Tessa had no idea where she was aiming when she punched Jessamine. But apparently it was the other girl's face. Jessamine stumbled backwards, clutching her face in pain. She dropped her hand from her face and blood began to dribble from her nose down her cheeks. When she looked up, her cheeks were nearly as red as the blood, if that was even possible.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" chanted the students surrounding them.

Tessa paled. She had not asked for this. She was just incredibly angry, and much unlike herself, she actually acted on it.

Jessamine wiped her nose furiously, blood streaking the back of her hand. "You little wench," she grumbled through clenched teeth. "You are going to pay for this, Dirt-Faced Gray." And then she lunged.

But, fortunately enough, she didn't reach Tessa. Someone stood between them, blocking their path. It was a petite figure, clearly feminine in figure.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded Mrs. Branwell.

"Tessa attacked me!" Jessamine shouted before Tessa could even say anything. She pointed her finger at Tessa in an accusatory manner.

"Is that so?" Mrs. Branwell asked, raising an eyebrow in a dubious fashion.

Jessamine nodded vigorously. "She attacked me unprovoked. I was literally standing here minding my own business when Tessa came and punched me in the face. I even have a bloody nose to prove it." She indicated to her nose, which was still dripping with blood.

"Liar!" Cecily yelled from the sidelines. "Tessa only punched you because you were being a bitch and you threatened her."

"Miss Herondale, please mind your language!" chided Mrs. Branwell, and then she turned to Tessa. "And if I did not mishear you, Miss Gray did attack Jessamine. Am I correct?"

The color drained from Cecily's face as she took a step back. Tessa glared at the other girl over her shoulder, who in turn tried to give Tessa an apologetic glance.

"Yes, she is," said Jessamine.

"I was not talking to you, Miss Lovelace," Mrs. Branwell said, not taking her eyes off Tessa. "Answer the question, Miss Gray."

Tessa knew she was cornered, and there was no way she could lie. It was just not in her nature. She brought herself to nod her head, very slowly.

Mrs. Branwell sighed. "This was certainly behavior I was not expecting, especially from you Miss Gray. But I have to do what is done. The two of you must come with me. As for the rest of you," Mrs. Branwell whirled around, facing the other students, before continuing, "you all must best be on your separate ways, before I give another warning."

Without another word, the students scurried away. Cecily and Jem threw Tessa worried looks before being swept away by the crowd.

Mrs. Branwell spun around on her heel and hurried down the hallway. Reluctantly Tessa and Jessamine followed. As they did, Tessa saw a pair of dark blue eyes lurking at the corner of an intersecting hallway, but did not bother looking behind. She was much too focused on where Mrs. Branwell was going.

"Where are you taking us?" Jessamine said, speaking Tessa's thoughts aloud.

"To the Headmaster," Mrs. Branwell replied.

This was not good. If they were being taken to the Headmaster, then things had really gotten out of hand. So much for keeping a reputation, Tessa thought. Here she was trying to be a model student, but her feelings intercepted and now she was paying the price by tarnishing her good nature.

They had reached a part of the Institute that Tessa had never been to before. Come to think of it, she didn't even recall how they got there. They were standing before a large wooden door with a simple placard on it, reading "HEADMASTER". Mrs. Branwell knocked on the door.

"Come in," boomed a voice from within, clearly masculine.

Mrs. Branwell pushed the doors open and ushered the two of them inside, revealing a grand office before them. There was a wooden desk that appeared to be centuries old, along with two contemporary looking chairs before it. Sitting behind it was a middle-aged man, with graying temples, a trimmed beard, and light gray eyes. Judging by the weathered lines of his face, he seemed to be a man beyond his years.

"Mr. Mortmain," Mrs. Branwell addressed him, "I brought Miss Gray and Miss Lovelace as you requested."

"Yes, thank you Charlotte. You may leave now," Mortmain said courteously. There was a thud as the doors closed behind Mrs. Branwell, or Charlotte as Mortmain had called her. Now it was just the two of them with this stranger.

"Please, sit," Mortmain instructed, gesturing to the seats before him.

Hesitantly, Jessamine and Tessa took their seats, gazing expectantly at him.

"Jessamine," he said, his gray eyes resting on the blonde girl. "We meet again."

"Yes Mr. Mortmain," Jessamine mumbled.

"And Miss Theresa Gray," Mortmain beamed, clapping his hands together enthusiastically. "We finally get to meet."

"Please, call me Tessa," Tessa said.

"Of course, Tessa," said Mortmain, still smiling. "You know, your cousin works for me. An excellent young chap. Full of life and very hardworking. I can see those traits had been passed onto you."

Nate, hardworking? Tessa never put those two hand in hand. Back in New York, Nate was nothing but a sloppy, lazy drunk, always having Tessa and Aunt Harriet behind him to clean up the mess he would leave behind. Though, the Nate in London working for Mortmain and Company seemed to have improved. Maybe Mortmain here had a hand in doing that…

"You're that Mortmain?" Tessa said instead. She could literally feel Jessamine roll her eyes beside her, as if she was astounded by the fact that Tessa didn't know who the Headmaster was. In truth, Tessa never bothered in the beginning to know this. And neither had Mortmain bothered to introduce himself. It was probably because Tessa had come to the Institute in a later year than most other students.

"Yes I am, my dear," Mortmain said enthusiastically. Was he always this bubbly? "I am the very one that runs the company that your wonderful cousin so works for. How else do you think this marvelous institution can run? Certainly not by itself."

"I guess not," Tessa said lamely.

"Good girl," Mortmain said. Tessa was confused by this, but decided not to comment.

"Enough chit chat," Mortmain continued on, "let's cut to the chase. So I hear that the two of you were engaged in a fight of some sort."

"Yes sir," Jessamine jumped right in. "She punched me in the face. I even have a bloody nose to prove it." Once again, she indicated to her nose, which was now crusted with dry blood.

"I see, and I'm very sorry for that," Mortmain said, though he didn't sound very sorry.

"That was because she was threatening me," Tessa argued. "She did shove me, so I just acted on my emotions. I know I shouldn't have punched her, but I couldn't help myself."

"Hmmm," Mortmain pondered, stroking his beard. "This just seems to be a simple misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" exclaimed Jessamine. "But she punched me!"

"Yeah, but you provoked me!" Tessa countered.

"Ladies, please," Mortmain threw his hands up. "I am giving you each a warning. Jessamine, this will be your third warning. One more, and you know that you will suffer suspension."

Jessamine groaned and crossed her arms across her chest, turning away from the two of them.

"As for you, Tessa," Mortmain said, focusing his attention on Tessa, "this will be your first warning. I know you're a smart girl and a good student, so please try to avoid any more conflicts."

Tessa nodded. "Very well."

Mortmain clapped his hands once more. "I'm glad we cleared the air! You are dismissed now, Tessa. As for you, Jessamine, if you could please stay behind. I would like to have one more word with you."

Tessa stood up and left without sparing another glance at them. She wondered what they were going to talk about, but thought it better for her not to eavesdrop. She was in enough trouble as it was. Tessa navigated blindly through the corridors until eventually, under some miracle, she found the exit.

"Tessa!" someone shouted from behind. Tessa spun around to see Jem and Cecily bounding down the steps towards her.

"So, what happened?" Jem asked.

"Nothing much, I just got a warning that was it," Tessa shrugged.

"I can't believe you went to the Headmaster," Cecily said. "We rarely get to see him. Was he cheery as always?"

"Unbelievably so," Tessa laughed. "It was kind of annoying later on."

"A warning isn't that bad," Jem mused. "Though punching Jessamine like that. I have to admit, but neither Cecily, nor I, knew that you had that in you. It was quite impressive."

"Thanks?" Tessa said, unsure of herself.

"It was amazing!" Cecily said. "Jessamine totally deserved that. And a well placed punch too, Tessa. Even more reason for you to join the fighting club."

"You know what," Tessa said, "I think I might just take you up on that offer."

"So, Jessamine, what was the real reason why Tessa punched you?" Mortmain said, standing up from his chair and sauntering over to the window that looked out into the city.

"Because I was annoying her," Jessamine said grumpily, her arms still crossed.

"Thank you for being honest with me," Mortmain said. There was no warmth in voice anymore. He spoke to Jessamine in a professional manner, as if they were about to strike up a business deal. "Now, was this something to do with William Herondale?"

"Yes," Jessamine said. Mortmain was fully aware of Will's relationship with Jessamine, as well as with Tessa. Though he believed the later was purely platonic.

"And what did you say to make her punch you?" Mortmain went on.

"That she was in love with Will," Jessamine said, knowing there was no point in lying.

"And is it true?" Mortmain asked. "Because it is crucial that you remain with Will."

"I know," Jessamine sighed. "And it's hard to tell. I think they're just friends though. There is just something about Tessa… she really gets under my skin and I don't like it."

"Well, I am requesting something simple for you."

"And what would that be?"

Mortmain turned away from the window and sat back down at his seat, so he was face to face with Jessamine. "I want you to start being nice to the girl. I don't care how much you don't like her, just put on an act. You know how important she is to the whole plan. We need to know that she is with us, and I guarantee that you will be rewarded graciously if you oblige. Can you do that?"

Jessamine stared long and hard at the wooden desk she was seated at. It would be difficult to be kind to Tessa. Kindness didn't go along with Jessamine Lovelace. But the plan had to be executed, and she could not disappoint Axel Mortmain.

"Very well," Jessamine finally said. "I will do it."

Will stood nervously in front of the apartment before him. He rarely came to this part of town, but it seemed fairly nice. The receptionists in the grand lobby cordially greeted him, who helped confirm his destination. He had pestered Jem into giving him the address; the other boy had been over just the day before to study. Jem eventually gave in, knowing this was under good intentions. Will firmly held in one hand a pizza box, and then used the other to knock on the door. Before he could, though, the door swung open.

A boy – no more a man – stood in front of him. He was tall with fair hair and light blue eyes. He was dressed in a business suit and was eyeing his watch as if he was about to be late to something. Only then did he notice Will.

"I didn't order pizza," said the man, eyeing Will suspiciously.

"Oh, you must be Nate," Will said. "I'm here to see Tessa Gray."

"And you are?" Nate said, sounding not fully convinced.

"Oh, my apologies about that. I am Will Herondale."

"Ah, so you're the famous Will Herondale," Nate smirked. "Well Will, I would love to show you around, however I have an important meeting with my company to run to right now. But please, make yourself at home. Tessa's room is the first one to left. Don't forget to knock." And with that, Nate turned and scurried out of the apartment before Will could say another word. Will shrugged and invited himself inside, shutting the door tight behind him. He glanced around, taking in his surroundings. It was a nice, contemporary flat with a beautiful view that overlooked the expanse of London. Tessa had told him during their day out that Nate was working for Mortmain in his company, Mortmain & Co., the same man who ran the Institute. Will knew Mortmain was filthy rich, much wealthier than the Herondale family, who themselves had a boatload of money. Old money that was. Mortmain was a self-made man who had made his money creatively through various venues. He apparently gave this apartment for Nate, and later Tessa, to live in with no cost.

Will set the box of pizza down on the sleek glass dining table and then removed his backpack, leaving it by the table. He then made his way down the hallway. He arrived at the first door on the left and knocked.

"It's open!" Tessa's voice chimed from inside.

Will opened the door and his jaw dropped.

Tessa was emerging from another door, presumably the bathroom. And all she had around her was a thin towel. When she registered that it was Will, she screamed. And on instinct, Will backed away and slammed the door.

Tessa was mortified. At the moment, Will Herondale was in her apartment. How he had gotten in, she had no earthly idea. And he had almost seen her naked. She had thought it was Nate, who was practically family so she didn't mind him coming in. But boy was she wrong.

After recovering, she shuffled over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Tessa quickly slipped them on before moving over to her door. She cracked it slightly open to see if Will was standing in the hallway. There was no sign of him. Maybe she had imagined him coming into her room? That could always be a possibility.

Tessa took a deep breath, then pushed the door wide and entered the hallway. She shook her head of her thoughts and made her way to the dining room. And there was Will.

So maybe she wasn't imagining things.

"Hi," Will waved at her awkwardly. He was very red in the face. Though that was probably not the only time he had seen an almost naked girl. Based on what Tessa had seen with him and Jessamine, they had probably done much more.

"Will, what are you doing here?" Tessa asked, rubbing her temples.

"I came to apologize, for before," Will said. "You want pizza?" He gestured to a pizza box on the dining table, which Tessa hadn't even noticed until now.

"No thanks." Tessa narrowed her eyes at him. "How did you find my place?"

"A little birdie, who is very dear to me and one of my closest friends, may have slipped it out," Will grinned.

"Let me guess, this little birdie is Jem?"

"I always knew you were the clever one!" Will said. "Though Jem may have slipped it out."

Tessa sighed. "I'll have to talk to him about this."

"Please Tessa, just hear me out," Will said in all seriousness. "I know I've been nothing but an ass these past few days. And believe me when I say this, but that day I spent with you was one of the best I've ever had. I'm sorry I acted that way when Jessamine came, but you have to understand that I was protecting you. If you ever fall on Jessamine's bad side, then it would be nothing but hell for you. And I don't want to see you suffer.

"However, my behavior was unacceptable. I realized that as we were in the park, and it kept bothering me even after. Just ask Cecily – she knew how distraught I was when I came back."

"Yeah, she told me," Tessa interrupted him.

Will nodded, and then continued, "and on top of that, I haven't been able to sleep. I just could not bear the thought of you hating me forever. And during school, you wouldn't even speak to me. So I decided it was best if I sought you out on my own. Jem had mentioned to me that he came over here to study with you for the Calculus test yesterday after we saw you at Starbucks. I pestered him into giving me your address, which was not very difficult with Jem, mind you. So here I am."

"What's the catch?" Tessa said, not fully convinced. She didn't care how far Will had gone to see her. As touching as it was, she was still angry at both him and Jessamine.

Will seemed taken aback. "There's no catch, Tessa. I came here on my own good will so we can be friends. And I promise to stand up for you if Jessamine is ever in your way, even if she is my girlfriend. You're still my oldest friend and I can't lose you."

"I saw you after the fight," Tessa blurted out.

Will nodded. "That was a pretty nasty fight you got yourself into. Though if it ever happens again, I'll help. And this is just between you and me, but I'm glad you punched Jessamine. At that point, I would have wanted to too."

Despite herself, Tessa laughed.

"I always knew I could make the ladies laugh with my charm," Will smirked.

And Tessa stopped laughing.

"Did you hear what Jessamine said?" Tessa said in a hushed tone. She didn't want to directly refer to the fact that Jessamine declared that Tessa was in love with Will. Which was absurd because all Tessa felt towards Will was an old friendship of the past.

Will nodded. "I would take anything Jessamine says with a grain of salt. She tends to make up things to get what she wants. Which was provoking you so you could get in trouble. And I apologize on behalf of Jessamine. Okay?"

"Okay," Tessa said.

"Fault in the Stars reference," Will chuckled. "Of course you've read that."

"I would say the same for you," Tessa smiled weakly.

"So, are we still friends?" Will asked dubiously. He hovered around the pizza box and lifted the lid, revealing a pepperoni pizza. Except, the pepperoni was arranged in a way that it spelled "friends?". Tessa was touched.

"Very well," Tessa gave in, then went around to Will. Despite herself, she flung her arms around him, who then embraced her in return.

"You know, I was originally going to bake a chocolate cake," Will said after they pulled apart. "But then I remembered how much you hated chocolate. So I opted for making this pizza instead."

"Awww, you shouldn't have Will," Tessa said, placing her hand lightly on his arm, which were very muscular. Not that Tessa noticed. "I'm touched."

"Oh, and I brought my materials for our test tomorrow, if you want to study for it," Will said, pointing to his bag that was leaning against the table.

"I should have known you wanted something more from this," Tessa teased.

Will looked stricken.

"Just kidding," Tessa laughed, and Will joined in.

Will reached for a slice of pizza and handed it over to Tessa. He then extricated one from the pie for himself. "Here's to our new and beautiful friendship," Will said, lifting his pizza. Tessa did the same.

From here on out, the road ahead of them definitely seemed brighter.

And the plot thickens...

GUYZ! WE REACHED OVER 100 REVIEWS! You're all the best! Here's a virtual pizza to you all :D

So I'm not sure what timezones you all are in, but regardless, Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a fabulous 2015 for us all!

Question: what are you most looking forward to in the Shadowhunter Chronicles for 2015? (TDA, TSA, etc)