Hey Everyone! This is my very first Fanfiction and I'm really excited about it! I hope you enjoy the first Chapter! xo

I'm Clare Edwards. I'm 17 and I have lived in Toronto all my life. When I was six my father had taken my brother Alex and I to a gas station. It was like any other day. The sun was shining and the wind seemed to dance through the trees. It was summer. When night fell there was a slight breeze and everyone seemed to have a smile on their face. But that night turned into something no six and eight year old should ever have to see.

My brother and I were looking through the candy fighting over whether Milky Way or Kit Kat was better. Our argument stopped when we heard, "Give me the money! Now!" we wandered to the front of the store. My brother stood in front of me like a shield. Even at such a young age he felt the need to protect me. Our father was a good man. He was always trying to help people. So when this teenage boy started to rob the gas station, he of course tried to stop him. My father tried telling him that this wasn't the way. That he could help him.

I'll never forget the look on that kid's face before he shot my father. BANG! The noise engraving itself into my memory. At that moment timed seemed to stop. I heard crying and I realized it was mine. My brother told me not to look, but that was my daddy. My tiny body crouched down beside him as I laid my head on his chest and cried. There was blood everywhere. He died in front of our eyes. The bullet had hit a major artery and it couldn't be repaired.

We rode in the back of police car on our way to the hospital. A police officer stayed with us until our mother arrived. My mother came running in and immediately asked where my dad was. The look on my mom's face was terrifying. All color drained from her face the moment she heard the news. My mother had always been strong. That was the first time I had ever seen her cry. When she looked at me she started crying even more. I didn't understand. I thought maybe she blamed me for what happened, but when I looked down at my clothes I realized why she was crying. My clothes were stained in my father's blood.

That was the night everything changed. My mother stopped being a mother. She still went to work but came home and drank herself to sleep. My brother Alex started taking care of me. I know it was hard for him. He was only a little kid himself. My brother practically raised me. He cooked meals, got me to school, helped me with my homework. He even tucked me in bed at night. We were inseparable. Alex was just like our dad, always helping people.

His best friend was Jake. He was basically a nice guy. But he was always getting himself into trouble that led to Alex bailing him out. But then things took a turn for the worse. I partied and drank but Alex had always watched out for me, never letting anything bad happen. He even comforted me when I lost my virginity to K.C and then two months later found out he was cheating on me with my best friend Jenna. Let's just say after Alex "talked" to him, he never bothered me again. That's who Alex was. He always put the people he cared about before himself.

I remember the day it happened. It seems like yesterday. It was Autumn, and the beautiful golden leaves were dancing through the air. The crisp breeze seemed to carry a melody as I walked home from school. On the way to my room I overheard Alex talking on the phone. "Yeah, I'm going to follow him. I don't care if it's dangerous. Doing drugs is going to ruin his life. I have to go, he's my best friend. Yeah, I'll be fine. Later man." I know I shouldn't have followed him. My gut kept telling me to stay home. I wish I would've listened.

I followed him and found myself behind a dumpster at an alley behind the mall. It was dirty and the smell was almost unbearable. The atmosphere seemed tense and I knew something terrible was going to happen. I could feel it. Out of the shadows stepped Vince, the most dangerous gang leader in Toronto. He's terrorized the city for years. My heart started beating faster as different scenarios ran through my mind. I knew this wasn't going to end well.

When Alex tried to stop the drug deal Vince grew livid. He started asking Jake why he was here. He tried to explain that he had no idea he was coming. Alex begged Jake to come with him, that this was wrong. "Just turn and walk away. Please." I could hear the sincerity and desperation in his voice. When Jake walked away hell broke loose.

Vince pulled out a gun and suddenly I was pulled back to that gas station when I was six and all I could do was cry. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks at the memory that was still so vivid to this day. I tried to move to make some sort of attempt to get help. Alex must have heard me move because our eyes met for a brief moment. I saw the fear in his eyes and he mouthed "Don't move." He turned his attention back to Vince and tried to walk away. Vince pulled him back and accused him of being involved with the police. Alex tried to reason with him, he tried walking away again when Vince pulled the trigger. BANG!

I wanted to scream, to yell for help, anything. But my voice wouldn't come out. It almost seemed trapped inside my body. Vince walked away as if he hadn't just taken the life of another human being. I ran over to Alex's body. I thought for sure he was dead. I turned him over to see the life draining out of his eyes. Finally finding my voice I screamed. I called 911 telling them to please hurry. It seemed like deja vu all over again. Right in front of my eyes I was losing the person closest to me.

I took off my jacket at an attempt to stop the bleeding. I kept telling him to hang on that it was going to be ok. He looked at me with almost lifeless eyes and whispered "I love you baby sis." His eyes shut and I knew he was gone. I hugged his lifeless body close to mine and screamed in agony. This couldn't be happening. Not again. God couldn't let this happen.

When the ambulance arrived they tried to take him from me but I kicked and screamed and it took two police officers to restrain me. I road in the back of squad car to the police station, a place I had been before. The police apologized for my loss with a monotone voice that showed they didn't care two shits that my brother had just been killed. They started asking questions like, "What happened?" or "Did you see who did it?" I kept thinking that my mother was passed out drunk somewhere. She didn't care, nobody did. But I had already made up my mind. I would get revenge. If killing Vince my self is what it took then so be it.

When I gave my statement I told them Vince killed my brother. I wanted to bring him down. If it was the last thing I did. So I made a deal with the police. They were going to train me to go undercover. I was going to join Vince's gang, and bring the whole operation down. What I never expected was falling in Love with one the members of the gang. So this is how it starts, my promise for revenge.

Please Review! I would love your feedback! xo