Hello readers, just some things you ought to know:

I'm just going to get this out of the way straight up, this is my first ever time writing a fanfic so it will than likely be terrible plot, grammar and so forth, I admit I haven't done terribly well in English at High school. I'm just some dude that felt like at least giving it a go even if I do a sucky job at it but at least I'm having a go so please don't flame me too bad because any flaming will be ignored, so if you don't like it just don't read it, but constructive criticism would be appreciated. So for my first ever attempt I'm going to do a Bleach/Persona 3 crossover story. Why? Because I like Bleach and Persona 3. Also I won't just abandon the story without at least saying so and updates should I decide to continue, I don't really want to set any specific dates so they won't be too long apart just not too quick either. Don't expect chapters to be long but should increase word amount as I go this fanfic is mostly for trial and error but hopefully will improve with time.

Now my plot will probably not make a whole lot of sense and will just be terrible mainly because I've never played Persona 3. Also feel free to give me ideas for the plot, pairings.

Now I personally can't stand romances that take forever so yes relationships in this story will be rushed and characters will be heavily ooc and ichigo will arrive Iwatodai after the Xcution arc and won't have the quincy war happening in this story mainly because as mentioned this is my first story and I need to do some trial and error to get betting at writing before.

Remember I've never wrote a fanfic story before so there will be many things wrong with my story and will be very armature writing and plot so if it's too much for your please just don't read it. Story will be fairly light and will not contain any form of rape I absolutely hate rape. Will have lemons eventually.

This story will contain a bit of Junpei bashing but just a little I don't hate him I just find him pretty annoying to start with. Just reminding I've never played Persona 3 so don't expect things to happen in the correct order and some things may be skipped and new events happen.

Oh and When I mentioned that Ichigo will be godlike I meant like no one will beat him and he will be able to crush enemies with ease and I currently don't know how I'm going to merge the Bleach Universe and Persona Universe so don't expect any smart explanations because honestly I'm like a C student in school.

Disclaimers: I do not own Bleach or Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 or any of the characters or plot and elements and so forth. I own absolutely nothing of these amazing works of art. other than my oc events.


Ichigo x Tier Harribel (Some people say Halibel but im going with Harribel) x Retsu Unohana (why? Because I rather like her character) Mitsuru (As mentioned characters will be havily ooc and I'm terrible at coming up with how people can have more than one girlfriend so don't expect anything special my story will just be they get together not immediately but will happen soon)

Minato x ? (leave a review or pm me with recomendations)



"Zanpaktou/Persona talking"

'Zanpaktou/Persona thinking'

Prologue/Chapter 1

X General P.O.V X

Brown hazelnut eyes flutter opens to the sound of some rattling, gazing around his current setting as his sight settles on a blue haired boy with earphones in playing music wearing what seemed to be black jeans and a brown jacket currently buttoned up with a bored/dead expression on his face as if he just dosen't care about anything. (I'm not going to bother with describing Minato just google him if you can't remember what he looks like also he's currently wearing what he does in the Persona 3 movie at the beginning)

'Well I bet he's got quite the colourful personality' Thought the observer as he moves his gaze to his side where he is greeted by the sight of what could only be called a ebony skin, blonde haired beauty that just so happens to be sleeping on the her boyfriend/mate.

'Man these last few months have been the craziest times of my life. Just how did all this happen again?' Thought the figure that now can be seen in the moonlight. The figure is seen as a teenage male with orange spikey hair that seems a bit tamed (Ichigo's hair from after obtaining Mugetsu) with what could be described with a fairly muscular build with a fairly big frame but not an overly muscular body like a body builder but with a body that would belong to a swimmer or athlete wearing a black shirt with the number 15 on the back (Why people always give him the number 15 I'm honestly not all that sure so I just thought hey why not?) and dark navy blue jeans. This teenager is none other than Ichigo Kurosaki, occupation: student/substitute soul reaper/vizard.

The stunningly beautiful ebony skinned blonde still catching some shuteye on Ichigo just so happens to be one of Ichigo's girlfriends. Currently clothed in a dark blue coat with some wave designs running all over it, with brown jeans covering her lower half of her body. This blonde is Tier Harribel the ex-tres espada now after some events a vizard like Ichigo. And yes you would think that people are only meant to have one girlfriend but Ichigo's love life is somewhat complicated in the sense that because he was born with a hollow attached to his soul and after eventually mastering his inner hollow after the whole Xcutions fiasco he slowly started to accept that his inner hollow is a part of his soul.

Though only after Tier and Retsu convinced him that by denying his inner hollow he was only rejecting his own power so after a bit of convincing Ichigo went into his inner world at finally accepted his inner hollow that he named Shiro because it would get weird and confusing calling his soul reaper spirit Zangetsu and his hollow powers Zangetsu so he named his hollow powers Shiro.

Ichigo and Tier are currently on their way to Iwatodai where they will be attending Gekkoukan high school after Kisuke sent ichigo to Iwatodai where Kisuke's been getting unknown readings on and after discussing the issue with Isshin Ichigo's father and Ichigo as well as Tier they agreed that it should be looked into.

So here Ichigo and Tier are on a train surrounded by their luggage (but only like a bag or two most of their stuff got sent to the school dorm) and only each other as well as the emo looking blue haired teenager (no offense to Minato I like him but man he is a little emo like to begin with) for company and the only sounds present the bit of music coming from the blue haired teens headphones and the sound of the train moving along the tracks of the railway.

As Ichigo waits to arrive at their destination he can't help but remember all the crazy events that happened recently in his life.

X Flashback X

After getting back his soul reaper powers via the spirit blade that the 13 court guard squads filled their reishi into that Rukia Kuchiki administrated into Ichigo, Ichigo proceeded to battle Ginjo Kugo whom he easily overpowered and now stands nearby Ginjo's dying form whom passes away.

Ichigo currently still in deep thought of Ginjo's last few words about if things would have been different if Ichigo had come before himself would things turned out different or if it would have been him standing over Ichigo lies on the ground dying. So deep in thought that Ichigo didn't notice a figure approaching from behind him with the intent to kill him.

"Die Ichigo Kurosaki!" yelled TsukishimaShukuro as he brought down his fullbring in an attempt to kill Ichigo how only sensed Tsukishima too little too late as he is about to hit him he spots something in the corner of his eye as a white blur appears between Ichigo and Tsukishima and bloacks Tsukishima's attack whom Ichigo recalls as the ebony skinned, blonde haired arrancar that out the corner of his eye that watched him battle Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez the 6th Espada back in Hueco Mundo when Ichigo was rescuing his friend Orihime Inoue. After using Mugetsu and before he lost all his soul reaper powers he inquired about the blonde Espada and found out that the blonde was called Teir Harribel the Ex-tres Espada.

"I will not allow you to harm him TsukishimaShukuro" says Tier Harribel quite firmly while leaking out some spiritual pressure and some killer intent as she remains in the same position demstarting just how outmatched Tsukishima truly was.

Tsukishima after realising just how hopelessly outmatched he is decides to flee but before he is able to make a clean getaway Tier slashes him across his chest resulting in it spurting out blood as he then proceeds the limp away from Ichigo and Tier (If you've read or seen this arc you know what happens to him from there alive but no longer a problem) and fades into the distant.

For a second neither Ichigo nor Tier says a word they simply stand across from each other gazing at each other intently one with curiosity, confusion and a touch of weariness as the other gazed with what looked like admiration, respect and love?. The last emotion confused Ichigo because how could she possible love him? They hadn't even met up close before now let alone talked or developed any form of relationship let alone love.

As if understanding his questioning look that dawned upon Ichigo's face Tier finally addressed him. "I see your confused Ichigo Kurosaki, it's understandable we have not met up close before so let me explain." Teir paused awaiting Ichigo's permission to continue explaining herself. Upon seeing Ichigo nod his head slowly she continued her explanation. Tier than went on to explain how from after Aizen Sosuke betrayed her she passed out for a while then woke up to see Ichigo manhandle Aizen away from Karakura Town and to some rocky terrain away from any bystanders.

Tier than explained how she followed and witnessed Ichigo battle Aizen and heard of how by using the Final Gestuga Tensho attack dubbed Mugetsu that Ichigo would lose all his soul reaper powers, upon hearing how a human would actually sacrifice his own powers just to defeat Aizen this made Tier feel a connection to Ichigo seeing as she represents the aspect of sacrifice she understood his pain somewhat.

Tier than explained how after Ichigo lost his powers she continued to watch over him protecting him from hollows and so forth, she also explained that recently she had to oversee some troubles back at Hueco Mundo roughly around when Ginjo approached him about getting his powers. She also explained that over the time she watched over him that she had developed feelings for him, that bit of information made Ichigo feel touched yet a bit scared because before he lost his powers he was kind of in a relationship with Retsu Unohana.

X Flashback in a flashback X

Ichigo recalled after his fight with Aizen back on sokyoku hill back in the soul society that after he was healed he went by the squad 4 barracks seeing as how Retsu had requested he did so to make sure that he was in perfect health. So Ichigo proceeded to Retsu's office where she stared the examination professionally but that soon started to feel weird to Ichigo as she started to get a bit touchy feely with his body, however it was about when she asked him to strip that he started to feel a little suspicious but she assured him that it was strictly for the examination. "I assure you this is all standard examination" is what Retsu would reply with.

Soon after that she proceeded to get a lot up close n' personal especially around his chest, Retsu than stated that she needed to check that he hadn't developed any kind of genital disease (total lie) and begun working on his dick. It was then that what started off as some examination turned into…something else. It was safe to assume that after that Ichigo started to drop the whole prude attitude and began turning into more of a Casanova.(I will not have my mc a frigging prude)

Ichigo would never forget how he lost his virginity to Retsu especially seeing as how he surprisingly also took Retsu's first time too, she said she hadn't lost it till then because she never found anyone that truly stirred her very soul until him. They then started dating soon after that. (Might do a flashback lemon in another chapter)

x Flashback in a flashback end x

As Ichigo thought this Shiro decided to speak up " Oi Ichigo just to let you know because of me you kinda need more than one mate because of our hollow instincts and lust, besides didn't Retsu tell you she wouldn't mind more girls joining the relationship as long as they are kick ass women who don't sound like a banshee (take a random guess as to who that was a crack at) and need their hand held the entire time? Eh kingy?"

'Yea she did say something like that didn't she? But I don't know Shiro it feels weird liking more than one girl' mentally replied to Shiro who seemed to be thinking of something to say.

"Look kingy when has your life ever been normal eh?" Ichigo stopped to think about this and the more he thought about it the more he was thinking about just stuff whatever people may think about it, if he ever gave a dam about what people thought about him he would have dyed his hair black long ago.

"Look Tier I can't say that I love you just yet…but what I can say is that I would like to get to know you better" Ichigo told Tier with a smile on his face. Upon hearing Ichigo's words Tier's eyes started to water as she did something that surprised them both as well as the soul reapers that came into the clearing leaving a shocked Rukia, Torshiro Hitsugaya, Byakuya Kuchiki and others. (Look it's really not important who was there and you who read/watch bleach would know who was there I can't be bothered mentioning and describing everyone they look like after the timeskip) Tier kissed Ichigo on the lips.

Everyone who witnessed this was simply stunned some more than others for everyone was aware of Ichigo's relationship with Retsu. As Teir was kissing Ichigo she wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss as Ichigo instinctually brought his arms around her slender waist to pull her deeper into the kiss. Tier was pleasantly surprised when his tongue touched her legs asking for entrance to her mouth, which she was all too happy to do so even if this her first kiss as she parted her mouth and Ichigo's tongue entered her mouth and they began their battle for mouth dominance Tier stared to moan into the kiss as they wrapped their tongues together and brought their bodies even closer.

As Ichigo leaned back from the kiss to which Tier sighed as she didn't want it to stop. With everyone watching they were staring now right at Ichigo as he then proceeded to inform them about Tier's story and how she wasn't any threat to The Soul Society which weirdly enough they accepted without much difficulty. (I know they wouldn't really but as I've said I'm a total newbie at writing so don't expect good stuff for a while)

After that whole incident Ichigo and Tier went to the soul society to retrieve Ginjo's body so he could bury it in the human world, while Ichigo went to ask for permission for Ginjo's body Tier was having a few words with Retsu about joining their relationship.

"So Tier Harribel is it? I hear you kissed MY Ichigo care to explain? Restu asked with the infamous smile of death present on her face as Tier started to sweat slightly.

Tier then went on to explain how she started protecting Ichigo while he didn't have his powers and everything. "At some point I just fell in love with him I mean after all he's done how could I not?"

"So you truly love Ichigo? With all your heart and soul?" questioned Retsu while making direct eye contact with Tier with a serious look plastered on her face.

"Yes I do." Was Tiers answer with fire in her green eyes as she stared down Retsu.

"…..Good you have my permission to join then, besides he's going to need more than one woman in bed anyway, heheheh" Retsu giggled when Tiers face went crimson red from what she was insinuating about Ichigo.

It was after Ichigo and Tier went back to the realm of the living that they went to Kisuke's place to see if they could make Tier into a Vizard of which he said he could but it wouldn't be easy and could possibly kill her if she failed.

This made Ichigo slightly weary but Tier didn't falter for a second as she said to begin the process. The overall process of Tier becoming a Vizard was Tier diving into her inner world to confront her past which was a lot easy than it sounds as she almost died if Ichigo hadn't intervened by taking what would have been a suicidal blow when Tier's abusive past was overwhelming her and she just wanted to kill herself (but no rape I hate rape she was emotionally and physically abused but not sexualy at all) but Ichigo came into her inner world and took the blow.

"Why?" Tier questioned Ichigo with tears in her eyes "Why would you save me! I'm a monster!?" she yelled through her tears which widened in surprise when Ichigo claimed her lips in a searing kiss of not lust but pure love.

"Tier I don't ever want to hear you call yourself a monster you hear me!" exclaimed Ichigo as he grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes"...you are not a monster what happened to you was not your fault and you didn't choose to become a hollow"

"But why would you save me after all I've done?" asked Tier with such a small voice as she was slightly shaking while looking into Ichigo's eyes with hope that he wouldn't reject her. It hurt Ichigo to see such a strong woman reduced to this.

"Tier even as a hollow you still were good person Tier you were just mislead by Aizen. And for as why I would save you Tier that would be because I love you Tier Harribel"Tiers eyes wideneded as Ichigo leaned back in to reclaim her lips in a kiss, but this time Tier reacted by placing her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss.

While they kiss Tier's outfit changes into a black version her arrancar outfit minus the hollow mask on her face signalizing she is now a Vizard like Ichigo.

X Flashback end X

Ichigo continued to stare at the moon through the train window as the moonlight shinned down on him 'It's too bad that Retsu couldn't come but then again she is a captain she can't just leave her duties' thought Ichigo as his eyes closed and he drifted back to sleep.

X A Hour Later X

Ichigo's eyes snap open as he feels the train come to a stop as he turns his head he smiles as he sees Tier's still asleep with an adorable look on her sleeping form while she clings to Ichigo. Ichigo leans in and captures her lips in a soft kiss "Good morning beautiful, we've arrived Tier better wake up now" Ichigo greets Tier's groggy state.

"Morning love" came Tiers sleepy reply with a smile on her face as she give Ichigo a quick soft kiss back then they proceed to gather their travelling bags and hop off the train they notice the clock about to hit midnight, as the clock hand strikes midnight all the lights turn off.

"What the hell?" questioned Ichigo as Tier simply looks around and see's that nothing electrical seems to be operating.

"Ichigo it would seem that all electronics have simply ceased operating could it be just a power out?" Tier asked Ichigo.

"Well seeing as the backup generator hasn't kicked in yet I'm going to speculate that this isn't normal." Came Ichigo's reply as they continued walking they noticed a number of strange things such as every around them was a darker and had a weird feeling to but the thing that stood out the most to them would be the coffins that seemed to be everywhere and when they peeked into one they found a person just sleeping.

"What the hell is happening?" Ichigio asked no one in particular as Tier was in deep thought. 'Hey Zangetsu, Shiro can ya tell me anything about all of this?' he mentally asked his zanpaktou and hollow.

"Sorry Ichigo but I've never encounted such a thing before but keep your guard up" was Zangetsu's reply.

"Yea sorry Kingy but im with Zangetsu on this one all I can tell is that these people in the coffins aren't dead" Shiro said.

'Thanks anyways' Ichigo mentally thanked them as they continued walking to the school dorms where they were told to head to after arriving. As Ichigo and Tier continued walking arm in arm they noticed the blue haired boy from the train heading in the same way they were which surprised them as he wasn't in a coffin.

"Hey I'm Ichigo Kurosaki" Ichigo greeted the blue head calmly.

"…..Minato Arisato" came the now identified blue haired boys response.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow at Minato's lazy gretting but said nothing "Tier Harribel, are you also a transfer student Arisato?" Tier interjected herself into the convocation .

"….Yea I am, I'll take it so are you two?" questioned Minato.

"Yea we are, well seeing as we're all heading the same direction shall we travel together? Suggested Ichigo, Minato simply nodded his head and they continued on their way to the dorm.

X Time skip X

Soon enough they arrived in front of the school dorms where they then opened the door and came face to face with a young looking boy with black and white striped shirt and short blackish hair looking at Minato.

"You're late I've been waiting for you for ages" the child brought out what seemed to be a contract "If you want to proceed please sign your name here" the child told Minato.

"Do we need to sign a contract as well?" Tier asked with an odd look on her face as she sensed the child's presence as non-human.

"Oh there will be no need for you two to sign everything was taken care for you by one Kisuke Urahara." Came the child's response as Minato signed the contract and then handed it over to the child. "And so it begins, but will you be able to change your fate with them here?" the child says as he looks at Ichigo and Tier who look at the child with curiosity plastered over their faces. "Everything has a beginning as they have an end, I wonder just what will your future bring? The salvation of this world? Or the end of it? I suppose only time will tell I'm most eager to find out I will you all again soon" said the child as he seemingly faded right before their eyes.

No one moved for a second as they were trying to digest what the hell just happened but as they were thinking they head footsteps heading their way at a rather fast pace.

"Who are you!" came a feminine voice, Ichigo's eyes wandered over to find a brunette haired girl that was wearing a pink shirt with a red ribbon on with a black miniskirt, but what caught Ichigos attention about this girl was the gun strapped to her right leg.

She seemed scared and on edge as she glared them down while breathing heavily and was slightly shaking and moved her hand to the gun but was interrupted by a voice.

"Wait Takeba." Came another feminine voice but unlike the brunette this one commanded respect and exerted confidence and authority. The figure then stepped into view on the stairwell as in Ichigo's opinion of a beautiful red haired girl with her long hair going well to her backside and covering her right eye and wearing a white shirt with a red ribbon tied at the neck area, she was wearing a long black skirt with a gun tied to her side.

"But Kirijo-senpai they-"Don't worry they're just ordinary transfer students" started the brunette only to be interrupted by the red head who made her way down the stairs and infront of the Ichigo, Tier and Minato as the red head did so they power came back on.

"We were expecting you all to arrive earlier, I am Mitsuru Kirijo I live here in the dorm." Came the newly identified red head Mitsuru Kirijo.

"Why did they have to choose this hour to turn up?" said the brunette in a hused voice but Ichigo and Tier caught it anyway.

'What doe's she mean by this hour?" was the thought of the two Vizards.

"It was a last minute decision to place them all here but im sure they will be placed elsewhere at a later date." Spoke Mitsuru as Ichigo walked on by being closely followed by Tier and a lagging Minato.

"Hey!" yelled the brunette at them as they group turned around to look at them. Now it wasn't that Ichigo was rude or anything he rather found Mitsuru hot but he was rather worn-out from the train ride and just wanted to sleep.

"You're room is on the second floor at the end of the hall." Said Mitsuru to Minato who simply nodded then turned to Ichigo and Tier. "I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience but currently we only have one room available left so you're going to have to share it." She addressed Ichigo and Tier while she had the faintest of blushes on her face as she looked at Ichigo.

"That's ok we're actually dating anyway." Was Tiers reply which caused Mitsuru to deflate slightly. "So where would our room be at?" asked Tier.

"It's on the second floor second located second from the first room you walk by." Replied Mitsuru "Takeba show them the way, this is Yukari Takeba a second year this spring same as all of you right" she said looking at Ichigo with what seemed to be curisosity?

"….Minato Arisato" spoke Minato.

"Tier Harribel a pleasure to meet you" voiced Tier

"Ichigo Kurosaki sorry If I seemed rude just now it's just that the train ride here rather drained me" Ichigo explained and Mitsuru nodded her head in understanding while never breaking eye contact with Ichigo.

"Its quite alright, It's late you all best turn in" Mitsuru recommended as Ichigo nodded his head and Yukari stepped forth.

"Please follow me." She said as she walked ahead of them, as Ichigo walked away he winked at Mitsuru who blushed in response as her eyes followed his retreating figure.

As the goup made their way to the second floor Yukari was explaining the rules and where everything is located at and then arrived outside of Ichgio's and Tier's room Yukari looked like she wanted to say something but was too shy to ask.

"Ok what is it?" Ichigo asked as Yukari looked surprised "It's written all over your face." He said as she looked sheepish st that comment.

"Um you didn't happen to run into any trouble on the way here from the station did you? It's just that-" Yukari asked while looking nervous then stopped "It's nothing, goodnight" then walked away.

Ichigo simply walked into the room he and Tier was designated and walked in to found the room quite spacious with two large beds that were separated but Ichigo simply moved them together, the room also had a bathroom with a shower and a bathtub so they could choose which ever they preferred, there was also various windows placed around the room with two desks as Tier started to unpack her things she called out to Ichigo.

"So not even here for 10minutes and already hitting on someone hmmm? She smirked when Ichigo blushed and rubbed the back of his head ruffling his shaggy orange hair as he made his way over to Tier and took her into a loving embrace.

"Hehe sorry Tier but there was just something about her that interests me." Tier simply giggled at her boyfriend's reason, she then grabs his head and pulls him into a loving kiss.

"Now come one let's just go for a shower and get some rest ok? We do have school tomorrow remember?" spoke Tier as she let him go and went into the bathroom for a shower as Ichigo followed closely behind Tier.

X Time Skip X

After coming out of the shower Ichigo and Tier got dressed into their sleepwear and then moved into their beds as the cuddled together under the sheets, Ichigo touched her chin making Tier look up as he leaned down and kissed her.

"Goodnight my shark empress" Ichigo said loving while looking into Tiers eyes.

"Goodnight my moon guardian" Tier replied as she pecked him on the lips and rested her head on his chest as she fell asleep.

Ichigo followed her soon into the land of sleep with one last kiss to her forehead.

X End of Chapter X

Author notes:

Now just as a reminder this is my first ever fanfic so please go easy on me and I don't like relationships that take forever to develop so yes the relationships will be rushed if you don't like that just don't read my story and yes obviously if you don't like my reading don't even bother flaming this because it will be ignored.

If you have any plot recoomendations, pairings, CONSTRUCTRIVE CRITISM so forth please leave a review or pm me. Second chapter will come out fairly soon but don't expect anything for a bit. Also I could use a beta reader.