Chapter 2

At lunch a few days later, Jasmine had to sit and watch Logan and Jenna flirt with each other. They kept flirting, pecking each others' cheeks, and sweet talking. She hated it. Lindy gave her apologetic looks, but that just made her feel worse. She had her best friend giving her pity because a guy didn't like her back.

"You know what? I'm gonna go get some fresh air outside," Jasmine announced, getting up from their table. Logan was confused to why her tone was so annoyed.

"Is she okay?" Logan asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, she's been acting weird lately," Delia said. "Like... starting a few days ago."

"Oh... she'll be fine!" Lindy cried, biting her lip.

"Maybe we should check up on her—" Garrett began.

"I'll go," Logan said. "I haven't talked to her much lately, since Jenna and I have been going out ever since we got back together. So, I think I should go."

"Logan, are you sure that's a good idea?" Lindy asked.

"Of course!" Logan exclaimed, nodding his head. "She and I are like best friends. I want to be there for her when she needs me. Don't even try to stop me, Lindy. I know you— I know you want to be the better friend. You always like being the best, but this time, it's my turn. I'm going to be the better friend."

"Don't miss me too much," Jenna said, pecking his cheek.

"You know I will miss you too much, babe!" Logan exclaimed, smiling at her and then walking outside to find Jasmine.

He searched the whole school courtyard until he found Jasmine sitting in a corner alone. He felt so bad for her. He knew something was seriously wrong with her, so he went up to her.

"Hi, Jasmine," he said.

"Logan? What are you doing here?" Jasmine asked, shocked.

"You've been acting different lately," Logan told her. "Is everything alright?"

"I said I just needed air," Jasmine reminded him. "Everything's fine. Since when did needing fresh air mean something in my life is going horribly wrong?"

"Hey, I want to be here for you," Logan said. "If anything's bugging you, you know I'll always be a shoulder to lean on. You can tell me anything. I would never judge you. I know I seem like a carefree guy, but, I do care. I care about you. A lot."

Even though she wanted to tell him how she felt about him, she couldn't. He said he cared, and he wouldn't judge for anything, but she knew it wasn't anything. By anything, he meant things that didn't involve things that affected him, such as family problems. If she said she had a crush on him, he would probably cringe and say he's with Jenna, ruining their friendship.

"To be honest, Logan, you're the last person I want to talk to right now," Jasmine harshly told him.

"What?" Logan asked, hurt. "What did I do? I thought I was being a good person!"

"You're making this worse and harder for me, so just leave!" Jasmine yelled.

"Fine, if that's what you want, then I'm out of her, Jasmine," he snapped. "This is what I get for trying to show you that I really do care about you?" With that, he stormed away angrily, which only made Jasmine sadder.

Jasmine had been thinking about Logan all day. She couldn't help it! Jealousy and sadness overwhelmed her. She sighed sadly before changing into her pajamas. Luckily, she could cry as loudly as she wanted and stay up to watch sad romance movies all night because her parents were visiting her sick grandparent. She would have gone, but she had to worry about missing school.

There was a knock on her door in the middle of one of her movies. She groaned and got up to open it. She was expecting it to be one of the friends from her group, but it wasn't. It was Mike.

"What are you doing here, Mike?" she asked, biting her lip.

"Jazz, I needed to talk to you," Mike told her with a sincere look on his face. "I wanna be with you so badly. We shouldn't have broken up, and I'm so sorry for that. You're the one I want to be with. Can we give us one more try? Just one last shot, please, I'm begging you."

"I want to, but no, I can't," Jasmine said, sighing. "I think you should leave."

"Come on!" Mike cried. "I came here with good intentions. Don't you still have feelings for me, too? Or is it true?"

"Is what true?" Jasmine asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"That you have feelings for Logan Watson," Mike answered, looking up at her nervously. He noticed that she was biting her lip and looking away. "So, it's true, isn't it? You like Logan?"

"Mike," she muttered.

"I should have known!" Mike yelled. "My friend Nathan told me I don't have a shot with you again because you have a crush on Logan, and I was like 'naw man, that's crazy', but it's true, isn't it? It's true that you like him!"

"I didn't say I like him!" Jasmine yelled back.

"But I can see it in your eyes," Mike angrily said, folding his arms. "Goodbye, Jasmine."

"Where are you going?" Jasmine asked.

"I don't have to answer your questions," Mike rudely answered, turning around. "You're not my girlfriend, I'm not your boyfriend. Why don't you ask your real boyfriend Logan? Oh wait, he's not your boyfriend! He's Jenna's!"

"Get away from this house and don't come back, you freak!" Jasmine screamed, slamming the door in frustration.

"The doorbell just rang," Logan announced. "You're lucky I'm a nice enough brother to get it, Lindy."

"Oh, well then surely I must be blessed!" Lindy sarcastically said, rolling her eyes and going upstairs. "I'm going to sleep. Thanks for your wonderful favor, Logan."

"You're welcome," Logan scoffed, opening the door. "Mike? What are you doing here?"

"Like you don't know!" Mike yelled. "Your pretty little girlfriend didn't tell you?"

"Jenna didn't tell me anything about you coming over," Logan said, confused, furrowing his eyebrows. "You sound angry... I don't do well with anger. Did I do something wrong?"

"You stole my girlfriend!" Mike cried. "I don't know what you did, but you got Jasmine to like you, and now she doesn't want me anymore."

"You're crazy," Logan laughed. "Dude, Jazz doesn't like me. We were fake dating. She was trying to win you back, and I was trying to win Jenna back. We don't like each other! I'm happy with Jenna!"

"No, she was so obsessed with you that she kept ignoring me," Mike explained, folding his arms. "I just went to her house, and she didn't want to get back together with me. You did this, Watson. I'm done playing nice. You ruined my relationship, so I'm gonna ruin you."

"Come on, Mike, this is—" Logan tried to stop him, but Mike's fist met Logan's eye in just one more second.