I don't own Fairytail

It has been five months… five months since Lucy has woken up… five months since the dragon flew away before destruction. Natsu contemplated how much time was left till Lucy would have to wake up.

Staring at the girl laying on the infirmary bed in the new Fairytail guild he kept thinking to himself how much longer till he would be able to hear her voice again. How much longer till she would open her eyes again and wake up from her deadly sleep.

The small fetus inside of Lucy's body never did die and neither did she. Lucy just shut down for a while her body sustained too much damage in the matter of a few months to support herself and the baby so shutting down Lucy's body the baby was able to survive and thrive inside of her. Her six month pregnant stomach poked the top of the blanket causing a hill like bump to form which Natsu thought was unbelievably 'cute'.

'Three more months… three more months and that baby will be born' Natsu smiled as he spoke to himself inside of his head.

Everybody knew it was a miracle that Lucy had survived with the baby intact. It was celebrated within the guild, everyone was incredibly happy to have found out that Lucy and the baby had survived.

Holding onto Lucy's hand Natsu smiled at the girl sleeping in front of him her body had recovered from all the broken bones everything was back in place like the old Lucy was, but Natsu also knew that Lucy will never be the same. She had withstood too much… her body had taken on too much damage to ever be the same, but Natsu still loved her way too much to even think about letting her go. The quiet beeping of the monitor always assured Natsu that his Lucy was still alive, even through all the tubes and wires connected to her to support her body through this fragile state, he could be assured that she and their child will be fine.

"Natsu?" Makarov poked his head into the infirmary to find a smiling Natsu. "Ahhh I thought you'd be here" Makarov smiled as he made his way over to Lucy. "How is she?" Makarov questioned as he looked up at the sleeping figure.

"Well her body is accepting the medicine that Virgo brought over from the Celestial world… its much stronger and more effective than anything that Grandine could make" Natsu smiled softly as he said this still holding on tightly to Lucy's hand.

"If anything happens you know what to do…" Makarov walked back out of the door and back into his office getting ready for the next guild master meeting.

"If anything happens… I'll be the first to know" Natsu whispered quietly resting his head down onto the bed never letting go of Lucy's hand. Squeezing her hand gently he drifted off into a dreamless sleep the quiet repetitive sound of the heart monitor lulled him into his thoughts. The only thing he didn't realize was the small squeeze back to his hand and the twitch of the eyebrow that no one knew except for a sound asleep Lucy.

Ok well this isn't a full full chapter this is just the beginning of Undying Love. So the thing is that some ppl didn't exactly like the ending to the first book…. It was sorta shitty I'll admit it but the thing is that there is a sequel for a reason -_- not meaning to sound rude but there is a sequel so she obviously didn't die… but anyways! I just couldn't wait… I don't have writers block what so ever so I just quickly typed this up for you guys because you loved the first book! So this is the beginning of *drum roll* UNDYING LOVE! Sequel to My Dragon. Thanks for reading :)