Author's Note

I don't own Warriors or the song

I was just thinking over some things, and I've been feeling kinda down today. So I decided to do this, as a shoutout for the cats who died way to tragically, way to young, and way to soon. I'll be posting these for awhile, I guess, and feel free to send requests.

Chapter 1: Moon, Snow, and Moss

Three stories, three she-cats, one Starclan. Let's see what these cats thought, before and after death.


My muscles were tensed, prepared to spring into action. I was one of the cats who'd be destroying the Windclan herb supply. I didn't like what we were doing, but I couldn't argue with Pinestar. Goosefeather, my brother, had foretold what would happen so here we were. At the signal, I sprang into action, racing into the camp and finding the den.

I slipped into the old rabbit hole, pausing a moment to let my eyes adjust to the light. I began to smash berries and shred leaved to bits, rendering them useless. I hoped that we wouldn't be needing to many herbs when we returned home. I begged Starclan to spare Snowpaw and Bluepaw. They have been apprentices for two days and they come to a battle!

I hear a voice, interrupting my thoughts, growl out,

"Hey! Get out of here!" I turn to see the Windclan medicine cat. I dodge when he lunges, tearing up more leaves and stomping on berries, flinging leaf scraps and berry juice at him. He snarled, and I could see death in his eyes. I raced out of the den, the tom close on my tail. I was a bit out of shape, having been in the nursery for 7 moons.

He caught me and pinned me down. In one deft move, he slit my throat with is claws. I gasped, sucking liquid into my lungs. I struggled weakly against him for a moment before he leaned down and bit the back of my neck. The world went dark and soundless. Eventually felt feeling return to my limbs, and blinked my eyes open slowly.

I sat up and looked around to see the Windclan camp. The fighting had ceased, and they were dragging away a limp, bloodied body. I padded towards Snowpaw and Bluepaw, ready to comfort them. They didn't seem to be able to hear me. I looked to the fallen warrior, ready to grieve for them, then realized who it was.

It was me, my body being pulled across the moor towards Thunderclan. I followed, keeping close to my kits, but no one could see or hear me. I wasn't ready to leave yet. I turned when I heard a soft meow. Before me was my father, Badgerclaw, his black and white fur entangled with stars. I walked up to him, breathing in his scent.

"Goodbye, my kits, my little warriors. Grow up strong and kind. I love you." I whispered, taking one last look at my daughters. I nodded to my father, and he lead me away into the stars, where I watched over my clanmates, and especially my kits.

Walking with Bluefur was relaxing. I loved Whitekit, and I loved being a queen, but being out in the forest was rejuvenating. I took in a breath of the fresh, prey filled forest and stiffened. I could scent Shadowclan cats! We ran to see three Shadowclan cats, hunting on our territory!

"Get out of Thunderclan territory!" I snarl out, my fur bristling and claw unsheathed.

"How about we catch some prey and them get out." retorted the one of them. With a snarl, Bluefur and I launch ourselves at them. It's claws and teeth, whirling masses of fur, and blood. They finally break apart, racing towards the border. I race after them. As they cross the Thunderpath, I follow a few fox-lengths behind.

"Snowfur!" Bluefur screams. I can hear the roar of a monster, and turn to see it bearing down on me. I screech as I try to dodge away, but I'm too late. One of the monsters big, black, round paws struck my neck and back. Pain exploded though me, before everything dissolved to nothing. I blink open my eyes to see Moonflower, my mother. Stars are tangled in her fur, and she smells faintly of the nursery.

I sit up to see that I'm on the edge of the Thunderpath. My heart lurches as I see Bluefur nearby, dragging my bloodstained body away though the trees. I look back to Moonflower, and she nods sadly.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I wish that you could have had more time with your sister, mate, and kit." she murmurs, giving me a small lick on the ear. We follow a short distance away from Bluefur.

"Don't worry, Snowfur. We'll get you to Goosefeather, and he'll fix you up, good as new." she thought I was still alive. I looked down at my body, wondering briefly if I could somehow get inside and still live. Soon, Bluefur met a patrol, and she had to deal with the truth. I sat though my vigil, listening as the cats gave their last words to me.

Eventually, Moonflower guided me away, bringing me to Starclan. I watch over my mate, my sister, my kit, until it's their time to join me in the stars.

I walked along in the freezing cold with my brother, sister, and mother. The game had long since ceased to be fun. Mama had started putting us in little snow-dens, carrying us from one to the next. My fur was thin, and I could feel the cold much worst than Stonekit and Mistykit. I started feel numb, it was difficult to feel my paws.

I tried to hang on, even pressing my nose into the snow to try and wake up, but it only got worse. We finally took a break, after what seemed like moons. We snuggled close to Mama, trying to get warm. I didn't move, wishing for the numb feeling to go away, but it increased even more. I could just hear Mama talking to me. I heard a voice call, but no one else seemed to hear it.

"It's okay to let go, Mosskit. Bluefur, your mother, will be okay. I'll bring you to where it's safe and warm." I fought to stay awake, to stay with my siblings, to stay with Mama. You have to stick to your family, right?

"Mosskit, please wake up. There's food and warmth just across the river, if you can only hold on. Please, Mosskit. My brave little warrior." I tried to open my eyes, to speak, to do anything to reassure Mama. The world faded away, as did the cold, numb feeling. I felt much better, but could hear a voice calling. It was the same one as before.

"Wake up, Mosskit." I opened my eyes to see a white furred, blue eyed she-cat. Stars were tangled in her fur, and she smelled like the nursery, warmth and milk, with Thunderclan underlying it all.

"Who are you?" I ask. I had never seen this cat before.

"My name is Snowfur. I'm here to bring you to Starclan." she answered. I glance back to see Mama curled around Stonekit and Mistykit, but hugging me in her paws, nudging me, whispering to me to come back. With a jolt, I realize that it's my body she's holding and licking.

"Are you sure Mama will be okay?" I ask, reluctant to leave my siblings and my mother. Beckoning with her tail, I follow after the she-cat as Mama starts walking away with Stonekit and Mistykit, glancing back at the snow-den.

"Yes, she'll be okay. And when it's her time to come to Starclan, you'll be there to greet her." I looked up at Snowfur, following her as we walked without touching the snow. We began to rise above the trees, running, towards Silverpelt. Where I can watch over Mama and my brother and sister.

So, what do you think? Good? Bad? I thought my heart was going to drown in sadness. Feel free to leave a request in your reviews. Later!