A:N Hey, Hey, Hey! Did you guys see the teaser trailer? Was that Olivia on the beach with her hair all natural just chilling? This is going to be an interesting season to say the least. I just hope the whole season isn't centered around finding Olivia and then waits until the end to show her… That would suck. Live will we really have no Olitz all season? How much torture must we go through?

Anyway, Here's another chapter and we're moving right along developing the store and what not I can't wait to unravel this story because it's going to get pretty…exciting.

Here you go.


Fitz was beyond happy. In fact he was the happiest he'd been since he moved to the little backcountry town. He walked through the slow moving line to get the grovel that this school called lunch. He had his third block with Olivia Pope, which mean he had lunch with little miss Olivia Pope.

"Stop harassing Olivia Pope."

His mother's words played in his head.

Why would he do that?

She was a little ball of fire and as hot as one too. She was by far the most attractive person he'd seen since he'd been here and she was in the optimum position to get lured in by him. She was stressed and unsure of herself. She needed to unwind if anything and he would gladly be the one to unwind her.

He looked across the room and couldn't help but wink at the large brown doe eyes staring him down. She looked away disgustedly and then turned back to her red head friend before he could blow a kiss in her direction.

She was so easily played with. She had to realize how much fun he was having with her and that he knew how affected she was by him.

Fitz paid the woman behind the cash register with the mustache and then headed in her direction.

"Fitz!, Fitz!" He heard something or someone calling his name. He wanted to keep walking and head for his target and he would've if not for the little hand pulling on his shoulder.


It was Nellie.

No wait that wasn't right.


"Hey Kellie." Fitz said smoothly watching the brunettes face fall for a second before she shook it off with a laugh.

"No, No, I'm Mellie, Silly." The annoying girl, now named Mellie, said. Pushing against his shoulder in a flirty way.

Fitz wanted to gag but decided not to hurt her feelings anymore than he had.

"Mellie, that's right….What can I do for you?" Fitz said shifting his foot from one to the other.

"You said you'd come and eat lunch with a couple of friends and I." Mellie said and this time when her face fell it was replaced by a frustrated look.

"Oh did I?" Fitz said looking across the room to Olivia who had taken up watching him again. He gave one final look at her before sighing under his breath.

"I forgot, Sorry this getting used to everything is very stressful." Fitz said feigning ignorance. He remembered good and well when Mellie asked him to lunch, but he also remembered seeing a jean clad Olivia standing in the hallway and how the curve of her ass was ridiculous.

"It's okay! I know moving schools can be stressful." He heard Mellie say in a pouty voice and he could tell she was trying to flirt with him.

"Right." Fitz said following her over to a table full of people who seemed to be the 'IT' people of the school and even then they looked pathetic compared to the nerdiest kid at his old school. They just weren't on the level his other school was on and he could tell easily that he was going to shoot to the top of the social ladder faster than the a blonde with big boobs.

He took a seat beside Mellie as she introduced the band of LA wannabes in front of him.

"This is Amanda Tanner, and beside her is Edison Davis, then there is Andrew Nichols and finally everyone this is Fitzgerald!" Mellie said clasping her hands together as if she'd accomplished something important.

"Hey!" Amanda said waving ecstatically at Fitz. He could tell she was the school slut as she sucked and sucked on the lollipop she had in hand and eyed his every moment. Her small chest was covered by the pushup padded bra that he could see that her near see-through shirt.

Then a "sup" came from the tall African American guy who held his hand out to knuckle bump fitz. Fitz awkwardly put his fist against Edison's before retracting from the awful handshake.

Most of lunch went by and Fitz was sure that he'd kill himself before the next class if a certain topic didn't immediately draw his attention.

"So Eddie, how close are you to nabbing Olivia Pope?" Andrew said finishing off his french-fries and downing a monster drink.

"Are we seriously going to talk about this?" Mellie said slamming her phone down on the table.

"Come on Mellie. I mean I know you don't like her but she's so fine." Edison said looking in the direction of Olivia and Fitz moved his head to do so noticing that she was treating Edison the same as she was treating him.

"and I'm nowhere near Fort Olivia yet. The bitch compares every guy that even attempts to Jesus. How am I supposed to compete with that? Just to see her outside of school I have to go to church. I'd give up right now if I didn't have a half a school year invested in it." Edison said in a slightly angered voice before finishing his drink and standing up to throwing his tray away.

"Where's he going?" Fitz said watching him make his way over to an annoyed looking Olivia.

"He's going to flirt with Olivia." Mellie said in a unpleased tone.

"What's wrong with Olivia?" Fitz pried trying to get as much information about her as possible without actually having to interact with her. It gave him the upper hand.

"She's a goody goody, with a stick so far up her…" Mellie started to rant but Andrew stopped her.

"Mellie and Olivia used to be friends. People grow apart and change when they get older. Olivia chose to follow her religion and Mellie chose to wear eyeliner and ever since then they haven't been friends." Andrew said rolling his eyes.

"That's not even why Andrew! She acts like she'd Gods gift to the earth. She judges you before she even knows what's going on. I don't not like her because she a servant of god I don't like her because she's a a stuck up bitch." Mellie said setting her venom filled eyes on Olivia.

"Wow." Fitz said grabbing up his Gatorade to take a sip. Now things were starting to get interesting. It seemed as though Olivia wasn't as loved as everyone thought.

"I'm tired of talking about it. Amanda will you come to the bathroom with me?" Mellie said standing up to throw her scraps away and Amanda standing to follow. After Mellie and Amanda left, there was only Fitz and Andrew at the table and even though Fitz knew there was still another person at the table he turned to see how Edison was faring with Olivia and from the looks of it, it wasn't good.

"You got a thing for her huh?" Andrew said interrupting his thoughts.

"Who? Mellie? God no." Fitz said letting his true feelings come out for a brief moment. He'd forgotten that Andrew was her friend.

"What? Not Mellie, Mellie is my girlfriend, I'm talking about Olivia Pope." Andrew said sliding his trash from lunch to the side.

"Maybe, Maybe not, what's it matter to you?" Fitz said turning toward Andrew.

"Woah, Woah man I'm not trying to be all in your business I just wanted to give you a fair warning. Edison has been after that girl forever and she still hasn't let up. I just don't want to see you waste your time." Andrew said gathering his stuff up.

"But isn't she worth it though?" Fitz said watching Olivia get up from her table with Edison following behind her and the red head, his eyes traveling up and down her body.

Fitz turned toward Andrew and watched him sit back in his chair observing Olivia as well.

"You may have a point." Andrew answered with a grin and chuckle making Fitz let out a little laugh himself.

Olivia walked out into the student parking lot with a lot on her mind. Seeing Fitz at school proved to be harder than she thought it would be. She thought it'd be easy to ignore him and just completely disconnect from him but it wasn't as easy as it seemed. She couldn't help but watch his every move in English and he knew she was watching him. It was annoying but she couldn't keep her focus off of him. She wanted to know what his deal was and maybe that was what Abby was talking about, them being like parasites, but every time she saw him a flood of emotions ran through her.

She felt anger for the way he degraded her in her own home and she was in awe of him that he had the courage to talk to her the way he did. It was very conflicting and the surprise kiss was growing on her more and more as time passed. She began finding herself craving to feel his lips during lunch as he laughed at something Mellie said.

That was ruined by the approach of self- righteous Edison. She was starting to notice that him and Fitz had the same personality but for some reason Fitz pulled it off in a more appealing way. Edison wasn't always cool and suave. It was only 2 years ago he was getting his books destroyed by the jocks and his braces stuck to his locker. Time had put in work on Edison to make him the semi-attractive individual that he was.

Fitz looked like he was born with that bad boy pout plastered on his face. It was the same bad boy that was leaning against the hood of her white Volkswagen. His legs crossed as he leaned elegantly against the hood.

"What do you want?" She said automatically snapping at him. Despite the dichotomy that was starting to form in her head concerning Fitz she would never let him know that she was as conflicted as she was.

"My mother wanted me to ask you what time choir practice started tomorrow." Fitz said slicking his hair back and gazing at Olivia with those deep blue eyes.

"5:30 but I won't be there." Olivia said pulling her keys off the side of her bag and going for the driver side door.

"And why is that?" Fitz said making his way to the driver's side door before she could.

"I have to take the S.A.T. at 4 and I won't be able to make it." Olivia said rolling her eyes trying to push him from in front of her door lock.

"No will you move?" Olivia said looking up into his eyes for the first time since the encounter. She felt stuck, like there was something in her throat. She swallowed once and then twice before shaking her head and walking around the other side of her car.

"I don't have time for this." Olivia said climbing in the passenger side door.

"I think you do." Fitz said turning to talk to her through the window.

"You think? Since when?"Olivia said giving a tight sarcastic laugh. "I have things to attend to Fitzgerald so if you'd kindly step away from my car." Olivia said putting her key in the ignition and giving it a sharp turn.

'Vroom,, Vroom, KLANK..'

Was the sound of Olivia car as it sputtered out and then turned off.

"Looks like you aren't going anywhere." Fitz said his million watt grin back full force.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CAR!" Olivia said bursting out of the driver side door effectively knocking Fitz back and drawing a small crowd as well.

"I didn't have anything to that piece of junk." Fitz said flying back in her face. The crowd was almost at full capacity now.

"You were here when I got here and all of a sudden my car doesn't work? You must think I'm some kind of idiot if you want me to believe you had nothing to do with it." Olivia said her finger jabbing into the rock solid chest.

"I already think you're some kind of Idiot for parading around like you're better than everyone else!" Fitz shouted back making the crowd around them fall deathly silent as well as Olivia.

Olivia looked up for the first time at the group who'd come to watch them bicker and then back at Fitz. She couldn't help the tears that started forming in her eyes as the embarrassment and humiliation set in.

"Liv! Liv…are you oh…kay?" Abby said busting through the crowd breaking the silence.

"I HATE YOU!" Olivia said shoving Fitz down on the ground before storming through the crowd and back inside the school.

"Liv wait!"Abby said following behind her as someone in the group helped fitz up off the ground.

"Bitch." Fitz uttered for the sake of his reputation but his eyes followed her small aggressive frame into the school nonetheless and he could feel a unfamiliar sensation in his chest.


"Liv, Liv…Slow down!" Abby said out of breath trying to catch up with Olivia.

"No."Olivia said making her way to their usual lunch bathroom. The fifth period bell rang over head and the school was soon desolate minus the retention students and the sports players.

"Liv what happened?" Abby said closing the bathroom door as she walked in.

"He humiliated me, that's what happened! All I wanted was to go home but he kept pushing and pushing…Oh lord what have I done?" Olivia said sliding down the wall holding her knees.

"Liv, it wasn't that bad. He wants you is all this proves. He wouldn't be coming after you like this if he didn't and the longer you hold out the more aggressive he'll get until eventually…" Abby started to trail.

"He'll turn into Edison." Olivia said shaking her head wiping the stray tears that had fallen on her cheeks.

"Exactly, he'll be all over you every moment he gets. You standing up to him now and telling him to back off will nip this problem from existing. In fact, I'll talk to him myself." Abby said patting Olivia on the shoulder.

"You don't have to do that." Olivia said looking up toward her best friend, she'd never felt so lucky in her life to have Abby.

"But I will. You're my best friend! I'm not going to let some guy creep all over you." Abby said standing up and pulling Olivia with her.

"Now let's get you home before you're mother has a cow." Abby said leading her semi-broken friend out the bathroom.

"Thanks Abby." Olivia said giving her a love filled hug.

"No problem." Abby said squeezing her back.

The car ride home was filled with poor singing and a quick stop at the gas station for a snack. By the time Olivia got home she felt a million times better then she had before hand.

"And so then He starts reaching for my..."

"Abby! Please stop!" Olivia said her face getting red with embarrassment as Abby started to tell one of her recent adventures with her new beau, David.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I was in the presence of Saint Olivia Pope."Abby said with a chuckle but Olivia's face immediately fell.

"I was only kidding Liv, come on." Abby said rubbing her shoulder.

"I know, I know but it just reminds me of what Fitz was saying. Do you think it's true Abby? Do you think I think I'm better than everyone else? To me I'm just living my life for the lord. I can't see how I'm acting from the outside, so if it's true it's not like I've known it." Olivia said looking out the car window to her beloved home. So many memories and yet so much negative energy emanating.

"I don't know what to say Liv, I've known you my whole life, we've been friends forever so I don't really know how you treat other people. All I can say is don't let anyone take your faith. If you believe with all your heart in Jesus and you accept him in your life, don't let anyone take that away from you. Maybe you are acting like a choir princess but those are things you can easily change. Giving up hope and faith in your religion is something you'll regret and once you start to stray away it's hard to come back. Trust me." Abby said with a weary smile towards Olivia.

"Oh Abby." Olivia said bringing her in another meaningful hug.

"Now go, your mom is probably worried sick." Abby said practically rushing Olivia out of the car.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Olivia said. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" Abby shouted from the driver side widow as she pulled out of Olivia's drive way.

Olivia walked through the door of her home with a lot on her mind.

"Olivia, is that you?" Her mother asked from the study. She could hear piano notes playing and she knew her mother was working on choir stuff.

"Yes it's me. My car broke down in the school parking lot. I had to have Abby take me home." Olivia said rounding the corner.

"Oh Caroline I didn't know you were here."Olivia said wanting to roll her eyes. Could she have one day when she didn't have to see the face of a Grant?

"Caroline is helping me with some new pieces for upcoming choir practice." Her mother said beaming up at her.

"You're adding in new pieces? I thought you said to stick with the tradition." Olivia said looking over the scene before her. Caroline beside her mother with a happy smile on her face, the same one her mother sorted. No doubt they'd been at this task for a while.

"Well Caroline made me have a change of heart. She made me realize that tradition isn't always lost in new things but rather…reinvented." Her mother said still smiling. "Would you like to hear any?"

Olivia pondered over the thought of listening to music that her mother and Caroline had produced and the thought almost made her sick. She wanted to write new music with her mother years ago but she couldn't be bothered to listen to her daughter. Instead she listened to some random old time friend whose son is the devil himself.

"Would you Olivia?" Caroline's voice broke through her thoughts and it solidified her answer in that moment.

"I've had a long day, I think I'm going to shower and then study for the test tomorrow." Olivia said turning abruptly out of the room.

She felt like she wanted to scream.

She felt like she wanted to rip something apart.

She was beginning to miss the life before Caroline and Fitz, the life when everything made sense and she didn't question herself. The life where there was order and understanding.

Olivia took off her shoes and changed into a pair of plush pajama shorts and a t-shirt she got from Abby. She didn't own shirts that didn't have buttons or a collar and her only other sleep attire were nightgowns that reached the floor.

Right now she didn't want to feel like the person she'd been all her life. It was eye opening to be revolted with your own behavior. Fitz words played over and over in her head like a broken record and each time it played the way through she broke a little more.

Olivia laid back on her bed sliding up the pink comforter and up into the many large, soft pillows. She looked up to the ceiling and barely could see through the film of tears that started forming.

'Is it true god?'

She thought to herself. She felt like she was tearing apart. The side of her that she'd explored and seen all her life was fighting with the side of her that wanted to break out, the side of her that wanted to experience life rather than be warned about it. Was she honestly not supposed to date a boy until her husband? Why would she think that? That used to be a philosophy that she held strong too and Fitz took that away from her in a matter of days.

She used to want to dress up and tell people of the fabulous life she was living for the lord but now it seemed like she was trying to get the glory all for herself. Fitz had done that to her.

'What should I do God?'


"God?!" Olivia said sitting upright on her bed looking around.


Olivia looked toward her window timidly.

It wasn't God.

"Liv." The voice came again a little louder and more seriously.

Finally Olivia got off her bed and reluctantly went to the window.

"WHAT?!" She whispered shouted toward the leather jacket clad delinquent below her bedroom window.

"Open the window!" Fitz said gazing up at her looking around the backyard to make sure none of the neighbors had seen him.

"Are you insane! You need to leave before my mother catches you back here." Olivia said moving away from the window to close it.

"OLIVIA!" Fitz said his voice getting louder and louder.

"What part of be quiet don't you understand?!" Olivia said leaning back out her window in enough time to see Fitz scaling the side of her house.

"Get down!" Olivia said trying to shoo him away, even though part of her wanted to see where this would lead another part, the rational part, saw all the wrong scenarios that could take place if fitz succeeded in getting into her bedroom window.

Fitz continued with determination up the side o the house and finally to the window pane.

"I can't let you in here." Olivia said reaching her arms up to the window to close it but fitz hurled himself through it before she could even think effectively knocking her down along with a bunch of other random knick knacks that decorated her room.

"Are you crazy!" Olivia said still keeping her voice down scrambling to get from underneath the heavy teenage boy.

"A little." Fitz said pushing himself up and off of Olivia.

"You have to leave, your mother is downstairs! I should call her." Olivia said walking over to her bedroom door but Fitz quickly side stepped her and forced the door closed.

"Caroline doesn't know I'm here and I don't want her to know I'm here." Fitz said towering over Olivia. For the first time since she'd seen Fitz she noticed his presence. This was serious; a boy was in her room and not just any boy but the boy that knew no limitations, the boy that stole he first kiss, the boy that was under her skin.

"What do you want then?" Olivia said crossing her arms across her chest, she was fully clothed at the moment but she felt so exposed.

"I wanted to….um…I wanted to say." Fitz started in his rumble like voice. Olivia almost wanted to giggle at the blush that was beginning to form on fits face.

"What?" Olivia said seriously throwing all other thoughts to the side and letting the raw emotion fill her eyes. The words Fitzgerald had said to her in the past couple days whether they be true or not had taken a toll on her psyche and her self-esteem.

"I was coming to apologize but you're going to be a bitch about it." Fitz said moving to her window.

Olivia felt her heart sink.

"Wait, Wait, I'm sorry." Olivia said grabbing his shoulder.

"Prove it." Fitz said a smile spreading his face.

"Eww…get away from me. Get out!" Olivia said pushing away from Fitz and across the room.

"I was kidding, really you should lighten up! I promise I have something that will take the stress away." Fitz said moving over to sit on her bed.

"What? Drugs? You want to turn me into some kind of junkie burnout pros…" Olivia started up.

"Oh god really? Really? I was talking about something more natural or something more unnaturally sized on me."Fitz said with a laugh.

"Really?" Olivia rolling her eyes but on the inside she found him somewhat comical.

"So this is the room of a princess?" Fitz said lying back on her bed and closing his eyes.

"No, this is my room, which I'd like you to leave from very soon." Olivia said daring to step closer to him.

"You don't mean that." Fitz said snuggling on top of her comforter.

"I do. I'm a busy girl." Olivia said crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm busy you too you think I don't have better things to do then come over her and check on you and apologize?" Fitz said sitting up on his bed. "Which you never thanked me for by the way." Fitz said holding back a laugh. He just wanted to see what kind of reaction he could get out of her.

"You call that, what you did back there an apologize you must be out your fu-…mind." Olivia said stopping herself from mistakenly saying a word.

"Were you about to cuss Olivia?" Fitz said suddenly becoming intrigued.

"No. Where would I even pick up cussing, from my neurotic choir nazi mother or my holier than though father?" Olivia blurted out before she could stop herself. She was supposed to honor thy father and thy mother not bash them.

"Woah, woah, woah Olivia Pope don't surprise me all at once and abby she has the mouth of a sailor. "Fitz said standing up and making his way over to her.

"This is your fault, you have me questioning myself." Olivia said mistakenly looking up at fitz.

"Really now? Do I?" Fitz said with the deadliest grin she'd ever seen.

"Not like that.." Olivia said trying to avoid Fitz as he moved closer and closer toward her. This is exactly what she didn't want fitz to know or even think. Just an inkling that he has power overher and she can already feel him planning his attack.

"Not like what Olivia?" Fitz said coming to stand right in front of her.

Olivia looked around her room, anywhere that wasn't the beautiful baby blues of Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the third but she could help but glance at his face as he invaded her personal space. His face coming closer and closer to her as her body froze in a Fitz induced paralyzed state.

"Not. Like. What? Do you think about me? Have you thought about me Olivia? In the kitchen? That kiss. I could do so much more than that Olivia, I could bring you places…" Fitz said his hands rubbing up her arms and shoulder and both coming to hold the back of her head.

Olivia continued to gaze on her mouth open slightly and her heart racing. All she could do was shake her head weakly 'No.'

"Yes." Fitz said bring in his lips to meet her smooth soft mouth. She was timid at first slightly pushing him away but fitz pushed through her resistance and felt her start to respond to him. Fitz ran his tongue over her bottom lip and watched as she gasped taking his chance to taste her.

She was delicious.

Olivia could barely think let alone think but somehow Fitz's tongue being in her mouth wasn't as disgusting or as revolting as she expected it to be. He was sliding over her own tongue and when she responded the kiss became more intense. Olivia felt Fitz's hands lower down her back and to her beautifully rounded backside to grip, which caused her to jump, but she settled back into the kiss even bringing her arms to come and wrap around his neck.


Olivia pushed Fitz off of her and across the room which a loud smack. Fitz stumbled a bit before opening his eyes in a daze.

"You have to go." Olivia said panicking. She didn't know what to do now. She'd let him in and enjoyed it. Judging by the look on Fitz face she knew he was turning back flips in his head.

"My mother is coming you have to go." Olivia said all but shoving him out the window. Fitz moved to climb out the window.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a wink before disappearing right in sync with her bedroom door opening.

"Are you okay?" Her mother's voice snapped her head away from the window.

"Yeah a bird got in, knocked a bunch of things down and gave me a scare." Olivia said putting her hand on her chest. She was in fact panting and out of breath but not for the reasons she was saying.

"Really? Are you okay?" Her mother said looking around the room.

"Of course, but if you don't mind I really do have a lot of studying to do." Olivia said tryingto get her mother out of her room as quick as possible.

"Alright, supper will be ready soon." Her mother said with a sigh.

Olivia crashed on her bed as soon as her mother left trying to catch her breath.

What had she done?


A:N I'm trying not to through the smut in too early. I want to really build the sexual tension and play with a couple idea's before I bring them there, sorry to disappoint some. Tell me what you guys thought of the teaser trailer in your reviews and if anyone knows any leaks or sneak peeks make sure to tell me! No holding out! :D

Until next time readers,


P.s. I can't believe Harrison isn't coming back.. like how? Who's going to be the suave smooth gladiator? We already lost Stephen and now Harrison….