Hey guys! This is my second Lego Movie fan fiction and I'm really excited about this one. For the sake of your minds everyone and everything in this story is humanized. Please tell me what you think in the reviews, I apologize for the short chapter, and enjoy!

*I do not own the Lego Movie or any of it's wonderful characters*

It started out a pretty normal day, I got up, kissed Lucy goodbye, and went to my job as a construction worker. We were building a new office building for Octan because the other one was so dark and depressing. When it came time for lunch, I went and sat with my friends, Gail, Frank, and Wallie. I ate my sandwich and drank my water, but something made me look over to the alleyway across the construction site. It was a girl, she looked to be around fourteen, she had blonde hair... and… was digging through the trashcan? Was she homeless?

"Hey, guys, what's her story?" I asked no one in particular as I motioned to the girl with my head.

"Oh her? She's like, been in that alleyway ever since we were transferred here. I hear good things about her though." Gail said

"What are the good things?"

"She's nice to whomever she meets, whatever food she finds she splits with the children who are homeless, she's great for community service." Frank explained.

"Huh." I looked down in my lunchbox and noticed my second sandwich. (I get hungry okay?) I got up and grabbed a cold water from the cooler and threw it in my paper bag and then walked under the "DO NOT CROSS" tape.

Gail called out, "Emmet, where are you going?"

"I'll be right back." I said not taking my eyes off the girl. I finally made my way up to her, but she didn't notice me so I cleared my throat making her jump. She pulled her arms out of the trashcan and dusted her hands off on her pants.

"Good evening sir, I've got to say you frightened me a little." Her face was incredibly clean for someone of her social ranking, her eyes were brown and her breath didn't smell like death. She obviously took great care of herself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. My name's Emmet." I said with a smile.

"I'm Emi- Wait… You're Emmet Brickowski? The guy who saved the universe?" she asked excitedly with wide eyes.

I chuckled. "Yea, that's me."

"Oh my gosh! This is spectacular! I'm so glad I got to meet you." She exclaimed

I chuckled again. "Well, thank you. But what's your name?"

"Ah! Yes, my name is Emily." She said holding out her hand for me to shake, I was beginning to fold my arm out to shake hers but she quickly pulled back. "I almost forgot; I was just digging through the trash. You wouldn't want to shake my hand." She said with embarrassment.

"Oh! About that; I work at that construction site behind me, and I couldn't help but notice you, you looked hungry and well… here." I offered her my paper bag that held my other sandwich and water in it.

"What's this?" she asked taking it gently from my hands. She opened the bag and upon discovering what was in there she hugged me, in which I was slightly surprised. She quickly het go and dusted me off as if she were filthy and would leave a stain. "I'm really sorry about that, it's just that people never bring me food. Thank you so much."

"It really wasn't a problem, I just love to help people."

Her eyes darted to the building beside us. "I- I have to go. " She said taking a step backwards. I looked up at the direction of the building and then back at her with concern, before she could go I put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? Like, are you safe?" I asked quietly.

She looked at me. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine." She smiled and I nodded. Her eyes said differently. She made her way out of the alleyway by walking past me. She turned to look at me, "See you soon." I smiled and waved before making my way back to the construction site. "Aw Emmet, that was really sweet." Gail said

"And when she hugged you? That was precious." Frank said

"Have you two ever met?" Wallie asked, "I don't know about you guys but I saw a connection."


"We saw it too."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I can't say we have." The bell rang signifying that lunch was over. "Come on, dreamers, let's get back to work."