Hello everyone! Yes, it's been forever and then some since I've updated, but as you can imagine real life is pretty busy nowadays. But I decided to make this because every once in a while, questions keep popping in about this story/what I'm up to now, and I thought I'd do an FAQ since I've pretty much done it for all of my other stories, so here we go. Also watch out for spoilers if you haven't finished Operation ORIGINS already!

Q: Are you making a sequel to Operation ORIGINS?

A: Haha, I think a lot of people were thrown off by my "To be Continued" at the end of the last chapter. When I said that, I meant to be continued in the whole show of Codename Kids Next door! So I wasn't directly implying that I was going to make a sequel to this story in particular. Not to say that other related ideas haven't popped into my head as of late, but we'll get to the specifics of that in one of the later questions!

Q: Where did you get the idea for writing this?

A: One thing that I've learned about myself is that I like to write stories about open ends and blanks that I think need to be filled in. For example, I didn't like the way how Digimon Data Squad ended on such an open ended note, so I made a whole 52 chapter story about it! And I thought that there was more of Melanie's story in Batman Beyond to be told, so I came up with Batgirl beyond. But for this story in particular, I remember marathoning a large portion of the show for the first time (After I publically announced that I was done writing stories), and then I started wondering, "Where is the origin story? Surely there has to be an episode, a special or something that flushes out Sector V's Origin story!" And alas, there wasn't any. Just a bunch of hints here and there. And then I had the thought, "If Tom Warburton put me in charge of writing and directing an origin story, how would I do it?" Lol and then I couldn't escape the thought. In reality, my job was easy because I just filled in a lot of the gaps and made what I thought was the best and most accurate Origin story I could!

I think one of my biggest inspirations for this as well was the PPG movie. It told the origin story in a way that was slightly darker than most of the episodes in the original series (which I think is the case here as well), yet did it in a way that still captured the heart of the show.

Q: Why did you decide on having Cree be the villain, and not Father or the DCFDTL?

A: I think that in this story, for the very first time since I started writing, I came up with the villain AFTER I had already decided on a basic story. Or should I say, the villain was a basic extension of what I thought the Origin story should be. When I first came up with the idea to do this, I thought that if I was going to do this justice, Numbuh 5 would have to be the main protagonist, because she was really the first one who was a part of sector V. And If Abby was the protagonist, then it was only natural for Cree and the Teen Ninjas to be the main villians, and everything fell into place very neatly from there. And really, I think that's how storytelling should be done. The villain should be written to serve the story, and not the other way around! Plus, I think it was cool to have a teaser at the very end of an even BIGGER villain, and an even GREATER threat that was to be explored in the episodes and series' to come. As far as the DCFDTL, I thought long and hard as to whether or not to include them, but I suppose I gave them that shoutout in the end too!


A: Haha I can guarantee you I havent fallen off of the face of the earth! Just busy is all =(. As far as if ill be writing anymore stories, I really can't say. Writing time is just hard to come by these days, so it's really hard to promise that. But that being said, I had so much fun writing this story and would really like to visit the universe of the Kids Next Door again. I've really had 2 big ideas for stories in case you guys are interested.

Galactic Kids Next Door – Okay, like seriously after that whole viral marketing thing that went down several months ago now, who DOESN'T want to see this happen in some way, shape or form. I had some pretty cool ideas for what I could do with it, since it's basically been confirmed that its not happening =(. A couple drawbacks that I've seen is that I've noticed a number of other people who have already tackled this to some extent on here, and I would really want to do something that's unique to what others are doing. But I mean, whatever, I could get over that since I've done several stories that other people have done in different ways. The other drawback I kinda see though, is that I think that if I did this story in the way that I kind of envision it, it would be a much darker tone and a lot more convoluted than this story was, for instance. With Operation ORIGINS I really wanted to capture the heart and tone of what KND was as a show. But if I did this idea, I'd have a hard time with how I could do it in a way that preserves the heart of the show to some extent. Let me know your thoughts on it!

Cartoon Network Crossover Adventure story – Haha no that woudn't be the official name for it, but this was an idea I had not too long ago. What if I did something a little different than what we've seen before, and did something like a team up show? The concept I had in mind was Blossom, Dexter, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4, Ben 10 and Otto from Time Squad being mashed up together – but the twist to the show's premise is that it would be based around them travelling thorugh time and universes. So like, in one episode arc they would be the wild west, and in the next episode arc they're in the future of the galactic kids next door, and another episode arc they're in an alternate universe where the Powerpuff Girls are villainous tyrants. So basically, the heroes would be taken from their own respective universes and put together to track down an interdimensional viillian, who has the ability to travel through time and space and aims to take over the universe. I feel like it's really one of those hit or miss ideas, but let me know if its something you guys would be interested in seeing. Maybe I can draft down a pilot and see how you guys like it?

I've also had some ideas for smaller KND episodes, like a Boys vs episode, or another Noir episode. Don't have a ton of ideas for those other than the basic premise though

Q: Thank you so much for that 3/4 moment!

A: haha I think you're referring to the moment in "The Final Battle". Yeah, I really liked that moment too. Once I committed to making the story I immediately committed to having that scene in there, since we never really got that moment out of the actual series. There had to be some explanation as to why Numbuh 4's so attracted to her right?! Lol. I really wanted to do their friendship/attraction justice, since it's pretty major in the show, and was one of my favorite aspects of the show. Numbuh 3 and 4's love hate thing is one of the things that kept me watching. I wanted to think of a unique first interaction between the two of them, and I really like how it turned out. I think out of all of the characters, they (arguably) have the closest relationship, and it would've been criminal of me to not show that in some way. I also tried to do some slightly more subtle things that would satisfy the 2/5 and 1/5 fans if you caught it.

How did you make everything fit so perfectly?

A: Aww thank you haha. But I have to call you a little on that one. There were some details/allusions in the actual show to Sector V's origins that I had to gloss over in the interest of making this origin story make sense. I did my best to keep all of the major stuff consistent, but if you look hard enough you'll find that some episodes allude to things that I didn't really mention in this adaption. But I think I came pretty darn close! (But something still tells me that if Mr. Warburton were to read this he would probably be furious at me not keeping every last thing consistent -_-. But hey! I thought of a story and I wrote it lol)

One of the things I like the most about prequels is that spark that you get when you notice that 2 things connect! I also left a number of parallels /hints throughout the story that I hope you guys were able to catch. Like for example one of them is in "The Team Complete". When Abby gave Nigel his sunglasses in "The Team Complete" that was supposed to mirror the very LAST episode where Nigel gave the sunglasses back to Abby in a similar fashion. Also, the very last scene (that shows Sector V getting word that the DCFDTL are hosting a birthday party and refusing to share the cake) is supposed to look a lot like the first episode, CAKED (even though its not exact but whatever). Watch it back and see if you can catch what I mean. Interesting huh?

Q: Why wasn't Heinrich included in this, as he (she?) was a part of Numbuh 5's past as well.

A: Good question. I'd imagine that their first encounters/the bulk of their shared storyline would take place before any of this happened. Could be wrong though haha.

Q: How much did you enjoy writing this in comparison to your other stories

A: Oh man. Well I enjoyed writing all of my stories "the most" for different reasons. But I will say that out of all of them, I think I had the most flat out FUN working on this one. That's why I kinda wanna do something like it again. Most of you who have followed me know that I really like doing team ups, and writing stories about team dynamics, and this series was just perfect for my writing style. And speaking of which, I think that my writing had really improved since some of the first stories that I had ever made, so I think the re-read value of this is pretty high (for me anyway, lol). I also have been hearing some positive feedback, which is great! I honestly thought this whole story was gonna get like 1-2 comments total haha. But now for the first time I even have a TRANSLATION of this story into Spanish (MAJOR thanks to Seogumi and Masunny for translating the whole darn thing. Check them out, or brush up on your Spanish and read Operacion ORIGENES lol).

Those are most of the big questions I got on this. If more come I may just update this file! Do tell me what you guys think about future projects that I can do, or if any of those ideas interested you all. But above all, thank you all who favorited, followed and COMMETNED especially. I've found that, comments are probably my prime motivator haha.

See ya'll, God bless, and RECOMISSION EVERYONE! ;)