
Trip's eyes widened at this utterance and he stole a quick glance at T'Pol who had come to stand just behind where he was crouched. The young woman in his arms began to violently cough causing Trip's confusion to fade as alarm took over. Phlox rushed over and quickly examined her.

"We need to get her to Sickbay. She appears to have suffered internal trauma." Phlox began moving towards the door expecting Trip to know what to do. Trip reached his left arm beneath the knees of his apparent daughter as his right arm was placed securely behind her neck. She was wracked by another violent cough and drifted into semi-consciousness. Trip hurried after Phlox, T'Pol close to his elbow. Malcolm and one of Phlox's assistants escorted the two male crewmen to Sickbay.
The soft swish of the doors welcomed Trip as he gently placed his charge on the nearest biobed. He moved quickly out of the way as Phlox moved forward with yet another assistant. After what felt like hours but could have only been minutes Phlox looked over to the anxiously waiting officers and offered a broad smile.

"She will fully recover. For now she just needs some sleep." He pulled the privacy curtain closed around her and moved over to the two men waiting for him. Captain Archer entered Sickbay and took a look around. Trip and T'Pol were standing near a curtained off biobed whispering quietly. Both looked up when he entered and moved imperceptibly further apart. Jon moved towards them and then located Phlox.

He cleared his throat drawing the doctor's attention. Phlox instructed his assistant and then made his way over to the Captain. He smiled and then began speaking before the Captain could. "Before you ask, I am already running a DNA analysis on our guests." He looked to Trip and T'Pol. "However, from what I have seen of our resting patient, she is indeed a Human-Vulcan Hybrid. Her parentage may be in question but her species should not be. I'm running the DNA against the DNA of the crew. The results should be ready in, hmmm, thirty minutes. I will get them to you then." Jon nodded and then looked to his first and second officer. They seemed to be deep in thought but Jon needed answers so he decided interrupting them was the Captain's Prerogative.

"T'Pol? Do we know anything about the craft?" She seemed to shake herself back into the waking world. Trip blinked rapidly and then turned to the Captain.

Trip glanced at T'Pol and then turned to Jon and answered is question. "Well Cap'n as far as we can tell that is our shuttlepod. Well, it has a few more years on it but that's ours." He held up his hand to stop Jon's perceived next question. "Before you ask Cap'n, it isn't old enough to be from Lorian's ship. Beside's these kids weren't on that ship, we would have met them."

Jon nodded. Trip looked back over to T'Pol, shrugged and then turned away. T'Pol simply raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at the Captain. He mentally frowned. They've been acting weird since those Orion were on board. Actually they've always been a little weird but now? Now it's like they can read each other's minds. He filed this interaction away with all of the others and made his way towards the door. He turned back and saw that both Trip and T'Pol had turned towards the curtained off bed. "Meeting in thirty minutes."

Trip barely broke his gaze to turn to the Captain and nod. "We'll be there."

Hoshi glanced around the table and noticed the two additions to the Senior Staff. She couldn't quite figure out how but the younger one looked vaguely familiar. The room was filled with nothing but the faint buzz of the electrical system and the hum of the air recyclers. Her mind began to wander for a few moments in the quiet but she was pulled from her daydreams by the entrance of Commanders Tucker and T'Pol as well as Doctor Phlox. Once they were seated Captain Archer began the meeting.

He slowly stood at the end of the table, hands positioned on either side of the back of a chair. He looked to the opposite end of the table and motioned for the doctor to make his report. "Phlox?"

The jovial Denobulan nodded and looked to his right at the two men that Hoshi had been staring at. "I have confirmed Captain that they are who they claim to be." He glanced down at the PADD he held in his hand and read from his report. "Lieutenant Jason Mayweather is the son of Ensign Travis Mayweather and Corporal Jacqueline Mackenzie. Ensign Hiro Reed is the son of Ensign Hoshi Sato and Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reed. Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Tucker is the daughter of Commanders Charles Tucker III and T'Pol of Vulcan." He looked around the table, noting with some amusement the uncomfortable shifting of all but T'Pol, though her posture seemed even more rigid than normal. "Lieutenant Mayweather and Ensign Reed are in perfect health. Minor complaints of headaches and dehydration, all to be expected from loss of consciousness and the rough ride they had when they lost power. Lieutenant Commander Tucker was not in a safety harness at the time of the event and suffered several injuries because of that. She should regain consciousness within the next two hours. She'll be a little bruised but besides that a headache and dehydration are the main issues."

Jon nodded and cleared his throat. He turned to the two men sitting to Phlox's right and seemed to come to a decision. "Lieutenant Mayweather, can you make a report on the exact nature of the event?"

The man in question looked to his left and motioned to Ensign Reed. "Actually sir, I'm just the Tactical Officer. Perhaps Ensign Reed should make the report, he was at the helm. My eyes were glued to internal sensors, he was monitoring the Science Console while Bethy was working on our failing systems."

"Bethy?" All eyes turned to T'Pol who had directed this question to Trip. The slight pinkening of Trip's cheeks showed his discomfort.

Lieutenant Mayweather shifted in his seat. "I apologize, we've known each other our whole lives. I meant to say that Lieutenant Commander Tucker was in the process of fixing our failing systems."

"Sir, if I may. I can give a full report." This time all heads turned to the door of the room where a bedraggled Elizabeth Tucker stood.