To say Fluttershy loved weddings would be a huge understatement. She absolutely adored them.

Everything about a wedding was beautiful in her eyes, from the dresses to the ceremony to the first dance and of course, to the bride and groom. Fluttershy couldn't recall a time where she hadn't cried at a wedding. It was just here things, weddings and eternal vows brought tears to her eyes. Sure she wasn't obsessed with them like her friend Rarity Fairheart was, but she still loved them. Except one small, little, itsy bitsy thing.

Her own wedding.

For most mares, their wedding day was something they dreamed about since they were fillies. Fluttershy was no different, she had dreamed about a lavish wedding where she married a dashing prince and became a princess, and like most girls, she even had a dress all picked out before she was even eleven years old. But pretend and reality are two very different things. The thought of her upcoming wedding sent her into a panic attack anytime she even thought of it, even know it was hard for her to calm herself mentally.

Most outsiders would assume her anxiety stemmed from marrying a monster like Discord, and she knew there were a few rumors going around saying she was forced into it. In fact, it was far from the opposite. She had fallen in love with Discord over time, with his care free attitude and lust for chaos. It was hard not to laugh or giggle at his jokes or his pranks. Of course Fluttershy never expected to go anywhere, she was much to shy and well...Discord had barely begun to understand friendship, Fluttershy wasn't even sure if he had knew what love was. But of course that all changed when he demanded her hand in marriage in exchange for stopping his on Ponyville. Fluttershy had agreed out of love and not cowardice. Yes, it was strange they hadn't even dated yet but there they were getting married.

Fluttershy sighed. The real reason for her anxiety had to due with her low self-esteem and social phobia. While Fluttershy had been a model, she still thought of her self as an ugly duckling; from years of torment at the hands of her peers. She chalked that up to merely luck and the trick of the lens. As for her social phobia, it had gotten way better since Twilight had arrived in Ponyville but it was still mildly bad. She still couldn't handle positions where she was THE center of attention or when she was singing, even in a large group. She really had no idea why she was scared of people listening to her singing, probably because next to her ability to communicate with animals, it was her favorite talent and the fear of being mocked over it scared her.

Of course, there was one other reason why she was dreading her big day. Her friends. Yes, the ponies she cared about most, who had held her through tough times and had been with her through everything. Of course most would wonder why and it had both simple answer. Her friends over helping. Yes, there was such thing as over helping. For the past two weeks she had been dragged all over Equestria and beyond to look at possible wedding locations, discussing catering with renowned chef, sample and design the wedding cake. The only problem was most of her friends seem to be choosing what place to hold it at, or what food would be served and including that, they had basically snubbed Discord.

Despite the defeat of Tirek and the true reformation of Discord, they actually trusted him less then before. Her friends were trying to pretend they were okay with this whole situation, but both she and her fiance (Fluttershy giggled at the word) knew the truth. Discord of course waved it off, claiming that he was use to it by now. It hurt, that her friends couldn't trust her to trust him and even worse, that they would not try and include Discord into the decisions. Sure he was silly and turned Twilight's hair into cotton candy any chance he got, but he was still the groom!

She was frustrated beyond belief. She had attempted many times before the Tirek incident and after to try and get her friends to like her hubby-to-be but it was met with cold dinner conversations or awkward picnic lunches in the park. Of course she wasn't saying she didn't appreciate their help. Twilight had pretty much gotten instant approval from Princesses Luna and Celestia to fund the wedding with the royal trust fund. On the surface, the princesses claimed it was a donation to award Fluttershy for her reformation of Discord. But in truth, they considered Fluttershy to be an extended part of the family like the other elements and were more then happy to make sure her wedding day was perfect.

Running her hooves through her hair, Fluttershy stretched and glanced at the clock above her mantle. The familiar kitty cat clock smiled back at her, it's mouth forever painted in a grin, one eye closed as if winking. In the one open eye, there was the clock, ticking away in a constant uninterrupted rhythm. The needles of the clock read 12:02 PM. Anxiety once more flared up inside the pegasus's stomach. Her friends would be arriving soon, taking the train to Manehattan to look at dresses. Dresses...

There had been one part the bride to be hadn't mentioned and that was Rarity was the worst in the department of over helping. No, she was beyond that, she was attempting to live through Fluttershy. She knew that Rarity was more then a little jealous that she was getting married. It wasn't about the groom, as she despised him, but had to do with the fact that she had expected to be engaged to somepony by now and the first of her friends. Knowing she couldn't stop the wedding, both for fear for her friend and jealous, she decided to try and make it about her. Fluttershy while she did try her best to give everypony the benefit of the doubt, was in fact not naive or stupid.

Years of breaking up fights between her animal friends and being their 'shrink' has taught her a lot about reading another's body language. Sure she wasn't a pro, but she knew how to detect when her friend was jealous. Usually the obvious snappiness was a dead give away.

Despite protests and maybe some pleading, Rarity had created a wedding dress for the mare. Now usually Fluttershy wouldn't like this because she didn't want to be a burden on her friends, but this time it was because of the dress it's self. It was horrid. Absolutely horrid. It was even worse then that outfit Rarity had made when gained Butterfly wings so she could watch Rainbow Dash in her competition. Just thinking of the dress made Fluttershy want to barf. And Fluttershy had one of the strongest stomachs from treating her injured animals and practice in keeping barf down. It was that bad.

Rarity had absolutely blown a gasket when Fluttershy timidly pepped up that she maybe try some other styles. She practically harassed the poor pegasus until finally Discord appeared and turned her coat to the most awful shade of yellow. After Rarity had run screaming home, a irritated Twilight suggested that they try on dresses instead. Which was a good idea, because Fluttershy knew that Rarity would not design another dress for her, and would make sure that she donned that horrid dress on her wedding day.

Fluttershy's long trail of thought was cut off by a short series of knocks on the door. Based on the three gentle strikes, she instantly thought Rarity. Her assumption was proven correct when the familiar upper-class accent drifted in through the door.

"Fluttershy darling! Open up, I have your dress and I just know you are dying to try it on"

Fluttershy wanted to fake sickness or being unavailable but Rarity did know unlocking spells, and when the pegasus didn't answer she would just let her self in. She had seen her self do it before. Stomach churning, she got up from her arm chair and made her way to the door of the cottage. She stood there for a moment, debating. She could just hop out the back window and maybe go see Discord, he was usually nearby. There was also the fact she felt guilty for wanting to ditch one of her friends. Her good nature winning out, she hesitantly opened the door. Rarity stood, a smile plastered on her face and a very large dry cleaning bag in her grip. Had it gotten bigger? Fluttershy was sure that bag was bigger from last time.

Before Fluttershy could do her best to stop her friend or her remind her of today's plans on visiting Bridal Mare Boutique, the unicorn had already whipped the dress out of it's bag. It had gotten bigger, the dress that is. The sheer weight of the dress had to be larger then her own weight. It was a giant ball gown, with large bows all over the dress. That wasn't the bad part, no the dress also covered it's wearer from the hooves to the top of the neck, covering everything completely. The dress had extremely large puffed sleeves and an enormous train that was at least ten feet long.

Her stomach lurched once more and she was sure this would be the time where it would decide to empty it's self. "Something the matter darling? You seem a little green." Fluttershy was at a loss for words. She loved her friend but this was too much, this is not the dressed she had envisioned on her wedding day. She imagined something light and airy with small flowers decorating the dress; not some abomination of a dress.


Fluttershy stammered unable to find the ability to speak. Before she could get a chance to pass out from anxiety, a familiar flash appeared near the duo, scaring Rarity and bringing joy to the others heart. Once the light had died down, which took a mere second, Discord stood in it's place, hoovering slightly off the ground.

"Discord! What are you doing! You can't see the dress" snapped Rarity, hiding it behind her back with her magic.

"Well good afternoon to you too, Miss Prissy" replied the dragonaquees sneering slightly at her and stroking his beard fondly. "You know your hair would look great in a mullet, don't you think?" He snapped his talons and in an instant, Rarity's usually pristine hair was turned into a what Rarity considered to be the devil of all hairstyles. She screamed and backed away, desperately trying change her hair back with her vast knowledge on hair styling spells. A glare from Fluttershy lead to a grumbling Discord to return the mares hair to normal.

"See? All better, still it was fun making you scream. It was even more fun then when I set a dozen animated cat toys into your house" Discord flipped onto his back midair, laughing loudly at the memory. Rarity merely seethed and Fluttershy merely stood tensely to the side.

"You... LEAVE!" screamed the unicorn, to which Discord merely rolled his eyes and summoned one of Twilight's favorite books, one that had written and signed by the highly praised magician, Aurora Skies. Discord frowned and glanced the authors name. Hadn't that been one of Princess Celestia's cover names? He could never remember. Whatever. He opened the book and began eating pages.

"Why did you want me to leave again?" asked Discord, between bites. Rarity clenched her teeth and stamped her feet as a sign of intimidation, which failed.

"You can't see the dress!" reiterated Rarity, who was still attempting to hide the dress from the groom. Discord stroked his chin then snapped his fingers. The dress behind Rarity disappeared and reappeared in Discords hands. In a matter of five seconds, he was on the floor laughing at a speechless Rarity.

The mare stood there for a full minute before mentally shaking her self and standing tall. "Well you've doomed yourself to a broken marriage, I suppose I might as well as what's funny" demanded the alabaster unicorn. Discord held it up in his 'hands' and stopped laughing, though he kept letting out small giggles.

"My dear is this the dress you honestly expect her to wear?" he asked, highly amused, in turn Rarity huffed and grabbed the dress away from him.

"And what is wrong with this dress? Not chaosy enough for you? Needs buttons made of cheese or what? You'll be happy to know this is one of the most exquisite dresses around! Crafted by moi!" Discord snorted in reply and grabbed the dress again. He cleared his throat and rattled his head for a second before speaking.

"This is the most god awful dress I have never seen, and it has nothing to do with chaos. In fact it is an insult to chaos and an even bigger one to fashion. There are too many bows, the skirt of the dress is bigger then that fat rump of yours, the sleeves are enormous, it covers way to much and is absolutely unappealing on Fluttershy's figure" To make his point, he summoned his quiet lover to him and conjured up a measuring tape, measuring her slim waste. "She needs something more...fitted."

Fluttershy squealed as her fiance grabbed her a little to tightly around the waist. Discord winced and uttered an apology. She merely smiled and nuzzled his side in return.

" KNOW, YOU HIDEOUS BEAST!" The couple whipped their heads towards a momentarily forgotten Rarity, tears dripping from her eyes. Fluttershy's heart froze and her stomach once more was in knots. Fluttershy attempted to comfort her friend but was instead met with an icy response.

"What do you think Fluttershy?" The way she said it made her feel so cold inside, as if she was talking to ice. "You don't think it's horrible do you?" The second question was pretty much barked at her, and in return Fluttershy backed away a bit.

"Well it' well it has... um...yes?" If Rarity was sobbing before, she was now crying a river of tears.

"I thought you liked it?! You said so yourself" Fluttershy cringed and inwardly felt her anger bubbling. She knew that Rarity was trying to guilt her into wearing it. She didn't want to! It wasn't fair, this was her day and she should be able to wear what she wants, not this! She bit her lips and inwardly debated. Before she could answer though, a knock sounded on the door. Fluttershy pretty much lunged at the door, eager to evade the question. She through open the door with vigor and greeted the rest of her friends, Spike, Twilight, Dashie, Pinkie, Jacky and Cadence...Wait what? Cadence? Fluttershy quickly bowed, to the point where she was sure her head almost touched the ground. Cadence giggled and waved her away. "No need for that" she said, helping the mare up.

"Oh um...okay Princess...But can I um...ask...why" she asked timidly, hoping she wouldn't be turned to dust for such a question. Cadence laughed. "Returning a flavor and helping a friend." When Fluttershy merely stared at her in confusion, the alicorn explained. "You acted as a bridesmaid in my wedding, proven to be a loyal friend to my 'sister and helped save the Crystal Empire. It would be am honor if I could return the favor and serve as a bridesmaid in your wedding, hopefully though you'll see me as a friend and not one doing this out of debt.

Fluttershy blinked for a second, taking it all in. "Um...Okay..." she said meekly, fluttering her wings out of habit. Cadence smiled warmly at her and giggled slightly but stopped short of the sight of Rarity. The unicorns hair was in a mess and her mascara was smeared.

"Something wrong Rarity? You seem upset." Rarity let out a fake sniffle and wiped her eyes with her handkerchief.

"Oh nothing dear, just found out my friend has the ODACITY TO LIE TO MY FACE! You know just general stuff." Discord, largely unnoticed by the group, piped up.

"No your faking crocodile tears because my beautiful little Pegasus does not want to wear your hideous abomination of a dress that looks like it should have been burned even before it was sewn together." To emphasize the situation he created a bonfire with a large wooden pole in the middle, the dress tied to it. Rarity gasped and grabbing the dress and hugging it to herself.

"Discord!" snapped Twilight, annoyed with his actions. Discord merely petted her on the head and shoved the cover of once was Master Spells: Illusion into her hands. She snarled at the state of the book, but before she could power her horn for a nice hexing spell Applejack interrupted the group.

"Look, we're all under-stress, I'm sure Fluttershy doesn't hate your dress Sugarcube, she just wants to explore her options. Now we better skedaddle before the train leaves. Without us. " She pointed to the cat clock which now read 1:21 PM. Fluttershy winced at the time. It was getting late, they should have left ten minutes ago.

"AppleJack is right, we should go" Rarity said, her voice still dripping with menace. Fluttershy suddenly had a bad feeling. She knew Rarity could get jealous, but she still wasn't sure what the other mares limits where. The group of ponies plus one baby dragon began to leave before Cadence stopped and turned around.

"Aren't you coming Discord? I mean I know you can't see the dress, but aren't we also doing cake tasting?" The group turned to look at the draconequus and most stared hesitantly or even venomously at him. His ears flattened against his skull, and once again he could see was unwanted. He had tried, so very to befriend them but nothing worked. He was ready to say no before he saw that face. His Fluttershy. Her eyes were big and filled with hope and desire and at that moment, it didn't matter if the rest hated him. It was only she who mattered.


The walk to the train station, or flight in somepony's case was quiet and awkward. By the time they boarded the train and found their seats, most of the excitement for the trip a head had diminished. Fluttershy sighed heavily and allowed a tear to fall down her muzzle. Why wasn't this going as planned? Why couldn't it all just be liked she dreamed as she was small? Her friends there supporting her, surrounded by people she loved and adored. Instead she was getting a silent treatment from Rarity, a glare of disbelief from AppleJack and Rainbow Dash, an annoyed look from Twilight, whose hair was cotton candy. Again. The only ones not angry at her were a tense Pinkie Pie and Cadence. Fluttershy bit her lip and pressed her head against the creature next to her, enjoying his warmth and comfort. This was going to be a bad day, she could just tell.