Final chapter. 4 am too tired to think of anything poetic to say.
Disclaimer: Not my games, just my fanfic
Leaving the old man behind Alex and Desmond finally had an actual plan. Kill Billy and the Walrider will cease to exist. They just had to outrun a ghost that could phase through walls and throw a four hundred pound man around like he was a pillow, but hey... they had a plan.
"So we need to turn off the life support and then the pain killers... he's going to have a painful slow death." Desmond sighed shaking his head.
"Think of all the others he's killed. He wont hesitate and neither can we." Alex reasoned following the path to try and find Dana again.
"Even still it's not his fault. I've been reading files around the place as I went around. Billy was made worse like everyone else. I'm not saying I won't kill him." He placated Alex quickly at the glare he was given. "Billy needs to be stopped, but that doesn't mean I can't feel bad for killing a mentally ill man who is dealing with a power well out of any humans control."
There really wasn't any argument that Alex could throw back at him for that one. Alex was a killer, nearly took over New York just trying to figure out who he was and piece together his memories. Taking a life was simple for him because life was simple to him. If he got tired of the life he had now he could just consume anyone he wanted and take over for their lives, then move onto the next when he'd get bored again.
Desmond didn't have that, he had to live with every action and take every consequence. That was his life, his one and only life. A life already caked in blood and filled with regrets.
"When it comes down to it, I'll finish him off." He promised as they came to the room Dana should have been in. The room was nearly empty of anything leaving no where for the young woman to hide. "Where did she-" Alex paused as Desmond patted his shoulder and pointed to the ground. A set of small foot prints in the blood were heading down the hall.
"Guess she got tired of waiting for us." Desmond chuckled trying to lighten the mood even a little bit. They both knew her being alone down here was a death sentence. But with the Walrider hunting the two of them she might have been safer away from them. "Let's hurry."
With that they were jogging down the halls following the bloody footprints until they faded as the blood dried to her feet or enough came off that there was nothing else to transfer onto the white floors. Ahead of them was a plain door sans of blood for once, an almost hopeful sight after all the red laid about behind them painting the walls. But the hairs on the backs of their necks and the echoing in their ears told them otherwise. Without even glancing back they ran throwing the door open knowing the Walrider was right behind them.
Alex was not taking any chances. Wrapping his arm around Desmond's waist he crouched on the ground and put as much strength into his legs as he could jumping them up onto the second platform and tumbling into the decontamination room with just enough time to spare to see the doors close on the Walrider halting it's chase.
Unfortunately the jump didn't come without a price. Alex was on the floor with Desmond crouched over him trying to be of some help as he cursed up a storm. His body couldn't take much more abuse without consuming new organic material to make up for it. His powers were very much give and take and he'd been taking a whole lot that night with nothing to give. Not knowing what drug could be in the bodies of the patients here, not to mention their mental instability mingling with his own would result in far too many problems to risk it. He'd swallow his hunger and brute his way through the pain.
"Nearly out of here Alex, just manage a little while longer." Desmond helped him back onto his feet and pulled his arm over his shoulder taking some of his weight. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.
Before them now stood a set of blast doors that opened as soon as they got close inside was something out of a scifi horror movie. Computers all hooked up from wall to wall, a large observation room overseeing a mass of metal and machinery hanging from the ceiling projecting the morphogenic engine to the unfortunate souls trapped at it's base. Their bodies strung up in bubbles of water, wires taped to their veins as well as pliers holding their eyes open forcing them to watch the ink moving on the screen in front of them.
What drew them in though was the lone woman standing next to the only bubble with a living inhabitant. Dana stood next to Billy watching the screen with him with a blank expression on her face. Alex was quick to run up to her grabbing her shoulders and turning her around.
"Why didn't you wait for us?" He demanded looking her over for any damage.
"You left me before, I... wanted to see what I could do." she crossed her arms over her chest looking at the ground. They shared a moment of silence not sure what else they could possibly say. Alex looked over her shoulder finally acknowledging the man strung up before them. "That Billy?" He asked already knowing the answer.
"Looks like his life support goes that way and his anesthesia is that way." Desmond said looking at the cables leading from Billy's bubbles and to the far sides of the room. Life support up a long set of stairs and the anesthesia through another door going down a hall. "...We should split up."
"Not happening." Alex shot him down without a thought.
"Alex.. that jump earlier hurt your legs. You could never make it up all those stairs and if the Walrider does come for us there is no possible way you could run up them." He'd seen far too many shredded corpses in this facility, he knew what the Walrider could do to them if he got close. "Just... We each take a path and when we're done Dana you hit the switch finishing it all. Done right we can finally leave here. If we screw it up well... we tried then."
They didn't like it. This plan went against everything they'd been doing since joining forces. It separated them, isolated them entirely, but it had to be done. Any delay just gave the Walrider more time to get them. They had to move and move fast.
"If you die I'm going to find a way to bring you back and kick your ass." Alex hissed.
"If I die make sure this gets to the assassins." Desmond patted the camera at his hip before removing it and setting it on the terminal by Billy's bubble. "Ask for Shaun Hastings, he'll be a pain in the ass but he knows me... knew me... it's complicated."
"Your ex?" Alex huffed. "Fine, but I'm going to punch him."
"I'd expect nothing less." Desmond laughed turning his back to them and heading for the stairs.
Without Alex at his side the air around him felt heavy. And not just because he was jogging up several flights of stairs either. There wasn't the security blanket that was his company with him. Alex made this mad house more bearable. After this was all done he was taking a damn long vacation and taking Alex with him. Dana would need more medical attention, real medical attention. Desmond could use a doc or two himself, it's been a very long night and right now he just wanted it to be over.
Following the stairs up to the top he went through another decontamination chamber before entering the life support room. Seeing his target above him he made his way up to the path leading to the valve he needed. Only problem was that the platform fell in on itself leaving a sizable gap for him to jump. He couldn't have been more glad that Alex didn't demand the life support route as he'd never be able to make the jump.
One long leap later and he was standing in front of the very valve that was the first step to stopping Billy. Two good turns and he could hear the man screaming from down the hall. Worse yet, he could feel the Walrider's hands on his jacket picking him up off the ground and tossing him over the railing. Grabbing him again he toyed with the assassin hissing in his face as he let go watching him hit the ground hard this time.
"Bastardo!" He yelled struggling onto his feet and making a run for the door. He nearly fell down the stairs as he made his way to the main room seeing Dana shaking like a leaf by the terminal. "Hit it!" He yelled as soon as he caught a glimpse of Alex from across the way. The older man froze seeing the misty image of the Walrider chasing Desmond closely just as Dana hit the button.
Billy struggled for all he was worth. The poor man choked on his own blood, the liquid leaking from his eyes and ears, out his nose, and between the tubes down his throat. The once clear bubble was now filled with red as his struggles commenced. The Walrider screeched as it's host was dying. Seeing fit to not be the only one to fade he shoved Desmond for all he was worth practically throwing him across the room. Alex got the same treatment, his back colliding with the glass leading to another hall leaving a sizable crack in the bullet proof glass. He fell to the ground like dead weight struggling to move at all and stop the creature from harming Dana.
It was a futile effort as she was the only one left standing. Latching onto the poor woman it ignored her screams as it picked her up and shook her around. Throwing her to the floor and dragging her back into it's grasp. The Walrider was not playing anymore. It's hands stabbed into her chest in it's final moments and howled as Billy finally breathed his last leaving nothing behind. Desmond had been able to get his feet under him long enough to catch her as she fell.
She was cold to the touch and sweating as if she were running a fever. Her eyes would not focus and she lolled her head from side to side like she was in water. Alex managed to get onto his hands and knees able to do little else but stare as his sister finally snapped.
"Dana! Dana, hang in there! It's gonna be okay. It's over now. Billy his dead! It's okay!" Desmond pleaded. Dana was having none of it as she rose from his grasp and slowly stumbled towards the doors. Not knowing what else to do for the woman he ran over to Alex pulling him onto his feet.
"Desmond... she's..." He muttered weakly shaking his head. Pausing he nearly forgot how to breath as he heard and ever familiar sound of military footsteps heading their way. "No...Nonono Dana!"
"Get them! None of them can survive." Wernicker demanded of the armed men surrounding him as they came into the room. The men did no hesitate seeing only Dana in front of them they opened fired. Alex and Desmond were helpless but to watch as she was shot full of holes until she fell. Alex felt his rage building but could do nothing. Desmond felt his heart breaking but could do nothing. "My god..." The old man gasped drawing them both back to Dana... who was standing up. "you've become the host..."
What happened next was nothing shy of horrific. Dana let loose the Walrider letting it tear into every single man in front of her grinning as their limbs were severed, their guns were forced down their throats, as they exploded from the Walrider bursting out of them. The old man was not even spared, drifting over to him it cupped his cheeks and squeezed. And squeezed. And squeezed. Until finally head old skull couldn't take it anymore, his head popped in the Walrider's grasp dropping the room into silence once more.
Slowly she turned towards Alex and Desmond. Now they could see the many bullet holes littering her body coating her in her own blood. Blood tears dripped off her cheeks and pooled from her mouth as she smiled at them. "I'm finally free." The Walrider wrapped it's arms around it's host's neck and with a quick jerk snapped Dana's neck ending her pain and it's own life.
Alex and Desmond couldn't form a breath between them. Their minds just not able to process what they just saw. Alex sucked in a breath first managing to collect himself if only a small bit. "Des... get your camera... I'm burning this place."
Numbly the assassin nodded getting up slowly and watched as Alex stumbled over to his sisters body in silence. All of that suffering and for what? A quick end after so much pain? It just wasn't right. Desmond did as directed though and got his camera back, even if it didn't get a good shot of everything that happened the audio would be more than enough. Hooking it back onto his belt he rejoined his companion seeing him kneeling in Dana's blood as he closed her eyes and laid her hands over her chest putting her to her final rest.
"Requiescat in Pace." Desmond whispered softly resting his hand on Alex's shoulder as the man stood. There was nothing left for anyone here. There was nothing in this facility that should ever see the light of day. They were taking no chances of that ever happening.
"There is a self destruct. The upper buildings will burn but down here... we gotta blow it." Alex said staying focused on his task rather than his grief. Desmond was about to ask how he knew that until he realized there were fewer guard bodies around them than he recalled entering the room. No doubt they had the information stored away and were thankfully sane enough to replenish Alex without driving him mad.
"Get it going then. These guys had to come in through the hanger bay we saw earlier. They wouldn't have gotten to us so fast on the elevator. Probably have a car we can steal." Desmond guessed picking up a rifle and some ammo just in case. Billy had the foresight to break all the guns, Dana didn't bother going right for the kill without wasting time. At least now he had a real weapon to fight with instead of a broken blade. "Alex...Dana-"
"Leave her... she's gone and I'm not dragging around a corpse." He might have sounded cold but Desmond understood. She suffered enough, better to let her be at rest here than buried somewhere only to be dug up by Abstergo later. They had far too many resources to not figure out where she'd be buried. That and staring at one's dead family member was never easy. With a ping on the computer Alex picked up the monitor and threw it at the wall as the count down started. "We should move." He was taking no chances of someone stopping the countdown.
Alex had his energy back thanks to his little snack and was all but dragging Desmond along towards the hanger. The guards were very obvious in their path as the halls they walked earlier were now more cleared of clutter to make way for a wheel chair no doubt. Not wasting time on idle chatter they quickly found their heaven.
The hanger was now filled with several army vehicles loaded up with gear and a full tank of gas. More than enough to please the two of them. Heading for the closest one they ended up sliding into a four door jeep with heavy plating and thankfully the keys in the glove box. Alex hopped into the drivers seat starting the baby up and peeling out of the facility. The first sign of nature was a weight lifted off their shoulders. But they were not done yet. Heading a mere mile out Alex parked the car on a hill where they could easily see Mount Massive Asylum and all it's burning glory.
Father Martin's pyre had spread taking most of the main building with it. As they watched it burn they moved out of the car. Desmond opted to sit on the hood with his camera in his lap recording the whole thing while Alex leaned against the grill next to him, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes set on the fires making sure there would be nothing left. "How much longer?" Desmond whispered. "Not long." Alex said back just as quietly leaning towards him and resting his head on Desmond's knee. The assassin wordlessly pulled back the living virus' hood running his fingers through his hair in silent comfort.
As promised there was a soft popping noise in the distance, a precursor for what was coming. Below the surface fires were starting and explosions were tearing at the foundation of the once great facility bringing it to it's knees. Crumbling into itself the explosions popped and tore into the walls and floors leaving little to nothing behind. Ash rained down on them as wood was thrown skyward. And just like that:
It all stopped leaving nothing but cooking wood and metal fading away into nothing in the wind. It was finally over as they sun started to rise above the trees ending the longest night of their lives.
So I imagine that might have been a slightly unsatisfying end but I stared at it typing, deleting, and re-typing so many things I decided to leave it as is. I might throw in an epilogue or just bonus chapters.
I like the idea of Desmond waiting for a dead drop pickup and having Shaun show up notice the missing finger and figuring out the relationship between Alex and Desmond only to point out how unhealthy it is to be dragged around by the mentally insane and a literal virus. Drama ensues.
Or even just a simple wrap up chapter for shits and giggles. Who knows.
Anyway, thank you all so much for sticking with me. Remember I put in that Uncharted or Evil Within are possible for the next series. Seeing as I've only got two chapters to base my polls on I'm just gonna leave it open for all suggestions and I'll just go with whatever peeks my fancy. Any idea you think could work pitch it to me, got a piece of fanart that could be a decent start to a fanfic throw it my way. This whole series started because of some fanart on deviant art with an open ended challenge to make a fanfic out of it. Maybe I'll start up a one-shot collection if I get enough ideas that I wouldn't necessarily want to make into a series but would like to play with it in a short story anyway.
R&R and let me know what you think. Thank you all so much again! Stay Golden!