A blonde-haired aristocrat was walking proudly down the streets of the magical village, Diagon Alley; which was located, beneath powerful wards, in the heart of London.

Suddenly, he saw something that caused him to stop: a little girl, looking no older than eleven, was huddled next to an empty shop with a broken cauldron in her hands and scattered books around her; she was weeping.

At this sight, his heart immediately broke. "Hey, little one," he called, "need help?" The girl looked up, her eyes met his; they were a lovely warm-brown, matched wonderfully by her brunette curls. She nodded her pretty little head once and he removed his wand from his cane.

"REPARO!" he intoned. Her cauldron was immediately mended; good as new. With that, he waved his wand, and the books surrounding the girl floated neatly into her newly-mended cauldron.

"Where are your parents?" he asked the girl, who immediately broke down. Desperate to comfort the poor girl, he scooped her into his arms, hugging her.

"They left me!" she said, "When the Deputy Headmistress came and convinced them that my Hogwarts letter was real, they decided that they wanted nothing to do with me. They only gave me just enough to buy my supplies and took me to the Leaky Cauldron. Then, they told me quite plainly that they never wanted to see me again!" She broke down again in sobs.

"Shh!" he whispered, patting the girl on the back, "I, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, swear on my magic and life that I will take care of you. I will take you in as my own and you will never want for anything! So I say, so mote it be!"

"Malfoy, that's the blonde twit who broke my cauldron. Said something about how 'mudbloods' like me shouldn't be allowed to learn magic," the girl said sniffling. Lucius' eyes flashed in anger.

"That bloody boy knows better!" he growled, "don't worry, Draco will be severely punished!"

"That actually makes me feel much better. If I were to believe him, I'd say that his behavior was encouraged!" she exclaimed. Lucius bit back another growl. He couldn't believe that Draco would be such a disgrace to the name of Malfoy. To insinuate that such behavior was what his family encouraged was so far bellow the belt that he probably couldn't even see it. That kid was in for some serious punishment. Magical parenting one oh one had absolutely denounced transfiguration as a punishment, but Lucius was beginning to imagine what his son would look like as a little white ferret.

"By the way, Lucius, my name is Hermione," the girl added, "Hermione Granger."

"Not anymore it isn't," Lucius growled, "I will not have you walking around with the name your disgrace of a family gave you. Hmm, what would you say to Narcissa; that's my wife's name and it fits you perfectly. A lovely name for a lovely girl." Hermione blushed.

"I love it, but wouldn't that make things too confusing with two Narcissa's around?" Hermione asked.

"Nonsense, in the wizarding world, many people in close nuclear families share the same name. It's settled, your name will be Narcissa Victoria Malfoy, so mote it be," Lucius declared.

"So mote it be," Hermione, no, Narcissa, found herself saying, she then hugged Lucius tightly. "We just met, and I already love you very much, Lucius Malfoy," she said softly, "you must be a very great man. Everyone who has ever met you is lucky to know you." Lucius' face darkened, remembering some of the people who hadn't been so lucky to know him due to his youthful mistakes. Then it brightened, as he remembered the risks he took to atone for his sins; they were all worth it in the end.

"Yes, well, lets go shopping. I need to get you quality clothes if you're going to be seen in public as a Malfoy. I'm also going to have to get you a proper custom wand. What do you say to a sharp diamond wand that doubles as a rapier?"

"I've always believed that diamonds are a girl's best friend," Narcissa shrugged. Lucius beamed at her. Since she was already in his arms, and as light as a feather, Lucius carried his new charge to a shop in Knockturne Alley called Proper Wizarding Wear. Once in the store, Lucius set Narcissa down on her feet.

"Hey, Edgecombe, get this girl the full Malfoy do-over, stat!" Lucius ordered. A woman who appeared to be in her late twenties appeared. As soon as she took stock of the girl, she got out her measuring equiptment.

After what seemed like hours of measuring, the woman left to the back room. Later, she came back into the room with what was a full wardrobe for Narcissa. The girl in question was squeeling over the new clothes. After the garments were all shrunk and safely in Lucius' pocket, said wizard grabbed his young charge's hand and led her to the next stop on their shopping trip: the shop where custom wands were made.

Once inside, Lucius called to the shop owner. A burly looking man with a well-kept brown beard and a twinkle in his eye came out from behind a counter almost taller than he was.

"Hey Lucius, I see you've brought me a youngin' to corrupt," the man said with a laugh, "what can I do you fer?"

"Well, this is my daughter, Narcissa Victoria Malfoy," Lucius said, "She's going to need a special one. A sharp diamond one that doubles as a rapier. Preferably red diamond so that it doesn't show blood."

"I can do that easy, Mr Malfoy," the wand crafter said, "now reach into this bag and let the core choose ya." He held out a bag. Narcissa placed her hand into the bag, careful not to peak, and soon felt something catch on her hand. She pulled it out.

"Basilisk skin and dragon scale, intertwined. How interesting!" the wand crafter commented, "We can expect great things from ya, Ms. Malfoy! I'll have 'er done in a jiffy!" He left the room with haste.

Later, the man came back and handed a sharp 17 inch diamond wand to Narcissa. Red, of course.

"Now I can learn how to stab people in the back even before I learn to hex them properly!" Narcissa said cheerfully, "not that I really want to stab anyone in the back, other than two people I refuse to mention by name!"

On the way out of the shop, Narcissa stopped Lucius and whispered, "you called me your daughter. I only wish it were truly so, by blood. Do you think we can get the goblins to perform a blood adoption, I read about it; it was mentioned briefly that only goblins are allowed to perform blood magic, including blood adoption."

"Goblins will do anything for the right price," Lucius smirked, "and I have more than enough to pay them."

"Dobby," Lucius called. The petite house elf of Malfoy Manor popped in at his master's call.

"Yes, Master, what can Dobby do for you?" Dobby asked.

"Take us to Gringotts, avoid the reporters and gossipers," Lucius ordered. Dobby complied, taking both of their hands and popping them to the inside of Gringotts' lobby.

"SharpDeath!" Lucius called his family's account manager. SharpDeath, the manager for the Malfoy vaults and investments, walked up to Lucius.

"What do you need, Malfoy, that couldn't wait until I was done updating your investment portfolio," SharpDeath asked.

"A blood adoption," Lucius answered.

"You know the cost," SharpDeath stated. Lucius nodded.

"Then the girl will be yours by blood in a few minutes," SharpDeath told him, then called for some Goblin named BloodChill.

Bloodchill came in, and after a few minutes of pouring blood from both parties into putrid potions while chanting in Gobbledegook, BloodChill declared the blood adoption complete. Both a little sick from seeing their blood mixed in Merlin-knew-what, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and Narcissa Victoria Malfoy left Gringotts and headed back to Knockturne Alley where Lucius replaced the rest of her mediocre supplies with top notch brands. He also bought her the "Malfoy Special" at Obscurus Books, which made her day, as she absolutely loved books.

Lucius then had her dress at the Leaky Cauldron, where she put on a set of fashionably-cut black silk robes over an silver-laced emerald skirt and a matching blouse. She strapped her rapier wand's sheath to her hip and drew it. Then, after tracing the entire weapon with her marveling eyes, she sheathed it.

She then left the room she was changing in to find Lucius at the counter having a conversation with the bartender, Tom. She tapped his shoulder and he turned around, his eyes lighting up as he took in her new look.

"You look wonderful, darling!" Lucius exclaimed, "Now we can go look for your pet and broomstick. I know the rules say first years aren't allowed to have brooms, but I am on the board of governors, so I'll be able to pull a few strings." That said, they quickly left the Leaky Cauldron and headed for the more exclusive of the two Quidditch supply shops in Diagon Alley.

While looking, they noticed many models not commonly mentioned in magical Britain. The American Ford company, for example, apparently makes broomsticks as well as Muggle vehicles.

The Ford Fusion-bolt outclassed even the latest Nimbus!

The Fusion-bolt turned out to be just what the doctor ordered for the newest Malfoy, she loved it. Even though her initial fear of leaving the ground had made her wary of broom travel, it seemed all she needed was something that was built Ford tough!

Lucius wanted a new broom himself, so he bought the latest John Deer and learned that absolutely NOTHING runs like a deer!

After that, they headed to the Magical Menagerie. After searching through the available animals, Narcissa chose two animals. A black kneazel and a King Cobra. Both would be excellent guard animals and, in general, very lovely pets.

After that, they left Diagon Alley and Lucius apparated them to Malfoy Manor.

Narcissa Victoria Malfoy, formerly known as Hermione Jean Granger, steeled herself, preparing to face the music.