This is based off of a scene from the show Avatar: Legend of Korra, which you should totally watch because it's awesome.

He had been fighting like he had always done, cursed forests and evil spirits and monster that had to be taken down. He had been side-by-side with the Princess this time, going through the forest to find the lost gems in order to unlock the ancient Temple of Time so they could get the weapon they needed to defeat Ganondorf. They didn't know what the weapon was, they had the Master Sword, but whatever it was it must be important. It was bitter work but Link seemed to enjoy it all, like he was living his dream. Zelda admired that in him. It had happened suddenly, the flat of the blade hitting Link in the side of the head.

"Link!" Zelda called and ran over to him, kneeling beside him. "Link, can you hear me?" He groaned and looked up at her, his eyes dazed and he looked confused.

"Who...who's, Link?" he asked slowly. Zelda gasped. He had lost his memory! Zelda called Epona and rode to the nearest Spirit Spring, hoping and praying that the waters and the spirits there would help bring his memory back so he could continue his born mission. She lay him down in the water and sat beside the edge, waiting for him to wake. The waters did more than just heal his wounds and bring his memory back. They showed him much, much more than that.

Deep in the darkness Link found himself surrounded by a dark light, across from him a boy, an exact replica of him actually, stood across from him. But he was completely dark colored, an evil, eery purple and staring at him blankly. Link had the oddest feeling he knew him. Link stared at him in surprise and confusion. Who was this?

"Who are you?" he asked in surprise.

"I am you," the boy responded in a deep voice.

"Who am I?" Link asked, looking down at himself then back up. Link jumped when the image of the boy rippled like water and another boy appeared, much like the first but in color. This boy's outfit was old, made from materials that Link did not recognize and his shield, though forged expertly, was much different than anything Link had ever seen. He stood on a dock before an ocean and a boat lay tied to the dock beside him with a dragon's head. Link looked him up and down, confused.

"You're the Hero of Hyrule," he answered. Link blinked in confusion and frowned.

"I don't know what that is," he said, slightly disappointed that he didn't know. Link watched as the image rippled again and yet another blond boy appeared, but this one was much, much younger. He looked about twelve and a small ball of light, a fairy, hovered around his head. He grinned and crossed his arms over his chest in an almost arrogant manner.

"In order to remember, you must regain your connection with your Hero's Spirit," the boy told him with a sharp nod. Link frowned deeply in confusion again. The water rippled again and another boy appeared, much like the first but he had a one eyed creature hovering by his shoulder, leaning against it with a coy smile. It's bright orange hair wrapped around to the other side of the boy, holding a glowing orange device in a hand type thing.

"If you don't, darkness will engulf the world. You will die, and our era will end," he told him seriously. Link swallowed, finding it hard to do so.

"How do I regain my connection?" he asked nervously. The image rippled again and another boy appeared with two fairies hovering around him and a strange mask in his hand. This one looked much more serious than the others, he was scowling in an almost angry manner.

"Go back. Return to the beginning, find Hylia," he told him. A rushing sensation filled Link, making him feel as though he had been hit by a water cannon and he fell, tumbling downward until he was able to right himself. Link turned around towards a light and saw another boy standing there, much different than the others. He wasn't wearing green, he wore simple clothes and a cap on his head with goggles. A blue figure stood just behind his shoulder, a cloak of light covering her body as she looked directly at Link. Link felt like he had seen her before, but he didn't know how or where. The boy smiled warmly and calmly at Link.

"Are you Hylia?" Link asked hopefully. The boy shook his head and Link felt his heart drop sadly.

"No, but I can help you find her. My name's Link, as has become your name by fate, and I'm going to show you how I became the first Hero of Hyrule." Link gasped as he was pulled into the light and it covered him, he felt like he had just left his body and was being thrown into someone else's. He lost control of all his muscles so only his thoughts remained his own as he watched through the first Hero's eyes the events of his quest of old.

Please play Skyward Sword

And that's a wrap!

Thanks for reading, please review and have a bow chicka bow wow day~

Petchricor, QotG, signing off ;)