Summary: Order of the Phoenix. When Harry is attacked by Dementors, Lord Death sends Kid to investigate. It doesn't take much for him to notice the soul fragment clenched to The-Boy-Who-Lived. And that's how the Hunt of the Horcruxes begins…

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and everything related was created by J.K. Rowling. Soul Eater is from Atsushi Okubo.

I'm using "Lord Death" instead of "Shinigami-sama" because Death City is located in Nevada; doesn't make sense to use the Japanese, at least to me.

Spoiler (?) I'm basing in the Manga since is way cooler than the Anime (A Fist of Courage? Really? Hate it for the same reason I hate Masaru from Digimon Savers). But in this story, Lord Death doesn't die until Kid reaches adulthood.

Death the Kid and the Broken Soul.

Chapter One.

Death Notification.

It was past midnight when the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, allowed himself a well-earned glass of firewhisky to celebrate his victory over Dumbledore and that brat Harry Potter.

After their little charade last June –at the end of the Triwizard Tournament, none the least!-, blaming the unfortunate decease –and clearly an accident- of the Diggory boy on Lord V- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and proclaiming his return to the world; he finally had managed to overthrown them –and thanks to Potter's thirst for attention! HA! Love the irony!

Fudge helped himself with a second glass of liquor. Potter's Hearing was a mere formality; the boy was as good as expelled. True, Dumbledore wouldn't let it go that easy, but, let's be honest, what could the man do? Potter had performed a Patronus spell (an underaged wizard performing magic out of school!) in front of a muggle (doesn't matter the muggle in question was his cousin and aware of the magical community existence in the first place) claiming he was defending himself and his aforementioned relative from two Dementors.

Two. Dementors.

Potter hadn't just dared to perform magic when and where and with whom he wasn't allowed to, but he also had dared to blame the Ministry for it! The guts of that boy…!

Fudge gulped the rest of his drink down. No worry. He was about to get rid of the blasted boy!

But, there still was Dumbledore, he must not forget that. The old geyser was, more likely than not, to put resistance. He might say it wasn't Potter's fault; that the boy was perturbed due to the trauma of Diggory's death –who said Potters wasn't the one responsible for that?- or for the damage the killing curse had caused to the boy's brain when he was just a baby. And maybe that was what had happened, Maybe Potter had had another hallucination –like the Dark Lord returning one- and he truly thought he was being attacked by Dementors.

Slowly, Fudge put his empty glass on his desk.

He had to admit that part of him felt sorry for the boy; but still, he was too dangerous, for his own and other people's sake. The best thing he could do for everyone –the boy included- was to keep him under control, away from anyone he may harm…

What if Dumbledore tried to prove that there had been Dementors in that alley? Impossible! Preposterous! Fudge knew it, but still, with all his craziness and weirdness, Dumbledore was an extremely talented wizard. A few months ago, Fudge would never have suspected Hogwarts Headmaster of lying or trying to fabricate evidence, but now…

With trembling hands, the Minister of Magic poured a new glass of firewhisky; something that had started as a celebration had turned into a battle for calming his wrecking nerves…

Just when his lips were about to touch the cool glass once again, a chiming bell like sound echoed in his empty office; the crystal surface of the enchanted window which dominated the place turned foggy, giving way to static and finally settling to show a tall man clad in black and wearing a cartoonish skull mask.

"Hi, hi. Hello there, Minister of Magic Fudge~"

Despite the cheery greeting, Fudge became wax pale; his hand trembled so much that his drink slipped from his grasp, crashing to the ground and bursting in an explosion of glass and alcohol.

"L-lord D-Death…" The wizard stuttered the name he rather not say, falling into his chair and grasping the armrests for dear life; the hard wood hurt his fingers but there were more important, more pressing matters at hand to worry about than a little of pain. He said in a squeak: "W-what do I owe the p-pleasure of your call…?"

Ignoring the evident fright of the man, Lord Death answered in his trademark cheery voice: "I heard rumors about two Dementors attacking two children over there…"

Damn you, Potter!

"…and due to our last talk on June, when that Dementor gave that poor man the Kiss…"

Damn you, Crouch Jr.!

"…and then, the year before when you allowed the Dementors to patrol a school and granted them permission to Kiss that runaway convict –even thought I strictly forbid it- and they almost Kiss those children…"

Damn you, Black! Damn you again, Potter!

"Well, Strike Three; you're out." Lord Death bent forward and Fudge stumbled backward. "I'm exterminating the Coward's Blood. Take this as a chance to find more fitting guardians for your prison."

"But Potter wasn't attacked!" cried the Ministry vehemently; the words fell out of his mouth quickly, greatly helped by the firewhisky. "He's bad on the head! He has hallucinations and he just wants to get attention! He invents all kind of crazy stories! There's nothing wrong with Azkaban Dementors! They are under the Ministry control! They wouldn't dare to go against us!"

"The Ministry ordered to attack those children?"

"There wasn't an attack, milord, I'm telling you! Potter-"

Lord Death cut him off. "So, you already investigated the matter carefully?"

"There's nothing to investigate, Sir! The boy invented it!"

"There is a claim of a Dementor's attack," the Grim Reaper stated slowly, "and you haven't even investigated it?"

Fudge's forehead became covered in sweat. "I-I'll start the investigation right away, sir…"

"Too late~!" Death's singsong voice cut him off. "You had your chance." He looked over his shoulder. "Hey, Kiddo! What you say about a trip to England?"

The shock and pure horror of seeing Lord Death manifesting on his office had prevented Fudge to take notice of the young boy sat on a tall golden chair at the Grim Reaper's back, nor the two girls leaning casually at each of his sides.

"Of course, Father."

"There you go," exclaimed Lord Death happily, facing Fudge once again. "Kid will take care of the investigation. If it turns out there was a Dementor attack, you'll have 24 hours after Kid's notification to name new guardians to your prison; once the time has passed, Kid will proceed to exterminate the Dementors.

"If there wasn't an attack, then you'll have a week.

"W-WHAT?!" The wizard's mouth opened and closed several times until he finally recovered his capability of speech. "B-but you can't do that! Sir! I mean… We need the Dementors! They are the only ones fit to custody Azkaban!"

"Meh. I've been wanting to get rid of those things for a long while, and now that Kiddo has become so strong I finally can do just that~!" Lord Death waved his overly large hand in dismissal. "Honestly, the only reason I even allowed you people to use them as guards was to keep them confined in one place instead of roaming freely, eating souls.

"Now, let's see… There is a difference of eight hours between here and there, so… Son, when do you want to get there? Do you like eight o'clock?"

The boy nodded, grinning, while the older girl rolled her eyes.

"Very well~! Kid and the girls will see you on Wednesday, 4th August at the place of the attack at eight o'clock~! Don't be late and remember to bring the children who were attacked~"

Fudge stared at the Grim Reaper. It couldn't be! That was definitely not happening! Lord Death had not just notified him of the Dementors' imminent destruction!

"B-but, My Lord! One of those boys is a… a Muggle!"

"Oh, no! That's terrible!... What's a Muggle?"

The shaky wizard stared wide eye at the dark figure. "A-a Muggle, Sir, is a non magical person…"

"And why don't you just call them that?"

"Hey! I'm a Muggle?" questioned the blond girl behind Lord Death.

"Well", the other girl bit her lip thoughtfully, "we do turn in Weapons while must people can't… I guess it could be considered a magical ability? Kid?"

"Just a tag to make a distinction between the abilities of different individuals, as Meisters and Weapons," he shrugged. "Doesn't matter as long as it doesn't lead to discrimination."

"So, what's the problem with that boy being not magical…?" asked Lord Death.

Fudge stared with his mouth wide open. Truly, Lord Death knew…

"Well… You see, my Lord… The International Code of Wizarding Secrecy…"

Death tilted his head. "The what?"

The Minister of Magic gaped, incredulous; his mouth tried to articulate sounds but it took him a while (with Death waiting patiently for an answer, which didn't help in the least) until he finally remembered how to speak.

"The Secrecy Status… Sir… was created in 1692 to hide the Wizarding Community from the Muggles… The main purpose of the Ministry of Magic is to prevent Muggles from learning about the existence of magic…"

"Oh, yes… the infamous Secrecy Status…" The Grim Reaper might have rolled his eyes under the mask. "I've never understood why you needed that… But how does this have anything to do with conducting the investigation? One of the children does magic, right? And the other is his cousin, right? Doesn't he know about magic?"

"O-of course, my Lord…"

"Then I don't see any problem."

"O-of course there isn't…"

"All set then~! Kid and the girls will see you and the children the day after tomorrow~!

"Now, about those other rumors about that Voldemort guy's return…"