A/N: Hey Guys. So here is the next Chapter. Little bit longer than the last one I did.

I thought I would tell you the reason why we are in April. basically it was the first date I thought of because 21st April is my Birthday! yay!

Anyways, next chapter we will be finding out their animagus forms! I know Draco's, i'm in two minds about Hermione's and i'm stuck on what Harry's could be. So Let me know if you have anything in mind for Hermione and Harry? Hermione is a choice between a fox and Wolf. But i'm willing to have other options.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I struggled writing it. I write them by hand first then type it up. however the amount of scribilling out I did when I was writing it out was mental. Finally decided to go with this in the end. Let me know what you think.


Chapter 19

22nd April 1994

As it's a Friday we have double potions last thing. I've decided that I wanted to get a detention with dad so that I could spend some time with both him and Draco… That's if Draco turns up of course. Harry isn't able to come due to Quidditch practice. (Oliver really is training them into the ground this year) Which in all honesty I'm not that upset about, as it will be like old times, just me, Dad and Draco.

Harry and I made our way down to the dungeons for our last lesson of the day. Luckily today will be making potions so it will be easier for me to 'get in trouble'. We set up our stations towards the back of the room. Today we will be making a simple shrinking potion and I knew exactly how I was going to get my detention.

As everyone went to the store room to get their ingredients I also followed but a little bit after the rest. Harry gave me the nod that it was all clear so I proceeded into the store room and 'accidently' tripped, trying to gain my balance on the shelf, which wasn't exactly secure enough to have my wait on it so it came tumbling down. Smashing most of the jars of potions ingredients along with it. I made a fuss but in all the commotion I managed to cut my hand on a shard of glass. Just then Dad walked in. Telling everyone else to get out apart from me. He gave me a look to say 'are you alright' I nodded. He then turned back into his dungeon bat mode.

"Miss Granger, why do you have to be such an insufferable klutz?" He said it loudly enough for the rest of the class to hear. "Detention. Tonight. Now put a cloth on that cut and get back to work!" I let out a little whimper but gave dad a thankful look when he gave me a clean cloth to cover my hand with. I soon scurried out of the store room and back to my desk next to Harry.

Once we all finished our potions (Mine was perfect may I just say, even with a bandaged hand) just before we were about to leave dad called me. "Miss Granger. Stay behind. I need to explain what you will be doing for your detention after dinner" I nodded, told Harry to meet me in the Great Hall then headed back towards the front desk of the class room. Once we were sure everybody had gone dad's harsh teacher mode vanished.

"How badly does it hurt?" He asked while he was slowly unwrapping my hand from the cloth. "Not much, it's only a small cut right? I'm sorry about the store cupboard. I honestly didn't think that shelf would collapse. I was only intending to knock a few jars off." He gave me a small smile. "Relax Princess, nothing a bit of magic can't fix. Now let me fix your hand."

After dad sorted my hand out he gave me another cloth just to put over it so no one knew that it had been healed yet. I bade my farewells then made my way up to the Great Hall before I would be heading back down for my detention.

Due to taking so long with dad I only saw Harry briefly at dinner before he went off to Quidditch practice. I quickly ate my dinner then made my way out of the Great Hall and towards the dungeons. Just as I got out of the Great hall though, Ron stopped me.

"Hey Hermione? Can we talk?" I sighed and turned around to look at him. "Make it quick Ronald. I have detention to get to." He gave me a sheepish smile then took a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry about the way I acted. I was stupid and jealous. I knew you were dating Harry yet my brain kept on telling me you were. You always go off with him and not me and it just got me really upset. Please forgive me Herms. I need you" He gave me a pleading look. I mentally scoffed. Of course he would want to be friends again now. Exams are coming up and he wouldn't be able to pass without me. Personally I would never forgive him. But he was one of Harry's first best friends so if Harry agrees then I will tolerate him.

"You called me a Mudblood Ron. And that hurt. You're only wanting to be my friend again because Exams are coming up and you can't pass them without me" I gave him a pointed look and you could see him squirm under it. "I Know I did and I'm really sorry. I don't know what was going through my brain when I said that and I regretted it the minute I said it. Okay exams may be a part of it but I still really miss you Herms." I cringe every time he calls me 'Herms' I hate that stupid nickname.

"Well you're gonna have to take it up with Harry. If he accepts your apology then I will tolerate you and help you study. Nothing more. I will never forgive you. You say you hate the Slytherin's because they are prejudice yet there you were calling your own housemate the very same words those Slytherin's use. You're no different to them Ron. Just have a think about that. Anyway. I have to go. You've made me late for my detention already. Now Snape will be even angrier at me." I turned around, whipping him in the face with my wild head of hair and made my way down to the dungeons.

"Why, are you late?"

"Ronald Billius Weasley. That's why" I said as I slumped down on top of a desk.

"What's the idiot done now?" dad asked as he came over to sit next to me.

"He apologised. Said he didn't mean anything that he said. Said he needed me." I rested my head on dads shoulder. "The only reason he wants to be my friend again is because exams are coming up and he wouldn't be able to cope without me." I sighed as Dad wrapped his arm around me, squeezing me tight. "Don't worry Mia. I'm sure you've made a smart decision. What was your decision anyway?"

"I told him to apologise to Harry and see if he will accept it. If he does then I will tolerate him and help him with his revision, nothing more. I will never forgive him dad." Dad kissed my forehead then kept me in his warm embrace while we just sat in silence. Our silence however was interrupted by dad's alarms indicating someone other than Draco, Harry or Dumbledore was coming to the classroom. We quickly separated. I made my way to sit behind a desk while dad went to stand behind his.

"Miss Granger, I want you to write me 100 lines on why you should not be an insufferable klutz. After you have done that, which I'm sure won't take you long. You can go a tidy the store cupboard which you made a mess of." Halfway through dad's little speech a 5th year Slytherin walked into the classroom.

"Professor Snape Sir, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office immediately. And he said that you need to bring the potion that he required. Said you know what it is." Dad nodded at the boy and sent him on his way. Once he knew the boy was out of earshot he moved back over to me. "I'm sorry Mia, I have to go. Don't worry we will have time to spend together. Draco should be here soon" He gave me a kiss on the forehead and made his way out of the door. Before he could leave I called out to him "I love you Dad. Don't worry about it. It's not like I won't see you all summer right?" I smirked at him as he made his way out of the door. You could hear him mutter 'I love you too princess." Once he was gone my smile faded. I decided I would head into the store room to tidy up the mess I made, however as I went in there it had already been done. So I just headed back to my chair to wait for Draco to come.

I didn't have to wait long. Soon he was bounding through the door with that gorgeous smile on his face. Just seeing his smile made me happy.

"Hey! Where's Uncle Sev?" he asked as he came to sit down next to me. "Dumbledore called him away. So it's just me and you." He smirked at me and waggled his eyebrows.

"Me and you huh? What do you want to do then seeing as you have all this" he said as he gestured to his body "To yourself." I scoffed and shoved him a little. "Oh please. You're so immature." I glanced at him sideways. "Immature am I Princess? Then why are you blushing?" I glared at him. "I'm not blushing, it's just hot in here. Not everyone falls for your charm, you don't even have charm" My brain just kept singing Lies, Lies, and Lies. "Excuse me my gorgeous Princess. It is freezing in here so that is no excuse and I so do have charm. It's what's making you blush right now." He said, getting closer and closer to my face. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. "Just because that's what you think. Does not make it true. Besides you're the one who has something for me. 'My gorgeous princess' not occurred to you that you might be in love with me?" I asked. Our face so close with just one little movement our lips would touch.

"Oh yes. I have fallen for you Mia. I've fallen hard. How could I not when we have known each other since we're 5? You're irresistible." He leaned in to kiss me but I moved my face away and patted his head. "Sorry Lover Boy. How can you possible love me when we are mortal enemies right? Afraid you've got a few more years to wait." I got up and headed to the door. "I'm tired so I'm gonna go. See You around Dragon" I quickly walked out of the room and then leaned my head again the wall.

That boy is going to be the death of me.

Little did I know Draco was still in the class room saying the same thing about me.

Please review! They make me so happy!