Beca's smile seems to bring the sun back out from behind the clouds, she nods with the biggest smile on her face and reaches up towards Chloe face but then stops half way. Perhaps it's no longer her place to show Chloe affection after the considerable pain she inadvertently inflicted? Chloe takes a single step forward and pulls the slightly shorter woman against her tightly, hugging her fiercely her eyes mist over as her mind catches up- the doctors said she'd most likely never get her memories back. As Chloe's eyes shine with tears, she pulls back to begin questioning.

Questions of how long ago she regained her past, what about the boyfriend Chloe saw her with that day in the café, was she looking for Chloe, did she know she'd be here? Lots of questions that Beca now held the answers to had to be asked and would be but now there was a brightness to the future that wasn't there five minutes prior. It frightens Chloe how fast her world turned around with Beca's return, but despite this being what Chloe wanted she's not sure if they could they ever work again. Time passes, people and feelings change.

It takes them hours to catch up and well into the early hours of the morning, to the point that the carnival closed for the night and sent the two women off. It forces them to confront what they've been avoiding- what are they going to be? Considering the time, Chloe elects to let Beca stay with her the night and they'll wait and see what happens. The evening passes and the two must separate at the very least to sort their affairs, there is still much to sort out. But somehow rumours of their get together beat Chloe home.

"Hark, is that church bells I hear in the distance?" Aubrey asks.
Chloe almost jumps out of her skin as she steps in through her front door; she was not expecting her friend to be in her apartment waiting for her to return, "What on earth are you talking about?"
"A little birdy told me about Beca and Chloe sitting in a tree," Aubrey sung.
"Oh my god, are you five?"
"Well? Is it true? Are you and Beca back together? Does she remember?"
"Interesting choice of priorities there-"
"Oh stop stalling and answer me!"
Chloe beams, "Yes. Beca remembers."

"That's awesome!" Aubrey bursts out.
"Yeah, but church bells? Really? Don't you think that's a bit fast?"
"Oh please, you two were all over each other before, you'll be fine. I bet within a month the two of you will be back to the way things were. It'll be as if nothing happened."
Chloe is not as sure as Aubrey, "There's still a lot of red tape so to speak," It's not that she isn't hopeful her relationship with Beca can be resurrected; she is, however their time apart has caused some problems that they need to work through first.

It takes a week before Beca can come down and see Chloe again, her boss was not as understanding of her personal situation as she'd hoped and they wouldn't allow her time off. But it seems that even memory loss cannot change the woman's love for music; she now works for a record company. However the week apart was long enough for Chloe to run the situation through her head hundreds of times and lose perspective, by the time Beca makes it her front door she's so full of doubts and anxiety she can barely breathe properly or think clearly.

Depending on how you look at it, Aubrey was right, (as always, she'd say), even on their first weekend together when Beca arrived to an anxious and confused Chloe the two unconsciously started to settle into their old pattern. Late night talks, holding each other, talking through their problems thoroughly and solving them by supporting each other… It was almost as if nothing had changed, as if they'd always been together. Almost. The rift that time has put between them can only be undone with more time. Few things in the world are perfect, and their reunion is no exception.

Perfection is something many people strive for; they dress smart, style their hair and conduct themselves with respect and authority. Even when life throws a curveball they maintain that air of dignity and the ideal that nothing is wrong. Perfection is not something Beca and Chloe strive for; they know that perfection is not what they are. They prefer to go day by day and move through their repairing relationship as best they can, it's a slow repair process for them but this is how they manage. They do not aim for perfection, they only aim to work together again.

Spring arrives and brings the warmer weather, the flowers bud and peak, the grass shoots up in vibrant green and the world starts to look alive again. Then spring heats up and the earth starts to scorch as it begins to cycle through another year, summer tumbles in with its unbearable heat and carries in the flies and mosquitos. By day the butterflies flutter through the air and by night the blood suckers prowl those enjoying the warm evenings. Along with the changing of seasons has been the passing of time and through this time Beca and Chloe have reconnected.

A kiss can mean so much or it can mean nothing at all, it all depends on the context and emotions involved. For the pair a kiss is the mark of their progress together and a small milestone. It's all about time; it took time for them to find their footing with each other and it took time before they fully allowed themselves to be as completely honest with each other as they used to be. A kiss, Beca's kiss, though to Chloe's cheek, is a significant indicator that they are making it, steadily and surely, they are making it.

The changes in their relationship have been slow and subtle, shifting like the passing seasons with the same slowness. It doesn't happen all at once just like day does not suddenly become night, there is the mixing of colours in the sky and the slow trek of the sun down the horizon before the transition is complete. Similarly the evolving of their relationship is not noticed by them in the changing colours until they suddenly look up and see the stark change in light. Time has repaired them well enough but they still have their bad days every so often.

Chloe screams one night, not a girly high pitched scream of fright that you see in movies, but a deep and chilling outcry that almost didn't even sound human as it came from the redhead and woke herself and Beca. It takes Chloe a moment to recognise that it was she who made the noise and not an animal or intruder. Beca looks at her with concern, "Are you okay?"
Chloe experiences a moment of incomprehension as reality chases away the nightmare in which Beca still has amnesia. She hesitates as she reorientates her perspective and then nods in reply.

Chloe gets out of bed and Beca follows her, "Hey," she calls out gently and stops her partner in their doorway with a gentle hand on her arm. She kisses Chloe and then looks up with a grin at the hanging mistletoe she placed there earlier before returning to her current concerns, "What happened?"
Together they walk out, hand in hand to the kitchen where instead of getting something to drink like Beca thought they would, they sit down at the preparation bench.
"It was just the same dream," Chloe sniffs and wipes away an errant tear with her finger.

Then Chloe gets up and moves towards the fridge, she's sick of the on and off again nightmares she's been having as of late. Beca also gets up but much to the redhead's surprise, leaves and moves over to the Christmas tree that lights their apartment. She bends down and picks out a tiny blue box that's not wrapped up, but without any identifying symbols or logos, Chloe can only guess as to its contents. Beca brings it over and opens it; inside is a silver locket, "I was going to give you this for Christmas, which technically is now…"

Chloe puts down her glass of juice to take the locket and look at it closely, jewellery was not something the two bought each other commonly. On the front is an engraving of three chain links coupled together, Chloe opens it and doesn't know how to feel when she finds it empty.
"I couldn't get a picture small enough to fit in it but that wasn't why I bought it. Our lives are irreversibly connected now, no matter what the past or our future holds-"
Chloe kisses Beca who finds herself completely at the mercy of the other woman's lips.

Beca never did get to finish her small speech about the locket but Chloe understood its meaning well enough without it, though there was little in the way of sleep for the remainder of their Christmas. Christmas turned out to be an interesting and hazardous day for the pair; it started out well enough with Mr Mitchell coming around in the morning so the two could explain their revived relationship, the afternoon taught them that Chloe's family was a bit eccentric when drunk and it turns out Beca is allergic to poppy seeds, and the night fared them no better.

No sooner do the pair decide to leave when Chloe's brother stumbles over Beca in his attempt to 'hug' her and causes her to fall. Between the music and rowdy conversations no one hears the harsh wet crack as gravity pulls on the smaller brunette. Beca lasts through two hours of the deep ache in her arm before finally letting Chloe take her to the hospital. Do you know how many people are at a hospital on Christmas? There's the drunks, there's families visiting loved ones, car crash victims… It takes hours before someone is able to tend to Beca.

The key to recovery with a broken arm is to learn how to manage life with your non dominant hand and deal with each and every little problem as though it were a challenge and not a chore. The key to managing life with a broken arm includes listening to your doctor's advice when he tells you how to take care of the cast on your arm. Beca however seemed to skip the information session and went straight to finding ways of relieving the itch the cast gave her. This was one query she did not need Google to answer.

Beca hates the cast. Chloe has to keep her eye on the woman or else she'll try to come up with ways in which to remove her cast. One time Chloe even caught her trying to saw the hardened plastic off. Beca on the other hand complains that she can't complete basic life tasks or make her music mixes and she tells Chloe that she has to remove the cast if she wants to get anything done. The whining was cute the first time but now Chloe just growls an irritated warning to Beca that she needs to stop complaining.

"Why don't you go for a walk or something?' Chloe suggests during one of Beca's whining sessions.
"Oh sure, in the rain where my cast will get wet and I'll have to get another one. No thanks."
"Then go rainbow hunting," Chloe starts to get frustrated.
"Rainbows are gay."
"No- well yes but-ugh, gay is not an adjective Beca and unless you want to sleep on the cold kitchen tiles you won't use it as such. The rainbow flag represents a lot more than gays I'll have you know."
"Yes okay I know, you've told me like a hundred times..."

"Do you want to marry me?" Chloe asks suddenly one afternoon while Beca is busy using a straw to scratch an itch.
"Huh?" She pauses, thinking that she mustn't have heard the woman right, "Did you just say…" Chloe nods, "Wow Chloe, I don't know… I mean, I'm comfortable with the way things are, I don't need a piece of paper to prove our love or- or our commitment to each other. I don't need a shiny diamond ring or a wedding or anything like that."
"Wow, that was… oddly romantic," Chloe can't help but beam and hug Beca warmly.