Dragons mate for life, that's a known fact. But he thought that Toothless was the only one, until another falls out of the sky and crashes into the village of Berk. However, her owner comes for her, and sensing adventure, the young dragon riders return with her to a world full of trouble, but with Toothless refusing to leave her, will Hiccup be able to stay and help this stranger from a far off land, or will they perish at the hands of the sword or a broken heart? Hiccup needs to make that choice.

A loud and almost obsessive knocking had started on the roof of my house, that is if you could call it a known, it sounded like the roof was about to give way, but the noise succeeded in its one and only and very obvious purpose, to wake Hiccup from one of his most pleasant dreams yet. Groaning, he opened his eyes, before sitting up and looking at the ceiling.

"Okay, I'm awake." He called up.

Just as he expected, at hearing that he was awake, a small black dragon flew in through the bedroom window. As the little dragon jumped onto the bed, Hiccup realised that he wasn't the only one to groan, and that was when he recognised the blonde hair beside him, the same hair that was only familiar as that of his girlfriend – Astrid Hofferson. This was a regular occurrence for Hiccup when his father, and Astrid's parents were on a voyage, Astrid would get her dragon Stormfly to drop her off at Hiccup's house and the two would cuddle and kiss, Astrid in one of Hiccup's shirts and Hiccup shirtless, before falling asleep in each other's arms.


He looked over at Astrid as she mumbled his name and turned over to face him, still half asleep, though she still managed to look at him and gently brush the tips of her fingers to his cheek.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Good morning to you too, Astrid." Hiccup smiled back, leaning in to nuzzle her.

She smiled at him, before she pulled him down, using a firm grip on his shoulder, and fused their lips together in a fiery kiss.

Their kiss lasted until Hiccup was pulled from his bed by Toothless.

"Alright Bud, alright." He told the black dragon trough laughter, as he noticed that the dragon was now sitting on the bed in Hiccups place to stop him getting back into bed. Astrid just giggled as she watched what was happening, before she hid her eyes as Hiccup got dressed, and went to put his metal leg on, but realised that he needed help.

"Um Astrid, can you help?" He asked her rather sheepishly.

"Of course, Hiccup." She smiled, getting out of bed, revealing that she was only in one of his shirts, and she knelt down in front of him and helped him to attach the prosthetic leg onto what remained of his left leg. When she was finished, she stood up and pulled him onto his feet after taking his hands.

"Thank you Astrid."

"It's no problem Hiccup." She smiled, hugging him, and after a few minutes letting him go so that he could go and make them both some breakfast. When Hiccup and Toothless had left the room, Astrid set about getting herself dressed, after making sure that she looked decent, she walked downstairs to join them and she sat at the table, with Toothless lying on the floor beside her and she watched her boyfriend.

"So, when are our parents meant to be back?" She asked him.

"Today, I think." He told her, putting a plate of food in front of her as he sat at the table with his own. But despite both of them eating, he still noticed her sigh.

"What's the matter Astrid?"

"Nothing, it's just that I've enjoyed doing this, the whole coming to you at night, the waking up next to you in the morning, having breakfast together and not having o worry about our parents." She told him, finishing her breakfast and cleaning up as he done the same. She finished before him and she turned to watch him. They were both eighteen years old now, and she had noticed how much Hiccup had changed. He was still lanky, but he was also much taller now, and more muscled due to frequent accounts of dragon training, though he wasn't severely muscled like other Viking men. Yet, despite these changes, he was still the same old Hiccup that was never going to change.

When they were sure that they were ready to go, they set about sorting the village into order as well as going their chores and riding the dragons around. As they flew around the village, they were soon joined by Snotlout and his dragon Hookfang, Fishlegs and his dragon Meatlug and the twins Ruff and Tuff with their dragon Barf and Belch.

"Well, well, Astrid you're looking mighty pretty this morning." Snotlout told her.

"Thanks Snot lout, now what do you want?" She asked him with a roll of her eyes, giving Hiccup a small smile, since she could almost feel the jealousy radiating off of him. He tended not to like other guys making comments on Astrid's beauty the way that Snotlout did.

"Just to ask why you were coming out of Hiccup's hut this morning?" Snotlout asked, his voice layered thick with fake innocence. This caused some wolf-whistles to come from the twins and Fishlegs looked awkward.

"That's none of your business." Astrid hissed.

"Fine, whatever." Snotlout sneered.

After a while of flying, Hiccup and Astrid flew off to the cove, where Hiccup first made friends with Toothless, and they set fur blankets down on the ground and nestled together.

"Toothless, Stormfly, what are you two doing?" Hiccup asked as he and Astrid watched the two dragons chase each other around the couple.

"Oh leave them be Hiccup, they're just having fun." Astrid told him.

"Alright Astrid." He smiled, watching her as she lay back on the furs and he leaned over her, giving her a soft smile as he brushed some hair from her face. Astrid returned his smile an the two leaned closer to each other, soon delving into a kiss. Yet there kiss was cut short by the sound of something solid hitting the ground, and they pulled away abruptly at hearing the familiar voice of Fishlegs.

"Hiccup, Astrid, our parents are back." He called over, and the two of them looked at each other, before they got up and got onto their dragons flying back towards the village with Fishlegs alongside them.

"Hey, sorry to get in the way of that back there." Fishlegs apologised.

"Don't worry about it Fishlegs." Astrid told him and Hiccup just turned beetroot red as they flew towards the docks.

They all got to the docks in record time, and they joined the twins and Snotlout as they waited for their parents. The minute the long ship came into port, and they noticed their parents, Hiccup watched Snotlout run to his father, Astrid run to her parents, Snotlout run to his parents and the twins run to theirs, whilst he stayed back with Toothless, waiting for his father to get off the boat.

"Ah, Hiccup." A deep voice boomed, and Hiccup walked towards the telltale voice of his father – Stoick the Vast.

"Hello dad." Hiccup greeted him, Toothless bumping his head against Stoick in greeting, purring as Stoick rubbed his head.

"How were things while I was gone?" Stoick asked as he and Hiccup walked up towards the village, with Toothless in tow.

"It went fine; Astrid and I dealt with everything." Hiccup told him.

Stoick nodded in approval. "Good." Went they got back to their hut, Stoick put his bags down and went straight into alert mode as there was a lap of thunder and a flash of lightning. When they both got outside, Hiccup joined Toothless' side as he cowered in the doorway.

"It's okay bud, it's just a storm."

"We need to get people into the Great Hall; this storm is going to get worse." Stoick told Hiccup.

Hiccup nodded, climbing on Toothless' back. "Don't worry dad, I'll round up the other dragon riders, we'll make sure hat everyone else is safe." He told him as he flew off, gather, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins as he went. After what felt like hours, everyone was soaked through, but they had managed to round up everybody in the Great Hall, and now Hiccup and Astrid were sat by a fire, a fur blanket around them both as they cuddled together for warmth, Toothless and Stormfly lying either side of them with their wings around them. Everyone found themselves a place to sleep, because it was certainly going to be a long night that night.