
Authors Note: A.U. This fiction takes place between Bound and Demons.

Disclaimer: Honestly if I owned Star Trek or these characters the show would have gone a lot differently. But alas, I do not. Hope you enjoy.

Travis Mayweather sat silently at the Helm Console. The thing he hated most about Bridge duty was the overwhelming silence. His job didn't even allow him to leave the Bridge or to really converse with other officers. He was in charge of keeping them on course. That's it. Every so often he would see something on sensors before Malcolm of T'Pol said anything but that was rare. He stifled a yawn and looked to the chronometer on his dash. Forty-three minutes until I'm done. He was already thinking of the giant bowl of macaroni and cheese he was going to eat.

Suddenly the ship began rocking violently around them and a small object appeared off of the starboard and drew his attention. "Captain." He announced, drawing the attention of everyone on the Bridge. "I think there may be a small vessel off of our starboard."

Archer looked to T'Pol who was already examining at her console to determine what had shaken the ship. "Anything?"

Travis could hear her quickly pushing buttons, confirming his readings. "Ensign Mayweather is correct. I am detecting a shuttle pod off of our Starboard. It appears to be Starfleet standard issue." She pressed several buttons and the view screen changed to an enlarged picture of the shuttle. The markings on the side read NX-01. "It would appear we are missing a shuttle pod."

Travis frowned. He didn't remember any shuttles leaving or going missing. Archer apparently felt the same way. His tone caused Travis's curiosity to peak but he had to focus on the job at hand. "T'Pol, you, Malcolm, and Trip get down to the shuttlebay. Travis deploy the grappler and get that shuttle on board. Malcolm, use caution. We don't know what we're dealing with." As the others left the Bridge to do as they were told Travis deployed the grappler and reeled in the mysterious pod. His mind briefly flitted to another Enterprise they had once met. Maybe this pod is from them?

The three most senior officers arrived at the shuttlebay and were greeted by Phlox who was waiting for them to enter the bay. The green light shown to the right of the door indicating that the bay had been pressurized. The door slid open and the four officers walked forward. The shuttle was nestled between pods one and two. It bore the marks of shuttlepod two but was much older. T'Pol scanned the vessel and looked over to Trip.

"I'm detecting three humanoid lifesigns. They are faint but stable." He nodded and moved forward with Malcolm quickly following. The door opened with a faint hiss as the shuttle acclimated to the pressure and atmosphere of the ship. Trip cautiously made his way into the ship and took in the scene of the interior. Two people were unconscious in the pilot and co-pilot seats. A third person was laying in the aft of the vessel near the Engineering Console. Whoever she was looked to have been attempting repairs when rendered unconscious. Trip moved out of the way as Phlox entered the vessel and began examining their mysterious guests.

The pilot wore a dark blue uniform like the other two but his collar bore one silver line. Trip took this to indicate his rank as ensign. He had dark brown almost black hair and a fair complexion. He looked almost like Hoshi but sharper. Trip couldn't place it but the kid looked familiar. The co-pilot wore the same uniform but he had two silver lines on his collar. So Lieutenant then. The man was dark skinned, but still lighter than Travis. He seemed pretty bulky too. Trip wasn't sure if he'd ever want to go toe-to-toe with him. The last officer drew his attention. She was lying face down on the ground, one hand holding a coupler, the other stretching out towards the Engineering Console. Her straight brown hair obscured her features and rank. The sound of a hypospray drew Trip's attention back towards the pilot.

Phlox stood over the young man with his hypospray in hand. He turned to Trip and smiled. "They are all in good health. Whatever rocked the ship earlier must have knocked them unconscious." The young man began to stir so Phlox turned his attention back to patient. "Ah ensign." He looked to the man's uniform and noticed the strip of material over where the human heart would rest and read the name. "Ensign Reed, is it? You're quite safe now." Malcolm looked up sharply at the sound of the name. He had been examining the repair work the young woman had been affecting.

The pilot frowned and looked at the man standing over him. "Phlox?" He looked around, seeing his co-pilot unconscious and the pod filled with other officers. He turned back to the doctor. "What happened?" His voice held a slight lilting that caused Malcolm's ears to perk up. It was only faint but the ensign had a slight British accent.

Phlox smiled down at the young man. His brown eyes were quite large and reminded him of Ensign Sato. "It appears that you were knocked unconscious by some form of spatial anomaly. I do not know the specifics." He turned to Trip once again and motioned to the other two. "Once they are awake I want to get them to sickbay for a full scan." Trip nodded. He took the hypospray from Phlox and knelt down next to the young woman. He pressed the hypospray to her neck and then rolled her onto her back he took a deep breath in shock. The elegantly pointed ears immediately drew his attention. The slanted eyebrows gracing her pale brow and the soft brown hair all brought to mind images of T'Pol. The two solid silver lines and one hollow one indicated her rank as Lieutenant Commander. He looked down to the left side of her chest and read the name badge. Seeing is spelled out for him caused his mouth to run dry.

Her long eyelashes fluttered as she slowly regained consciousness. Her light blue eyes, surrounded by a dark blue ring peered straight into his soul. He stared mesmerized for what felt like eternity. Her smooth forehead wrinkled in confusion as the haze of unconsciousness faded from her mind. "Dad?"