Chapter 2 Posting

Chapter 10

AN: I'm SOOOOOOOOO sorry for the long wait. I've been working on a novel of mine, so most of my writing focus has been elsewhere. I'm trying to ease back into my stories now, and this was the first one I thought to update. Writer's block also played a large part in not updating. On with the story.

OTP WARNING: I've decided to experiment in this story with shipping Sirius and Remus. It happened on accident, so bear with me on certain parts. It will be very fluffy, nothing close to smut.

*Eleven years: At Hogwarts*

Severus Snape's POV:

"I've missed you too." I said, gently putting Harry down. "Who gave you permission to grow while I wasn't there?" I asked, ruffling his hair. He laughed and his eyes grew at a sudden realization. "Sirius and Remus knew! They knew that I couldn't remember you and they didn't do anything! They kept me away from you!" He began to shout. I let him, knowing how hard it is to hold in anger like that.

"Why would they do that?!" He suddenly rounded on me as he said this. I shrugged and he seemed to deflate. "I don't have the slightest idea. They must have had their reasons, and good ones too, or they wouldn't have done so. Dumbledore knows as well, I've been watching him for signs of something amiss. Let's just keep the fact that we do know to ourselves for a while, okay Harry?" I asked. He nodded tiredly and yawned.

"Let's get you to bed." I stood and began leading him to the door. "Dad? Can I stay with you tonight?" Harry asked. My heart swelled as he called me dad. "Of course, but only this once." I said. He nodded and I gave up, picking the exhausted boy up and carrying him to my quarters.

The rooms were painted a soft brown and a fire flickered to the right of the door. The kitchen was farther back, and the rooms were in a hallway to the left. I passed the first door, my library, and entered the second door on the left.

"I thought it would be green, or black, or something like that." Harry mumbled as I sit him down on my bed. I chuckled and transfigured his robes into bed clothes. "Because I'm the Head of Slytherin?" I asked. He nodded and lay back, asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

I slid in beside him a few minutes later and he curled up against my chest, the same way he had when he was little. "I promise never to lose you again." I whispered to Harry. He didn't stir, smiling contently at his own dreams.

*Christmas morning*

Sirius Black's POV:

"Sirius, Remus, wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Harry shouted from the other side of the door. I moaned and rolled over, coming face- to- face with Remus. "Morning sunshine." I muttered as he kissed me. He smiled and rose, pulling me up with him. "You know Harry won't stop shouting until we get downstairs." He said matter- of – factly. "Besides, we have to be ready on time for the Quidditch game." I groaned as he said that. "Snape had better not be difficult as he used to be. I almost miss being friends with him." I said as I began to get dressed. Remus sent me a knowing smirk and I glared at him. "Almost, Remus, almost."

"Come on slow pokes!" Harry shouted. I heard him run downstairs to the living room and sighed. "Show time." I said.

We reached the bottom of the stairs just as The Weasleys showed up in the Floo. Hermione was with them and the youngest all flew together, chatting happily about the England- Bulgaria game today. "Dumbledore got us all tickets to the top box. I can't wait until we get there!" Harry intoned happily.

Presents flew by quickly, involving a lot of candy and a few light shows from the twins. Molly helped Remus with making breakfast and we all readied ourselves for the Portkey trip to the Quidditch game.

We arrived and the kids all ran excitedly towards their seats, Harry taking the lead. "Why is he so excited? I know he loves Quidditch, but he's usually calmer than this." I asked Remus. Remus leaned in closer, fixing his eyes on Harry. "Maybe it's just the fact that we're finally going with the Weasleys this year." We had somehow kept in touch with the Weasley family, knowing how close Ron and Harry had been. Hermione was quickly added to our large, mix- matched family when the boys meet her in school. I would even dare to say that Ron and Harry were closer than James and I had ever been.

We reached the top box and I wasn't surprised to see Moody, Dumbledore, and Snape. I was surprised to see the Malfoy's there. Arthur and Lucius stiffened as they spotted one another, but the Malfoy boy- Draco, I remembered- came striding up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"So, Potter, who do you think will win?" Draco asked of Harry. Harry smiled politely and looked out over the field. "To be honest? I think Bulgaria will win. England's keeper has been slacking, and Bulgaria's seeker and chasers are faster. I still route for England, mostly because Ron and Charlie do." Harry said.

"I think Bulgaria will win too. You're right about England's players Potter." Draco said as he sat beside Snape. Harry sat beside Draco, flicking his gaze up to Snape. Something I couldn't recognize flashed in his eyes and he turned back to Draco. "Call me Harry. Seems like I was wrong to decline your friendship that first day. You're not as bad as I thought. Ron, who do you think will win?"

And just like that, the boys were friends again, almost as if nothing had happened in the past five years to make things different.

Draco Malfoy's POV:

I was so happy to be friends with Ron and Harry again. I even managed to get on good terms with the Granger girl, Hermione, after I apologized for anything I may have done this year to make her antagonize me. The game started as Harry and I predicted, England couldn't block any goals and Bulgaria kept stealing the Quaffle from the other chasers. Harry kept glancing up at Uncle Sev, almost as if he remembered something. When they both laughed at something I said halfway through the game and cast a knowing glance at each other I was sure that I was right.

"Father, could Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I go down to the field and get a few team flags?" I asked. The others leapt up and begged their respective guardians the same thing. My Father nodded and I looked over to see Black handing a few Galleons to Harry and Ron. Hermione stood there shyly for a moment before Lupin slipped her a few Galleons, acting as if nothing had happened. She smiled in thanks and we all headed down.

I stopped us halfway down and turned to Harry. "You remember Uncle Sev, don't you?" I asked. Harry's eyes widened and Hermione frowned. "I do remember when we were all little and friends. How could you tell?" He asked. I smirked. "It doesn't take a Ravenclaw to notice the looks you two kept giving each other, especially when I'm sitting in-between you two." I said. Ron laughed. "So you both remember that and I'm not going crazy? What even happened to get you with Sirius and Remus rather than Severus?" Ron asked.

"Wait, what are you three talking about?" Hermione asked. "We were all friends when were about three- years- old. Snape was Harry's dad and we would all hang out at Snape's house all the time. When we were six, Harry stopped remembering us and I would never see you two anymore. I kept asking Father what had happened, and all he would tell me was that you were living with your godfather now." I said. Hermione nodded. "Well, what did happen?" She asked.

"I was taken away from Dad when some Ministry officials took him away for a trial, because he apparently used to be a Death Eater. They erased our memories and I never knew the difference, except that something, no someone, always seemed to be missing from my lie. I'd see a cauldron and get lost in this feeling of home that confused me whenever I would look back on it. On Halloween, when Dad took me to his office, he did some weird memory reading thing and broke through the memory blockage. We could both remember the other, and everything else. All those detentions I keep getting are just an excuse for us to hang out after classes are done." Harry explained.

"Well, it's good to all be friends again." I said.

AN: I hope you liked the new chapter. I'll try to update again soon, but I won't promise anything. Leave a review, or Draco and Harry will jinx you.