Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own anything regarding Yu-Gi-Oh.
Warnings: This fic is very dark and contains heavy yaoi including: Malik/Jounouchi rape and Yuugi/Jounouchi. I don't normally write fics like this so reviews are highly appreciated unless they're flames. Check the rating folks. You have been warned.
The stone floor was cold, so very cold. The room he was in had no windows, the only light came in through under the door. It was damp, the chill moving its way through his clothes and penetrating him to the bone. Furthermore, the room reeked and Jounouchi wasn't so sure he wanted to know from what. It smelled worse than his dad when he was filthy drunk and sleeping in his own filth.
Oh how he missed the warmth and comfort of Yuugi's arms. When he was lying in bed entwined with Yuugi he never had to worry about being cold and he had always felt safe there. Safe, wanted, and above all other things, loved.
Here, he felt like nothing. He didn't even feel like a piece of shit underneath Malik's shoes anymore. Now he just felt cheap, degraded, and extremely used. Malik had made sure of that. There was no love there, only Malik's desire to fuck something and possibly hurt Yuugi while he was at it. Jounouchi would be damned if he ever let Yuugi find out what had happened while he had been captured by Malik so Jounouchi really couldn't see what Malik hoped to achieve there.
Jounouchi wondered if Anzu got the same treatment from Malik that he did. His skin still crawled when he thought of what Malik had made him do to Anzu. He had never felt any feelings towards her before that would lead them anywhere close to what they had done. It was awful, and he was sure she would hate him forever as a result. Or maybe she understood that it wasn't really him, but Malik controlling his body. Still, he shuddered every time he thought about it and he wondered if he would ever be able to look at his friend the same way again.
Sitting in that cell all alone, Jounouchi had plenty of time to think. He curled further into a ball in a corner as his thoughts lead to the same place they always did. The inevitable return of Malik.
Every time Malik came to him, Jounouchi felt like he was betraying Yuugi. He felt like he wasn't being true to the unbound love Yuugi had shown him, and he had pledged to return. Not like he really had a choice. But it didn't help that his Egyptian captor was very attractive and was quite skilled at the art of seducing. Malik would do anything to get what he wanted. More often than not, Malik had to use the rod to get what he wanted out of Jounouchi. He was not a willing customer and he never had any intention of becoming one. Not when he had the memory of Yuugi to get him through. And the faith that Yuugi would come to rescue them and he could get away from here.
He opened his eyes as he heard the door scrapping across the stone floor. It would be Malik, no doubt, coming to obtain his pleasure. Jounouchi glowered at him as the Egyptian walked into the room, shirtless, in tight leather pants, and clutching the Sennen rod in his left hand. He smirked when he saw Jounouchi glowering at him. "I'm glad you're so happy to see me." He closed the door behind him, shutting out any of Jounouchi's hopes that maybe for once he was going to be able to leave this prison. He stayed where he was as Malik came ever closer. He was going to have to really work if he wanted to take Jounouchi this time. Not that he thought Malik wouldn't be able to do it, in fact, he knew things would be worse for him if he resisted. Things had been getting worse anyway. Malik was starting to get bored of him so he was a little bit rougher when he came to visit him. Rougher maybe, but he still tried to make sure Jounouchi got his pleasure out of it as well. Which was what he really didn't understand. Why would Malik spend so much time trying to make him enjoy himself. Like hell he was going to, not when Yuugi was still alive.
Malik made a gesture with the Sennen rod. "Get out of that corner and stand up." Jounouchi slowly made his way out of the corner. There was no point in trying to fight at this point. The less time he spent under the influence of the rod the better off he would be. He glared at Malik as he stood up, leaning up against the cold stone wall, trying to stay as far away from the psychotic Egyptian as possible.
Malik caught onto his ploy and smirked. To him, this was just another part of his sick twisted game. Jounouchi's stomach revolted as Malik approached like a lithe feline, licking his lips. He placed his hands against the wall, glancing from Malik's "lust" filled eyes to the Sennen rod. He still wasn't using it yet. Good. He would be soon though.
Jounouchi pulled backwards as Malik reached him and licked Jounouchi's bottom lip. He wanted to slap him but his hands were responding. He felt so helpless and out of control. He looked down at the Sennen rod and saw that it was glowing faintly. Malik had activated its powers. There was nothing Jounouchi could do now.
Malik began kissing him, his tongue exploring Jounouchi's mouth. One hand curled around the back of his neck, the Sennen rod pushing against his skin, the other one moved down to his waistband. It wasn't long before Malik had that undone. If Jounouchi would have had control of his body, he would have vomited. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. When Yuugi touched him, he could feel the love he had for him, now all he felt was total disgust at what was going on.
Malik grinned at him and placed the Sennen rod between his teeth. Invoking its powers he made Jounouchi lay down on the ground. And the floor hadn't gotten any warmer and now it was worse since he no longer had the protection of his clothes. Damn, the floor was cold. He just concentrated on that as Malik joined him. He tried to keep his mind focused on the coldness of the floor but that was just too uncomfortable. He couldn't focus on the pain, that would be too much like focusing on Malik and the very thought made him sick.
He pushed his mind far away from his body. It was the only thing that would keep him from losing his mind. Or even worse, there was always the possibility that he might actually enjoy this and the thought was revolting. What happened if he did? He loved Yuugi. He wanted to be making love to Yuugi, not lying on a cold stone floor somewhere, being fucked by Malik and thinking of Yuugi's warm and tender touch.
That made all the difference. Malik could never be Yuugi to him. Jounouchi thought of Yuugi and what he would do with him once they were reunited and the torment Malik was giving him suddenly became bearable. What made it worse was since Malik's hands were free of the Sennen rod, they were free to roam Jounouchi's body and they tended to like a particular spot. Jounouchi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Damn Malik, damn Anzu for getting him into this, and damn Yuugi for not coming to get him out of this sooner. This was about the twentieth time he had to put up Malik's ministrations. Yuugi should have been there sooner. Didn't he love him?
Jounouchi just got angrier with Malik for those last thoughts. Damn him especially, he was making him forget Yuugi's love for him. Did Yuugi even love him? Wouldn't he have been here by now if he did? He shouldn't have let Malik do this to him once, let alone all the times he had. Maybe Yuugi didn't care about him and didn't care who raped him. For all he knew, Yuugi could be fucking Kaiba at that very moment. Kaiba always did have a strange obsession with Yuugi. Maybe Yuugi had decided that Kaiba could be a better lover than him.
He felt numb all over as Malik finally got what he wanted for both of them, and it wasn't from the frozen floor. Yuugi didn't love him anymore, that had to be it. He felt so detached, more so than he did when Malik used the Sennen rod again. Yuugi had found something better. Malik put the rod down and began stroking Jounouchi's hair and he didn't even try to fight even though he knew he was free. He didn't see the point anymore. There was nothing left to fight for. He was going to be stuck here with Malik until Malik killed him. There was no hope for him.
He could barely hear Malik murmuring in his ear as he stroked his hair. "Good boy," he whispered. "You're such a good dog." Jounouchi didn't even see the point in fighting back at that comment. "I've trained you so well," he smirked. "Your precious Yuugi won't even recognize you when he comes to get you. Don't worry. The next time I come to get you is so I can take you to him."
Malik laughed evilly as he got off Jounouchi and walked out the door. Jounouchi didn't believe him; he knew Yuugi wasn't coming to get him. Yuugi would have been there before then and saved him from Malik's raping. He dumbly put his clothes on and curled up in his corner again. He had no feeling left. There was nothing left for him, only this cold empty cell.
True to his promise, Malik came back a few hours later with an evil grin on his face. "It's time you showed your true potential," he said gesturing with the Sennen rod.
Jounouchi found himself with Anzu on a dock, waiting for something. What, he never really got the chance to find out. As soon as he got there, Malik put him under the control of the Sennen rod. This was different than anything he had ever experienced before. He felt like an entirely different person. The only memories he carried with him were those of being with Malik. Was there something before that? Probably not.
Next thing he knew he was tied to an anchor and dueling some kid. He looked familiar but Jounouchi couldn't put a face with the name. Malik ordered him to attack the poor kid directly and he did. What did it matter to him? There was nothing left. Then the kid summoned a Red Eyes Black Dragon and that struck a chord somewhere deep inside him. He used to love that card, didn't he? So why didn't he have it anymore?
Malik reestablished the power of his rod and Jounouchi attacked the Dragon, much as it just to do so. Didn't that dragon used to mean so much more to him? The kid seemed to take his attack against the dragon pretty hard too. Jounouchi didn't know what was going on. This wasn't right. He shouldn't have been fighting this boy, should he have? The poor kid, battered and bruised as he was, came over to him and offered him the strange puzzle that he had been wearing around his neck. Well, he didn't offer it to him. He took it off his own neck and put it around Jounouchi's. Why the hell would he do something like that?
Malik ordered him to take a piece of the puzzle out and to throw into the ocean. He started to, but just before he threw it something made him stop. This was something he had done before, wasn't it? It started clicking into place then. If he threw away that piece he would be hurting someone he really cared about. Something told him he would even kill someone he really cared about. He fell to his knees, dropping his cards. He didn't know what was going on anymore. This wasn't him. He wouldn't do something like this. He wasn't willing to risk a friend.
Apparently, Malik had other ideas and decided to exert the full power of his Sennen rod. He had no change of fighting a force that powerful. It completely filled his mind, driving all other thoughts out. He drew a card that would allow him to attack the boy directly and Malik was forcing him to use it. What was more, the kid just stood there, as if he had accepted his fate.
As the attack aimed itself at the smaller boy, Malik lost some of his control and Jounouchi remembered. This was Yuugi, the boy he loved more than anything else in the world. And he was about to die. As the attack went flying towards Yuugi, Jounouchi pleaded, "Don't die, Yuugi!"
Yuugi nodded and activated his trap, the spirit mirror which caught Jounouchi's attack. Jounouchi felt Malik's presence leaving him, and he felt like he was just waking up from a horrible nightmare. Worse, he didn't know what the fuck was going on. He was wearing Yuugi's Sennen puzzle and Yuugi was standing across the deck and it looked like they had been fighting. "Why were we fighting?" he asked Yuugi, puzzled. Had Yuugi come to rescue him? Or had he been rescuing Anzu and Jounouchi had just been part of the package.
Yuugi smiled. "Don't worry about it, Jounouchi-kun. Our fight is over."
Yuugi smiled at him, his bright eyes shining. He seemed so proud for some reason that Jounouchi couldn't fathom. "I think the fighting was not between us, but between your mind and Malik's. I fought with myself as well. And we won. The reason why I use spirit mirror is so that I may have the chance to finish my words at last."
"At last?" Now Jounouchi was really confused. What the hell was going on here? What did he miss while Malik had him locked up? What if Yuugi was going to tell him it was over between them?
"Jounouchi-kun, you're not alone. You're the one who gives me courage. My important good friend."
"Yuugi..." How could he have ever doubted Yuugi. Yuugi would always care about him, no matter what happened. Even if it was just as a friend. He had a feeling that was what Yuugi was trying to tell him.
"Jounouchi-kun," the tears flowed freely from Yuugi's eyes now, "I love you."
The words echoed in Jounouchi's mind as Yuugi ordered the spirit mirror to attack him. How could he ever believe for a moment that Yuugi didn't love him? He meant the world to Yuugi, he would do anything for him. And Yuugi was about to prove exactly that as the spirit mirror redirected the attack, knocking Yuugi unconscious and his life points to zero. The box that held Jounouchi's key opened but he ignored it, attacking his own life points to drop them to zero.
He grabbed Yuugi's key just in time. The anchor dropped, pulling them both into the water. Jounouchi searched around for his friend, grabbing his leg and swimming closer. He unlocked the chain, freeing Yuugi. He continued to be dragged down to the bottom of the ocean while Yuugi floated back up to the surface. 'You deserve someone better than me, Yuugi. Everyone does.'
Jounouchi sat alone on his bed, staring out the window. He shouldn't be alive at the moment. Why'd he have to grab that key that had floated in front of his face? He thought perhaps Yuugi had dropped it in after him, but no, he found out it had been Kaiba that was responsible for saving him. On the plus side, he had finally gotten to see his sister after so many years. She had been so happy to see him. She obviously had no clue as to what kind of person he really was.
He sighed as he laid down, closing his eyes. There was still a lot more that had to be done. When was it ever going to be over? Most likely never. Malik was a finalist in the competition and the thought of seeing him again made his skin crawl.
Jounouchi didn't hear the person open his door and walk quietly into his room. Jounouchi was starting to fall asleep when he sensed the presence in the room and he hoped whoever it was would just go away. The person sat down on his bed and began to rub his/her hand over his stomach and Jounouchi pulled away, disgusted. He sat up and opened his eyes and saw Yuugi looking at him with a hurt expression on his face. Jounouchi wanted to cry when he realized what was going on. He was absolutely appalled at the thought of Yuugi touching him.
~Please review if you would like me to continue.