeling refreshed, I got out of the shower and toweled myself off. I heard my phone vibrating on my bed and hustled over to it, picked it up.


"Oh Ki, it's so good to hear your voice." I smiled slightly, at the sound of Johnny's reassurance in his voice.

"Were you worried about me Johnny? What a surprise." I felt the need to tease my dear friend, and threw the phone down on the bed after I pressed the speakerphone button.

"Oh come on, you know almost every thought I have is filled with you." He taunted back, and I rolled my eyes, finishing toweling off. "What have you been doing?"

"Well I just got out of the shower, quite literally. I'm about to go blade with Max for a little bit before the show tonight." I bit my lip and winced, waiting for Johnny to answer. I hadn't called him since everything happened with Ray. I knew Johnny wanted to be here for the JVMA's, but I really didn't think I could handle the two men in the same room. That was too much sexual tension for a girl to handle!

"Ki, why didn't you remind me about that!?" I pulled on some tight dark destroyed jeans and a tight dark blue v-neck cable-knit sweater. I pulled my wet hair back into a half-up half-down ponytail, and grabbed the phone sitting back on my bed.

"It's really not my fault you don't remember things. Plus I've been so busy these past couple of days, I've barely had time to breathe."

"Well... I just called to make sure you were okay. You know, I'm not the only one who's been worried. I told the guys' about what happened and they all pretty much had a panic attack...and well I just missed your voice." I sighed, looking down at my feet.

"You know I miss you too Johnny. I've gotta get going but I'll call you before I go to sleep. Make sure you guys watch the show! I'm the opening act. Love you, Johnny."

"I love you, Ki." And he hung up. I looked out the window, and studied the landscape. It wasn't snowing too heavily today, surprisingly. I saw Lucy and Max down there waiting for me, and stretched before standing and heading downstairs to meet them.

"Draciel, Forcefield! Don't let Draiga break you down!" We had been battling for a good thirty minutes, and while I wasn't going my hardest, Max was keeping up against me easily.

"Draiga, Enhance!" Lucy had built a mechanism into my blade that helped up my defense so it was on par with Max's, therefore he really had no advantage over me. I looked over at the girl who was staring at Max. I could tell she had feelings for him and smiled. "I think it's time we finished. Draiga, knock him out of the rink!" My blade spun around Draciel and started to make the blade spin the opposite direction, vastly slowing it down.

"Woah! How are you doing that?"

"Don't worry about it," I winked.

"And this is that guy Tyson's house that I told you about. Oh! These are my friends Kira, Max, and Lucy." My heart skipped a beat as I turned around and saw Ray standing there...with that mysterious redhead. She was even more beautiful than I had imagined her to be. Her hair was choppy and messy, and in a long ponytail, but it definitely complimented her. Her eyes were almost a deep purpleish color, lined by thick black eyeliner. I knew I was staring at her, but I couldn't help myself. She had on a black leather jacket, with a deep maroon shirt underneath, and dark blue jeans inside of some brown knee high boots.

I felt a whoosh beside my face and turned my attention back to the arena, and gasped as I saw that Draiga was sitting close to my feet,completely still, and Draciel was still spinning in the arena. "I can't believe it! I actually beat you!" Max cheered and Lucy laughed to herself.

"Don't get on a high horse Max, you only won because she was distracted."

"Max, Kira, Lucy, this is Salima. My friend I met a couple days ago."

"Yeah a couple of days ago on a bridge at midnight." The girl rolled her eyes, laughing. "Wouldn't exactly call that a charming meet, but I think it was what we both needed. I've never met anyone like you." I gasped quietly to myself, and looked at Ray. He made eye contact with me, but quickly averted his eyes. I looked down at the snowy ground. It couldn't be the same bridge I was thinking of, could it? Ray and I had shared many midnight meetings there. It was our secret getaway place.

"Nice to meet you Salima. I uh... I need to get going." I shook my head, bending down to pick up Draiga. Looking at Ray, almost emotionless. "Are you still coming tonight?"

"Tonight? But I thought we had plans to go ice skating." The girl chimed in, and my eyes shot back between the two of them. This wasn't actually happening to me right now. I finally had Ray back where I wanted him, and it was amazing. Who was this girl to just swoop in and steal him from me?

"Yeah, Ki. I'll be there. Don't worry." He smiled and I gave him a small one in return. I turned to look at Luna and gave her a straight face and rushed back into the house. Slipping my boots off, I hurried back upstairs to get ready to head downtown. After closing my door, I leaned back against it with my hand on my chest and slid down the door to the ground.

'Please let this be a dream. I don't wanna lose him again. I don't want to go through that again.' I shook my head and felt tears brimming at my eyes. I heard a soft knock on my door, but stayed silent, hoping the visitor would give up and go away.

"Ki, I know you're in there." Luna's soft voice traveled to my ears. "You almost crashed into me in the hallway. What's going on?" I stood up and opened the door, trying to hold back the tears. "Wh-what's going on? Talk to me. Did something happen again?"

"Ray met someone else. I saw them together, she's so pretty Luna." I sighed sadly, sitting on my bed. Luna crossed her arms, walking over to me.

"Well did you ever think maybe he's just being a friend to her? Like I said earlier, you know how he is. He gets happy from other people being happy. Don't read too much into it, Ki. You're fine."

"Things were just going so great again, and starting to feel normal. I just don't want to get my hopes up about another chance with him...and it turn out like last time."

"Okay, I need you to take a step back and look at yourself. You are Kirana Dickenson, of the World Championship BladeBreakers. You're about to open the JVMA's, that's a pretty big deal. Plus, you and Ray have history. He'd be an idiot to chose some girl he just met over you if there's still something between you guys." Luna sat down next to me and grabbed me tightly in a hug.

"But Ray doesn't care about any of that stuff. I could be a homeless girl on the street, and he'd give me a chance if we had some sort of connection. I just don't have a good feeling about that girl Luna."

"Well first off, that's called jealousy, which you don't need to have. And second," Luna pulled back from the hug and put her finger underneath my chin so I was forced to stare into her lavender colored eyes. "he cares about you. He loves you more than I think you'll ever know. But we don't have time for this right now. We need to head to the venue so you can do your dress rehearsal and get ready. Today's the day!" She pulled me up and grabbed my jacket, handing it to me. "Get him off your mind, and focus on blowing the world away with your performance!"

A few hours later, I was in wardrobe as they were touching up my makeup. I looked down briefly at my phone, still nothing from Ray. Getting a sick to my stomach sort of feeling, I texted Luna. 'Can you send Ray backstage?' It was thirty minutes until the show was starting. I knew that most of the venue was filled up with people, music stars, bladers, actors, and actresses alike.

'He's still not here Ki...' I sighed, closing my eyes and bit my lip. "Can I get up for a minute? I need to make a call." The make-up artist nodded, as I stood up from my chair, and exited the tiny dressing room. I went into the hall and scrolled through my contacts to Ray's name and pressed call. It rang and rang, and nothing. Straight to voicemail. I shook my head and took in a deep breath. Okay, I could totally do this without him. I needed to learn to be strong without him again. If this was the way things were going to be, I would learn to have to deal with it.

I looked down at my ensemble, which Luna had put together. It was almost all black with some silver thrown in there. The top resembled a bra with black belts as the straps, and there was also one going from one side of my chest to the other. For the bottoms was something black that resembled cheeky underwear attached to a black belt with chains on the right side, and a black leather pant on the left side that was attacked to the underwear. It was definitely risqué, but I kind of loved it.

(Her outfit is in the music video of the song she's singing. Selfish by Koda Kumi, it's Koda's outfit, but imagine it as black and silver.)

After finishing up at wardrobe and makeup, it was time for the show to begin. Everyone was running around backstage, and the stage manager went to retrieve me. I walked up to the stage, and all the lights were black. I could hear the crowd whispering. I waited for the music to start and looked around me to my dancers, I took a deep breath on and nodded to myself. Here we go. Suddenly the music started, the lights came on and we were going. I started off singing, and walked to the front of the stage with the first couple of versus. As we approached the chorus, I came backwards back towards the dancers and mimicked each others movements, and I couldn't help but smile with excitement as I saw the crowd getting into it. I looked through the crowd and saw the BladeBreakers out in the crowd, but much to my dismay... Ray's chair was indeed empty. I saw Luna smiling at me sadly, but as we approached the chorus again, I shook my head. The breakdown started and I sang with all my heart.

The song ended before I knew it, and the crowd erupted into cheers and I waved happily. "I want you all to welcome my dear friends... Big Bang!" Their popular song Fantastic Baby started playing and I of course, stayed on stage to perform with them. Having the time of my life, I still couldn't help but bring my attention back to the empty seat where Ray should have been. Why... just why would he insult me like this and not show up on one of the most important nights of my life?

After a long night of bad puns, wonderful performances, and high expectations, I was leaving with four different awards. Best New Artist, Best Music Video, Best New Single, Best Pop Song. My arms were full of accomplishment, but my heart was empty and hurting. My doubts and worries had been confirmed. I was... being replaced.

They're all around me, circling like vultures.

They wanna break me and wash away my colors.

I left the venue a lot later than everyone else, and after changing back into my normal clothes, I called an uber to take me home. I had all the awards I had won in a duffel bag, as well as my performance clothes. Much to my appreciation, the driver was quiet and untalkative. I leaned my head back against the cool leather seat of the car and let out a sigh.

Take me high, and I'll sing.

You make everything okay, okay.

We are one and the same, oh you take all of the pain away.

I watched as we sped down the highway, the city getting further and further away.

Save me if I become, my demons.

"Miss we're here." Before I knew it, we were in fact in front of Tyson's house. I smiled to the driver and thanked him, giving him a cash tip. I grabbed my duffel bag, and looked at the property. The car drove away and I tugged on my black poofy winter jacket. I pulled the tan faux fur lined hood up to cover my head.

"Heh, all alone." A deep voice said from behind me, and I froze. "What a mistake." I turned and saw the same large stature that attacked me before. He had tanned skin, and big eyes. I could actually see his features this time, although that may have been the streetlight working in my favor.

"What do you want from me? If it's a beybattle you want..." I started, but he cut me off.

"No, I could get that in the tournament if that was what I wanted." His black eyes burned into mine and I gulped silently.

"Then what is it? Money? My body? What?"

"I was ordered, well we were ordered to take you from here. Back to where you belong, but my comrades weren't cooperating."

"Back to where I belong? Did Johnny hire you as a prank or something? Because this isn't funny." I started back towards the gates of Tyson's house and made a run for it. I wasn't about to get caught under a blade again. We actually had to go battle in a mini tournament in a few weeks and I wasn't about to not be able to participate in that. I ran into the house and shut and locked the door behind me, breathing heavily. Shakily grabbing my phone, I dialed the police who already knew of my previous situation. I gave them a description of the guy and they promised to send a squad car up. Even though I was absolutely livid with Ray at the moment, I knew deep down that there was no one else I would rather be with at the moment. I headed up the stairs to the room next to mine, and slowly opened the door. The moonlight showed me that Ray was indeed in his bed, but I also noticed a body next to his and I felt the pit of my stomach burning as my eyes adjusted and I noticed the mop of red hair on his naked chest. I dropped my duffel bag and jumped back as I saw Ray stir from his slumber.

"Huh...? Ki..." His eyes connected with mine as he looked down at his chest and sighed, putting his hand up to his forehead. I felt my lip quivering, as a few tears fell from my eyes.

"I am such a fool." I whispered, but I knew his ears caught it. I shut the door and opened the door to my room and slid down the back of it, as I had earlier. How could I have opened my heart to him after he had broken it so harshly before? My body shook as I cried out. I let him have my body again, but I assured myself... I wouldn't make that mistake again.

Allllright! So I finally finished up this chapter. I know I might be rushing the Salima thing, y'all probably wanted to see more Ray/Kira juicyness, but hopefully it will all make sense to you later. Also, the lyrics I used while she was riding in the uber was from the song My Demons by Starset. I'm absolutely obsessed with that song.

And to the guest who reviewed the last chapter of this almost immediately, I wanted to reply to your review but I couldn't because you didn't have a username. I just wanted to say thank you so much for reviewing, and I promise there will be many lemons coming in the future!

Don't forget to review guys, if you want faster chapters! Hope y'all enjoyed it!