Pain. It waa all his young ten year old body knew. Ever since he could rember his uncle had been beating him. It didn't matter if he did anything wrong or not. He even got beat for doing better in school then his cousin Dudley. If it was only physical pain then he probly could deal with it and get used to it, but his cousin and his friends would beat on him too. They had a game for it. They would call it "Harry Hunting". He also had to deal with mental and emotional abuse too. Up until he started going to school he even believed his name was "Freak Boy." He did all the chores around the house and all the cooking for his relitives. He grew up use to this life knowing nothing else. The only positive thing in his life was his dreams.

In his dreams he always heard a woman's voice. Sometimes he would hear her singing sootging songs to him. Other nights he would hear her telling him stories. Some about wizards and knights having adventures. Then there was stories about dragons. The stories about dragons where always his favorites. He loved how free they got to be. Able to go anywhere they wanted, when ever they wanted. It was what he always wished for. To be free of his aunt and uncle. Nomore beatings or chores. And he would beable to actually eat real food not just the scraps of what was leftover. It would be his greatest dream come true.

"Boy! Where is my food," he heard his uncle yell from behind him at the table. He sighed and finished placing the food on plates for them all. He placed two large full plates infront of his uncle and cousin. He was always amazed at how much food they could eat and all he ever recieved was leftover scraps. His aunt recived a smaller plate of food with fruit. Harry sat eating a piece of toast and read over the list of chores he had for today. He noticed that his list was short today and would be finished by mid-day.

A few hours later Harry sat down on the couch feeling tired after completing his chores. He started watching the show that Dudley had on the tell when he heard the mail arrive.

"Duds get the mail," Uncle Vernon told his son.

"Make the freak do it," was the respons heard.

"Boy get the mail"

"Make Dudley get it," Harry tried, but as soon as he sais it he saw his uncle throw Dudley's Smilting stick at him. He ducked under it and ran to the mail. He saw that with the mail there was a letter addressed to him. He quickly shoved it into his pocket hoping his relitives did not see him. After giving his uncle the mail he put his head down and went to his cuboard hoping to not be noticed. When he got there he hopped onto his old lumpy matress and opened his letter.

Dear Mr. Harry J. Potter,

Mr. Potter it has come to our attention that you are now ten years old. According to the instructions left to use by your mother, we are suppose to contact you. Now we know you are being raised by your non magical family so this may shock you. You Mr. Potter are a wizard and magic is real. It will all be explained to you shortly. This letter is what is known as a Portkey. A portkey will transport you here with magic after you say the word "Khaleesi". We hope to see you soon.

Ripjaw, Senior Inheratance Manager

'Magic? Could it really be real?' He thought with his doubts. But then he rembered all the wierd things that have happened in his life. The time his aunt shaved off all his hair except for a little to cover his scar, and it all regrew over night exactly how it was before cut. How he always liked his baths steaming hot but the water never burned him. And there also was the time at school when Dudley and his gang chashed him and he hid by the trash cans. He closed his eyes wishing to be safe and when he opened tgem he was ontop of the school. Was all that magic that caused thous things to happen? Harry gripped his letter in his hands.

"Well it can't hurt to try," he said. "Khaleesi." With the word spoken Harry felt a pull at his baval and he blacked out dissapearing.