A response to the guest Your Hater:

Thank you for clarifying that you're my hater. If you didn't I might've missed that! And yes, I've NEVER EVER read the books. Oh, they were books? Whoops, didn't know. This is NOT a joke or parody! Obviously!

Sorry, these reviews are rare. I couldn't help myself. X3

Raspberryhope continued on, singing along to the Lyrical Lotus. She was so happy that she didn't notice the snake sneaking up on her sneaky and snaky paws.

What the heroic and different she-cat didn't know was that she had made it to the Murderous Meadow. She traipsed through it right as the sneaky snake sneaking up onto her sneakily attacked her in a sneaky sneaky-like manner of sneakiness. Raspberryhope let out a piercing scream/cry of terror/pain as she was slightly nipped by the corn snake.

"I've been hit!" She screeched. And fell over.

A moment later she woke up and saw a tom treating her with herbs. "Who are you?" She asked curiously.

"I'm Fireocean. Hi! I treated your Pantherophis guttatus with some Calendula officials and Symphytum officinale L." Fireocean replied helpfully. Since Raspberryhope was a Mary-Sue, she had no idea what he was talking about.


"No problem! What are you doing in the Murderous Meadow, anyway?" Fireocean asked.

"This is the Murderous Meadow?" Raspberryhope asked Raspberryhopefully.


"Well I'm on a mission for my home and my stolen-from-home because as a kit I was stolen because the other Clan called HawkClan needed another kit and I was named Raspberrykit but then I was exiled because of my name and MistyClan took me in and named me Raspberryhope and they received a prophecy and I am on a mission and so I needed to go here next." She explained.

"Okay!" Fireocean smiled. "Can I come with?"

"Sure!" Raspberryhope replied.

"So why did you need to go here?" He asked. "Is it because it's a really easy mission that had to be made into a long prophecy with needless detours just for the sake of the plot?"

They both paused for a moment. "No." They said at the same time before leaving for their next destination.