Me: I wanted this chapter long, so . . . . . just a heads up.

Two days had passed since Julie had been struck down with the sickness of dragon dust in her, and she wasn't getting better. Ryuga had grown more worried, but he hid it from the others. Sky and the others had formed a new plan without Julie in it, if she were not to stand with them in health, they would fight without her, and try to win against the hordes of mobs and squids. Julie had been coughing, sneezing, and she felt weak. She felt like she only weighed bones and skin. She never ate anything, just drank potions to try and get rid of it. She feared that she was losing.

Ryuga was still at her side when she was sleeping again from being sick, when Sky had called him over. "Sky what is it?" Ryuga asking him in annoyance. "It's about Julie's condition Ryuga, it's not getting better you know." Sky told him. "I already know about it, I've been next to her all this time!" Ryuga whisper shouted at Sky, trying not to cause commotion. "We have to leave tomorrow for the castle, all of the army, and we might have to leave her here with Seto." Ryuga didn't want to leave her here. 'If they leave her here, they have no chance of surviving.' Ryuga thought as he rubbed his eyes. He didn't get much sleep. "Sky you can't leave her here or else-" "Or else we barely have a chance in surviving, but she's too sick to move her, she's falling asleep constantly, do you think she can even raise her sword with that strength?" Sky asked him. "No, she can't." "But we got to thinking, and we thought you would take her place." "Take her place? I can't compare to her, she's half dragon, I'm just human. How can I make a difference big enough to give us the advantage?!" Ryuga asked as he clenched his fists tightly, trying not to go into a small rage. "Ryuga, we have no choice. If you can Julie to get better by tomorrow then we can win." "I'm done with this. I'm going for a walk and when I come back, don't say anything about this." Ryuga stormed out of the library before Sky could catch him. Sky looked to the room Julie was given, where Julie slept with coughs and now wheezing. "He must be frustrated with her state, she can't even stand up without gasping for air or falling. *sigh*" Sky went to the enchantment table where Seto had been flipping through the floating book on it's stand. "Anything yet?" Sky asked Seto. "No, I can't make up a spell or a potion to cure her. It's too difficult to make one to cure half dragon, half human entities. Sky she's getting worse, she started wheezing the day after she got sick, and she's getting fever." Seto closed his book and Sky groaned in annoyance. "Why is she doing this! I know Dawn can't do something this terrible to someone!" "Like Julie said, that isn't the Dawn we knew, we knew a fake Dew." Seto opened the book back up again as Sky left him alone.

I was getting worse with the dragon dust still in me and on my skin. I wasn't scared of the sickness, I was scared of how it was affecting me, because the affects were scarring the others. Ryuga is still hoping for my recovery, I know he is praying for me, I heard him the first time, but he is scared as well, scared enough to start feeling rage from it. Ty, Jason, and Seto are trying to work on something new to cure me, but I know it isn't working, words can't take this away, and a potion can't either. Sky, Jerome, Husky, Ian, and Mitch have been making a plan that doesn't involve me, but they all know that they might die without my help, it makes me sad to see them all trying to save and cure me, and it's heartbreaking to see them failing at it.

I've grown so weak with this sickness, I can barely even stand up with help. I've been taking more naps in the past two days. Waking up every hour from coughing or not being able to breathe, but it feels like I'm asleep all the time. When I wake up I don't know if it's night or day, it's a terrible thing for me. It's driving me insane! I know how Ryuga feels when he sees me so sick now. But I can do some helping for finding a cure for myself, in my dreams, I can try and remember some things I read in the books of the library that said something about this. I'm not sick in my dreams, but I can't really do much either.

I had fallen asleep again from exhaustion of trying to get out and about, and I was going into a dream again.

I was back in the library, the one my family has in our home. Rows upon rows of knowledge from old times and tales of old live in the books there. Here is where I grew up in with my sister, we read almost everyday to learn something about our magic, our world, the dragons, and my mother's world of old and of new. But this isn't the same library where I read stories of princess relying on knights in armor, I always thought it wasn't necessary to be saved by someone else when you can do it yourself. This library in my dream held my knowledge of what I knew throughout my life.

I went searching again for the area with my knowledge of medicine, what I knew about potions and spells to help, what my father told me about dragon's weaknesses, and what my mother told me about healing herbs she used to help out her people. "Let's see, I can try and see if I can see anything else about dragon dust, or I can . . . . . How many times have I tried this? Every time I nap, I get sicker by the hour, the sicker I get, the farther we are from curing me." I was losing hope I guess. "This time, I'm just going to take a break and just remember. But remember what?" I started to walk aimlessly through the aisles of the shelves of the old covers of books I had read years before, until I got to the row of promises. Whole books of black and white leather covers were in this one shelf section. Starting from the very first promise I made. I was five then, with my sister when my mother said that I was to be queen one day, I had promised that I would follow my mother in her footsteps. "How silly I was back then, too bad for this promise. Shadow is more fit for the role." I walked a little past it, passing the others, and reaching one I made with my sister. "She'd be help me deal with anything, as long as I accept her help." I wandered even more, until I reached the section, where all I knew about my family was at. "Let's see, Juliet Draco, Draco, Shadow." I pulled the book out and saw the cover, it was a picture of Shadow. It felt like I was looking into a mirror, so I opened up the book. On the very first page was a picture of how she was when I last saw her. But something was fishy, she was up to something again. A shadow was in her place of the picture. "She went to the shadow world again, didn't she." The book slipped out of my hands and to the floor. When I reached to pick it up, the book disappeared at my grasp. When I stood back up, the library was gone, just a white landscape, with a shadow in front of me. This isn't the first time. "Hello there." "Hey Shadow." A white smile appeared on the shadow's head, and it shaped into a person, it reflected me. "Do you know how long you've been here?" Shadow asked me. "Here it's been passed . . . . I don't even know anymore." "Back home, you're okay. I can see you and everything, but I knew something was wrong." "Is Luke gone yet?" I asked her hopefully, wishing it were true. "No, he is still there, and he's been trying to get to you again. What a pervert." "I know right. He's evil, I bet his father used to be in a cult and made him a demon." I joked as I looked around the new landscape. "Julie, I know you're sick in this world, what is it that did this?" " Dragon dust, and it's getting worse Shadow. I can't find anything to at least help this! My friends can't make anything for it in the other world, and . . . Ryuga can't do anything to help me." "Don't worry, I have a plan to get you better. Just wait here" Shadow disappeared into blackness, and slithered away off to somewhere.

Ryuga was walking through the campgrounds of the recruits and the army and walked on to the small grove of trees near it. He made sure no one else was there and sat down and leaned against a tree. "*sigh* I don't understand why we can't make Julie better, we can't cure her with anything!" Ryuga throw a rock at a near by tree out of anger. He then stayed quiet and looked to the shadows of the trees, when he saw movement upon the shadows of the trees. It moved toward him, near the shadows, but not a part. It slithered in front of him, and then, it raised up like a water fountain with black water, and Ryuga stood up and walked away from it. The water-like blackness rose up to great height, but only a few inches short of Ryuga height. It formed into s shadowy Julie. "Ryuga right?" The shadow asked. "That's my name, what are you?" "Julie's sister, now if you wish to help Julie get better, grab my hand." The shadow held her hand out for Ryuga, and he reached for it. At first touch, the hand was freezing cold, then nothing. The shadow smiled and started to sink back into the ground, with Ryuga.

Julie was still in her dream, waiting patiently for Shadow to come back, when out of the blue, she saw Ryuga standing before her, right beside a shadowy figure. "Found him." "Julie?" Ryuga asked as he walk toward Julie. "It's me, welcome to my dream." Julie smiled at Ryuga as he embraced her. "Why aren't you sick here? Where is here?" "This is Julie's dream, I'm her sister Shadow. I came here to help you guys out. No potion from this world can help you, but I have something." Ryuga let Julie go and stared at Shadow. "What is it then?" He asked Shadow. "Here. Catch." Shadow tossed Ryuga a bottle of grey liquid. Ryuga caught the bottle just in time before it hit the ground, and just stared at it. "What is this suppose to be?" He asked. "Julie remember that one juice mom used to make for us when we were kids?" Shadow asked Julie. "The weird juice that tasted like old wasabi? Is that what it is!" Julie snatched the bottle out of Ryuga's hands, and she frowned. "It's the berries that were in the juice, besides the other weird stuff mom put in it." Julie handed it back to Ryuga quickly and crossed her arms. "Shadow, I can't eat those, mom put the other stuff with it so I won't become aggressive from the berries." "I know, but I did research about them, the juice can help colds, it can help you." Julie shook her head as Ryuga's mood improved much. "But, there is one condition. Ryuga you have to give Julie this before you leave for the attack, don't ask how I know. When she drinks this, it's going to take a long time to get rid of the dragon dust, but she will be up and running after." "Okay, can you wake us up now because I don't want to sleep this long." Julie asked Shadow. "Yeah but in a minute, this is the only time you're going to see me Julie, so I have something to say that the shadows told me." Ryuga looked confused when Shadow said that. "You talk to shadows? And they talk back?" Ryuga asked. "I can talk to fire, it's living, but it's not a being, she can talk to shadows, the dead and non-living beings of the shadow world." Julie explained to Ryuga as Shadow walked toward them. "You know what Julie, I don't see why you like this guy. He doesn't seem that strong." Shadow poked at Ryuga's forehead as he stood there in annoyance. "He's sweet, and has a good heart now." Julie told her as she pulled Ryuga away and side hugged him. "Ryuga you better know what you're getting into, my sister isn't as calm as me." Shadow smirked as Julie's expression had 'be quiet' written on it. "I know." Ryuga said to the both of them. "I've seen her get angry, and I've seen her fight. I like the fire in her." "Literally?" Shadow asked. Ryuga just remained silent. "She's got magic flowing in her veins, a dragon's heart, and fire's life." Julie let go of Ryuga, and fell to her knees.

"I'm getting sicker, and now it's getting to me mentally." I could feel it getting worse now, it hurts. "Ryuga, when she wakes up, you wake up, so as soon as you do, go to her and give her the bottle." Shadow told Ryuga as I tried to hold back a tiny cough, it was going to scratch my throat to cough it.

"Gah!" Julie sat up in her bed, and then she felt the wave of sickness return. "You awake Julie?" Seto asked. "What do you think?!" Julie told him as she laid back down with a returning headache at hand. "Where's Ryuga, I'll drink the stuff in a heartbeat to get better." Julie mumbled as she started to drift back to sleep. "Stay awake Julie, if not, you're gonna get sicker over time." She whispered to herself as Seto walked passed with empty bottles.

Ryuga arrived in time, he had ran all the way back to the library, with the grey bottle in hand. He rushed toward Julie's area and saw that she was awake. Ryuga sat in the chair he had set by her bed. "Hi Ryuga." Julie greeted him with a smile as she turned on her side. "Hey, so I have the cure, but she said not until we leave. Can I give you it now?" Ryuga asked Julie. "Not until *cough* not until you guys have to leave, that's what Shadow said, and she's usually right. It's her sixth sense, and with shadows to help her, she can't*cough* *cough* -can't get anything wrong." Julie smiled at Ryuga. "Why not now?" Ryuga asked her. "Because, when I drank that juice Shadow wa talking about, it had ingredients that made it mild. THe berries and herbs used for it make me go into a bad mood, which means anger is in the mix, I guess she wants me to feel better and have the strength to-" Julie coughed again and held her throat. Seto came and gave her a bottle of water, and another potion he made to try and help. "Seto you know potion of healing doesn't help." Julie told him. "It's better than nothing, it can at least try and keep you alive." Seto was in a bad mood, several paper cuts and spilled ink on one of his important books. "Thanks Seto, *wheeze* When are you guys suppose to leave for the last attack?" Julie asked. "Tomorrow we leave, but you're staying here alone. I have to go and help." Seto told her. "Tomorrow!-*cough*" Julie wasn't quite happy with this. "Julie calm down, in the morning when I leave you take the juice and you can come with us later. Just wait a bit longer." Ryuga had told her, as she say a small smile form on his face. "But Ryuga, what if something happened to you before I get there?" Julie asked Ryuga. "Nothing will happen, not until you come to us." Julie felt weak again, and nearly fell back onto the pillow, if Ryuga hadn't pulled her into an embrace. "Ryuga, what do we do until tomorrow?" Julie asked him. "I don't know, but I don't care if I get sick." Ryuga pressed his lips against Julie's, surprising her greatly. She pushed away when she had to cough, and she saw the devilish grin plastered on his face. "Don't you dare do that again without me-" Julie fell back with another headache attack. "The headaches are getting worse, that means by tomorrow I can end up dead." Julie silently groaned as she held her head to try and cope with the pain. "I still wish this could've happened to me instead." Ryuga said to her as she tried to sit up again. "Ryuga, dragon dust only affects dragons, not humans, but . . . ow my head . . . ." Julie trailed off as she finally sat up. "Just hang in there." Ryuga held her hand as she winced at the pain of the headache. "You have new hope don't you?" Ryuga turned to the doorway of the small room, Sky was standing there with a smirk on his face.

Sky had been standing there for quite some time, he finally spoke up when Julie had finally noticed him. "You have new hope don't you?" He had asked Ryuga as he saw the grey bottle that was to cure Julie on the ground next to him. "I've always had hope!" Ryuga snapped at him. "Woah, I never said that. Look if Julie can get to us by the time we get there, she may still be a help if that stuff can cure her." Sky told Ryuga as he walked into the room. "You and Ryuga seem inseparable, it doesn't please me to take him away from you tomorrow." Sky admitted as he pat Julie's head. "Don't pat my head." Julie told Sky as she winced again at the headache. "Just spend some time together today, I don't know if we even will come back the day after, we might lose some people dear to us." Sky's tone of happiness disappeared as he pulled up a chair beside Julie and Ryuga. " . . . Sky, that's not going to happen. As long as I am going with, no one . . . will die, if so, I'll trade them for myself." Julie told Sky as an expression of surprise hit both Ryuga and Sky's faces. "Julie you can't do that-" "If squids capture others, I will save them, and they can't kill me, I'm kind of . . . . immortal." Julie whispered at the end as they both listened carefully. "Wait, did you say immortal?!" Sky asked. "Yes, with dragon's blood flowing through me I can live longer than normal human beings, and with the magic keeping me young enough, it's more like I am eternal. I can be killed, but I can't die. You can shoot thirty arrows into my body, but I will seem dead for minutes, but I will still live. There is only one way to kill me. Only I know it, not my mother, or my father, not even my sister." Julie laid back down and groaned from the headaches again. "How?" Ryuga asked. "If I am killed through the heart, I can die. But the object has to go through my heart, like a sword or an arrow." Ryuga looked sadden as Julie talked on. "I'm not a god, I'm not a mortal, I'm a freak of nature. Hard to kill, and can't die off." "Julie, don't think like that." Julie turned her head toward Ryuga, and smiled. "Might as well get the rings!" Sky blurted out to get a good laugh out of the couple. "I'm tired." Julie told both of them as she drifted back into another restless nap.

Somewhere off on the water . . .

Soldiers were lining up in rows upon rows holding arrows dipped in poison, swords covered in poison and enchanted to kill, and a girl was gathering up potions and an important spell in need of service in case of complications with her and her father's plans. Her blue and sea foam green hair in her face and devilish grin plastered on her face. "No more dragon girl to deal with after today, just Sky and his pathetic excuse of an army to deal with." She couldn't help but giggle at the thrill it was to bring of her and her father. Heir to be the ruler of her father's army and to rule all of Minecraft. Dew was excited for tomorrow. "Dew! Your presence is requested in your father's throne room!" A squid soldier had told her as she walked with pride.
She did as she was told and reported to her father's throne room, which held all the treasure's her father's ancestors had stolen from Sky's base and family. His grand father's crown, his grandmother's seeing glass, everything of the family of Sky. "Father you asked for me?" She gladly asked him as she smiled proudly. "Yes, I want you to set a trap up in the entrance hall. I have a feeling some may enter the castle's halls. By someone, I mean the warrior you brought from the other world." Dew's proud smile dimmed a bit when her father had mentioned Julie. "Father there is no need to take precaution. By tomorrow they wouldn't have found a cure for the dragon dust, so she's gonna die with one last cough and headache. She's just going to be a dead reptile now." Dew smirked, but worry was in her eyes. "If so, then trap the entrance hall anyways, I don't trust your intuition Dew." "Okay! I will father, but I think it really isn't necessary. I have something in mind." Dew left the room with and uncertain feeling in her mind. 'If that freak is still alive she can't come to battle if she's sick, but if they did find a cure, she might be running here in an instant. I'll be waiting.' Dew grin evilly as she walked down the dark halls of the castle with the mobs walking past her, cracking bones, hissing, and hungry.

I had such a bad headache from last night, I couldn't even talk to the others anymore, a nap usually clears up the headaches, but even in my dreams it's starting to affect me.

It was early in the morning when I woke up from another accruing headache that plagued me. It was dark outside from the windows of the library, everyone was asleep by then. "No, I can't wake up at this time! *cough*" My bad coughs are coming back again, this one felt like needles poking at my throat. "Even Ryuga's asleep." I whispered as I saw Ryuga leaning in his chair, dead asleep. I sat up and coughed again. I barely moved from this one spot in the passed like three days. I would love to be able to fly again, but the sickness dulls my scales, hurts my wings. "You awake?" I turned my head to Ryuga, and saw that he had woken up, he was rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, another headache." I told him. Ryuga leaned over and planted a small kiss on my forehead. 'Trying to make it better, nice timing.' I thought as he sat back in his chair. "I think I can get back to sleep, but why are you still sleeping in that chair?" I asked him. "You have the only bed, so I can't just take it from you." I scooted to the right, near the edge of the bed, and smiled at Ryuga. "I can share you *cough* know." My throat hurt again with the cough. "No, Julie you need rest and you can't-" "I've been stuck in this bed for almost two days! I don't *cough* need anymore rest. But you need the sleep." I told him. "Well no one is around, so I guess if it makes you happy." Ryuga took off his boots and crawled into the bed. I had forgotten how tall he was, and when he laid down, he pulled me down with him, my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. We both just stayed silent. "By the morning, we can cure you, you know." Ryuga whispered into my ear. "I know." He moved my hair out of my face, and he kissed my head. "After tomorrow, we'll go back to the city if you want." Ryuga told me. "I want to live outside the city, just outside-*cough* the walls. I can probably get Jason or Ty or the whole team to help me build my house." It felt like I was spelling out a dream for myself. "Or I can help you build our house. Or do you want to live by yourself?" Ryuga asked me. "I'll live with you, I can be happy for once. All my life I dreamt of that, being happy and free to do what I want, live the way I want to, I guess I can do what I want to my heart's content." 'Feels like a dream, doesn't Julie. Never thought this would be so easy for you to find this place.' I smiled as I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, it was dead silent, except for Seto moving around and organizing his books. Ryuga wasn't here, no one was. "Seto?" Seto walked into the room. "Where is Ryuga? Did they leave already!?" I asked him. "Yeah, they left at sunrise. The went to the shore to fight. Ryuga put up a fight to stay a bit longer." "Ryuga left without me, did he tell you anything?" I asked of him. "He told me to give you this." Seto handed me, the bottle of gray juice. "Seto, give me a map to the place." I ordered him. "Sorry Julie, but that's a big-" I stood up, staggered to the wall with head rush, and walked over to Seto. I grabbed his hood, and pulled him close. "That was not a question, it's an order. Give me the map NOW!" I shouted at him the best I could, and he flinched. "Okay! You don't have to shout, here, but you aren't going anywhere-" "This can cure me! So bottoms up and cheers!" I shoved the bottle into Seto's face, opened it with my thumb, and gulped down the gray berry juice. Nothing was left, and after a few seconds or silence, SNAP!"AAHH! IT HURTS!" I shouted as I fell to the ground, feeling my nerves being cleansed and the burning sensation with it. "Julie! ARe you-" "Seto . . . . stand back!" I felt my throat heal, the headaches stop almost immediately, and the weakness disappearing. I was cured in less than a minute, there was enough to cure me that fast, but my nerves were still burning. My wings sprang out in a painful pop, I watched as my nails extended and turned dark, and I could feel my eyes burning, they were turning into slit eyes. My teeth had come to a point, and it all hurt. It was being forced out, instead of me letting it out. After I was finished transforming, I stood back up, and felt the rage coming. "Seto, I'm going to the battle. I'll see you there." My voice was turning deeper, near demonic, but that's what happens if I grow aggressive, dragons roar for their battle cry.

I walked outside, the sunlight hitting my face, no headaches to bother me. "Time to go." I looked at the map, they were heading to the shore, so I needed to head there. I ran outside the village, with numerous people staring in horror at me, as I arrived in the forest leading to the shore. I flapped my wings once, twice, I kept the pattern going, as my feet started floating above the ground. "I'm coming Ryuga." I gave one strong flap of my wings, and I went soaring into the air and sky. I fly south at top speed, the skies here were perfect for flying. "If I keep going like this, I might get there after they do, if I do make it in time."

Ryuga was trudging along the others, diamond sword in hand, headpiece in the other. He glared at the path ahead of him as the others lead the army of recruits down the path. "Ryuga, hurry up!" Sky shouted to him in impatience as Ryuga stormed to the front of the crowd. "Idiot." He mumbled under his breath, as Sky heard it. "Look I'm sorry!" Sky shouted to Ryuga as the others just ignored them and walked on. "If you would've let me wake Julie up she could be here to help us!" Ryuga snapped at Sky as he kept his glare to the path. "She's sick! We can't bring her to battle or else she'll die on the way! What do you want me to do!" Sky asked him. "Don't get killed bastard." Ryuga told him as he ran up ahead.

Earlier That Day

Ryuga was asleep when the others had entered the library at the break of dawn. Weapons on their backs and a serious look on their faces. "I'll get Ryuga." Sky whispered to the others as he entered the small room, to see Ryuga and Julie in the same bed. "Ryuga! Ryuga!" Sky walked over to Ryuga and shook him awake. "What?!" Ryuga asked in annoyance as he rubbed his eyes. "Time to go." Ryuga gently pushed Julie to the side, she was out cold from teh headaches, and he sat up with a confused look. "Time to go? The sun isn't even up! Plus we have to wait for Julie to wake up." Ryuga told Sky as he laid back down. "We don't have time. Seto's gonna stay behind to watch her, get up and grab a sword." Ryuga sat up again. "Can't you just wake like five more minutes for me to wake her up!? I have something that can help-" "If we don't go now, we will never get there! Get up and get ready!" Sky picked up Ryuga's boots and tossed them at him in annoyance. Ryuga just glared at him as Sky left the small room.
Ryuga walked into the light of the library and saw everyone waiting for him, they all had maps, and weapons, except for Seto. "Finally you're ready! Come on we have to go." Sky told Ryuga once again. "Well let me wake Julie up though." Ryuga told him. "What good will that do! We have to leave now!" "I have to cure for the dragon dust, if-" Sky grabbed Ryuga's shirt and dragged him out the library. "Hey!" Ryuga was let go and he nearly fell to the ground as many people were up and about with armor. "Sky, calm down." Jason advised his friend Sky as Ryuga glared at him. "Sorry, it's just the day has come. We don't have a chance against the mobs! Ryuga get up and grab some armor, we hit the road after that!" Sky stormed off afterward. "What's his problem!" Ryuga shouted as he tried to go back inside. "Stress I guess, we might die if we go to battle, which isn't the first time, but this is the first time we might be killing Dawn." Jason explained to him as he stopped Ryuga in his tracks. "The girl he liked? Julie told us that she's no good, Dew's working for them, she caused Julie to get sick!" "I know, but Julie wanted to kill her, now Sky probably has to do it. Imagine if you had to kill Julie." Ryuga remained silent. 'I don't have the guts to do that, but Sky should just get a recruit to do it.' Ryuga turned around, and went to go get armor, but left out the helmet.

Ryuga put on his headpiece, and he could feel the memories flow back to him, regretful memories, good memories, he ignored them all. He looked up ahead, and saw a wide open field, and an out of place castle on the water of a bay. It was made of lapis, cobblestone, and glowstone, but no glass, and in front of the castle, were the hordes of mobs that had joined them. Creepers, skeletons and zombies with bows and arrows, iron swords, and helmets. Enderman teleported here and there, and the rows of soldier behind them. They were all waiting, waiting for them to get into position.

The whole army reached the field, both sides staring at each other, with hatred and with bloodlust. " Are we ready Sky Army!" Sky stepped out in front of the army, raising his butter sword in the air. "Yes Sir!" THe army replied as they raised their swords, including Ryuga and the others. They raised bows and potions and tnt with flint and steel. "Let's win this fight once and for all! CHARGE!" Sky started running and along came the rest.

"Fire!" A squid shouted from the other side, as the mobs divided to reveal tnt cannons, already lit. The tnt launched into the air, and landed right in front of the sky army, and then . . . BOOM!
Sky and the others still remained on their feet, while the rest were hit with the tnt explosion. Then they ran toward them.

Swords clashed, arrows flew through the air, tnt blasting on both sides, battle cries and screams were heard as blood painted the ground. Ryuga fought with all his might, he was scared as hell, but one thought was in his mind. Survive, and you can go see Julie again.

Sky and the others were killing the enemies with one hit. Jerome and Mitch with axes and a bow, Husky with tnt, Ssundee with two swords, Ty with a bow as well, Jason with potions of weakness and damage with poison. Sky was slicing his way through the squids and mobs in front of him, until he saw a squid with a butter crown and a red cape. The king squid was fighting with his army, and was heading toward him. Sky stopped in his tracks, when he saw Dawn walk in front of him. "Hello Adam. Long time no see." Her evil smile was plastered on her face as she took out a sword. "Dawn . . . . so you are still alive." "Dawn died long ago Adam, she was just a mask for me, I'm Dew, hasn't Julie told you that idiot." Sky's heart began to hurt as the fight went on. "This isn't you, please, let's not fight." Sky begged, as he dropped his sword. "Well . . ." Dew put her hand on Sky's shoulder, and a small smile appeared on his face. "I can't betray my father Sky, he's the only family I have. Sorry, but no hard feelings." Sky raised his sword as Dew kicked out his feet, knocking him to the ground. "You were always such a nice person Adam, but I think I'd like you better without a head." Dew giggled as she pointed her sword at his neck.

Ryuga looked to Sky, and saw Dew with a sword. He ran toward him, and pushed Dew to the ground. "Hey!" Dew looked up to see Ryuga, looking angry at her. "You're the one who got Julie sick with the dragon dust! You tried to kill her countless times! Now . . . time for pay back!" Ryuga was about to stabbed her, when she raised her hand, and both Sky and Ryuga froze in place. "Nice try." Dew kicked out Ryuga's legs, causing him to be on the ground as well as Sky. Dew took his sword and her's, and dragged them both together. "Too bad Julie doesn't get to see you die, I wanted to see the horror on her face. Well I must bid you farewell. Forever!" Dew was about to stab Sky, when she stopped herself, her expression from joy to confusion, and she looked up to the sky. Something was flying in the air, it was too high above to tell what it was, but after it started falling, Dew ran out of there, dragging her father with her.
Both Sky and Ryuga were able to move, but they saw what Dew had saw. They backed up, while the fighting was still active.

The object was falling like a comet, but it wasn't a comet, she would do more chaos then a rock would do alone. Julie's rage was still going as she had arrived above the battle. She had stopped flying, and wrapped her wings around her for a faster fall. She had a blank expression on her face as she heard the battle below her. "Now." She told herself as her wings spread out quickly. Whoever was below, was thrown back with the wind that came along with her. She landed with a cloud of dust surrounded her. People stared in shock, Sky, Jerome, Jason, Ty, Husky, Ssundee, and Mitch stared in disbelief, Ryuga stared at her with joy. "It's her!" The squids near her charged at her, before they could get close, they were thrown back by a force surrounding her, tinted purple. Julie's face still blank, and eyes closed as well. She reached for her dagger, and the dagger turned to a sword, she held out her left hand, and a cube of tinted purple surrounded her. "Guys, take cover." Julie spoke finally, warning the others. The people around her ducked, and the squids and mobs were still standing. The cube shattered into shards, and her eyes opened. Flames surrounded her eyes, and she pushed her left hand out farther, the shards lit with fire. "Ryuga, watch this." She raised her sword quickly, and the shards went flying, stabbing the mobs and squids that hit them, and they lit on fire. Dead in an instant. "Until the juice runs out, I won't be at my full potential. You guys better start fighting!" Julie's eyes turned to normal slits and she stood there, waiting. "Well you heard her! Let's fight!" Sky shouted as he stood up and ran with his sword. The others followed him and the fight started up again. Ryuga followed behind Julie, with a happy smile.

Julie was walking through the army, swinging her sword back and forth at the things coming at her. One hand held her blood soaked sword, still slicing away, her other hand, using conjuring for battle, she made more shards to throw at others. She was turning and twirling around, wings and all, she was a born to be warrior.

I finally got to use my sword, my powers, both fire and magic, to my own use, at my full potential, but only because of the juice, Shadow must've spiked it with something to get me like this, sneaky. I killed so many in one swipe, I might get addicted to this, I might just become a full time soldier to do this, but not now, now I had one thing in mind, getting to the castle. Dew brought me there in my nightmares, and now I'm going back. I must be insane, but I'm glad to do so.
Ryuga is right behind me, guess he wanted to follow me. I sometimes stopped to see him fight, since I rarely seen that, but he wasn't so bad with a sword and a few soldiers.
When I realised where I was, I was on the shore near castle, I could feel the ocean water hit my shoes as I flapped my wings. "Julie!" I turned around to see a soldier ready to strike me down, when I saw a diamond sword go through it's heart. It fell before me, and I saw Ryuga smiling at me. "Thanks Ryuga." "I wanted to come with you." I was already above the ground by a few feet. "Fine, but first." I stopped flying, and fell back to the ground, I wrapped my arms around Ryuga, trying not to cut his armor with my claws, and leaned in. He deserved a kiss, he actually did save me from getting cut by the squid. I pulled away, still wrapped around him, and grabbed his shoulders. "Okay, time to go." I flew above the ground, as I saw Ryuga close his eyes. 'I guess he doesn't like heights that much.' He looked more scared of falling out of my grasp and into the ocean than that though. "You okay?" I asked him as I flew toward the castle, flying carefully with Ryuga. "Can you warn me better next time!?" He shouted to me. "Hahaha! Oh come on, don't be a baby, that wasn't a bad warning! Just open your eyes and you could see what I see in the skies." It was amusing to watch him slowly open his eyes, he still had fear in his eyes like his expression. "Better be glad I'm still strong."

We were already there, the doors barely open, by just a few feet. "Ryuga you still have your sword?" I asked him. "Yeah." "Good, because I think whatever Shadow put in the juice, it's starting to wear out." I could feel my strength turn to normal already, thanks to my necklace. "Ryuga, get ready." I went inside, it was pitch dark, something was up. I at least remember there being light in the halls, barely any in the rooms, but in the main hall there should've been some. "Whoever is here, show yourself now!" I shouted out into the darkness, as I could barely see my own sword anymore. I snapped my fingers for light, and a tiny flame appeared and I threw it on the ground. It grew bigger, and it wasn't so dark, until it was put out by someone else. "No fire in my castle." Light appeared over at the end of the hall, not enough to use but enough to see. There was the king, with his stolen crown, and Dew with her creepy smile. "Good, you finally made it! I have something special planned for you! Bring them out!" Dew called to a squid near her, and it brought out Sky, Ty, and Jason.
"How did they get caught?!" "My father's soldiers captured them and brought them here. But I waited for you two to still, I didn't want to have fun without you." Dew told them as she took out a a small dagger.

Dew was acting weird, she was smiling with a smile that didn't seem to be evil, but the way she talked, sounded like she was crazy. "We're not here to have fun, we're here to kill your father you know." Her smile turned evil. "I know, that's why I'm going to do this!" She snapped her fingers, it echoed in the entrance hall, as several potions splashed around around me, I pushed Ryuga out of the way, and then they hit me. The potion bottles smashed against my wings and skull, and I felt the liquid splashed onto my skin and hair. A wave of weakness went through me, and I collapsed onto my knees, my heart started beating out of my chest, I heard it in my head, it was horrible. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I was afraid of the potions getting into my mouth. My eyes were closed shut, but I could hear Dew laughing. Then it stopped.
"My head . . . . . . you're going to pay for this!" I stood up as I saw dim light flooded the entrance hall. "Woah." Ryuga whispered as I looked down at my feet. Fire had surrounded my boots, and it kept burning without my say. I walked forward, and the fire followed in my tracks. "I said no fire in this castle!" Dew threw her dagger at me, which hit my arm, it went to my bone. I stayed silent, as blood poured out the cut as I pulled the dagger out. "You poisoned the dagger, you plan to kill me, you die first." I threw the dagger back at her, barely missing Ty's headphones, and jabbing into her knee. I made more shards of light to throw at her, but when I threw them at her, all of them, but then something weird happened. Her eyes turned white, and they froze in mid-air. "Forgot about something!" The shards turned around, and one by one they flew at me. I kneeled down and grabbed a handful of fire, I can actually touch it and move it at will. "Ryuga, free the guys and get them out of here. I'll take care of her!" Ryuga nodded his head and went around, as I put my sword up. "Dew, I got a challenge for you! If I can beat you in a battle, I get to kill you! You beat me you can kill me. Deal?" I demanded. "Fine." "I go first!"

I threw the fire at her, and she dodged it with ease. Dew ran up to me with her sword, and I easily scratched her face with my claws. "Too easy!" I told her as blood popped onto her face. "Insolent girl!" I smiled as she grew angry. She charged at me again with her sword.

Ryuga was rushing over to the others, sword in hand, when he saw the squid king just sitting on his throne nearby. Ryuga snuck around, and without warning, hit him hard in the head with the handle of the sword. "Okay, no more problems." He looked over to Julie, and saw Dew trying to fight back. He walked over to the others, and first untied Ty, and he fell to the ground. "Ty wake up!" In an instant, Ty shot straight up onto his feet. "Sky?! Where are you?!" He looked around, and when he turned to see Ryuga untying the others. "Ryuga what's going?! Why aren't we outside?!" Ty asked frantically as Sky fell, and woke up. "Huh?" Sky first saw Julie and Dew fighting. Dew was landing more hits now, Julie staggered as she dodged and defended herself. "Oh shit! What happened?!" Sky got up as Ryuga freed Jason. "Guys get out of here, take that guy with you too!" Ryuga pointed to the walls and ceiling as Jason woke up silently. "Wait, what's going on though!?" Sky asked.


Ryuga's head turned to Julie, to she Julie on the wall. "Maybe I should make a plaque for your wings. The perfect prize!" Dew stood on the ground, scratches on her clothes and body, and blood on her sword. Julie slowly fell to the ground, and landed with a small thud, she stayed motionless. "Julie!" Ryuga rushed to her aid, but Dew got in his way and pushed him back. "It's no use lover boy!" She said to him as she kicked Ryuga about. Julie opened her eyes to see darkness fogging her vision as she tried to think straight. 'What had happened just now?' She thought as Sky and the others came to help Ryuga, with Dew swiping her sword at them in rage and enjoyment.

'What had happened to me? I can't remember the fight with Dew just now. Everything seems blurry right now.' "H-" 'I-I can't speak, I can barely fill my lungs with air. What was the last thing I can remember?' I asked myself as darkness clouded my mind.

I was dodging attacks, from Dew I think. After a while thought, when I had told Ryuga to help the others, something happened.

The potions!

That's right, I forgot about the potions. The effects were hurting me enough to lose my balance, and then, the cut. Yes, now I remember how this happened!
The potions were affecting me, giving me the weakness from the dragon dust, but it only caused me to be slower, just a bit weaker some how. Dew had caught me off guard several times, each time with a swing of her sword, I tried to get her, but I can only barely scratch her skin and clothes. My claws were turning normal finger nails, my wings witling, but still showing. My teeth were normal by now, damn those potions. Dew stabbed me, in my right lung, I tasted blood in my throat. It's couldn't kill me, if it was in the heart then yes, but then she hat my chest with her sword, a huge cut in my skin, blood seeping through. It had tossed me to the wall, I must've gotten the wind knocked out of me. Then I fell, and heard Ryuga. Now I remember, but what do I do now? I'm losing too much blood to get up and fight her, and I can't focus enough to summon up something to trap her or shield me with my conjurer powers, and my fire would only sputter to ash, and not grow if I'm weak. "H-He-" Still couldn't talk. The words just turned to gasps of raspy breaths, and bloody coughing came soon after. 'How can I help them, the army doesn't even know they are in here, the enemies maybe, but I came to help, but I can't. I have to do something.' I tried to push myself up, but it only caused commotion and failure, my hands slipped in my own pool of blood.

"Oh, she still lives. Perfect." I heard Dew chuckle as she walked over to me, her shoes pounding the floor as I tried to get up again. "Don't even try!" She grabbed my ponytail and pulled me up and slammed me against the wall, and she stabbed my chest again, more blood pouring out, but yet I haven't died. "I can't believe you haven't passed on, I can be an excellent mercenary one day, but since I am planning to overthrow my father, I guess you can be a starter for me." 'Planning to kill the king, why not wait until then?' She let me fall to the floor. "He-" She kicked me in my rib cage, I heard ribs snap inside me. "Ryu- . . . . Ryu- . . Ryuga!" I cried as the pain shot through my body, Dew just smiled as darkness clouded my vision to the point I felt blind.

"Get away from her!" I closed my eyes by then, it hurt to close them, felt like I lost hope when my body still wanted to try and fight. My mind acts different then the rest I guess. I heard blood spatter, and then a thud. "Julie?" I didn't want to open my eyes, but was being lifted up and I felt the wall behind my back. "Julie?" It was Ryuga's voice, so I forced my eyes open, to see blood on his face. "Ryu-" I coughed up blood again, and I didn't even try after that. I looked over to Dew, Sky was standing over her, with a bloody sword in his hands and tears coming from behind his shades. "I'm sorry Dawn, I had too." Sky whispered over and over as he dropped the sword, and walked over to the others who were standing by. "Julie, can you talk?" Ryuga asked me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and tried with all my might to talk. "Ryuga . . . . i-it hurts a l-lot you know *cough*" Blood was dripping from my mouth now, but it slowly seeped back through my skin, I was healing, but painfully slow. "We need potions-" "No . . . . I can heal . . . . . on my own! M-My blood can . . heal and kill . . . *cough* that's how it makes . . . . . immortal . . . . " I trailed off after that, talking proved too much of a challenge for me. "Why . . . . the . . . . b-blood?" I asked Ryuga. "I actually killed Dew, but Sky had the first swing after I saw you close your eyes. I thought you were gone." Ryuga sounded happy now, almost relieved. His voice didn't seem that deep like the first time I met him. "Sorry Sky." I looked to Sky as I coughed again, no blood this time. "It's okay, Dawn was gone a long time ago, I'll find the one, one day." Sky smiled at me, and so were the others. I can't help but smile as well. "Help me up . . . . please?" I asked Ryuga as he took my hand.

I staggered a little as I stood up. "We might want to go now, I had Ty go and check the battle, we're gonna have a lot of prisoners now." Sky told us as a nervous frown appeared on him. "Why?" I asked him. "Guess what we did with the king." He told me. 'You killed him in front of his own army.' I just smiled at him as I thought that.

The others were already at the doors, Ryuga was helping me walk to the entrance. My lungs still hurt from Dew's sword. "How did you kill the king?" I asked them as I staggered along. "Wait, we didn't see him . . . . oh shit." Sky looked back to the throne to see no one there. "Okay let's get out of here now!" Ty told us as I tried to hurry up, when the doors shut, causing the others to step back. "You killed my heir, you captured my army, I'm not letting you go back now." I turned my head to see a silhouette standing before Dew's lifeless body. "If my world dies with me, you too shall!" Creepers walked out of the darkness, hissing. "I'll give you ten seconds. Go." The king angrily said as we rushed to the door.


Sky and Ty tried to pry the doors open by hand, Jason used Dew's sword to open it as well.


Ryuga let me go, and helped them.


Julie quickly limped over and helped them, the squid king took out a bow and arrow, aiming it at them, stilling pausing for affect.


They quickly opened the door a few feet and Sky, Jason, and Ty escaped first.


The king shot the arrow, Julie seeing it's target, and pushed Ryuga out of the way for his escape, and took the arrow to the chest, going through her to hit the ground behind her. A tiny shard fell out of the open wound, a shard of crystal that was used for making Julie's necklace. Julie fell to her knees. It had gone through her heart.


Ryuga was horrified, and came to her aid, and to frighten him more, Julie had been shot through the heart, and was bleeding.
He tried to say something, but silence was all he could make.


"Ryuga, go and save yourself. It's too late for me." Julie told Ryuga as tears appeared in her eyes. Ryuga got up and closed the door, hearing Ty yelling to him through the door and pounding to open it. "I'm not going anywhere okay." He said to Julie as he sat next to her, crying as well, but sounding strong.


"Please Ryuga, save yourself. I can't let you die to him." Julie cried as the shard behind her started to glow bright purple. "No! It's not worth it. I can't live without you, not after this." Ryuga kissed Julie one more time before Julie collapsed into Ryuga's arms. She was losing feeling in her feet and legs.


Ryuga adjusted his head piece, and pat Julie's head. "Ryuga, please don't do this." Julie begged again. "Julie, this is my choice, so you can't change my mind." Ryuga told her as the creeper's hissing grew quicker.

1 . . .

The creepers exploded one by one, destroying the walls of the castle, causing parts of it to collapse.

From outside, the others watched in disbelief as the castle before them caved in, knowing that it would crush whoever was left inside. "We lost two good friends . . . . . Ty when we get home, remind me to make them a memorial." Sky told Deadlox as he walked away.

Darkness was all I could see, when I heard a crunch. A piece of the ceiling had landed on us, killing us both in an instant. But why can I hear this happening, I should've passed on already to a different realm. Then, the darkness disappeared all of a sudden, scaring me.

"*gasp*" Julie sat up in her purple bed, staring at her mantle and bookcases, panting from a nightmare. "Huh? Ow!" She held her head as a huge headache dawned upon her. 'I felt like I was hit in the head! Why can't I remember my nightmare? I can't remember anything from last night.' Julie thought as she got out of bed and slipped on her boots. She walked to her mirror to she her spiky ponytail still perfect, her sharp look drowsy from the dream, and her pale skin still as white as sand. "Hello?" A girl looking like a grey version of Julie walked in over to Julie. "How was your sleep sis?" She asked her. "I felt like I was hit by a brick, I can't remember my nightmare though. I feel like I have amnesia or something, a strange deja vu I think." Julie complained as she turned to her twin. "Well it was just a dream wasn't it? Anyways, Father and Luke want to see you in the throne room, it's almost your 17th birthday Julie." "Don't remind me. I'll be there in a second." Her sister left the room, and Julie turned back to her mirror. "It doesn't feel like it was a dream, felt real, but I can't remember it! Why can't I remember it!"

"Was is all just a dream?" Julie asked herself as she left the room into the corridor.

Me: Here is the conclusion to A war, a miracle, and a dragon of a different kind. I hope you enjoy it and if you want to read more of my OC Julie Draco, I'm planning on making another story right after this with her in it and Ryuga as well in real life and not in minecraft if you wish to read more. I'm calling it A Dragon's Heart.

Julie: Your going to put me in another story already, can I get a break for a minute?

Me: Nope! So I hope you loved the fanfic story and . . . . .