







"What's that noise?" Jim thought aloud.

It was late at night and the Captain had decided to take a walk around his ship. But he hadn't expected to meet anyone.

In light of this new sound, however, it appeared he had been mistaken.

Putting a hand on his phaser just in case, Jim Kirk crept forwards down the hall, trying to pinpoint where the noise was coming from.





Scuffle scuffle squeak.

Jim approached a break room door, stopped and listened.

"It's coming from in there."

Slowly, quietly, the door hissed open and Jim peaked in.

He didn't know what he was expecting to see. Possibly some weird one-legged creature straight out of Chronicles of Narnia.

He did not, repeat not, expect to see his first officer- his Vulcan first officer-





Playing basketball?

Jim Kirk watched in amusement as Spock shot basket after basket in quick succession.

One... two... three... four... five...

Jim started silently keeping track as he watched the half-human. Ten... eleven... twelve...

When Spock got to fifty-five basket without missing a single one, Kirk let out a breathy chuckle.

The Vulcan froze mid-shot and turned to Kirk, a horrified expression quickly masked everywhere but his eyes.

"Do you require assistance, Captain?" He straightened out as he asked in his version of casual, attempting and failing to toss the orange ball discretely behind him.

Kirk just smiled and shook his head. "We've been over this countless times, Spock. When off-duty, call me Jim."

Spock nodded. "Yes Cap- Jim. Do you require assistance, Jim?"

Kirk just kept smiling as he nodded towards the makeshift basketball hoop. "You're pretty good. Where'd you learn to shoot like that?"

Spock's ear tips blushed slightly green. "My mother showed me when I was little... I find it somewhat enjoyable."

JIm grinned. "I'm not bad myself. Wanna whip up another of those hoops and play a game of one-on-one?"

Spock allowed the corner of his lip to twitch just slightly, his eyes swimming with mischievous excitement. "Are you sure you want to go up against a Vulcan, Jim?"

"Half-Vulcan, Spock. Half-human, too," the captain replied with a smirk.

They made another hoop and the game began. Both had a point- where Jim normally would've creamed a normal, human opponent, he was just keeping up with Spock. But the Vulcan made a few mistakes too.

Nevertheless, the two were having a good time, shouting and laughing and forgetting that there were other people on the ship.

Other people such as Scotty, Chekov, Bones, Sulu and Nyota who happened to be enjoying the show.

The five watched, grinning, from the doorway as the two people on the crew who most deserved a break got one.

And if a few videos and pictures were taken, well... no one said anything.

Who knows? Maybe blackmail would be useful.

A/N First Star Trek fic! Finally I can check off (haha, say those two words fast and you have a pun) an idea in my Star Trek document! =D

This was fun to write and a great boredom buster for when I was waiting to be called up to the stage. It's sort of short and possibly a little confusing, but I hope you liked it!

P.S Funny story, I got this idea from watching America's Funniest Home Videos. There was this one guy who looked a little bit like Spock shooting baskets. ;)