I do not own Harry Potter or The Mortal Instruments series, they belong to J. K. Rowling and Cassandra Clare respectfully.

WARNING: Will contain SLASH, HET, mentions of MPREG, violence and swearing. This is also AU from Harry Potter series. Non-human Harry. Not beta'd.

Pairings: Harry/Alec, Jace/Clary, Simon/Isabelle, Luke/Jocelyn

SET: After City of Glass, so what happens after never happened. Also, Alec and Magnus never got together (I love that pairing though).

Thank you for all the reviews. I got a lot of people favourite and following this story; more than I thought I would so thank you .

Hadrian's POV

The whole affair was done above ground at night. It allowed for Hadrian's kin, who preferred to hide in the shadows, to come out and join them. The guests were a mixture of fey, a warlock, a vampire and a small group of shadowhunters. The latter three had to portal to their destination: a large field in the middle of Wales. Technically not England, Hadrian grinned. He watched the pixies flutter about above and around him, their tiny wings reflecting different colours of light.

Hadrian was dressed less like a faerie and more of a mortal, with black slacks and a black shirt. His tie was gold and so was the stitched acorn on his breast pocket. Not Hadrian's choice of wear but he bowed to tradition. The gold was for a shadowhunter wedding, not including the rune adding, and the hand fasting and bonfire was for a faerie wedding.

The firelight from the bonfire itself sent the skin of some of the faeries aglow and made them look otherworldly, enchanting the mundanes some had brought with them. The music from violins that would ensnare any who did not have a gift from the fair folk on them, such as a flower gifted to them from the fey realm, drifted across the field, encouraging many to dance, feet bare and free.

"If you take out the ruthless nature of your people," a voice spoke up cheerfully from behind Hadrian, "and that if we did not take precautions then the music would drive us to dance to our deaths or bend to the will of the fey, the wedding was beautiful. The after-party is turning out to be even more so."

"Magnus," Hadrian greeted, turning to smile at the brightly dressed warlock. "I'm surprised to see you skulking round here. Usually you're in the thick of any party."

"Can a friend not offer their congratulations?"

"Not if that friend is you," Hadrian tilted his head. "I know you, Magnus Bane."

"All too well," the warlock replied. He watched two green-skinned fey swirl close to them for a moment. "You chose Wales."

"It's not England so technically I can come here without any supervision." Hadrian played with the glass in his hand, making the red liquid within almost spill out. "I gave them my word that I would inform them whenever I intend to set foot on English soil. I said nothing about Wales."

"Always so sly," Magnus praised.

"Well it was your fault in the first place."

"I only said that we needed a little distraction," Magnus pointed out with a small laugh. "I didn't say anything about blowing up a whole town."

"Not the whole town," Hadrian sniffed and took a sip of his drink. The taste of berries and strong alcohol burned on his tongue pleasantly. "Besides, there were no serious casualties. And I helped save lives! You try to help out the shadowhunters, and all you get in return is a trial and a lifelong sentence of being escorted around in your own bloody home country!"

Magnus laughed again, head thrown back and a hand on his chest.

"You got off scot-free," Hadrian continued almost sullenly.

Magnus waved a free hand at him, regaining his breath.

"I was not caught at the scene of the crime." Magnus chortled.

"And they call us faeries traitorous little deviants."

"Only because you're not smart enough to hide all the evidence," Magnus' eyes sparkled.

Hadrian glared.

"Oh come now, don't be a sour-puss, it's your wedding night," Magnus grinned. "You should be spending it with that handsome husband of yours."

"He's off with one of his shadowhunter buddies," Hadrian nodded over to where said new husband was, standing by his sister with his arms crossed and looking for all the world like he was sulking.

"You should join him," said Magnus suddenly serious. "I know it's not easy for you, but neither is it for him."

"I'm allowed to feel a little sorry for myself," Hadrian defended.

"Oh I know," Magnus agreed, "but think about it. How would you, a seventeen year old gay shadowhunter, who by the way has only told his closest friends that he prefers the same sex, with no experience in intimacy, feel after you offered to be bound in a marriage to a faerie, knowing that his species is one for manipulating their words and taking enjoyment out of the sufferings of others?"

Hadrian looked over at Alec again. This time he made himself really look. The boys' posture showed that he was nervous and defensive. With the inevitable end of this party, would he assume that Hadrian expected them to consummate the marriage? While Hadrian would certainly not be against it, he would wait as long as it took before Alec was comfortable enough to take the next step. Alec himself would need to make the first move.

"You know Magnus, I so hate it when you make sense."

"It's a gift," Magnus placed a hand on Hadrian's back and gave him a non-too-gentle shove. "Now go speak to him!"

With a parting glare, Hadrian gracefully made his way through the throng of dancing bodies, noticing with passing interest that Clary and Jace were in among them. Alec hadn't seen his approach but the vampire had and quickly whispered into the girl's ear. Isabelle looked up and glared at Hadrian. She dug an elbow into Alec's side and pointed indiscreetly at Hadrian. The shadowhunter met his eyes and his face turned red. It clashed with his gold-coloured shirt.

"Alexander," Hadrian greeted once he reached them. "Isabelle, Simon," He nodded to the other two.

"Er, hi," Simon greeted awkwardly, before cowering under the fierce glower his girlfriend sent him.

"I have come to steal away my husband for a few minutes," Hadrian explained, watching as Alec's face turned impossibly redder.

"Like you haven't done that already," Isabelle snapped.

Hadrian frowned and stepped closer to the girl but a hand shot out and pressed against his chest.

"She's not one for parties," Alec quickly spoke up, fingers curling slightly in the cloth.

"Then I hope you are," eyes not moving from Isabelle's angry ones. "I had hoped that we could dance."

"You have already," Isabelle's hand had flown to the sword at her side.

Hadrian smiled. It was not a nice smile.

"Izzy enough," Alec ordered, causing Hadrian's attention to turn back to him. "He is only asking." Alec took a steadying breath. "I would like to dance with you."

"But Alec-"

This time Simon was the one to step in. He spoke to her in low tones while Hadrian focused on Alec.

This time Hadrian's smile was warm. He drew Alec away from his sister and friend and led him into a slow-paced dance. Hands on Alec's waist, he pulled the man closer when Alec hesitantly wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Don't be nervous," Hadrian beseeched softly, his lips brushing against a rounded ear, "we will go at your pace. I will not force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"I am a shadowhunter," Alec reminded loftily, "if you tried…"

Hadrian laughed and fluidly moved them into a waltz as the music picked up speed. Alec stumbled but Hadrian turned his uncertain moves into an almost flawless dance.

"I keep seeing only flashes of this warrior spirit of yours," Hadrian commented. "I would like to see more."

The grip on his shoulders tightened.

"Be careful what you wish for," Alec responded carefully, meeting Hadrian's eyes cautiously. At the grin he received, Alec's posture lost some of its rigidness. "A shadowhunter can be a handful."

"Oh, I think I might be up to the challenge."

Despite himself Alec returned Hadrian's grin.

The couple shared a few more dances before Hadrian led them to a table for drinks. Both their faces were flushed and for the moment they enjoyed each others company. Hadrian deliberately avoided going anywhere near Alec's sister. However as Alec hesitantly took a sip from a glass he took from the side, Jace and Clary found them. Both looked a little worse for wear but both seemed cheerful.

"Damn, if I knew what kind of parties your kind threw I'd have come to one sooner," Jace said as soon as he reached them. Nimbly he picked up two champagne flutes and handed one off to his girlfriend. "Music, magic and, by the looks of things over by the trees, sex, this is definitely my kind of party."

"Oh, really?" Clary raised a brow but she was grinning too much to even attempt to give him a disapproving look.

"You, me, a tree…" Jace trailed off in a suggestible tone.

Clary smacked his arm.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying yourselves," Hadrian responded amused.

"Any party is Jace's type of party," Alec pointed out, downing the rest of his glass and reaching for another.

"Should you be having another?" Jace asked archly.

"I can handle my alcohol," Alec scowled and took a big gulp just to prove his point.

Hadrian's lips twitched.

"I'll keep an eye on him," Hadrian promised.

Jace's easy-going attitude suddenly changed.

"You better do," he said. "You make sure no harm comes to him or you will be facing a war against the shadowhunters. And our allies include werewolves and several powerful warlocks."

"Jace!" Alec sounded equal amounts horrified and touched.

Hadrian and Jace ignored him as they stared hard at each other.

"I give you my word. I will protect him with everything I've got. Alec is my husband now, he comes first."

"He better do," Jace responded.

"I cannot lie," Hadrian stated.

"No, but you can manipulate the truth," Jace stated.

"And how can I manipulate that?"

"I'm sure you would find a way."

"I am one with many talents," Hadrian admitted.

"So I've heard," Jace wrinkled his nose and just like that the tense atmosphere cleared.

"Magnus and his big mouth," Hadrian glared out into the crowd.

Gold eyes alight with mischief Jace was about to make a comment that would no doubt turn Hadrian's apparent ire on him when Clary grabbed his arm.

"Another dance Mr," she ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Jace, drink in hand, allowed Clary to pull him back in with the rest of the dancers.

"Jace doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut," Alec quickly explained.

"It's refreshing," Hadrian sighed. "To hear him defend you and not expect you to owe him anything in return…"

Alec fiddled with his glass.

"Do you ever tire of being a fey?" He asked.

"I'm tired of not trusting anyone," Hadrian confessed, "And I'm tired of the constant battles that go on; not just physically."

"What about the threat of war that the queen made?" Alec, emboldened by the alcohol, questioned.

Hadrian's features hardened. "Let me tell you something, Alexander Lightwood." Hadrian leaned over and pressed his mouth to his ear. "I am sick of war. You are mine now, and if war comes then I will stand by what is mine."

Alec's pupils were blown wide and he stared up at Hadrian with disbelief.

"As long as you shadowhunters keep to your deal and find out who is killing my people," Hadrian added nonchalantly. His fingers came up and stroked Alec's cheek. "Do you mind if I kiss you now?" He asked.

Alec numbly shook his head and Hadrian gave him a smile and leaned down.

"We are all playing a game in this marriage, Alec," Hadrian brushed his lips against Alec's. "You and your friends, my grandmother, myself… Let's see who comes out on top, shall we?" And then Hadrian kissed him.

Clary's POV

"They're kissing!" Clary said, struggling to peer over Jace's shoulder to get a better look.

Jace pulled a face and spun them round so he could get a look. He raised his eyebrows with surprise.

"More like Alec is eating him," Jace shuddered and squeezed his eyes shut. "I really could have done without seeing that."

"I think it's sweet," Clary defended. "They're getting along. At least Alec won't be miserable."

"Clary, if we were good friends we would go over there and break it up," Jace said, "Alec's drunk and when he realises what he did he will be embarrassed."

They looked at each other.

"On the other hand the number of times Alec allowed me to do something stupid when I was drunk…"

"I was going for them bonding instead of revenge," Clary told him, amused.

"As long as they stick to clothes on bonding I'm cool," Jace placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head before sending her into a dip, receiving a surprised yelp from his girlfriend.

"We need to give Hadrian the benefit of the doubt," Clary continued slightly breathlessly. "Trust that Magnus is right about him."

"Alec's like a brother to me," Jace burrowed his face into Clary's red locks. "To trust a faerie," he sounded disgusted, "with the life of my Parabatai, it- I can't just let go of my feelings or opinions of them, knowing what they're like."

"I'm not asking you to," Clary soothed. "But Hadrian is not like them, not completely. He holds some compassion. He did date Magnus."

"Yes, well, Magnus' choice in bed partners is questionable at best."

"But Magnus gave us his word," Clary argued. "I'm not saying that we don't be cautious, I'm just saying that we give Hadrian a chance." Then, almost slyly, "Alec is."

"One word: alcohol."

"One word: please?" Clary pulled back and looked up at Jace from under her lashes, lower lip sticking out slightly.

"Forget everything that I said," Jace winced, "you're the most dangerous individual out here tonight."

Clary smiled in triumph. "I love you."

"And I love you, Clarissa Fray," Jace pulled her in for a deep kiss.