Hey guys! sorry for the very late update cuz ya see. I was busy hehehe :D. so ya here's the new chapter and i hope u like it.

Also i don't own Fairy Tail or Inuyasha.

Scattered Across The World

Flying high up in the sky, the demon bird flew across the village. Unbeknownst to the villagers, didn't expect a demon to appear out of nowhere, whom decided to grab a little boy who was walking with his mother.

Just as the bird flew off with the child, his mother started screaming causing everyone to look at the scene. At the tree tops was Natsu, who was chasing after the demon and saw what had happened.

"Looking for food already? Well, you'd better think about getting away from me first! Ya stupid bird!" He said with a smirk on his face.

Looking back on the place where the boy was taking, Lucy ran passed the crowd of people that had formed. She shouted towards Natsu telling him to save the little boy first. He ignored her muttering a low "as if" to himself as he chased after the demon.

As he got close enough to hit the demon, Natsu had shouted his attack and a ball of red and orange flame that covered his fist and hit the bird. He hit his mark while missing the child and watch as the bird's body both burn and scattered into pieces.

Meanwhile the boy whom was freed from the demon fell into the water below him.

But he couldn't even swim. While this was happening Natsu landed near some rocks and started looking around the water for the jewel.

"Where is it? He said while looking from left to right. "Where's the damn jewel?!"

The boy's mother called someone to help but everyone was too afraid of how the water's current was moving too fast for any person to get him. The boy's screams was

heard around as someone called for help. After hearing everything Lucy ran towards the water while taking off her shoes in the process. She jumped into the water and

swam straight towards the boy, saving him from drowning or flowing straight into the water fall that was ahead.

"There's no way I'm letting you die" She thought. After they were safely swum to shore, Lucy gave him back to his mother whom was thanking her. At this everyone was really impress by her swimming skills.

Mean while Natsu jump towards the other side of the running river and shouted "Oi girl! Where's the sacred jewel?!" Looking back at him, Lucy turned her head and ignored him.

At this Natsu was surprise by her attitude towards him and while having a dumb look on his face.

As this was going on the demon bird started to regenerate itself within the water. After that the demon started to fly up in the air.

"Hey! It's getting away!" Natsu shouted towards the blonde.

"What?... Guess there's no time to be arguing" The blonde said.

Meanwhile on the boy's back there was one of the demon's leg attached to him. It pulled him causing everyone to notice. Just then Lucy got an idea and looked around for a bow and arrow. A man was carrying one so she walked up to him to borrow it.

"Excuse me? But may I borrow your bow and arrow?"

He gave it nonetheless looking very confused on if she could hit it, since it's so far away.

"There's no way she can hit it" Natsu said doubting Lucy's abilities.

Lucy POV

I had tied some string onto the arrow with the demon's leg and place the arrow between the bow. I had heard Natsu's little comment but I ignored him. I pull back the arrow and release it.

"This time, for sure… I'll get it!" I thought as I let go of the arrow. I watch as the arrow flew straight towards the demon in a very fast pace.

This time I'm sure the demon bird's leg will be drawn by the power of the sacred jewel. I knew I would hit it since its regenerating itself.

Just as the arrow had strike the demon a bright light appeared in the sky.


Just as the arrow had strike the demon a bright light appeared in the sky. Suddenly the sacred jewel started to crack due to the arrow hitting it as well with the pressure of Lucy's magic energy that was put into the arrow.

"I did it!" Lucy said happily.

"She got it...?" Natsu said disbelieve in his voice as he jump to another rock.

Covering his eyes from the light with his hand, he looked at the scene that was the bright light before him.

"But… what's with that light?"

And then suddenly there was a rainbow colour light shining brightly and then it had started to spread across the sky.

The light went all over the place through various places within the land. It went over mountains, valleys, and the sea and even far away villages. Everyone saw the light show that was in the sky.

Mavis was walking around the town and saw the giant display of light of light in the sky. She looked very worried at the situation that was now being unfolded before her. She thought of the possibility that this could happen at a time like this.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Finally it stopped and the sun was setting. The birds were flying back to their nest and everyone went home. Well except Natsu and Lucy.

The two both went and search for the jewel. They were both in the forest for a long time until the sun was setting.

"Are you sure it's around here?" Natsu said with irritation in his voice as he looked around.

"Yes… I can feel it around here?" Lucy said as she was looking. "But that bright light from earlier? What was that's all about?" she thought.

Just then the head of the demon from earlier popped out of nowhere was about to attack Lucy. But lucky Natsu stepped in on time and burned the thing.

The demon was now destroyed and a tiny piece of the jewel fell to the ground. Walking towards it Lucy went to pick it up from the ground.

"Could this be?" she said curiously.

"Could be what?" Natsu said equally as curious as Lucy.

She held it within her hands an examine it and realization had struck her that this could be what they were looking for.

"A fragment of the sacred jewel?"

"What did you say?!"

Later that night the two of them both returned back to the town and into Mira's house to discuss what had happen. Lucy held up the jewel towards Mavis and started to explain what had happen up to the bright light to the time to the fragment.

"What's going on!?" shouted Natsu furiously at Mavis.

"Stop barking you brat" Mavis said with a calm look in her eyes.

"What happened to the jewel?!"

"Well the arrow that Lucy had attached the demon's leg hit the demon and destroyed it. However what had really broken the jewel was the magic energy that was released when she had shot it that had shattered it… obviously it couldn't take the pressure." Mavis said with a serious face. "In other words, fragments of the sacred jewel have been scattered throughout the world".

"Who knows how many fragments they are? Mira said as she serves some rice.

"Who knows, it could be hundreds or even thousands of them out there" she said worriedly.

Natsu POV

"Goddamnit! Of all the rotting luck!... why it had to be me?" I thought

"Tsk I should've burn that blonde idiot when I had the change" I listen to the old hag talk about the mindless stuff about none sense.

We all ate in silently as the she devil talk to the idiot about staying the night here. Well its none of my business but I need that fragment.

I ate a big piece of meat as I glared at everyone around the table and planning on how to get the jewel from the fool who had cause this mess.

But she glared back at me so I glared harder at her, until she finally talk to me.

"What's your problem?" she said.

"This is entirely you fault" I said back to her as I continue to glare more.

"It was an accident and I didn't mean to do it"

"Well if you had given me the jewel in the first place none of this would have happen. Tsk I knew I should've killed you when I had the chance." I said and listen to what the hag had to say about the situation.


After that Mavis continues to explain the situation more in detail and everyone listen to her keenly.

"However if even one fragment fell into the wrong hands then who knows what would happen" Mavis said with a serious expression on her face.

"I'm sorry… I guess I should take reasonability for what happen" Lucy said as she looked at the jewel in her hands.

"Well I hate to say this but?" Mavis said as she looked at the two persons in front of her "Natsu and Lucy you must work together in order to gather the fragments and restore the jewel".


"Are you sure about old hag?" Natsu said with a smirk on his face. "Remember I'm one of the wrong hands looking for the jewel".

"Listen you flaming idiot!... It can't be helped" Mavis said with seriousness at this statement.

"But I want to go back home" Lucy thought sadly.

After the conversation they all had everyone went to bed and then morning came. During this time Lucy was having a bath by the lake. Since the Mira's bathroom needed to be rebuild from all the destruction that had happen awhile ago. So she went to the lake with Mavis to help her dry off her clothes over a fire that was made.

While swimming around she thought back about last night conversation. After finishing up, Lucy got out of the water and went to Mavis to get some dry clothes that Mira had gave her to wear for the time being. Looking up she saw Natsu looking down on her from a hill above the Mavis. He had an unreadable expression on his face.

And like any normal person Lucy sat back down into the water to cover herself. "Kyaa! Perverted baka!" She said and Natsu fell off the hill and landed on his face which was very painful.

"Well I didn't know that scaly face was a prev" Mavis said as she turns towards him.

"What's with this? Damn I forget about the subjugawatchamacallit" he said as he pulled at his necklace.

At this point Lucy was already dress into some nice dry clothes that she had gotten from Mira. Lucy was now wearing a red sleeveless dress that reaches her knee the upper part of it has white and pink on it. And to complete the look she even wore the two pink sleeves on each side of her hand (A/N its the dress that lisanna wore before she die).

"Shame on you!... you pervert! Spying on me like that!" Lucy said as she walked towards him.

"Huh?! Yeah right… who would want to look at you fat ass anyways." He said with a bored expression. "Besides Luigi, all I want is the jewel so hand it over or else I'll have to fry you to get it".

"For the Last time!Its LUCY!"


"Besides you can't have it. Since I'm giving it to Lucy for her to protect it from idiots like you." Mavis said as she hand over to Lucy with a little red pouch. "Unless you work together with Lucy, who can see the jewel… then the entire jewel would be complete".

He blocked out what Mavis was saying and ignore he completely and focus on his own plans.

"For the last time I'm the one who's gonna collect them all." He said with annoyance in his voice.

Natsu turn towards Lucy and gave her an unreadable expression and asked her something.

"Oi Luigi why are you wearing that ridiculous outfit anyways" he said "you look stupid…. Wear something else".

"Do you really hate me that much?...Besides Mira gave me these clothes and I'll have you know I look cute in this outfit." Lucy said back.

He ignored her and thought about Lisanna wearing that same outfit before she die.

Meanwhile went to talk to Mavis about something that she saw in her dream last night.

"A dream you had?" Mavis said sounding curious about this.

"Yea? It's really weird and I was wondering if you knew anything about it" Lucy said with concern.

"Ok then what happened in your dream?"


In the dream

Lucy was walking in a place that had many stars and planets. There were even some colourful crystals here and there. But what really caught her attention the person in front of her. A beautiful woman was floating in mid air. She was wearing a very long dress and she had a long staff that had a weird looking design on it.

"Young one you have entered the realm of the stars. And thus we had predicted your arrival into this time frame." She said.

"What? Who are you and where am I?"

"no need to be afraid, but you must know the journey that you have set for your self will be dangerous, since you have brought back the sacred jewel into this world".

"But I didn't know it was inside me all this time?"

"You must go and search for these golden gate keys for they will help you in the future."

"Gate keys? What keys?... I don't understand?"

"You will in due time" she said as she slowly disappear.

"Wait!... How will I know where to look for them!?" Lucy said as she ran after her."

"It's where you're from and someone dear to you will surely have them".

End of the dream.

And with that Lucy woke up the same morning thinking about what the woman had said to her.

"And that's what she said…" Lucy said.

"Gate keys huh?" Mavis said with curiosity.

"Heh as if something like is real" Natsu said "I bet you dreamt that you were some kind of ninja the other night".

"As if... who dreams about ninjas anyway" Lucy said with irritation in her voice.

"Lucy I'll look up these keys for you and let you know about." Mavis said as she caught Lucy's attention while getting up from the ground.

"Thanks" Lucy said with a smile on her face.

"How very interesting" Mavis thought as she walked away "Golden Gate keys huh?".

A/N Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter :D. I put a little twist on this story so i hope u all like it.

I'm very sorry about my grammar, but hey no body's perfect right.

So leave a review and tell me what ya think of this chapter so far.

Also i would like to hear you opinions or ideas for this story if u don't mind sharing that is.

So ya see soon :P.