Wow. You guys must hate me. And I can't blame you.

Delia and Garrett were sitting on a bench near a window in the school hallway. They too had decided to take Lindy's advice, and Delia was now trying to teach Garrett how to be better at football.

"So…" Garrett slowly took in the drawing Delia had shown him. "You're basically saying that I shouldn't even be on the field?"

She nodded, smiling brightly. "Yep. Personally, I think it's an upgrade for everyone." Considering the last time he kicked a football it went straight into a classroom and hit Lindy's teacher.

He wrinkled his eyebrows and shoved the drawing back at the girl. "Delia, I don't really appreciate thi–"

"Guys!" Lindy bowled over two fellow freshmen on her way over to her friends. She took a big breath and clutched her books to her chest. Guys, have you seen Jasmine?"

Garrett swept out an arm. "Lindy, shouldn't Delia be nice–"

"SHUT UP GARRETT NO ONE CARES!" she screeched, hurling a notebook at the boy. "Now where's Jasmine?! She was supposed to meet me five minutes ago in the bathroom, and I walked in on someone in a stall, but that was someone else crying, so WHERE'S JASMINE?!" Lindy was going out of her mind. She angrily blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Garrett looked scared, as he was pressed up against the wall to stay as far away from her as possible. "Lindy, what's going on with yo–"

"Is that Logan with the cheerleaders?" Delia turned her head back to the group, pointing her thumb to the window.

Lindy's eyes clouded over. "What." Throwing her books aside, she practically climbed on top of them to get a look. "WHAT?"

Sure enough, Logan was outside and he had the cheerleaders heard Jasmine to the field for him. Two girls stayed with her while the rest got ready to do a cheer. That Logan wrote.


Jasmine, won't you please forgive me?

I'm sorry that it took me so long

But now I see where I belong."

Jasmine's eyes switched over to the boy on the sidelines. She raised her eyebrows, but all he did was motion to the girls again.

"Mike was too dumb to let you by

But I swear that I'm a better guy

Sure, I was blind for a while

But I hope I'll still make you smile

This is a little short, I know

But Jasmine, I won't ever let you go!"

Logan walked over to Jasmine and thanked the two cheerleaders, waving them away. "So?" He held out his arms, waiting. "What do you think, Jazz?"

Jasmine looked confused a moment, but soon she was staring daggers. "You seriously thought I was going to hug you?" Her words were hard, face blank.

He didn't understand. "Wait, what do you mean? I thought we would be good now." He took a step forward, to which Jasmine took a step back.

"It's not about publicly showing people that you were stupid. With CHEERLEADERS. I just," she struggled to find words, "Can't you ever tell me how you feel? You always want other people to do your bidding, and usually that doesn't bother me, but now–"

Logan threw up his arms. "Fine! You want me to talk? MY NAME IS LOGAN WATSON, AND I AM IN LOVE WITH JASMINE KANG!"

Her eyes widened. "What?"

Before she could ask any more question, Logan drew her to him and kissed her.

From inside the school, Lindy sighed and collapsed on Delia and Garrett out of exhaustion. "Phew! That's over with." She looked up at Garrett. "You can get me home, right?"

Jasmine pulled away, but stayed within Logan's arms. "Wait. You love me?" she asked, sheepishly looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah," he admitted. "I think I have for a long time."

Mike happened to overhear what was going on. So at that point, he ran up to the two and grabbed Jasmine by the arm. "But Jasmine! I still like you."

She made a face. "Yeah. Alright." Without saying another word, she turned back to Logan and kissed him back for the first time.

For some reason I really love the thought of an angry, mad Lindy. XD But anyway, in case you couldn't tell by the little moment where Lindy asks Garrett if he can get her home, I ship Larrett. All the way.

So yeah, that's it for this story guys! I know it's literally been, like, three months, but I'm just so glad I finished it. SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!

But anyway, I have had an I Didn't Do It/R5 crossover planned for a PRETTY long time, but there is no way I am going to post it unless I have it finished first in advance. Sorry guys! But I hope you liked this last installment in 'Hard to Come to Terms' and I hope I will see you guys real soon! :)

Review please!