Here, finally.

Hope you like this chapter; let me know your thoughts.

Sorry about mystakes with grammar and/or spelling but I'm working with an unvalidated Microsoft Word.

Death the Kid and the Broken Soul.

Chapter Six.

Death is Pronounced.

Once Kreacher finished telling the story of Regulus' sacrifice, a heavy silence fell over the room.

Sirius remained still, his eyes fixed on some distant point lost in time and memories. By then, he was glad his back was the one facing the others; he didn't know what to think or what to feel about his little brother anymore… or Kreacher.

The Elf continued speaking; his eyes fixed on the locket.

"Master Regulus asked Kreacher to destroy it, but Kreacher never could do it. It didn't matter what Kreacher did, Kreacher couldn't even scratch it…"

"Not your fault," assured Lord Death. "This things are pretty tricky… Even a big group of Elves wouldn't have been able to harm it…" He inspected the quickly decaying piece of soul once again. "Such a tiny thing… I don't think there is any way to fix it… Too shattered… Not human enough to feel remorse…"

"Remorse?" repeated Harry; his voice full with incredulity. "Voldemort would never feel remorse!"

Even though the name caused the congregated to shrink and shiver, no one protested to Harry's declaration.

"And that's too bad," sighed Lord Death once again. "Order demands balance. To cleanse the pain you have inflicted in others you must feel pain; remorse. That's the only way to heal a soul…"

"What shall we do about this, Father?" questioned Kid, the locket pending from his hand while the exorcised fragment of soul kept disintegrating before him.

Lord Death stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Now, a Soul like that has no chance to ever become a Kishin; nor would it be able to take part of the reincarnation cycle.

"There's really not need for the DWMA to get involved. But if you want to take care of it, why not?"

"It's set then," nodded Kid. "As a Grim Reaper, I cannot allow such an atrocity to exist."

Liz smacked her forehead. "Of course…" she muttered through clenched teeth.

Kreacher's ears perked at this words. "Is the Younger Master of Us All going to avenge Kreacher's Master?" He stared at the black haired Meister with hope and adoration.

"I'll destroy this," assured Kid kindly, showing him the golden locket with the fragment of Voldemort's soul inside. "But not right now; we'll need it to find the others.

"And then, I'll make sure your master is avenged, I promise."

Lord Death nodded approvingly. "I'll send someone to retrieve the corpses from that cave… Even if those are nothing but empty shells, we must retrieve them for their families' sake," sighed the Reaper. "That and that kind of zombies makes our job seems lousy."

"Wouldn't Sid get offended by that?" questioned Liz.

"Not at all~ He's a cool zombie~" Lord Death became serious at once. "Kid, do you realize what this means?"

Kid blinked in confusion. "No…"

"It's the very first name in your list!" exclaimed the older Grim Reaper with more cheerfulness than usual, which produced more bouncing than usual.

Kid frowned and looked at his open palm, where the black skulls were just vanishing after delivering a scroll. He opened it and scanned it quickly. "You are right, Father!"

"Lemme see! Lemme see!"

The boy showed his father the parchment. The headline read: 'Death the Kid's list' and there was one name written beneath.

"You grow up so fast!" marveled Lord Death with fatherly nostalgic. "Next thing I know, your Sanzu Lines will connect permanently and you'll be a full-fledged Grim Reaper!"

"There's still a long time for that!" protested his son. "I'm too young and inexperienced!" He looked at the list once more and frowned. "I thought his name was Voldemort…?"

"Tom Riddle is his given name," explained Dumbledore; the rest of the Order (children not members included) was speechless due to the newest developments. "Though he's been using the alias of Voldemort even since he was in school."

Both Grim Reapers' eyebrows twitched (the hole for the eye in Lord Death's mask's case).

"So, he changed it specifically to mock us?" growled the older one. "Now this is personal! Make sure he regrets it, Kiddo!"

"Yes, Father!"

"Now that I think about it… wasn't there a prophecy regarding you two… You and the idiot who thinks he can mock my son and I?" mused Lord Death studying Harry.

At the mention of the prophecy Snape stiffened and turned around, as did Sirius, while Dumbledore's eyes became wary and the other adults were startled.

"What prophecy?" questioned the Boy-Who-Lived.

"Oh… something about you two killing each other and none of you able to live while the other remains… Something about those lines…" said the Reaper shrugging.

Harry stared at him agape. It wasn't nice to be told by Death himself you were to kill or be killed by your Nemesis… Especially when said Death didn't seemed to care that much in the first place.

"Prophecies only possess the value that those who believe in them give them," stated Kid, noticing the green-eyed boy's distress. "Out of all the prophecies that are made, not even the 10% comes true."

"And since Kiddo and the girls are taking care of the Horcruxes, there's nothing for you to worry," assured the God of Order. He returned his attention to his son. "This means you won't be at Death City for a while, and since you lot still have to take recovery courses for those disastrous notes you got at that test, I'll have to cover your absences…

"I always wanted to write a fake note~!"

"Sir, if you are the one writing it, then it isn't fake," reasoned Liz.

"Oh, it will be since Kid has no official reason to stick around once he's done with the Coward's Blood~" retorted Lord Death. "Besides, as long as it fools the Headmaster there will be no problem, right?"

"You are the Headmaster!" exclaimed Patty laughing.

"Then I'll better do a great job out of it, if I have to fool myself…" He looked back at Kid. "If there's nothing more, I'll take my leave, but first… About tomorrow, Kiddo, remember to kill them quickly. Go all full Soul Resonance from the beginning; since the Coward's Blood spread madness through fear and desperation, I don't want to take any chances."

"Yes, Father."

"You'll guys will be fine, but the people from the Ministry, well… there would be too many too upset Dementors and things could turn bad for the audience.

"Also, I'm sending Ox's team to guard Azkaban until the Ministry finds suiting sentinels; they'll be assisting you if there is any trouble.

"Fighting his blood isn't anywhere as hard as fighting the Coward himself; still I've given you not at easy task, son."

"You had not asked if you thought I couldn't do it, Father," said Kid. "If you trust me, why shouldn't I?"

"I trust you a thousand percent, Kiddo~! Girls, keep an eye on him, just in case…

"Now, if there's nothing more to discuss, I'll take my leave… Oh, I almost forgot!" Lord Death fixed his gaze on Dumbledore. His voice suddenly had become deep and threatening, sending shivers down the spines of the wizards and witches present; nothing at all like the one he had been using so far. "Keep in mind that my son is not a pawn in your war. He is not to follow your orders nor kill your enemies. He's willing to destroy that soul because it is disgusting. If Kid decides to keep you informed about his progress it's up to him. He doesn't have any obligation to you or your people."

It took Dumbledore a moment to regain his speech. "…Of course, Lord Death."

"Good." Just like that, the Grim Reaper had changed back to his happy, easy-going self. "Bu-bye, everybody~"

The image projected by Kid dissolved and the older Grim Reaper disappeared.

"Okay. Let's keep this and destroy the other one," said Kid, pocketing the locket.

"I'll do it! I'll do it! I WANNA DO IT!" exclaimed Patty enthusiastically, waving her arms around wildly.

"Okay." With a sigh, Liz was engulfed by pink light and flew to her sister waiting hand, changed into a gun. "Just remember, Patty, the ugly soul only."

"Okey-Dokey!" Patty giggled and pointed the weapon.

…And the fragment of Voldemort's soul that had been inside of Harry for the last fourteen years dissolved before she could make any shot.

"NOT FAIR!" cried the bubbly girl, stomping hard.

"I guess it was too rotten to subsist any longer without a proper container," mused Kid. "Oh, well…"

"But I wanna shot sumthin'!" protested Patty.

"There'll be plenty time tomorrow, remember?" noted her sister, recovering her human form under the emazaed gaze of the Order of the Phoneix and the Young Order.

"Oh, right!" Patty immediately cheered-up.

"Is there another Horcrux nearby?" questioned Dumbledore.

Kid nodded. "Under London, several miles down actually. I believe that's where your bank is located?"

"Gringotts." The old wizard assented. "Of course he would hide one there… May I ask when are you planning to collect it?"

"The day after tomorrow," informed the boy. "I don't think I'll be able to do it tomorrow, and it's too late to do it today."

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed the slightest. "I know you don't have to, but would you please keep me informed of your progress?"

"Of course."

"How do you plan to handle the Goblins?" grunted Moody.

Kid shrugged. "I'll explain the situation to them."

Sirius snorted. "And you think they are going to let you in to search for Voldemort's soul just like that?"

"Yes, I do. Goblins have no interest in souls and they know Grim Reapers have no interest in treasures and wealth."

"And they are going to let you in and trash the vaults searching for a soul, just like that?"


Mrs. Weasley stood up. "I better start dinner. You kids go up; I'll call you once it's ready."

"We'll be leaving now," announced Kid heading for the door, followed by Liz and Patty. "Thank you for your hospitality."

Mrs. Weasley blinked. "Oh, no, dear. You'll certainly stay for dinner, right?"

"Yay! Dinner!" yelled the blonde Weapon.

"We don't want to bother you…" Liz spoke quickly, rather nervous by the idea of staying any more time than what they had already spent in an almost certainly haunted house.

"You aren't, dear. Now, go upstairs with the others; it won't take long."

"Upstairs…?" Kid's eye started twitching.

"Suck a great idea!" approved Dumbledore with enthusiasm that wasn't shared for everyone in the kitchen. "Would you mind, Sirius, if I organize a little to set Kid's mind at ease?"

"Of course not! Thought it would be easier to just use an Incendio enchantment…"


"Is it just me or Mum had a radical change of heart?" inquired Ron quietly as he and the others headed to the upper floors.

Fred shrugged. "She must have found some similarities between herself and the Grim Reaper; I mean, she spent so much time looking for your missing Puffskein when you were a child…"

"You mean the one you used for Bludger practice?"

"That's the one."

"This way, ladies and gentlemen," George announced as they reached the first floor, guiding the group to the Drawing Room. "I must confess that Dumbledore did an excellent job cleaning this place; still I feel the need to wonder why he didn't it sooner, let's say, before Mum forced us to clean the bathroom…"

"Well, there wasn't anyone important in the house before, right? Just us."

As they entered the Drawing Room, Harry cleared his throat. "I haven't thanked you yet for taking that thing out of me," he told Kid.

"There's nothing to thank me for. I just can't stand still with such a disgusting, asymmetrical soul so close to me…" said Kid.

Hermione quickly questioned him. "What did… your father… mean with 'the Coward's Blood'?"

The young Meister remained silent for a moment. "What you called Dementors were originated eight hundred years ago, when my Father sealed the Kishin King, ripping his skin off and draining his blood."

The wizards and witches couldn't help but shuddered at this.

"My Father used Asura's (the Kishin King) skin to make a bag and put him in, then sealing him in a temple under what today is Death City. However, some of his blood turned into dark cloaked figures who feed on human happiness and hope, leaving nothing but fear and madness behind, pretty much like Asura, the Kishin King himself.

"My Father would have wanted to eliminate the Dementors centuries ago, but it hadn't been possible until recently… Mostly because the main swarm happens to be in Azkaban and there are almost a thousand of them there; too dangerous for any army to eradicate them."

"But since Asura is dead now and Kid is almost a full-fleshed Grim Reaper, those things got go," muttered Liz, eyeing the room with boredom.

"They are going down!" cackled Patty madly.

"And you will be handing all the Dementors by yourself?" questioned Hermione, biting her lip.

"Pretty much," sighed Liz. She added quickly. "Hey, it's not big deal… We've handled things way worse, believe me…"

"I can't believe you are hunting You-know-Who's soul," exclaimed Ron, unable to contained it any longer..

Kid blinked. "I know who…?"

"Voldemort," explained Harry ignoring the sudden shivering Ron. "Most wizards are too afraid to speak his name and keep calling him You-Know-Who and He Who Not Must Be Named; even his followers called him the Dark Lord."

"Uhm. Okay."

"That's pleinly stupid," sneered Liz.

"It's not! You have no idea what he has done!" cried Ron.

"Liz, it's not our place to judge other's people's fears," stated Kid.

"Yeah! Like your fear of creepy houses!" giggled Patty.

"That's not fear! It's common sense!" protested her older sister. "'Sides, I don't see what the big problem with this guy is. Lord Death said he can't become a Kishin, so he can't be that dangerous."

"Are you insane?! You-Know-Who is the most powerful Dark Wizard form this age! Blimey! Everyone says not even Grindelwald compares!"


"He was a Dark Wizard who raised in power about World War II," said Kid.

"By the way, why you people didn't do something about him?" asked Ron.

Hermione jabbed him hard on the ribs.

"Never mind…"

Hermione sighed. "Though Ron's got a point. If you are to confront Voldemort, either directly or indirectly, you rather learn as much as you can about him, so you know what to expect."

Kid nodded. "I'll ask my Father for his records; we shall have them by tomorrow afternoon. Still, some first-hand information will be handy." He turned to Harry. "You have confront him several times, could you tell me about him?"

The Boy- Who-lived nodded. Death The Kid had taken that Horcrux out of him and he was willing to trace and eliminate the others, so Voldemort could die for good.

'Killing each other and none of you able to live while the other remains…'

Those had been Lord Death's words…

Harry wondered if Dumbledore had known about that prophecy…

The least he could do was telling him everything he could about the Dark Lord…


"He's just a child! They all are!" cried Mrs. Weasley. "You can't be actually considering sending him against You-Know-Who!"

"That boy is older than he seems; probably older than me," scoffed Moody; his mad eye fixed in the Drawing Room were the youngsters were gathered.

"You cannot be truly considering to trust them," stated Snape; his black eyes were piercing the Headmaster.

"It is our best option," said Dumbledore with serenity.

"Even if he doesn't trust us, Albus?" McGonagall questioned quietly. "You heard Lord Death; he think you will try and use his son as some kind of weapon."

"He's a father worried about his son!" intervened Mrs. Weasley. "It's just natural for him to be suspicious! God knows how many people had tried to use that poor child…"

The Potion Master sneered. "I don't think he is worried about the boy. At all. What kind of father would send his child to fight –not just a Dementor- but all the Dementors of Azkaban? Even an extremely lousy one would know better…" He looked back at Dumbledore and continued. "In fact, I don't think the boy is his son at all."

Moody looked at him with interest. "What do you mean?"

"Why should Death have need of offspring?" spat the former Death Eater. "Living creatures reproduce so their species remain. Why would the Grim Reaper need to do so? He can't die. And it seems to me that creating life would go against everything Death stands for."

Sirius snarled. "So what? You think the boy is adopted or something? You saw him yourself! He has powers unlike any human!"

Snape's voice was silkier than ever when he answered. "You heard him; the boy is a piece of Death's soul, just as the thing inside Potter was a piece of the Dark Lord's…"

"You think Kid is a Horcrux?" Dumbledore asked softly.

The professor nodded. "I think it is the more logical explanation for the boy's very existence."

Sirius laughed hoarsely. "Why would he need a Horcrux? It's the same logic behind your reasoning of why he shouldn't have children! He can't die! Therefore, he wouldn't need to conceal a piece of his soul to obtain immortality!"

Snape didn't hesitate.

"It is said that Death can't meddle directly in human affairs; that's the reason behind his army… What better way of getting his will done than imbedding a piece of his soul in a human being and use it as a puppet?"

The silence that followed this question was oppressive.

"Why would he be helping us then?" asked McGonagall.

"Who says he is helping us? For all we know, he could be helping the Dark Lord… He and his followers have no repairs in killing; this means more souls for Death. I believe that is the reason why he didn't go for him fourteen years ago…

"Why would he help us now when he didn't then? Because he isn't helping us at all."

Dumbledore sighed. "It is a possibility. Truth be told, there is little if nothing at all we know for sure regarding Death…"

"Then we must take that child and his friends away from Harry and the others!" yelled Sirius.

"If they wanted to harm any of us, they would have done so by now," stated the Headmaster. "And there will be no way for us to prevent it. However, there's also the chance they are telling the truth and they want to get rid of Voldemort for good.

"The best we can do for now it's wait and see… and be ready for whatever might happen."

The gathered remained silent for a long moment until Snape broke it.

"Shall I or shall I not inform the Dark Lord about what had concurred today? And to which extent?"

Dumbledore twirled his wand between his fingers.

"He probably has already target the boy…"

"You think he'll figure out that he's looking for the missing pieces of his soul?" questioned McGonagall.

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "Eventually, yes. With Death's child around, he'll became paranoid and he will go to check on his Horcruxes. He'll discover Regulus Black's treason and whatever progress Kid has done at that moment.

"At first he will be too afraid to do so, but once he is sure that he has become Death's target, he'll have nothing to lose.

"Creating more Horcruxes would be useless as long as Kid is hunting him down… Not to mention the possibilities offered by the magic and power of a Grim Reaper regarding immortality will be too tempting for him to ignore…"

"I was under the impression that Death had forbid for his spawn to be used as a chess piece…?" drawled Severus sarcastically, his eyes narrowed.

Dumbledore wasn't listening. He wondered.

Slowly, he kept twirling his wand; the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows.

One of Voldemort Horcruxes had reacted to the boy…

Dumbledore already had his suspicious about the identity of one of Voldemort's possible vessels; had ever since he had seen Bob Ogden's memory…

Severus' theory was a possibility… one he had already taken in consideration.

Voldmemort's reaction to be confronted by Death was only too obvious.

The wand kept twirling as he pondered their options, trying to decide which one was the least… deathly.