Hello! Thank you for reading! Characters are a little OOC at times, especially Harry. I kind of like timid shy Harry with the twins since they are so out spoken. Not that Harry is a pushover or weak or anything, if need be, he can stand up for himself. I also want to point out this is un-beta-ed so all mistakes are my own and probably many and extremely painful. I apologize in advance for that.

Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, I would probably be making money off supplying you guys with these stories. However, since I don't, and am stone-cold broke, it's pretty obvious I don't.

Just to clarify, I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters, unless I have added an Original Character.

Thank You!

Adult muggles rushed back and forth across the King's Cross platforms. Amongst the crowd, an eleven-year-old Harry Potter could be seen pushing his luggage and owl toward platform nine. After asking a platform attendant where he could find Platform 9 ¾, and receiving a mocking dismissal in exchange, he assumed the best option for finding his way onto the platform would be to get as close to the platform number as he could. While passing the post for Platform 8, a woman's voice toned, surprisingly quite loudly, "It's the same, every year, packed with muggles. Hurry, Platform Nine and Three Quarters this way." Harry looked over and saw a large group of red-haired people. Rushing after the group, Harry paused a few feet away from the robust woman.

"Excuse me, Madame. Can you help me?" Harry timidly asked.

"Oh of course dear, do you need help to get onto the platform?" asked the woman after glancing at his owl.

"Yes ma'am," replied Harry shyly.

"It's simple dear. All you must do is go through the wall between the platforms nine and ten. Best to do it at a run, especially for your first go. You can go after the twins," the woman said. Harry waited like the kind woman suggested and shyly glanced towards the woman's charges. There were three boys left on the platform after another boy seemingly had disappeared already through to the platform and a little girl who was holding onto the woman's hand. Two of the boys were apparently twins and after a little confusion as to which of the boys were which, it was Harry's turn.

"Don't worry, its Ron's first time too. Good Luck!" said the little girl holding onto the woman's hand. Harry looked over at the last boy who he assumed was Ron and took a deep breath.

"Thanks," he told the girl and took off towards the wall like he had seen the others do. Bracing himself for an impact, Harry let out his breath in relief once he had phased through the wall. The Hogwarts Express loomed in front of him once he got his bearings. Harry paused for a moment and calmed his racing heart a little. That was a rush, wasn't it? Harry began to move towards the train to board, trying to keep out of everybody's way. Getting his luggage stowed away, with a small struggle, Harry looked for a compartment to sit down. It took a few minutes, but the train finally started to move. After another few minutes in motion, the compartment door slid open and Harry saw three boys standing there. Recognizing two of the three boys as the pair of twins from the red-headed family at the platform entrance, Harry smiled a small, welcoming smile.

"Oh, hello! Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is too full," asked the twin holding the door open.

"Sure, there's no one else sitting here," replied Harry softly as he scooted closer to the window to make more room.

"Thanks mate! We've had rotten luck trying to find a place," the dark-skinned boy between the twins said.

"Names Fred, this is my brother George, and this is our best friend Lee! You're a firstie aren't you?" the twin who had held open the door asked.

"Um, yes. This is my first year. My name is Harry Potter," answered Harry.

"Oh, you're Harry Potter? Wicked. We're third years so if you need anything, you can ask us," grinned George.

"Oh ok, thanks." And with that, the three older boys jumped into a conversation about a game called Quidditch. After a few minutes, George paused and asked Harry if he wanted to play Quidditch at Hogwarts.

"What's Quidditch?" asked Harry. He was pretty sure it was a sport or game, but having never heard it, was confused.

"What's Quidditch, he asks." Fred and George spoke in sync.

"Blimey Harry, how have you never heard of Quidditch? Quidditch is only the best game to ever game. To explain, Quidditch is a game wizards play around the world. It's played on brooms above a Quidditch pitch with two teams, each with seven players. At the end of each Quidditch pitch there are three raised hoops. Each team has three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper and a seeker. George and Fred are both beaters," Lee paused for a second to point to them both while the twins just grinned. Lee continued, "There are three types of balls used in the game. The Quaffle is the largest ball. The Chasers on each team try to take the ball and throw it through the opposing team's hoops. The Keeper on each team defends their team's hoops from the opposing Chaser's and balls. You still with me?" asked Lee.

"I think so. What about the other balls?" Harry asked.

"The next type of ball is called a Bludger. There are two Bludgers used during a game. They are mobile on their own and can hit the players of each team. Beaters use a bat to hit the Bludgers away from their team mates. The last ball used in the game is called a snitch," about to continue, Lee stopped for a second as the door was knocked on. The door slid open and an older woman came into view, pushing a cart.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" inquired the woman kindly.

"I'll take a few Chocolate Frogs ma'am," responded Lee. Fred and George looked at each other and reached into their pockets.

"We have just enough for some Bertie Bott's. I think we'll take those," they said in unison. "We need to sell some more pranks," they muttered just loud enough for each other to hear. However, Harry also heard and reached into his pocket to pull out a few galleons.

"Since I'm new to wizarding candy, do you guys have any suggestions?" asked Harry of the three older boys.

"Oh yeah! Forgot you wouldn't know about this stuff. He'll take some Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's, and Sugar Quills thanks," replied Lee. "You'll probably like those since they're pretty popular." After we received our purchases and the woman went down the hall, we all started to dig in, sharing amongst ourselves. A little while later, Harry remembered their earlier conversation.

"What is the Snitch ball for?" asked Harry.

"The Snitch is a flying ball that ends the game. The game continues until the Snitch is caught by the Seeker. It usually means the team won the game if their seeker caught the Snitch. You get it?" asked Fred.

"Yes, that makes sense," replied a smiling Harry.

"You know, I wonder what house you'll be sorted into." George said looking thoughtful.

"Maybe he'll be a lion like us, it would be cool. Then we could talk more than if we were in different houses," Lee said looking content.

"Yeah, that would be pretty good. But it doesn't matter where he's sorted as long as he's happy with it, yeah?" asked George.

"Right you are, brother-mine. Harry, don't let anyone put you off of any House, there are good people and good characteristics in all the houses. The reason we're saying this is that there is a lot of in-school House prejudice and a lot of people already have in mind where they want to be. But it doesn't matter where you end up, I know we'll still talk to you, and you're sure to make friends," said Fred, grinning impishly at the end.

"Ok, thanks, though I'm really not sure what you mean by houses," Harry stated, slightly confused.

"Don't worry, the Hat will explain it to you, him and McGonagall," the twins speak together.

"Ok," Harry says slowly a bit more confused than before. The twins grin at each other and Lee as if they know that. They probably did it on purpose. Harry thinks with a smile, amused at their antics. The three boys see his smile and start to quietly laugh and Harry joins in.

Suddenly the door slides open, and another red-headed boy comes into view.

"Ah, Fred and George, you and your friends should change into you school robes now. Hogwarts isn't far off," said the red-head with airs. He then closed the door.

"Who was that?" asked Harry.

"That was our git of a brother, Percy. He's a Prefect, like a muggle prefect," George says.

"Yeah, a glorified hall monitor," snorts Fred. The twins and Lee chuckle together and stand up to get their school robes. They start stripping from their casual clothes and Harry turns away, with a blush, to retrieve his own robes. He takes off his jacket and then shirt, and quickly changes to his uniform; unaware that the three other boys in his compartment see bruises across his back. The three boys glance at each other and see a hard glint within the others' eye. They all nod once and turn away, determined to ask the boy about his home life and the bruises in the future. They all finish changing and sit to talk while waiting for the train to stop in Hogsmeade.

Hello! FT here. Thank you for reading! This is the first story I have published on here before I believe. Any questions or comments you want to submit, please do. I think I know which house I want Harry sorted in, but I'm not sure and may change my mind before the sorting. If you have a suggestion, please comment it. :) Very sorry if you don't like my story or how I portray the characters, they are kinda different from their originals but this is how I saw this story heading. Thank you for reading.