Note: I'm making a new story. This one. Hopefully you enjoy it. If you don't, I can't change your opinion, but I'm glad you at least gave it a chance. At least, I hope you gave it a chance.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but what I do. This applies for all chapters in this story.

Bandits dragged two beings through the dwemer ruins they had claimed as their own. The first, a male imperial with raven black hair and dark brown eyes. The other, a female Nord with silver blond hair and light green eyes. The Imperial observed the ruins as the Nord gave glares of anger towards the bandits. His search made him see that, when it concerned areas around machinery, the place was meticulously clean. Odd. I wonder what they are using the machines for? The Imperial thought to himself. He was unable to delve too far into his thoughts, since they were soon brought before the Bandit Chief.

"My people say that you had an abnormal level of wealth for being farmers. Care to tell me why that is?" the Chieftain asked.

Both the Imperial and the Nord remained silent, by an unspoken agreement. The Chieftain noticed this and continued speaking. "Also, when they told me of some of the items that were displayed, I recognized the descriptions of Deadric Artifacts. Why was it that you had those?"

Both remained still silent, so the Chieftain returned to speaking, "There were a couple things that were displayed...prominently." The Chief gestured to the armor and weapons that were brought in. "Did you use these? Were they an inheritance?"

Their continued silence finally got to the Chieftain. "Your silence does not help me at all. I would sincerely like to know what I could sell you for, or if I can sell you at all."

Mild shock flared through their eyes, before their neutral expressions changed to those of odd satisfaction. "She can explain with three words," the Imperial said.

Mildly disturbed at the expressions, the Chieftain turned towards the Nord, and asked, "and what would those words be?"

In the last few seconds of life, the Chieftain realized how great of a mistake had been made when the words, "Fus...Ro Dah!" were shouted by the Nordic female.

Svana rushed after the final bandit. She had left Teo when he was nearly finished charging Fire Storm, so the rest had been killed by the blast that she had managed to dodge out of. This last one had seemed to notice the charge and bolted, unlike the rest of his companions. Either he knew the spell, or was a coward around mages. Either way, she had to chase him down. She leapt and made a swing, aiming for the neck, but the bandit chose that instant to dive into a side room. Svana's dragonscale boots skidded along the ground for a second, before she also charged into the room.

Inside was a mass of machinery. Two centurions lied partially disassembled along the ground, some parts more expertly done than others, indicating that they had been killed by an adventurer and then left, the bandits having started to take apart the scrap for sale. High above them was a spherical construct, similar to the one within Blackreach. This projected an image of a landmass into a seven meter wide by twenty meter deep borehole covered in machinery with a platform that rose up into its center before entering it, heading straight to the back, at the far end of the room. Svana did not recognize the landmass, but chose not to study it for long, as she rushed the bandit that was activating a set of buttons. A huge release of steam occurred as the bandit blocked Svana's strike with her Chillrend. A shockwave erupted from the direction of the borehole, causing Svana to be thrown back. The bandit did not take the opportunity to attack, instead rushing for a vortex that had been created within the Borehole.

A knife flew through the doorway and struck the bandit in the thigh as Svana stood up and grabbed Chillrend. She rushed and stabbed the Bandit through the back, impaling the heart. The flesh around the wound froze, splintering when she pulled out Chillrend, the bandit falling to the ground dead. The knife was telekinetically pulled back out of the flesh, dragged through the air to Teo, who was standing in the doorway twirling his other knife in the air with telekinesis, before returning both to their sheaths on either side of his hips as he entered the room. "Good thing I showed up," Teo said. "That one was about to get away from you."

"Bite me," Svana replied.

"Wouldn't do any good. I'm not a vampire anymore and you gave up your werewolf form."

Svana glared at the Imperial mage. "Fuck you."

"You offering?"

"Damn you to Oblivion."

"Which plane?"

Svana decided to change the line of thought. It could only get worse for her from there. Besides, the vortex seemed to becoming..."do you think that is supposed to be happening?" she asked.

Teo looked at the vortex. "I don't think so..." he replied. The former binding to the walls of the borehole was becoming less stable. It was flaring outwards off of the edge, destroying segments of the access bridge.

The door to the entrance sealed, a recorded alert blaring from somewhere. Teo blanched at what was said. "What is it?" Svana asked.

"It's an Ehlnofex warning."

"Warning of what?"

"All you need to know is: brace for impact."

As he said the words, the vortex shot out of the bore and filled the entirety of the room, dragging them to an unknown location...

With shaking fingers, Eragon closed Brom's eyes and stood. Saphira raised her head behind him and roared mournfully at the sky, keening her lamentation. Tears rolled down Eragon's cheeks as a sense of horrible loss bled through him. Haltingly, he said, "We have to bury him."

"We might be seen," warned Murtagh.

"I don't care!"

Murtagh hesitated, then bore Broms's body out of the cave, along with his sword and staff. Saphira followed them. "To the top," Eragon said thickly, indicating the crown out of the sandstone hill.

"We can't dig a grave out of stone," objected Murtagh.

"I can do it."

Eragon climbed onto the smooth hilltop, struggling because of his ribs. There, Murtagh lay Brom on the stone.

Eragon wiped his eyes and fixed his gaze on the sandstone. Gesturing with his hand, he said, "Moi stenr!" The stone rippled, flowing like water and forming a body-length depression in the hilltop. Molding the sandstone like wet clay, he raised waist-high walls around it. They laid Brom inside the unfinished sandsone vault with his staff and sword. Stepping back, Eragon again shaped the stone with magic. It joined over Brom's motionless face and flowed upward into a tall faceted spire. As a final tribute, Eragon set runes into the stone.

Here Lies Brom

Who was a Dragon Rider

And like a father

To me.

May his name live on in glory.

Then he bowed his head and mourned freely. He stood like a living statue until evening, when the light began to fade from the land. It was at this time that a burst of energy came from the cave, followed by a sound. Eragon rushed back to the cave and saw a massive vortex covering the back wall.

"What is this thing?" he shouted to Murtagh as he grabbed Zarroc.

"How should I know?" Muragh shouted back. "This is something as new to me as it is to you!"

All three prepared for the worst, Murtagh nervously glancing out at the wastelands occasionally. After a minute, voices began to be heard through the vortex. They were faint at first, but they soon came into a range that allowed them to be deciphered.

"-ook out for the burst! Woah that centurion was just obliterated! You would think they would have made the metal better!" A male voice was heard shouting.

"Stop admiring the carnage and dodge!" A female voice replied.

"Woah! Hey, I think I see the exit!" The same male voice shouted back.

"Looks like Father got us through!"

"Please, it was the luck of Nocturnal and the magic of Magnus!"

"No it wasn't!"

"I gave Chillrend as a gift to you and both had a hand in getting that, want me to take the gift back?" said the male as he arrived through the vortex, robes flowing around him as he landed, his boots skidding along the ground.

"Fuck you," the female said as she also arrived, landing in a roll that ended with her up on her feet.

"You offering?" the male replied with a smirk, which was greeted with the female making a offensive gesture.

'Eragon...' came the mental growl of Saphira.

'What's wrong, Saphira?' Eragon mentally replied.

'Their clothing and armor is made from the scales and bones of dragons.'


'The scales appear to be vastly different from my own, but they are those of a dragon.'

"Murtagh," Eragon whispered to his companion.

"What?" Murtagh whispered back.

"How much do you know about the nobility?"


"Do any of them possess armor and clothing of the scale and bones of dragons?"

A surge of shock rushed through Murtagh for a couple seconds, as if reliving a memory, before he focused his thoughts. After a few seconds, he replied, "Only person that would possess anything like that is Galbatorix."

"Who are you?" Eragon shouted in their direction, his grip tightening on his weapon and preparing to use magic.

"Me or the bitch?" the male replied before he took a heavy punch to the gut. He kept a smirk for a second before collapsing onto his back.

The female then knelt down and whispered something to him that made him smirk and reply with something that made the other punch his shoulder.

"Why do you want to know?" she asked, her own grip slightly shifting.

"Why do you have things made of dragon scales and bones?"

"It is extremely old." she replied. Eragon could have sworn that he heard the other laugh for a couple seconds, before being kicked.

"From Galbatorix's rebellion or the Elf and Dragon war?"

"The Dragon war."

"How could that have lasted for so long?"


"Why was it not found by Galbatorix and the Foresworn?"

After a couple seconds, she replied, "Never being used and magic."

"Why do I not believe you?"

"Because she isn't too good with lying," the male said, standing up off the ground. "Armor is fourteen, maybe fifteen, years old. Considering how the dragon standing behind you is only snarling at us, there are only three possibilities I can see. One, you worship it, but that couldn't be true since it did not speak first. Two, it is subservient to you, but that could not be true as dragons are a proud race who would rather die than capitulate unless under force of mind control, as the two of us have seen on many occasions. Three, you and the dragon are friends, which would mean that the dragons here are less than hostile. The way you spoke when referencing the rebellion and war leads me to believe that those events were outliers to the standard relations of dragons. How right am I?"

After a stunned silence, he continued, "By your silence, I believe that means that I was at least close to the truth, or at least as close as you know as the truth. Where we come from, Dragons were a race that wanted to enslave the races of men and mer for a second time, after they had been forced out of power long ago by a great war that sealed their leader away. When their leader came back some few thousand years later, they tried to reassert their dominion. This one..." He paused pointing to the female. "Fought and killed their leader. Oh, and I should mention, she had gotten to him in such a way that, by beating him, she basically became the Queen of Dragons. I'm Teo, she's Svana, and I'm thinking we get out of here before someone decides to come here and find out what just happened, since I am certain that a lot of energy and some sound had gone off when the vortex opened."

"He's right to think that," said Murtagh, who had turned to look outside the cave. "There's a force coming from the direction of Dras Leona."

"Which direction is that?" the male, Teo, asked.


"We'll head east about ten miles, the head northeast for three. We'll answer your questions there, and you can answer ours." When Eragon tried to speak, Teo cut him off, "I'm thinking you probably want to get out of here more than us, so just go with it."

In silence, they all left, Svana and Teo borrowing Eragon and Brom's horses with Eragon riding on Saphira. The soldiers were still a distance off, but they hurried on their journey along the path Teo had blindly laid out for them. Fortunately, though it was blindly laid out, they did not encounter anyone or anything on their journey. Teo mentally thanked Nocturnal for that fact.

So, how much did I screw up and should I actually continue this? I want to actually have feedback with an answer to whether I should continue before I continue. I'm not asking for much, just one person to leave a review. I really want people's opinions.